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Topic: Sticks and Stones
Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:27 AM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/23/11 11:40 AM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

Here is the answer.. It was what he said to do for all time.. do what Yahweh said.

Luke 8:19-21

Then His mother and brothers came to Him, and could not approach Him because of the crowd. 20 And it was told Him by some, who said, "Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see You."

21 But He answered and said to them, "My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of Yahweh and do it."

Yahshua was Perfect by the law.

You call those who try thier best to keep the law Legalists.

Those who try to keep Yahweh's commands.

Where does it say " Depart from me those who keep my commandments"

No Where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would think about that those who PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS. You say you believe but practice LAWLESSNESS.. as so does who?

2 Thess 2:8-12
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom Yahweh will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason Elohim will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Read the Scriptures for yourself.. Get rid of Your Traditions that are not of Yahweh. Like the one coming up.

Or do you have PLEASURE in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? Shalom..Miles

no photo
Sat 04/23/11 12:32 PM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Pontius Pilate being the law probably were inform about everything that was going on so he most likely heard about other prophets and messengers besides Jesus

also in the bible passage you presented, it states that Yahshua said go and make disciples of all nations ...wasn't Rome a nation...

also in that passage Jesus also claimed that all authority have been given to him in Heaven and on Earth ....since Rome is on Earth wouldn't that indicate that Jesus was indicating that he also have authority over Rome....but yet he failed to tell Pontious Pilate a Rome Citizen this ...

so if Pilate was looking for a reason not to crucifiy Jesus (as so many claim) then all Jesus had to say was That (He is The Law) and had authority over Pilate and Rome

this is why it seems that Jesus was just preying only on his people

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/23/11 01:43 PM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Pontius Pilate being the law probably were inform about everything that was going on so he most likely heard about other prophets and messengers besides Jesus

also in the bible passage you presented, it states that Yahshua said go and make disciples of all nations ...wasn't Rome a nation...

also in that passage Jesus also claimed that all authority have been given to him in Heaven and on Earth ....since Rome is on Earth wouldn't that indicate that Jesus was indicating that he also have authority over Rome....but yet he failed to tell Pontious Pilate a Rome Citizen this ...

so if Pilate was looking for a reason not to crucifiy Jesus (as so many claim) then all Jesus had to say was That (He is The Law) and had authority over Pilate and Rome

this is why it seems that Jesus was just preying only on his people

Yahshua did not force anybody. The Romans some listened like the soldier. He came to Israel.. To the Jew 1st.

yes thier was others saying they were the promiced Messiah.

Barabbas who the people chose was.. who killed romans.

Bar means son and abba father so his name Barabbas means Son of the Father..blessings..Miles

no photo
Sat 04/23/11 02:23 PM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Pontius Pilate being the law probably were inform about everything that was going on so he most likely heard about other prophets and messengers besides Jesus

also in the bible passage you presented, it states that Yahshua said go and make disciples of all nations ...wasn't Rome a nation...

also in that passage Jesus also claimed that all authority have been given to him in Heaven and on Earth ....since Rome is on Earth wouldn't that indicate that Jesus was indicating that he also have authority over Rome....but yet he failed to tell Pontious Pilate a Rome Citizen this ...

so if Pilate was looking for a reason not to crucifiy Jesus (as so many claim) then all Jesus had to say was That (He is The Law) and had authority over Pilate and Rome

this is why it seems that Jesus was just preying only on his people

Yahshua did not force anybody. The Romans some listened like the soldier. He came to Israel.. To the Jew 1st.

yes thier was others saying they were the promiced Messiah.

Barabbas who the people chose was.. who killed romans.

