Community > Posts By > krupa

krupa's photo
Sat 05/18/13 08:42 AM

Ahha! Betcha thought this was a Led Zeppelin thread about their first album! Nope!

I was curious as to how often do you try to land a woman after she expresses no interest? Do you say okay right away, or hang around a wee bit to see if she wants to be chased?

Also, after rejection, do you put your hook back in the water right away and try to get back out there?

Obviously she must be lesbian.....

I don't bother...I will step aside and let my uncle beccy give her a good fisting.

krupa's photo
Sat 05/18/13 08:35 AM are doesn't work.

But....that is ok.

Mutual match isn't the only option here.

Talking to these fine ladies and gentlemen on these forums is where you will find gold.

You will make true friends and find a real love. takes actual work.

Even a pizza is gonna take some time to make it to your door...

Hitting one button will NOT get you the love of your life....

If you REALLY want a good woman better do more than stomp on the mutual match button.

You earn a good woman.

It took me years.

I am solo glad I did...she treats me good.

krupa's photo
Fri 05/17/13 03:23 PM
First off...around here you don't get to dictate who replies to your post...I am a dude

Secondly...You misspelled "lol"

I didn't know that was possible.

Good luck bro.....You are gonna need it.

krupa's photo
Fri 05/17/13 03:16 PM
If you ain't living for love...

What are you dying for?

krupa's photo
Fri 05/17/13 03:08 PM

To those who are against same sex marriage, do you feel that interracial marriage should not have been legalized either?

If you feel differently about both, why?

No....gays or lesbians and interracial marriage got as much to do with each other as gay bikers on acid and aliens who like videos of puppies doing bong hits.

How jacked up are you to equate gay with interracial?

You tell me...what is your problem with gays who ain't having sex with you?....Or black guys who ain't having sex with you?

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 01:11 PM
Edited by krupa on Thu 05/16/13 01:14 PM
If you are a gutless pusshole of a worthless man...fulfilling probably has some interest.

I have been invited to cuckolds more than once...I got zero respect for it.

I have always been brought in as the Dom.

Never liked it.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 12:35 PM

anyone got a slow boat going to shanghai.i wanna put him on it on a one way ticket.the troll.pitchfork

But..You look like Lucy Lawless..I was hoping you would beat him into submission in a leather bikini.

No offense....You are a good looking woman.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 12:25 PM
Since when do the British like the Irish?

Beyond that....since when should Americans care what a Brit thinks?

Please note...I know some super cool british chicks who live in Texas...

I thought that England thought of Irish,Scottish,and American as peasants.

....except for when they visit....then they are super cool.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 12:09 PM
Just what I thought.

Ignore the real answers and hope no one notices.

That is the exact reason you will never be considered an equal.

Have fun bun.

This is where you become so petty...You will be ignored.

If you talk crap about my country...put up...or shut up.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 12:03 PM
What needs to be loved?.....around me...the crack of dawn ain't safe.

Why not me?....I don't is always me who gets love.

Why not now?....again...I don't understand...I get love all the damned time.

Maybe you ain't loving right.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:48 AM
Apparently...You got no idea of what"we the people" actually means.

But that is ok....

Cause some of the rest of us do understand.

We are the ones who pick you up and carry you along when you ain't got the guts to pull your weight....people like me will pull your dead weight..

Ask the people in Boston

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:37 AM

Why ask us?

Apparently you know everything going on in Syria.

Why ain't you calling the shots?

You got the situation "verified".

Go do something about it.

I don't care if you like Bashar or the rebels...go end the war or else I will just think of you as some guy sitting behind a computer who doesn't actually try to make things better...

Just gripes about it like Americans.
We are all experts here on Mingle (some more than others). One big happy family.

No..."We"aren't experts....You are.

Enlighten us.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:36 AM
Edited by krupa on Thu 05/16/13 11:38 AM

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:33 AM
Edited by krupa on Thu 05/16/13 11:35 AM
That ain't an answer.

You have been here a month and 1 day.

You ain't part of the family yet.

You got a problem that you want to complain about...fine.

Give us your solution or do yourself a favour....and shut up.

That wasn't to you toody...your post was way too long for me to read.

krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:28 AM

I am a Lover not a Fighter. xxx

You are neither.

You hate America...obviously.
Yet you don't stand against what you American site for socializing.

What am I supposed to make of that? evil and corrupt

Yet, here you are.

Among the only society on earth that will let you hate us but still accept you as a brother.

There is one common denominator in your many threads of hatred,bias and inability to accept other cultures...


krupa's photo
Thu 05/16/13 11:11 AM
Why ask us?

Apparently you know everything going on in Syria.

Why ain't you calling the shots?

You got the situation "verified".

Go do something about it.

I don't care if you like Bashar or the rebels...go end the war or else I will just think of you as some guy sitting behind a computer who doesn't actually try to make things better...

Just gripes about it like Americans.

krupa's photo
Wed 05/15/13 09:31 AM

I think we are inherently good. Think about it... when you do something bad, you are guilty stricken. If you help others, you feel happy.


When you do something bad you fell shame no guilt

Shame is when you f♥ck yourself over! guilt is when you f♥ck someone else overslaphead

That was awesome! BullSchmitt.

krupa's photo
Wed 05/15/13 09:18 AM

You are a good man krupa!

We all can be brother.

krupa's photo
Wed 05/15/13 09:12 AM
You are my love.
You are my smile.
Ever afterwhile.

My love my .....

My world.

You make me a man.

You make me whole.

You make me.
I am not good when I am without you.

I love you b!!(h.

I really do.

You are the real love....

You are awesome.

krupa's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:51 AM

if you are confronted with the situation like..

you see a drowning kid, would you save him?

That depends...has that kid been a screaming Brat who has made me think...

Beat your kid...

In that circumstance....I gotta be honest and say ..."No "

Let him drown.

let say you don't know him at all...

Then you save the nose mining little hellion and hope he makes his parents proud.