Community > Posts By > SVImager

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:56 AM

What do women want?

what each individual woman wants is different, and no one wants to be lumped into a group with the masses, just because of one characteristic (in this case, their being female). however, here's a few that matter to me:

a man confident enough in his own ability and who is bold enough to show his interest (doesn't matter whether there is pursuit or not).

a man who accepts me exactly as i am, flaws and all and never makes any attempt to try and change me, either the way i look, or the way that i think.

a man who doesn't make demands, expectations, or assumptions - either on me, or on the relationship.

a man who treats me with dignity, courtesy and respect and there is mutual support, admiration, interests, compatibility and rapport.

a man with a sense of humour, whether it be silly, witty, dry, even perverted...anything that gets me smiling and laughing.

a man who is at ease with himself and doesn't need me around to stroke his ego (stroking at the right times is okay, so long as it doesn't become a need, or a must).

a man who flirts, teases and banters with me, which indicates (to me) he is physically stimulated, as well as mentally aroused by me.

a man who shows me that i am the only woman he is interested in and attracted to in a romantic way. i'm not into competition and/or games.

a man who isn't averse to traditional roles and allows my feminine side to be nurtured while, at the same time, not relegating me to any sole position within the relationship.

a man who can recognize the difference between when I need him to take up for me and the times when i choose to defend myself.

a man who is wise enough to allow me breathing room with which to grow. the guy who tries to hold the bouquet of flowers as tight as he can, usually ends up choking the very life out of them.

a man who continues to do all of these things, even after the falling in love happens, and not because it is asked for, but rather because he wants to.

Wow.. very well thought out. Good Post.

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:47 AM

Wait. I figured it out.

Women want Brad Pitt. That's it. All us regular guys are doomed. grumble laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Brad Pitt before he got famous had troubles meeting with girls, just like us regular guys.

A million dollar and fame can BOOST up any man's confidence level. And that is what women want the "Confidence" and the "Passion" of a successful man. Not the actual money or fame (at least for most women.)

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:44 AM
Edited by SVImager on Thu 08/28/08 09:00 AM

I am not a typical lady... but most ladies just want to be respected, told they are beautiful the way they are, and felt like they are needed... I think... my problem is figuring out what guys want.. besides "in your pants"..

i think what you have described is what i do but i just come off needy and like a wimp. thats no good

as far as guys

If i had to be honest. id say all guys want to have sex. im no saint in this regard. Id also say to women this is a fact of life so either deal with it or become a nun. you have to be adult enough to know that if a guy asks you out hes hopeing to eventually sleep with you.

that said you also have to know that men also want to be in relationships. for that you have to capture his imagination.

Yep... you are 100% right.
But you have to get the sex out of your mind. Women can sense that. And if she sense it, you are blown out of the water.

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:38 AM
BTW, don't listen to the other woman's advice... being need of hugs and all that.

Yes do cuddle and stuff at the right time... BUT DON'T BE NEEDY.
That is the Number One Turn OFF and anti Sexual Value.

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:33 AM

The Million dollar question.

What do women want?

ive been out on a few dates lately and i think i could do better becoming an astronaut than actually ending up in a relationship.

Im a nice guy, i dont push. im at a point in my life where its more important to get to know a woman and have a real connection than it is to just "get some" as fast as possiable.

If women want a nice guy why am i closer to a job at NASA than i am to... a good night kiss?

Aside from my personal issues. This four is a good place for you Ladies to shed some light on all of us. We need it, why else would we be on a dating site. Please be detailed. Its the internet, no one can hold what you say against you.

What do women want?

(any guy who wants to add what men want, feel free. i dont think a lot of women appreciate the fact we may want more than just one thing)

HAHA... You answered yourself in your post.

Women don't want NICE GUY (PERIOD!!!)
BTW, They don't know what they want.
They will say what they THINK they want and if you match it... they don't want it.

Women base their decisions on EMOTIONS, how exciting you can make them feel or how secure you make them feel or how happy you can make them feel. It cannot be done by being Nice or giving in to them... it is not the same. Because at the same time you have to show Value & Confidence in yourself.

For instance, you don't take them to a out to dinner by asking "What is your favorite restaurant?" (nice guy routine). Be a Man and take them out somewhere they never been to before. Forget about 100% respect of Women's rights and Equal say, that is for Politics, but as for Man/Woman relationship someone has to take the lead as in the bible.

You opened a can of worms when you ask "What woman want?"
If you want to know more, read "Ways of a Superior Man."
The book describes the Masculine and Feminine and how the relationship flows. Sometimes the roles are reversed by gender... it is constantly changing and flowing. A Part of the Feminine role is to test the Masculine. "Get me a glass of water." "Why did you fail in that project"... etc.
Why would she say she doesn't ever want to see you again and doesn't mean it.

Dude the book is that good... I have avoided several fights when I remembered "ohhh, she is only testing my masculine..." that is what she does.

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:54 AM

....Then I find out that she told her friends that I'd stolen her number out of her phone, and I was stalking her.

Run.... she is psycho.
Count your blessing that you got away intack

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:52 AM

16 years of marriage...26 years of living together total. We grew apart & both made our own choices and were affected seperately by life...a seperate life for being 'Cinderella', never attending the ball, but keeping the home fires burning...mountain climbing & hiking trips for caring for my aged mother...another woman for him...a major health crisis for me...10 months of weighing options for him...10 months of lies and deception for the other woman & I. Me regaining my health...him enjoying his cake with realizing my own options...him wanting me to do the dirty work of ending the deciding to live for me again!

It sure was ugly, but I love a happy ending, don't you?