Bar means son and abba father so his name Barabbas means Son of the Father..blessings..Miles

but none of that addresses why Jesus didn't inform Pilate that he was The Law ...and why it appears that Jesus was trying to cause upheaval among his people and get them to proclaim that he is the Law of Rome...this would have cause many of them to be killed... and to prevent this would provide a legitiment reason for Jesus to be placed on trial

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/23/11 02:26 PM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Pontius Pilate being the law probably were inform about everything that was going on so he most likely heard about other prophets and messengers besides Jesus

also in the bible passage you presented, it states that Yahshua said go and make disciples of all nations ...wasn't Rome a nation...

also in that passage Jesus also claimed that all authority have been given to him in Heaven and on Earth ....since Rome is on Earth wouldn't that indicate that Jesus was indicating that he also have authority over Rome....but yet he failed to tell Pontious Pilate a Rome Citizen this ...

so if Pilate was looking for a reason not to crucifiy Jesus (as so many claim) then all Jesus had to say was That (He is The Law) and had authority over Pilate and Rome

this is why it seems that Jesus was just preying only on his people

Yahshua did not force anybody. The Romans some listened like the soldier. He came to Israel.. To the Jew 1st.

yes thier was others saying they were the promiced Messiah.

Barabbas who the people chose was.. who killed romans.

Bar means son and abba father so his name Barabbas means Son of the Father..blessings..Miles

but none of that addresses why Jesus didn't inform Pilate that he was The Law ...and why it appears that Jesus was trying to cause upheaval among his people and get them to proclaim that he is the Law of Rome...this would have cause many of them to be killed... and to prevent this would provide a legitiment reason for Jesus to be placed on trial

In secular terms, Jesus wasn't the law. Jesus is the law of our eternal souls. There is a separation between the two, that is why we are instructed to follow the laws of our nation as well.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 04/23/11 02:36 PM

What did Yahshua mean by this?

Matt 28:18 - Mark 1:1

18 And Yahshua came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.


What did Yahshua teach about observing? That he commanded..Blessings..Miles

it may mean that Yahshua did not want to get himself in trouble and used the people instead ....he had a chance to give this same messages to Pontious Pilate but failed to do so ...

He was well known. Pontious Pilate had heard of him.. He was no threat to the Roman Leadership.. His threat was to the Religious authority of the day..Blessings..Miles

Pontius Pilate being the law probably were inform about everything that was going on so he most likely heard about other prophets and messengers besides Jesus

also in the bible passage you presented, it states that Yahshua said go and make disciples of all nations ...wasn't Rome a nation...

also in that passage Jesus also claimed that all authority have been given to him in Heaven and on Earth ....since Rome is on Earth wouldn't that indicate that Jesus was indicating that he also have authority over Rome....but yet he failed to tell Pontious Pilate a Rome Citizen this ...

so if Pilate was looking for a reason not to crucifiy Jesus (as so many claim) then all Jesus had to say was That (He is The Law) and had authority over Pilate and Rome

this is why it seems that Jesus was just preying only on his people

Yahshua did not force anybody. The Romans some listened like the soldier. He came to Israel.. To the Jew 1st.

yes thier was others saying they were the promiced Messiah.

Barabbas who the people chose was.. who killed romans.

Bar means son and abba father so his name Barabbas means Son of the Father..blessings..Miles

but none of that addresses why Jesus didn't inform Pilate that he was The Law ...and why it appears that Jesus was trying to cause upheaval among his people and get them to proclaim that he is the Law of Rome...this would have cause many of them to be killed... and to prevent this would provide a legitiment reason for Jesus to be placed on trial

Matt 27:11-14

Now Yahshua stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?"

Yahshua said to him, "It is as you say." 12 And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing.

13 Then Pilate said to Him,"Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?" 14 But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.

no photo
Sat 04/23/11 03:00 PM

In secular terms, Jesus wasn't the law. Jesus is the law of our eternal souls. There is a separation between the two, that is why we are instructed to follow the laws of our nation as well.

Cowboy.....in that passage that "Milesoftheusa" posted, Jesus states that he had authority over the Heaven and The Earth ...wouldn't you say that this would pretty much cover everything secular and non-secular

but it's nice to finally get you to admit that Jesus is not the Law here on Earth in the secular...but in doing you are going against your religion and what's in the bible

so is this another one of your mistakes or are you lying

Satan 0
Cowboy 5

I'm only keeping score so that you will stop preaching a false gospel and help you pave a rigtheous path so that you can get into Heaven

no photo
Sat 04/23/11 03:09 PM

Matt 27:11-14

Now Yahshua stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?"

Yahshua said to him, "It is as you say." 12 And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing.

13 Then Pilate said to Him,"Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?" 14 But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.

