Topic: Sticks and Stones
josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 08:22 PM

There is a BIG difference between "religiousity"

and "christianity".

Hmmm but do you really want your name associated with people like that, I wont, it was why I left in the first place, and it just seems to get worse, or I notice it more now..

But really its the churches that destroy so much faith.. As noone wants to be dictated to..

Yep it seems like I have swapped sides, but I havent I just hate the I am better than you attitude.

no photo
Mon 05/02/11 08:53 PM

No matter what we believe the Scriptures are a good tool to learn from..

so was the last time you stoned some unruly children and adulterers to death?

not since Jesus advised only those without sin to throw the stone,,,,

At this moment I am without sin, but I'm not about to throw any stones at anyone.

er...because I'm without sin. bigsmile

josie68's photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:15 PM

No matter what we believe the Scriptures are a good tool to learn from..

so was the last time you stoned some unruly children and adulterers to death?

not since Jesus advised only those without sin to throw the stone,,,,

At this moment I am without sin, but I'm not about to throw any stones at anyone.

er...because I'm without sin. bigsmile

:angel: Me either cause I know I am wicked

no photo
Mon 05/02/11 09:57 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/02/11 10:13 PM
Cowboy, you wrote :

There is no single Bible, as the individual books, their contents and their order vary between denominations. Mainstream Judaism divides the Tanakh into 24 books, while a minority stream of Judaism, the Samaritans, accepts only five. The 24 texts of the Hebrew Bible are divided into 39 books in Christian Old Testaments, and complete Christian Bibles range from the 66 books of the Protestant canon to the 81 books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.

The persecutors of the Church for the first three hundred years of Christianity destroyed everything Christian they could lay their hands on. Over and over again, barbarous pagans burst in upon Christian cities, villages, and churches and burned all the sacred things they could find. And not only so, but they compelled Christians to deliver up their sacred books under pain of death and then consigned the books to flames. Among these, doubtless, some of the writings that came from the hand of the apostle and evangelist perished.

So who knows what we might have been lost with the knowledge of Jesus our lord and God our father himself. Who knows how much information may or may not have been lost. We only contain limited resource(s) of knowledge because some of it was taken away from, was destroyed.

Cowboy,The Holy Bible is the Inerrant Word of God.....

the Divinely Inspired Word of God.


Which means .....

NONE of God's Word has been destroyed.


ps...neither does the Bible VARY among denominations....

there are different translations, yes...but NOT different

variations...big difference.

And if per chance , someone DID try to create a different

variation or version of God'd Word , "that version" would NOT



Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/02/11 11:10 PM
That's right morning song, it says right in these texts that these scriptures cannot be broken.

John 10:34-36

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

Ironically though this particular piece of scripture appears to be broken.

There should be quotes around the words "I said, Ye are gods". Because without the quotes it appears that Jesus is referring to himself, but what he was actually referring to was Psalms 82:6

Pss.82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

So in a sense these scriptures are already "broken" because without the quotes around the phrase "I said, Ye are gods", it actually appears that Jesus is claiming to have said "Ye are gods" himself.

But he's certainly making ever effort to support that notion by appealing to Psalms.

I still believe that he was a pantheistic-minded Jew who was making every effort to use the Torah to support a pantheistic view whilst simultaneously attempting to refute the darker teachings of the Torah.


In fact, all there's no question that Jesus was indeed suggesting right here in these verses John 34-36 that any mortal man can indeed claim to be the "son of God" because as Jesus points out, it's in the scriptures "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Thus giving every single human being the god-given right to claim to be the "son or daughter of God".

Via Jesus' direct reference to this verse in an effort to justify his own position, he was simultaneously justifying this very same position for every single one of us.

We are all the "sons" and "daughters" of God. Jesus was no exception. And that was indeed his defense when he was accused of blaspheme.

So he was clearly speaking from a pantheistic point of view.

That's obvious by precisely how he went about stating it.

He was indeed clever and very well-versed in religious scriptures. So it makes sense that he would have also studied the concepts of Buddhism and spiritual mysticism which were surely available to him in those days as well. Buddhism had been around for at least 500 years by the time Jesus was born. There can be no doubt that the Jews were familiar with those religious ideals in those days.

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:08 AM

Oh dear,, so what is the definititon of preaching


–verb (used with object)

to deliver a sermon.

to give earnest advice, as on religious or moral subjects or the like.
to do this in an obtrusive or tedious way.

OK Cowboy ....


Yes we are all preaching, now let it go and talk about God that is what we are here for, this is becoming petty.
We sound worse then little school girls.

Honestly even to me who finds most things amusing this is becoming tedious.'re not seeing the big picture

a demon would not "preach" the word of Jesus, a demon that hide among believers would use every excuse to prove that it's not preaching the word of jesus, this is how you find demons

that's why this is not about whether it's a discussion or's a fight between just and evil

what I'm doing is giving Cowboy an Exorcism ...

reveal thy name Cowboy....reveal they name
the power of Christ compels you...

noway Honestly did your Mum ever smack your butt for teasing your brothers and sisters..

