Community > Posts By > krupa

krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 02:23 PM

Look at me for my personality and intellect.

Ok....put your personality and intellect in a bikini.

Expecting a guy to NOT check you out physically is just plain stupid.

Yes...we can and do admire wit, charm, intelligence and all that crap....we also admire the physical stuff too.

Believe it or not...2 minutes after I am introduced to a lady....I haven't had the time to get to know her deep inner beauty...I HAVE had the time to look her over.

Some of y'all resent it...too bad.

Pornography may have ruined a lot of men's concepts of women's bodies and Sex.

But, the Lifetime channel, chick flicks and romance novels have ruined women's concept of actual men in actual reality.


krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 01:19 PM

We were all new once. Hope you enjoy the show.


krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 12:42 PM
Last time we had a thread like this I posted a pic with a shirt and no pants....

Sure, the guys thought I was a doushe....the chicks didn't.


I ain't here to flirt with the guys.

krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 12:34 PM
Will do foxy 2.


krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 11:59 AM
C'est le vie.

I do got a couple of people at work who refuse to engage in light hearted banter..."if we ain't dating...I don't wanna talk to them"...types.

I try a couple of times to make nice then, I just ignore them and leave them alone so they can take themselves way too seriously yet wonder why they are still alone.

But..different strokes for different folks.

As long as they are comfortable with themselves ...I got no right to judge. I just try to make the next one smile.

krupa's photo
Wed 08/07/13 10:22 AM
Just my take on it....

I flirt constantly ...and I am in a happy and healthy, loving relationship.

I flirt with every woman at work...pretty or ugly...single or not.

I do it cause I believe that everyone should get some positive reenforcment everyday.

Just because I flirt...doesn't mean I wanna bag em. I do it to make them feel good about themselves and get a smile out of them.

After all...don't all of us want to feel a little special everyday?

krupa's photo
Tue 08/06/13 01:28 PM
Edited by krupa on Tue 08/06/13 01:30 PM
Yeah a guy I can say with certainty ...time to disconnect the dots and be on your way.

Don't beat yourself up over it. Ya gave it a fair shot.

I know it is no consolation ...suck is suck.

On the upside...this frees you up to find the one who will love you forever.


krupa's photo
Tue 08/06/13 12:38 PM
First....guys are checking you ladies out and digging on your groovyness?

Can you really blame them? You ladies are finer than frog hair...regardless of these guys age...a guy can appreciate a fine woman.

Would it be better if they were 30 years older than y'all?

Secondly....I personally find it complimentary when gals scope out my stuff...I don't care if a chick is 18 or 105. I think it is nice when any woman gives me the eye. It don't mean I gotta drop trou and let them use me for their carnal lustitudes.

Accept a simple compliment babydolls.

If ya don't want them looking at you....strip down your profiles to nothing....then post a picture of you in a bhurka in a room with no lights and the lens cap on.

Until then...You ladies are just gonna have to bear the burden of being desirable and not get to pick and choose who thinks you are awesome.

krupa's photo
Tue 08/06/13 11:18 AM
Best of luck to you brother.

We all deserve good love. ....the very best love is freely given.

If the girl doesn't appreciate you for being a good man...then she probably isn't very smart. Let her settle for someone less and move on to find a better woman who can appreciate you for you.

Trust me....I have fallen for some truly stupid women....I am glad those relationships failed....cause those failures led me to the woman who really loves me.

krupa's photo
Tue 08/06/13 10:34 AM
Alone ain't bad if you look at it right.

You are free to do what you want...when you want...without begging for permission.

Alone is different from lonely....being lonely is a choice too.

Look at all these people here on mingle who are willing to talk to you and be your friends....we are all here for you. If you choose to be lonely.....That is a choice that we got no control over.

Chin up is what you make it. Just know ya got friends here if you want them.

krupa's photo
Tue 08/06/13 10:14 AM
You love her.

She don't love you.

You see her with another guy.

Do you really need this explained to you?

Ok....You see a Ferrari or a Lamborghini.....You LOVE that car. isn't your car. You can love it and want it...But, it belongs to someone else.

Even if you steal it for a little while....sooner or later you will lose it back to where it belongs.

Women are no different.

Think of it like this...put yourself in the woman's place.

A guy decides he loves you and wants you...But you don't want him....would you do what you know is wrong and let him have you just because it is what HE wants?

I doubt it.

Women have the right to chose who they love..

krupa's photo
Mon 08/05/13 08:00 PM
Snap a few more pix so we can see more details.

Is that a kit or hand made?

Looks pretty cool!

krupa's photo
Mon 08/05/13 07:55 PM
Then again.....some people are just as ugly down deep as they are on the surface.

Looks are nice. A good personality is nice.

There are always exceptions....

Not every good looking person is a shallow bubble head.

Not every ugly person has a good personality. woman is beautiful inside and out.

Feel free to judge her based on her looks....she is just as pretty all the way down to her soul.

krupa's photo
Sun 08/04/13 05:04 PM
Wait a minute......

What if said zombies happen to be really sexy, stripper, nymphomaniac zombies...I ain't so sure I would want to harm them.

I would try mixed drinks and roofies first.

I'll let you guys handle the dude zombies however you see fit.

Leave the stripper zombie chicks to me.


krupa's photo
Sun 08/04/13 12:16 PM

Pounding with a BOB isn't intercourse?

Filling the palm with Vaseline and wrapping a hand around a pulsating hot rod, simulating a wet vajina isn't sex?


Do you have any idea how hard it is to get Vaseline off of your stuff? 3 days later you still got water beading up on your Johnson when ya bathe.

You gotta use the foamy brush at the car wash and industrial decreased...

Oooohhhhh...perhaps I have said too much.

Anyhow....If you can't get ain't sex...thereby masturbating is just a close call with friction burn.

krupa's photo
Sun 08/04/13 10:15 AM
You're doing it wrong.

But you know.

krupa's photo
Sun 08/04/13 10:08 AM
If I ain't supposed to ask for money then it is gonna make it really difficult to maintain my status as a man whore.

krupa's photo
Sun 08/04/13 07:25 AM
Hehehe....maybe ....just maybe....some of you guys just ain't no good at revenge.'s just a thought.

krupa's photo
Sat 08/03/13 10:01 AM
Hehehe....."normal woman".....that's a good one!

Anyhow....try picking grown up dudes.....they are rare but there are a few of them in existence.

krupa's photo
Sat 08/03/13 09:50 AM
Obviously...any place can have bs artists. It just takes a bit of patience and attention to detail to figure out who is for real and who ain't.

My advice...hold off on snap judgements on the site until ya got more than a few posts.

It is kind of like walking into a huge buffet...nibbling on one bite of something you don't like and saying that all of it sucks.

No one here who found a good relationship,found love with the first person they talked to.

Just cause we got the convenience of a computer...don't mean that it is easy. This is exactly like real life. It will take time ,effort and trial and error before success.

You don't just step out in your yard and find a diamond. You gotta dig and get dirty before you find what you want.

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