"Milesoftheusa" ...er...aren't you like proving my point ...Jesus still did not tell the governor that he was the law ....

also the governor proves another point when he asked Jesus was he King of The Jews....this is another indication that Jesus was only telling his people that he was the law and wasn't telling this to Rome or the governor would have asked Jesus are you the law or king of all not just the king of the jews

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/23/11 03:45 PM

In secular terms, Jesus wasn't the law. Jesus is the law of our eternal souls. There is a separation between the two, that is why we are instructed to follow the laws of our nation as well.

Cowboy.....in that passage that "Milesoftheusa" posted, Jesus states that he had authority over the Heaven and The Earth ...wouldn't you say that this would pretty much cover everything secular and non-secular

but it's nice to finally get you to admit that Jesus is not the Law here on Earth in the secular...but in doing you are going against your religion and what's in the bible

so is this another one of your mistakes or are you lying

Satan 0
Cowboy 5

I'm only keeping score so that you will stop preaching a false gospel and help you pave a rigtheous path so that you can get into Heaven

Now you're just twisting my words again. You're getting fairly good at that :)

Lies told so far
Satan 0
Funches uncountable.

While Jesus was on the earth in the flesh, he was a man. He was the word made in FLESH. He came to bring the new covenant, not to judge and or rule. And besides all that Jesus does have the authority. If Jesus hadn't been willing to do the will of God he could have fairly well destroyed them all. But in doing so, would have been doing his own person agenda and not doing the will of God in completing the prophecies.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 04/23/11 03:47 PM

Matt 27:11-14

Now Yahshua stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying, "Are You the King of the Jews?"

Yahshua said to him, "It is as you say." 12 And while He was being accused by the chief priests and elders, He answered nothing.

13 Then Pilate said to Him,"Do You not hear how many things they testify against You?" 14 But He answered him not one word, so that the governor marveled greatly.

"Milesoftheusa" ...er...aren't you like proving my point ...Jesus still did not tell the governor that he was the law ....

also the governor proves another point when he asked Jesus was he King of The Jews....this is another indication that Jesus was only telling his people that he was the law and wasn't telling this to Rome or the governor would have asked Jesus are you the law or king of all not just the king of the jews

If Jesus would have stated right then and there he was king, he would have been beheaded possibly and or beaten and or some other form of punishment to death right there. The prophecy wouldn't have been fulfilled.

no photo
Sat 04/23/11 04:21 PM
Edited by funches on Sat 04/23/11 04:25 PM

Now you're just twisting my words again. You're getting fairly good at that :)

Lies told so far
Satan 0
Funches uncountable.

While Jesus was on the earth in the flesh, he was a man. He was the word made in FLESH. He came to bring the new covenant, not to judge and or rule. And besides all that Jesus does have the authority. If Jesus hadn't been willing to do the will of God he could have fairly well destroyed them all. But in doing so, would have been doing his own person agenda and not doing the will of God in completing the prophecies.

Cowboy...since you claim that I'm twisting your words then I guess I have to provide proof that you are lying..here are two posts from another thread where you claim that Jesus did have the authority...here's the link to it


here's what you post in the second post of that thread page

posted by Cowboy:
No it doesn't. Jesus is the judge of all. When a "judge" carries out a judgment it is far from vigilantism

you just posted that Jesus was not here to judge and/or rule...which mean you got busted in a lie and a contradiction

here's what you posted in that same thread page in post 7

Jesus didn't declare himself the judge. God told us a long time ago that we are judged by the word. The word then was made flesh, Jesus. So the law has and always will be in the hands of Jesus. Still not vigilantism.

you posted that Jesus was not here to rule ..which means you got busted in another lie and a contradiction

since the subject was about Vigilantism....that would indicate that we were talking about the Laws on Earth

when means you once again got busted in two lies and once again preaching a false gospel

Satan 0
Cowboy 7

josie68's photo
Sat 04/23/11 08:37 PM

hmmm i didnt really know about it, whats difficult with the trinity..

I always told the kids its like the sun..
You have the actual burning ball part of the sun (or gases) whatever that middle bit is, then you have the heat that comes off, and then you have the light from the sun..
All one but all different.

Isnt that all it is, a complete unit but still seperate.. I dont know I am not even going there..

so which believes which..As I have no idea. I guess i am just someone who thinks God is real, but is having to go over everything I think to make sure its sits right after reading all this stuff.

