Community > Posts By > krupa

krupa's photo
Mon 08/26/13 11:29 AM
Edited by krupa on Mon 08/26/13 11:30 AM
Oh please ....

Give me a break!

Didn't we go through this when uptight repressed Bible thumpers were screaming about Elvis's evil hip gyrations?

Or when they were griping about how the Beatles satanic songs would corrupt the youth and bring down God's wrath on society?

I will bet anything that at some point Moses sat around a campfire with his homies bitching about.."kids today got it soooo easy! Back in MY day, we got beat with a whole tree! Now we spoil them by just beating them with rods!!!!"

Give it a few weeks ...someone else will leave the Puritans aghast at not sharing their moral code and Miley won't seem so bad.

krupa's photo
Tue 08/20/13 08:38 AM
I am just thrilled when my woman puts up with my crap.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 06:11 PM
My woman doesn't drink.

I respect that.

I do drink.

For the sake of the love she gives me...and the good life we share...I am willing to cut back.

She is worth it.

Don't get me wrong...I will still drink. But I will definitely cut aside more time for her.

She puts up with me.

I gotta respect her.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 05:55 PM

So you're seriously thinking of exchanging, what, a couple of two three hours of annoying dinner and a show conversation, for like, what,
two three minutes of halfway decent sex with some hottie you barely know? Seriously?

I am confused ...are you saying 2-3 hours of a date ain't what is supposed to lead to 2-3 minutes of halfway decent Sex?

If so...what is a person supposed to do for 2-3 minutes of halfway decent Sex?

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 04:56 PM
Worry naught tawtstrawt...

O hey...that rhymed...

It's the Internet.

Ya got a plenty valid perspective...our opinions don't actually matter.

You go ahead and say your piece my good fellow.

My opinion...if she is annoying ....avoid her.

Move on to the next hot biscuit ...she may be less annoying.


krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 04:09 PM
Nice pieces woman.

Ya got range.

If I far as the light retracting through the stained glass...

NEVER shoot for perfection...

Light through a prism requires perfection.

Stained glass is inherently be realistic...the refraction should be flawed.

Stained glass has natural random warps and diffused lights into glows with no sharp edges.

This is not to say "don't do it"...because you may be able to pull it off.

It just seems you go for a reality effect...and perfection doesn't exist in reality.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 03:54 PM

I can understand...But,as a guy...I gotta point out something...

How in the hell is a guy supposed to just automatically know that a woman don't wanna chat?

Because you make this clear when he asks. And then he gets awkward.

Believe me...I ain't saying this to be combative...

People's version of "clear" a whole lot clearer in their heads than in actual reality.

I do it...trying to drop hints in an inoffensive way so as to not hurt the feelings of the gal I got no interest in...

In my head...what I mean is pretty clear.

How my words are perceived...not so clear.

It is just the nature of the beast when dealing with random social interaction.

Let's face it...If we could get what we want,when we want it,exactly how we want it...we would just go order our lovers at a McDonald's drive thru.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 03:02 PM
I can understand...But,as a guy...I gotta point out something...

How in the hell is a guy supposed to just automatically know that a woman don't wanna chat?

We ain't psychic...and honestly...half the time a woman don't even know what she wants every other day.

Secondly...chats are small steps that can potentially lead to actual deep philosophical conversations.

ain't no damned way I am gonna bother discussing the real inner me until I figure out if the chick is a superficial flake....which is easily discernable after a few innocent chats.

Just sayin....

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 10:31 AM
Good work little mama!

Good sense of foreshortening and perspective.


krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 10:11 AM

This topic took a nose dive.

Anyway...lasting relationships....then and now....

Back then....You stayed in a relationship no matter if it was horrible or not because it was what was demanded in order to be accepted by society.

It didn't matter if there was abuse...You shut your mouth,bowed your head and put up with crap until you got lucky enough to die.

Lasting relationships now....

Is purely a mutual choice.

If you want a relationship to last...You actually have to work at it,make compromises...and realize that the outdated social standards of the past aren't gonna force your partner to stay with you.

Back then....once you hooked up...good or bad...You were stuck.

Nowadays...You better realize that if you think you get a free ride just cause you scored some tail...You are wrong.

If you ain't earning your love....You can and should get dumped.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/19/13 09:00 AM
Looks are nice...But,they ain't every thing.

Kind of like if women were cars.

Would you prefer a Ferrari that is a total wreck? (Emotionally)

Would you prefer a minivan that never lets you down?

krupa's photo
Sun 08/18/13 09:08 AM
This is easy!

Every mistake and failure through the years has finally led me to the woman I love and the place I call home.

I would happily go through all the heartache and loneliness again just to look into my woman's smiling eyes.

Wading through crap sucks...But ,when you find is all worth it.

krupa's photo
Sat 08/17/13 11:25 PM
Well I'll be picture is a fake. is for the greater good.

If everyone knew that I am an albino pygmy Sumo with a gimp leg and a comb over....obviously, the chicks would all throw themselves shamelessly at me and the dudes would resent me having a hareem.

So......yer welcome.

krupa's photo
Sat 08/17/13 10:08 AM
....word up yo....

So...what idea did you want to exchange?

Is it broken or the wrong size?


krupa's photo
Sat 08/17/13 10:03 AM

Your waiting for the ones to come in and call you a "bible thumper"

Sounds like you are itching for some theological combat...

I will pass.

In my experiences...people will believe what they wanna believe and trying to ram ones own ideas down other people's throats does nothing but lead to endless bitching that in the end only divides us further.

krupa's photo
Thu 08/15/13 09:37 AM
"My self esteem isn't quite low enough for me to date you. It's close....just not quite there yet."


krupa's photo
Tue 08/13/13 09:46 PM
"It's not's you "

"After taking the time to get to know you, I realize something....I can't stand you."

"We both deserve love...I am gonna give my love to my cat "

"Let's spend the rest of our lives together....just living in different houses ....with other lover's...preferrably in different States. "


krupa's photo
Tue 08/13/13 11:55 AM
If at first you don't succeed fail again.

Plenty of people are gluttons for punishment. If miserably unsuccessful relationships that leave you crying all alone repeatedly makes you happy...

I say "go for it! "

krupa's photo
Mon 08/12/13 11:35 PM
Guys ain't gotta love the fish he is trying to catch.

Most guys just wanna have em mounted and show em off to their friends.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/12/13 07:10 PM
The guy is fishing.

Just cause a guy throws out the bait and a fish don't bite...he don't pack up and leave...hell no!

He keeps casting that bait hoping to hook the large mouth bass of love.

If he is any sort of average stubborn guy...he will keep casting till he is too drunk to fish...passes out with flies buzzing around his mouth searching for the stink bait....

Then the next day....he goes fishing again.

THAT is how we guys do it baby!


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