OK get your exorcism over with so that we can move on ,you two have scared everyone off as noone is game to enter in case you both gobble them up.

Or grab them by the neck and preach to them, or hold them down and try and scare the demons out.

well actually it stems from a disagreement you christians were having about depression

Cowboy posted how depression is a lack of faith in Jesus, and if one has Jesus in their life they wouldn't be depressed (of course no one would ever use this as an example of how Cowboy preach the gospel)

you and other Christians proceeded to explain to Cowboy that depression was not necessarily a lack of faith

then Cowboy contradicted himself about how he took medication for his depression, but once it was pointed out that taking medication for depression is a lack of faith, then he contradicted himself again and claimed that God gives medication

I don't remember anything in the bible about Jesus or the holy ghost healing the people with prescription drugs or that God gave a prophecy that he would one day decend from Heaven and get a job handing out medication at a Pharmacy or on a street corner

but anyway..claiming that God gives medication for depression is clearly preaching

HUH.... How the heck did my post end up back on this topic.. what what what

because it wouldn't be proper etiquette to respond to your questions off the topic in which you presented them

I so hate it when I get lost in what you say.. I have no etiquette and still have no idea.

you write a post to me and I respond to it?

LOL ok is that how it goes...slaphead
tongue2 tongue2 tongue2 i didn't understand your response..

Hmm and as for me and other Christians, I dont know if i am a christian, There are many different beliefs and I havent worked out exacty what i do believe.
So if I said I was a christian I could be wrong, Ido believe in God, but I believe in lots of things so am not sure:smile:

ok...I'll help you you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and follow his command to spread/preach his word? ....if the answer is no then you're not a Christian...if the answer is yes...then as Gomer Pyle would say "SURPRISE" "SURPRISE" "SURPRISE"

just in case you don't remember or know who Gomer Pyle is

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:16 AM

you and other Christians proceeded to explain to Cowboy that depression was not necessarily a lack of faith

Hmmm my son was asked to leave his church that he had gone to for 4 years on Sunday as he started dating a girl 10 years older than him..

noway noway This is part of the reason I would never commit my life to anything to do with religion.

He was the youth leader and drummer in their band, Now he is not allowed in the doors, as he could be a bad example..

What the heck gives people the right to think they are God:angel:

yep i am not a happy chappy.. I could understand if he was sleeping with her or doing something wrong, but he is isnt so what is the big deal.
They have told him he is no longer a Christian. So Nope i definatly would never ever associate myself with being called a Christian as it is thrown around like they are something special, when the majority whom you meet are the most judgemental on earth.

And I am sorry if that offends anyone but as far as i can see its the truth.

the pope said that it's ok to believe in aliens and wear condoms...I guess you have to wait until he say that young guys can get to Heaven by dating cougars...

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:31 AM
a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

b (1) : disciple 2 (2) : a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906 (3) : a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961

strange church to kick out someone for the age of their date, were either of them married? was it a catholic church? was she/he divorced?

seems there would be more to the story,,,,

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:39 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:46 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 04:50 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:01 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

says you,,and you are free to believe what makes sense to you, as are we all

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:24 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

says you,,and you are free to believe what makes sense to you, as are we all

MsHarmony...your response is a cope out ....unless you can explain why a demon or a parrot that profess a belief in Jesus wouldn't also place them into the realm of being a Christian...then it's not what I's indisputable logic that you can't dispute

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:37 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

says you,,and you are free to believe what makes sense to you, as are we all

MsHarmony...your response is a cope out ....unless you can explain why a demon or a parrot that profess a belief in Jesus wouldn't also place them into the realm of being a Christian...then it's not what I's indisputable logic that you can't dispute

whoa whoa whoa

my response is truth, I give you the benefit of the doubt of discerning the logic , but if thats too much a benefit

an apple is a fruit, because a banana is also a fruit does not refute that an apple is a fruit

a christian professes belief in christ
because NON Christians can also profess a belief in christ , does not refute that christians do

put in simpler, playground terms

apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples,, and likewise
christians profess faith but not all who profess faith are christians

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:47 AM


a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

says you,,and you are free to believe what makes sense to you, as are we all

MsHarmony...your response is a cope out ....unless you can explain why a demon or a parrot that profess a belief in Jesus wouldn't also place them into the realm of being a Christian...then it's not what I's indisputable logic that you can't dispute

whoa whoa whoa

my response is truth, I give you the benefit of the doubt of discerning the logic , but if thats too much a benefit

an apple is a fruit, because a banana is also a fruit does not refute that an apple is a fruit

a christian professes belief in christ
because NON Christians can also profess a belief in christ , does not refute that christians do

put in simpler, playground terms

apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples,, and likewise
christians profess faith but not all who profess faith are christians

MsHarmony..unless you also saying that fruit is capable of professing a belief in Jesus then your parables wouldn't apply

so can you cut out the tricks and try using the demon and the parrot to explain why they wouldn't be Christian if they profess a belief in Jesus won't be able to, but it will be amusing to read

josie68's photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:50 AM

you and other Christians proceeded to explain to Cowboy that depression was not necessarily a lack of faith

Hmmm my son was asked to leave his church that he had gone to for 4 years on Sunday as he started dating a girl 10 years older than him..

noway noway This is part of the reason I would never commit my life to anything to do with religion.