You all have great points, I just have to sort through opinions to find truth in what is said.:wink:

but the sun has specifics that makes it the Sun and supposedly so do God and one of those specfics is that God is supposedly omniscient

since Jesus did not know the time of judgement day he therefore isn't omniscient and therefore hasn't the specifics of a God

Hmmm but isnt that just cause hes not acutally God but a part of Godwhat Does the bible actually say that he is God, My children are a part of me but they surely arnt me.

Or is that the belief that the two are actually one that sort of seperates when they want to..

That would be wierd cause then you wonder why jesus will sit next to god and not just be him..

Jesus also asked God to forgive them for they know not what they do.... so if Jesus is God then that would mean that Jesus had to ask himself to ask himself for permission to ask himself to forgive

Ummmm thats not hard, because Jesus isnt actually God, just a part of God. Well thats what i thought, can someone tell me differently

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/23/11 09:30 PM

hmmm i didnt really know about it, whats difficult with the trinity..

I always told the kids its like the sun..
You have the actual burning ball part of the sun (or gases) whatever that middle bit is, then you have the heat that comes off, and then you have the light from the sun..
All one but all different.

Isnt that all it is, a complete unit but still seperate.. I dont know I am not even going there..

so which believes which..As I have no idea. I guess i am just someone who thinks God is real, but is having to go over everything I think to make sure its sits right after reading all this stuff.

You all have great points, I just have to sort through opinions to find truth in what is said.:wink:

but the sun has specifics that makes it the Sun and supposedly so do God and one of those specfics is that God is supposedly omniscient

since Jesus did not know the time of judgement day he therefore isn't omniscient and therefore hasn't the specifics of a God

Hmmm but isnt that just cause hes not acutally God but a part of Godwhat Does the bible actually say that he is God, My children are a part of me but they surely arnt me.

Or is that the belief that the two are actually one that sort of seperates when they want to..

That would be wierd cause then you wonder why jesus will sit next to god and not just be him..

Jesus also asked God to forgive them for they know not what they do.... so if Jesus is God then that would mean that Jesus had to ask himself to ask himself for permission to ask himself to forgive

Ummmm thats not hard, because Jesus isnt actually God, just a part of God. Well thats what i thought, can someone tell me differently

I believe that you are correct

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 03:08 AM

hmmm i didnt really know about it, whats difficult with the trinity..

I always told the kids its like the sun..
You have the actual burning ball part of the sun (or gases) whatever that middle bit is, then you have the heat that comes off, and then you have the light from the sun..
All one but all different.

Isnt that all it is, a complete unit but still seperate.. I dont know I am not even going there..

so which believes which..As I have no idea. I guess i am just someone who thinks God is real, but is having to go over everything I think to make sure its sits right after reading all this stuff.

You all have great points, I just have to sort through opinions to find truth in what is said.:wink:

but the sun has specifics that makes it the Sun and supposedly so do God and one of those specfics is that God is supposedly omniscient

since Jesus did not know the time of judgement day he therefore isn't omniscient and therefore hasn't the specifics of a God

Hmmm but isnt that just cause hes not acutally God but a part of Godwhat Does the bible actually say that he is God, My children are a part of me but they surely arnt me.

Or is that the belief that the two are actually one that sort of seperates when they want to..

That would be wierd cause then you wonder why jesus will sit next to god and not just be him..

Jesus also asked God to forgive them for they know not what they do.... so if Jesus is God then that would mean that Jesus had to ask himself to ask himself for permission to ask himself to forgive

Ummmm thats not hard, because Jesus isnt actually God, just a part of God. Well thats what i thought, can someone tell me differently

since "In The Beginning" nothing supposedly existed but God, then isn't everything in creation a "begotton" part of God and not actually God ...

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 05:09 AM
Edited by josie68 on Sun 04/24/11 05:10 AM

hmmm i didnt really know about it, whats difficult with the trinity..

I always told the kids its like the sun..
You have the actual burning ball part of the sun (or gases) whatever that middle bit is, then you have the heat that comes off, and then you have the light from the sun..
All one but all different.

