"Must love animals"?
For people who actually love animals explanation is needed.
For people who don't love animals explanation will ever make them understand. I will give it a shot though. For pet lover's...pets are a real part of the family. I may not take my dog on a girl don't take her cats on our dates....but....they are each a deep source of pure love, comfort and stability to the family unit. The thing non animal lover's just don't get is that the best they can hope for is to be an equal with the pets. Pets aren't a nuisance or an inconvenience to be tolerated just to score some @$$. They actually mean something to your lover that ya cant compete with. The pet was being loved before you came along and will be loved long after you are gone. (Just saying "you "in a general way) Animal lover's and non animal lover's got no business dating...cause before long....the non animal lover will resent the FACT that they don't out rank a cat or dog. |
Waiting for a sweet prince
Now comes reality..
Take that lucky man you love and force him to love you. Grab him by the throat if you gotta. First guys ain't bright enough to get feminine hints. Secondly...women got horrible taste in men. So...find the man you want and say to his face..."do me like you owe me money " Hope that helped |
Think on it.
I finally figured out the question...
My answer... If God didn't want us to eat things... Maybe God screwed up by making them taste so good. If God don't want us to eat animals...God probably shouldn't have made them out of meat. Put carrots and potatoes and onions with Roast beef or pork or fish or chicken..... Or...put carrots and potatoes and onions with nothing. Sure...vegetables are good. Put em with meat and they are AWESOME!! |
looking in San Antonio
Look up Esebulldog.
He is a member from SA. I have hung out with him a couple of times and he is good people. You will hit it off or you wont. At least try. I will vouch for him...he is extra cool. |
first car?
So....what was your first motorized vehicle?
Mine was a 1963 Frazier Nash....Royce Roadster. The car was a little shoebox ...mettalic brown with a continental tire kit on the back with "RR". The kids who I grew up with only knew that my dad taught karate and had a custom paint shop.... They thought it was a little Rolls Royce... I let them think that. So...what was your first ride? I will bet my virginity makes you smile just to think of it. |
you guys and your opinions
Wow! Holy Muddafukin Schmitt!
I am stunned this made it 5 pages in one night....yet I am not stunned that every one who I was actually speaking to tried to turn it on me like I am the bad guy. Cool! I was simply wondering why these guys aren't running the country. After five is pretty clear. These people just love to complain....But got no real plan to make things better for you,me or any generation to come. So...keep on griping...your parents failed miserably. Yeah...I am talking to you. Hehehe I would have killed myself...But's America...You got the right to be the bottom rung of what life is supposed to be. |
Wait who's paying for liposuction! Lol.
Obamacare pays for the liposuction AND gives you a free cell phone. All it costs you is doubling of your health insurance rates or a fine if you don't buy insurance. Sound like a plan? Take that crap to the politics threads before I have it moved there. |
Dating Mature women.
Just my perspective..
If you hope to date a mature woman... You gotta be a mature man. That means...none or the weak crap that young women fall for...cause let's face it..young women got no idea what they are doing. Same as young men. Sure they may look good...But they got the mental capacity of a goldfish with a concussion. No offence to young people..But,you got no points of reference for success or failure. I was young once...waking up with saliva on my penis was a win. I was an idiot. If you think that fishing for chicks on the internet is easier than real life....good luck. |
True dat
When I said "change "...I was referring to me being willing to change things about myself in order to grow the relationship.
It ain't easy! I would never seek to change my woman and honestly ...I like myself. However...after a while...I could see that a few of my patterns weren't condusive to our mutual harmony. I try to change myself to be a better lover everyday. Most people aren't willing to change. That was what I was referring to. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() does this actually affect your life? |
you guys and your opinions
Edited by
Sun 09/01/13 10:54 PM
Let's face it..If half of you kids cared half as much about all the things you whine and gripe about...
Lefties this...republicans that...Obama beat me with a wiffle ball bat. ...If you actually cared and felt half the unending crap you pansies ***** and moan about was REALLY important.... Why the hell have none of you run for office and effected real positive change? The answer...You all are like my dad and all his old people friends. You like to point fingers without having the nuts to step up and put all your perfect ideologies on an actual political docket. You got nothing on go on and hate him cause he is black. You got nothing on hate him cause he had a chunky click blow him. You got nothing on ANY civic leader who had the guts to actually TRY.... Right or wrong...our "leaders" at least tried. If half of you geniuses in these threads would act on these beliefs you are Soooooo mutherfking sure of... We could live in a better society..our kids could have a better future. But...That won't happen I read these endless threads with all these perfect opinions on how everyone else is so wrong. It occurs to me... What the hell is your excuses for not making it right? Liberals? Republicans? Left? Right? Moderates? You are all a joke. Stand up for your beliefs..change the system or just know that I will continue to look at y'all posts and wonder why you ain't the president. |
I remember....I am glad you are back pretty baby.
Muah! |
Ok...all of this is valid.
But what about us people who ain't ugly..are real lover' a job...and just really want to share our actual adult life with someone who wants love? I found a good woman here...there is no damned reason the rest of you cant find your lover here. Allow me to point out the obvious.. There is one common denominator in your failed relationships If you ain't willing to change for a good love... You may be better off alone. |
I am fat on the "INSIDE "
...and it is what is "inside "a person the really counts. The only people who got a problem with plush lover's...are the people who bring up the issue of someone who is big. The rest of us got no problem with big gals. They got big hearts, lots of love, they are horney...and give great shade. |
Are Morals Real?
So...I just skipped past all the weak crap with other people quoting some random authors iron clad opinions..
I also skipped past other people quoting or reposting same said weak schitt. I just go with what I know. Right is right and wrong is wrong..and whatever weakassed excuse people gotta tell themselves to make it ok to be a dousche...don't fly with me. We are adults..not kids. At this point in life...anyone else's opinion of morality is lost. Either your parents failed to raise a good person and should be dragged out...beaten without mercy and thrown down a well... Or your parents raised you to be kind, compassionate and decent. Quoting someone else to validate what you are or are the ultimate weak rationalization for what you are or are not. Screw everyone else's opionions on suck or you dont. No one is to blame for your actions ...but you. |
have you met up ?
| lots of pictures too.
Met a lot of really cool Mingletards.. and actually fell madly in love with one...moved half way across the state's to be with her.... This site works...But only if you are willing to dump into it the real work that real love requires....otherwise...most people should just masturbate. |
What did you do today...?
Hope you had a good day to Edy
What did you do today...?
I made a memorial to a little girl I have grown to love.
I soaked the tears of my woman on to my shoulder. I have felt heart wrenching pain...and absolute love. I was the man of my small family. ...and I found my true place in life. |
this site real?
The problem is this site is international...not local Canadian chicks.
Trust me...I went through this when I realized that they let in people who weren't horny Texas women who I demanded live within a couple of miles. It was for the best....all my ex's lived close...thank God...I didn't have to deal with them here. If you really gotta have an easy access Canadian woman...stand up...turn off your computer...walk outside and talk to one. to all kinds of fine women from all over the planet...and be glad that they ain't some psycho ex who lives in stalking distance. It is all perspective. |