He was the youth leader and drummer in their band, Now he is not allowed in the doors, as he could be a bad example..

What the heck gives people the right to think they are God:angel:

yep i am not a happy chappy.. I could understand if he was sleeping with her or doing something wrong, but he is isnt so what is the big deal.
They have told him he is no longer a Christian. So Nope i definatly would never ever associate myself with being called a Christian as it is thrown around like they are something special, when the majority whom you meet are the most judgemental on earth.

And I am sorry if that offends anyone but as far as i can see its the truth.

the pope said that it's ok to believe in aliens and wear condoms...I guess you have to wait until he say that young guys can get to Heaven by dating cougars...

Bummer should I ring himwhat what

josie68's photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:56 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

b (1) : disciple 2 (2) : a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906 (3) : a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961

strange church to kick out someone for the age of their date, were either of them married? was it a catholic church? was she/he divorced?

seems there would be more to the story,,,,

Yes she is divorced and has 4 children, he is just turning 2o and the youth leader,
I think its baptist or some such thing.
He is deaf and they dont think he is mature enough to make the decision, so last week they told him he couldnt see her, he refused to listen, so they removed him from youth and drumming, and when he arrived at the church on Sunday he was asked to leave..

I think they have a few issues, but they are definately wierd.
I rang to see what was happening and they told me I was a controlling mother who didnt give her children choices in life..what what what

HUH, I met them once.. not sure how they came to that conclusion, I was stumped so just giggled, honestly, some peole..

they are very very strange..

no photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:56 AM

you and other Christians proceeded to explain to Cowboy that depression was not necessarily a lack of faith

Hmmm my son was asked to leave his church that he had gone to for 4 years on Sunday as he started dating a girl 10 years older than him..

noway noway This is part of the reason I would never commit my life to anything to do with religion.

He was the youth leader and drummer in their band, Now he is not allowed in the doors, as he could be a bad example..

What the heck gives people the right to think they are God:angel:

yep i am not a happy chappy.. I could understand if he was sleeping with her or doing something wrong, but he is isnt so what is the big deal.
They have told him he is no longer a Christian. So Nope i definatly would never ever associate myself with being called a Christian as it is thrown around like they are something special, when the majority whom you meet are the most judgemental on earth.

And I am sorry if that offends anyone but as far as i can see its the truth.

the pope said that it's ok to believe in aliens and wear condoms...I guess you have to wait until he say that young guys can get to Heaven by dating cougars...

Bummer should I ring himwhat what

is Ring slang for Halo?

josie68's photo
Tue 05/03/11 05:59 AM

a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

Hmmmm do I follow His teachings, someof them I do, but then a lot of NON christian do that as a lot of his teachings are just being a decent human being..

Do I Preach the word to all nations..well this is the only place I talk about him, andthat wasnt to preach to you al, it was just because I found you all amusing, and then I found your discussions interesting.

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/03/11 06:02 AM


a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

a Demon could also profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus ..would that make the Demon a Christian

you can teach a parrot to squawk to profess a belief in the teachings of Jesus...does that make the parrot a Christian

polly wants a cracker...or is that a wafer?

take it up with miriam webster, who never ceased to amaze me in his exposure of how COMPLEX the english language is,,,

profess: 2a : to declare or admit openly or freely : affirm

b : to declare in words or appearances only : pretend, claim

one can affirm or pretend, they can lay a false claim or a real one

if what they profess is a lie, it negates the claim
if the claim is true, it would affirm their christianity,,,

MsHarmony.... professing something is only professing words which is why a Demon or a parrot can do be a Christian you have actually follow the teachings of Jesus and his command to preach the word to all nations....a demon or a parrot can't or won't do that

says you,,and you are free to believe what makes sense to you, as are we all

MsHarmony...your response is a cope out ....unless you can explain why a demon or a parrot that profess a belief in Jesus wouldn't also place them into the realm of being a Christian...then it's not what I's indisputable logic that you can't dispute

whoa whoa whoa

my response is truth, I give you the benefit of the doubt of discerning the logic , but if thats too much a benefit

an apple is a fruit, because a banana is also a fruit does not refute that an apple is a fruit

a christian professes belief in christ
because NON Christians can also profess a belief in christ , does not refute that christians do

put in simpler, playground terms

apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples,, and likewise
christians profess faith but not all who profess faith are christians

MsHarmony..unless you also saying that fruit is capable of professing a belief in Jesus then your parables wouldn't apply

so can you cut out the tricks and try using the demon and the parrot to explain why they wouldn't be Christian if they profess a belief in Jesus won't be able to, but it will be amusing to read

I pass, pearls before swine, or grown up people talk, or whatever you want to call it'

it just clearly is going to go RIGHT PAST YA,,,,lol