Isnt that all it is, a complete unit but still seperate.. I dont know I am not even going there..

so which believes which..As I have no idea. I guess i am just someone who thinks God is real, but is having to go over everything I think to make sure its sits right after reading all this stuff.

You all have great points, I just have to sort through opinions to find truth in what is said.:wink:

but the sun has specifics that makes it the Sun and supposedly so do God and one of those specfics is that God is supposedly omniscient

since Jesus did not know the time of judgement day he therefore isn't omniscient and therefore hasn't the specifics of a God

Hmmm but isnt that just cause hes not acutally God but a part of Godwhat Does the bible actually say that he is God, My children are a part of me but they surely arnt me.

Or is that the belief that the two are actually one that sort of seperates when they want to..

That would be wierd cause then you wonder why jesus will sit next to god and not just be him..

Jesus also asked God to forgive them for they know not what they do.... so if Jesus is God then that would mean that Jesus had to ask himself to ask himself for permission to ask himself to forgive

Ummmm thats not hard, because Jesus isnt actually God, just a part of God. Well thats what i thought, can someone tell me differently

since "In The Beginning" nothing supposedly existed but God, then isn't everything in creation a "begotton" part of God and not actually God ...

hmmmm, I made my children and they are a part of me..
I made dinner but its not a part of me. ( hmmm but I ate it so it probably is)
Well use something else, Ummmmm, I dont know what else I have made but you know what I mean.
Well before I ate my dinner it was not a part of metongue2

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 06:40 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 04/24/11 06:41 AM

hmmmm, I made my children and they are a part of me..

I made dinner but its not a part of me. ( hmmm but I ate it so it probably is)
Well use something else, Ummmmm, I dont know what else I have made but you know what I mean.
Well before I ate my dinner it was not a part of metongue2

ok..lets go with your dinner analogy

if nothing existed before God ...and God made a dinner that was not part of him...then where did the substance that God used to create the dinner come from ?

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 07:50 AM

hmmmm, I made my children and they are a part of me..

I made dinner but its not a part of me. ( hmmm but I ate it so it probably is)
Well use something else, Ummmmm, I dont know what else I have made but you know what I mean.
Well before I ate my dinner it was not a part of metongue2

ok..lets go with your dinner analogy

if nothing existed before God ...and God made a dinner that was not part of him...then where did the substance that God used to create the dinner come from ?

Funches, honestly you crack me up

If God is God, which we havent established that he is except as a character in a book, then the character could pull it out of anywhere he please.
Surely he wouldnt have just sat their in the Dark..so the substance must have come from somewhere and if there was nothing before God then was there space, as if there wasnt any space he would have been squashed.
so there must have been something..

hmmm and if things apeared when he spoke then what was it made of, not him, but something..

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 09:07 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 04/24/11 09:17 AM

hmmmm, I made my children and they are a part of me..

I made dinner but its not a part of me. ( hmmm but I ate it so it probably is)
Well use something else, Ummmmm, I dont know what else I have made but you know what I mean.
Well before I ate my dinner it was not a part of metongue2

ok..lets go with your dinner analogy

if nothing existed before God ...and God made a dinner that was not part of him...then where did the substance that God used to create the dinner come from ?

Funches, honestly you crack me up

If God is God, which we havent established that he is except as a character in a book, then the character could pull it out of anywhere he please.
Surely he wouldnt have just sat their in the Dark..so the substance must have come from somewhere and if there was nothing before God then was there space, as if there wasnt any space he would have been squashed.
so there must have been something..

hmmm and if things apeared when he spoke then what was it made of, not him, but something..

even the character God in the book is still under the jurisdiction of logic but not under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics but space is under this jurisdiction which mean that space would not effect God or a lack of it would not squash God.and according to Genesis God existed in the darkness and only for his creations did he create light...

which means that "In The Beggining" nothing else existed, not space nor light only the darkness that is God existed...

even if things as you said appeared when he spoke the substance that they were constucted of still would have to come from God since nothing else existed

so if nothing existed but God...then where did the substance that he made his dinner come from? ..if it was not from him?

the answer will show that all creation is "begotton" from God but not actually God....

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 09:33 AM
God uses a replicator to make his food. Like the ones on Star Trec. The food just appears out of nothing. Probably comes out of a black hole.

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