What does your shirt say?
I have an an aussie Tshirt on that says
G'Day Mate ..... Good to Meet ya You Little rippa .... Words of praise Pull ya head in. .... You may be correct in your assumption . But shut up Fair Dinkum .... Of course Im telling the truth |
I think anything can work if you are both committed and trust each other.
People who have partners in the army can be apart for years and still make it work. Where we live people are often away for weeks at a time, if they drive road trains or work in the mines. I think that marriage and relationships are taken to lightly, years ago people would write to each other for years, now with Skype and all the other advances you can stay in touch easily. It just depends how much you want it. |
WOW Really,
Bummer and I thought I had been in love. ![]() ![]() |
For you women...
Thank you Ladies :), this is very Helpful! I definitely don't ask for marriage on the first message ;). Maybe the second one lol. I will definitely keep all of this in mind. No worries, the second message is fine ![]() Just listen to what they are asking for, some people get clingy really quickly , some stand back, others want all your information, some hardly talk at all. I had one man ask if I wanted to breed with him. ![]() |
Yep, but eventually you have to stop.
Often I think people just start taking each other for granted and forget to try anymore, eventually leading to one of the couple finding someone new or becoming tired of the relationship.
For you women...
I guess everyone is different.
The things that scared me off where people wanting to marry me in the first message, but besides that, I became uncomfortable when everything focuses on how I look or what I am doing. I wanted to share information, you ask question , I answer and ask a few. People dodging giving me answers or trying to impress me by seeming important. I just wanted to know the man I was talking to. |
Distance in a relationship
For any relationship to work, it takes effort, it doesn't matter if you live next door if you don't both try. Anything can work.
Bummer, that sucks.
Is a relationship worth anything if they don't trust you |
My life is pretty perfect already,
I think it's being happy with who, what and where you are. ![]() |
It'll be right mate, no worries.
I hate to ask...
No worries, I will be praying for you
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full circle
Yep I think so.
It will greatly enhance the quality of members'experience / satisfaction on this site if basic educational background info if included on member's profile. It is insulting to think that physical and social compatibility alone can make a good lasting match. Yes, if all one is looking for is sex and economic tag-on. Mental / intellectual capability that has been honed by educational experience beyond elementary / primary school level is an important factor in the choice of many male and female members. It is difficult to communicate and progress friendship when the two have an excessive gap in intellectual capability attributable to prior educational experiences. Please can you add this factor on members profiles so the very educated ones wanting partners they can communicate with don't end up as it is now, with choice of uneducated elementary /high school drop outs who think their beauty / handsomeness etc can make up for their educational and usually, reasoning capability deficiencies. Thanks. Seriously. You look down on people because of education. knowledge doesn't make a man. It may make you boring when you cannot see past your own importance to explore and get to know others. People may not seem to have your huge intellectual capability that you attribute to your greatness. However I am sure that we do have some semblance of intellectual ability with our less than adequate elementary/ high school education. Poor Me ![]() |
self made? or not,,,
oh good grief ok then,,, lets pick a different profession,,, is the court reporter making 50000 per year necessarily working any harder or more deserving than the teacher making 27000? no,,, the point is,, people are blessed by the value SOCIETY places on them based upon their station or title or geographic location,,,etc,,, things that are often tied to more than whether one has worked 'hard' or if they have 'merit' No. Freedom doesn't work that way. Court reporting is a specialized skill that commands high pay if done well. You don't get hired at all if you do it poorly. School teaching is a lower risk job that can be done well or not so well without losing your job. Freedom allows you to choose the higher risk, higher skill job for more (or maybe no) money. Freedom allows each of us to take risks for financial gain. What you are arguing for is communism... as usual. and that's how YOU value those professions,,, court reporting is a skill that requires ONE thing,, the ability to type working with children requires child psychology as well as skills in a number of educational areas and the long term affects on society of that job being done well are PRICELESS some choose to make a big difference by being teachers, what you are saying is they should be less valued because they allegedly cant be fired what IM arguing is 'value' not being dictated by 'finance' ,,,, as usual,,, It seems to never occur to fools that merit and good fortune are closely united. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Perhaps it's that some people see themselves as not being worth as much as someone else. I have little education, I don't own a house car or anything else. But I cannot see that I am not worth as much as anyone else. Nobody puts me down, I see myself as worth heaps, so what does it matter. I have raised 6 KIDS ON MY OWN, LOVE LIFE. HAVE A WONDERFUL FAMILY , SO I AM SELF MADE, NOBODY ELSE MADE ME I DID. NOBODY CAN PULL ME DOWN EXCEPT ME. Your value is only determined by yourself. If you feel you are worth less because you do not receive the recognition or money that someone else does, then that is your self made problem. not someone elses. I agree, self worth is obviously from one self but worth as in the worthiness to eat and have shelter,, is determined by how society values the individual,,, Iguess everyone is different. I value the old person who sits outside our shop as he is full of information, but I don't value the people who run our town as they have their noses stuck up their own behinds , so I suppose if you value the homeless then show them, we can only do things ourselves. Show the people who matter what you think, money wise it's useless to complain, if people want a high paying job then they need to change what they do, most things are a choice in life, if you choose to teach you know what you are getting yourself into. if you choose to do something that pays more than that's your choice, society doesn't make you choose what you do, your own choices in life do. |
I already know
It can never end up good, even if he does break up with here, his kids will hate you, everyone will see you as a marriage destroyer and obviously they are still together no matter what he says.
You don't stay in the same home and married forever if you don't choose to. You are only going to end up hurt or hurting others, obviously you are not sure or you wouldn't have mentioned it here. |
No it's never ok. If it falls apart fine. but you don't muck around with peoples lives, it puts them in an awkward situation and makes friendship hard.
I think comparing this as a regional thing is so far off base that it borders on the ridiculous. First, Yes bullying(even child abuse) can make someone stronger, whether in America or Africa, Take for instance the child that grew up with an abusive dad, the child may very well start looking to improve himself physically, so that one day he can stand up to his father, he may take karate lessons, join a boxing gym, or any other number of ways, and when he's older he may be one hell of a fighter, after all he was trained on how to take a hit from a very early age. He may even get the point where he goes home and knocks out his father(or possibly even beats him to death) He may be very proud that is now "A man" This may be seen as strength by some, but MORAL strength? Doubtful Most likely this kid will grow up thinking that being strong is all that matters and "weaker" people need to just "man up" and be strong enough to come against him, this victim then becomes the bully, then you have problems like corrupt leaders who start wars that make 12 year old boys have to be raised without parents. If you can teach someone to actually CARE about the other people who they see as "weaker" than our world will eventually be a better place, However, for that to happen people need to realize that strength/power isn't the most desirable thing, and often only leads to more abuse ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yep I think so, but love changes, it may begin as all fun and feelings and although that is still there you have to work to keep love and respect. Like anything if its worth something you fight to keep it.
Sick n tired???
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