Oboy... that was ugly...

SVImager's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:49 AM

so- needless to say- i don't do second-chances when i get stood up at a date anymore. you screw up, and that's it- you're done. no if's and's or but's.

Totally agree with that attitude.
That is valuing yourself and your time.

SVImager's photo
Wed 08/27/08 09:25 AM
Try to learn what you did wrong.

SVImager's photo
Tue 08/26/08 09:06 AM
Edited by SVImager on Tue 08/26/08 09:07 AM
Yes... I DID believe in Magic... until the veil of Illusions and Fairy Tales was lifted and Reality of everyday issues slaps you in the face telling you to wake up from LA LA Land.

BTW, I do magic tricks for my kids.

SVImager's photo
Tue 08/19/08 11:49 PM

Some other man's cum coming out of her.....

shocked surprised noway

I think I'm gonna vomit.

I wouldn't put up with vomiting in my car either...
Oh wait... I did.

I have to find that link about a Guy and Sex and Vomiting.

SVImager's photo
Mon 08/18/08 09:16 PM
Some other man's cum coming out of her.....

SVImager's photo
Sat 08/16/08 11:37 PM
ALL Bullshiii poopy Fairy Tale Hollywood American Brainwashed answer... and the false assumption that cause the 60% divorce rate.

From the Bible: (paraphrasing, because I am not a bible thumper).
The Heart will betray you.
Use your Mind.

Lust is the emotional feeling that you get from seeing someone attractive and making your heart skip a beat. That is ALL. You don't know the person. You don't know what they are like. You don't know how they react to situations. You don't know their parents and their relationship with them. You don't know their Stock. In Which, the starry eyed American lover would say... "Love is all you need." Plus having Sex before marriage continues to blind us from the truth that the other person might Lack Characteristics and Values that we personally hold dear by emotionally tying us and overlooking such major flause.(sp?)

Majority of us that are on this site remembers OUR FIRST LOVE and how that Lust/Love falls apart in the face of REality and everyday challenges, because it is based on only 1 or 2 legs to stand against the storm of life. The other factors can add a leg or strengthen a leg (ie. something like good communication with each other- by itself it is weak).

The everlasting Love is not just endurance and it doesn't just come from the heart. It is base on time, your Free Will to Choose and grow a relationship spent and build together.

got to go sleep.

SVImager's photo
Sat 08/16/08 09:25 AM
I was wonder if anyone here have the same feelings as me.

When I was a kid, I know there was a certain smell on my parents' bed. It was the smell of the feelings of comfort, security and belongingness. It kinda smell like my dad.

I ask my daughters' the same question... how do they feel when they sleep in my bed? And they said the similar experience as I did.

How did the smell of your parents' bed make you feel when you were a child?

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 08:14 AM
Edited by SVImager on Fri 08/15/08 08:17 AM
My Rule is never meet anyone online.

But I do meet with guys from the Sportsbike forum.

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 08:10 AM
Edited by SVImager on Fri 08/15/08 08:11 AM

damn p u s sy..

This is so Freaking ignoring.
It is the meanings behind the word that makes it offensive.

Like I have to use "Freaking" for the "F" word.
I have to use "Poop" for the "S" word.

If some christian lady says "Sheeps" instead of "Shiii"... it is used with the same foul thoughts. Why censorship?

Now I am so piss... I can't sing the Pu ssy control song because of the Censor control.

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 07:58 AM

I need I insulting my fella if I call him a good guy now? noway

I'm gonna have to watch my mouth, and for you fellas that I've called nice guys? I didn't mean it! Honestly! I thought it meant kindhearted, polite and gentlemanly. Really! flowerforyou

Do what you always have done and try not to double guess what they think, thus further confusing the communication process.

If a guy gets the NICE word... it is like a code word meaning I do not value you sexually, but we can be Friends.

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 07:53 AM
A guy can't wait... otherwise she would think he isn't interested in her or think he is gay.

It is the job of the man to escalate the relationship.
A woman shouldn't have to do that... it will make her look desperate and easy.

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 07:49 AM
My friend whom I set up on a blind date in my place and dating that same girl the whole summer told me the reason why he broke up. This guy is pure gentlemen Army Officer and Honest and Loyal (I've seem him under pressure and never compromised his values) told me "Looks does matter."

SVImager's photo
Fri 08/15/08 07:34 AM
Edited by SVImager on Fri 08/15/08 07:41 AM

17. I'm Irish, I know this should come tatood somewhere on me like a warning label. No one EVER wonders where they stand with me. When I'm happy, you'll know it, when I'm angry NO ONE will doubt it.

Well, there you go... That's a deal killer for me.
Don't get me wrong. Irish girls are pretty and I go to the Irish fair every year and my best friend across the street is Irish and spills Red Wine on my carpet and tells the same Irish Jokes over and over again when he is drunk...then send his drunk Irish ass home.

It is the Irish attitude I can't live with. hehe
They are IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Read the first line of the top of my origanol post huh???

Don't fret, you're not my type to begin with.... you whine tooooooooooo much.

Oh... Yeah... Than I am going to have my Rule list too.
I spank Irish Girls.

#1. No Irish Girls.
#2. No Half Irish Girls... They are just as mean and aggressive.
#3. No Quarter Irish Girls, unless accompanied by 3 written reference stating she has a submissive personality and the Irishness is breed out of her.

I've been to Scarborough Faire.

No Egg Drop Soup for yau.

hehe.. Just having fun.
My two daughters are Quarter Irish and you can trace the tough feminine lineage all the way to Great Great Grandmother. There is definitely something about Irish women.

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