Obama is a meathead...he has NO fuggin' clue...just words to him...written by someone else... And you are less than a meathead with no fuggin clue about politics and future consequences.... and putting a dam foot in your mouth... like Bush smart. |
He needs to see his wife and kids living modestly and then have him see how ALL his victims has to live now. Let him feel the pain and guilt.
Wow... what a dilemma... and thats not even adding the additional issue of the step-family(s).
What you hate most in others
Edited by
Tue 01/27/09 11:25 AM
People who still praise, love, worship Bush
all that effort
It doesnt change the fact that its bad behavior. I get cut-off in traffic...bad behavior yes, am I going to stop it from happening, of course not. However, I thought one of the purposes of forums is to exchange thoughts and ideas, thats all I am doing. Maybe I can learn something from the responses. No... it is not bad behavior. (I am just making general statements... not personal... and not meant to insult your feelings, either). It is the new Medium and the nuances that goes along with it. It is like a total stranger calling you on the phone. It is like a Telemarketer calling you on the phone. Just because you called doesn't mean I have to answer or that you are a nice person. Flyace, is upset due to the lack of response to his "well-crafted" email... but little does he know, she is getting tons of email saying the same thing on the same subject from her bio's. |
What you hate most in others
People who lie and lie in your face and those who cheat.
all that effort
Actually I did read several of the posts, The initial complaint is sending emails and being ignored. The basic response is "It happens, stop whinning and get over it". Sorry but the fact that it happens often doesnt make it good behavior. Like I said it takes 1 minute to reply. The question is, why not slap a sentence together saying thanks but no thanks?...too much effort?...dont know what to say?? enjoy treating the email/sender as insignificant?? exactly. Let's see your masterpiece Email that you sent out... I bet it is boring and does not stand out from her other emails that she is getting from the other 100 or 1000 guys. BTW, The Worst sites for dating is the "FREE" Dating sites. (Tons of cheap guys not willing to pay for "Pay" Dating Sites.) The so-so sites for dating is the "Pay" Dating sites. (People looking for results willing to pay for it... because "Time" is an issue) The Best sites for dating is "MySpace" or "FaceBook" type sites. (It is base on the sheer number of people on those sites.) The strategy is like in real life. What makes you stand out from the rest. Unlike real life, you can fake and lie about it online. And if you are using the "I am a Nice Guy and I am interested in you" routine... wait in line... you're number 1001 in line. |
The New Holy War??
It is not a Religious issue.
It is not a Holy War, because their is nothing Holy on either sides about it. It is Smart Authoritarian People using Religion to get stupid people behind their movement. Religion are being used to stop Logic and people from asking deep probing question "Why". (They do that with Patriotism too). Simple stuff like... Die for your religion is warp from "Being Killed as a maryter(sp?) on a cross and stoned to death" to "Killing Others (Women & Innocent Children) and yourself." The best place to start and we have the most influence is our own gov't. Stop the Religious Christian Right. They have done more harm to this country than any outside foreign grown efforts. Put Religion where it belongs... in a Church. This is the path the Christian Right will lead us. Let suppose they WIN these two issue: Pro-Life and Stop Gay Rights. They will not end there... because the Political Power and Money is consuming and corruptive, even to a Christian Church. They will find more Christian Laws to take away your freedom. It will only end like another Freedomless Islam State. |
The New Holy War??
Dang, that was a informative read. I've often wondered what Christians in this country would do if the Tables were turned. They would become "Terrorists".... ooops I mean "Freedom Fighters" against the oppressive British empire. |
The New Holy War??
Nice Article.
I believe it is the same story again... from history. Christianity is not a fault here. It is the People in Power Using it/HiJacking it for their killings and justifications for killing. No one is going to follow a lie... you need a "truth", an undeniable "Truth" at its core and than twist it/warp it to what you want accomplished. IF you are a CHRISTIAN, you need to stand up and speak out That what they are doing in the Name of Jesus is WRONG and Blampheme. Otherwise, you are just part of the World. "you are either with me or against me" quote from Jesus (or was that Bush.. I am sorry... they've confessed the line between Republican and Christianity for the past 8 years). |
Good! Maybe the UN might want to hold those nations accountable for the backward ways they allow people to live (in ignorance & poverty) that is causing this irrational hatred & terror killings like a bunch of uncivilized peasants. It sickens me to see it. Ignorance... so Israel should be left defenseless? So much for being civilized...right? DUH! If you are Christian or Jew... you can kill in the name of God and everything is justified thru the Bible. Israel doesn't belong there. |
could you explain where i said any particular religion and i do not consider christ a religion i consider christ a figure head of a religious belief system created and abused by man to control mankind (christianity) as are most religions You didn't say any particular religion. But Christianity is in the forefront and align with Republican Conservatives to stop Gay Marriage. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and our savior. Like any effective powerful Manipulation & Brainwashing techniques, it requires an "undeniable Truth" base to warp and surround with LIES. Who would dare speak out against God, Family & Country? Why do all Con Email quote "God" or "Jesus"? (It pulls your Guard down... from asking "Why"). Man is corrupted and will corrupt any thing he touches, even religion. I believe the Gay Marriage issue was started by the Conservative Republican Christian Right. I don't know of any Gay people that thinks it is really that important of an issue to get married. |
When is a sin not a sin. Is their a chart. I want to say I beleive in the bible too. I beleive it is a sin for me to judge actions of any man. I also beleive that god wants me to come to him and accept him unconditionally not the other way around.. I do live by these because not to do so is a sin in gods eyes. Now if divorce is a sin, how is getting an annulment and what is it you pay to the church (plz do tell) not a sin any longer. Sin is Sin. We are warned the path of Sin = Pain. Than we are given Free Will to choose the path of sin or not. I don't think there are any Priest that still sell "sin forgiveness Tickets" in today's time. Back when the Church have the only copy of the Bible in Town, the Priest got away with money rip-off schemes. |
I have noticed that most (not all, I said most) men who are against gay marriage some how make it sound like two men marrying threatens THEIR sexuality? Two men being in love does not do any harm to a straight man, especially since most gay men are respectful enough to not hit on someone unless they know they are gay. Although, they don't mind seeing two women go at it as long as said women are hot. Most women who are against gay marriage (again, I said MOST, not all) aren't even really sure why they're against it other than because the bible told them so. Its a book. I will not take it as anything other than a book unless and until God himself/herself/their selves comes and tells me otherwise. I fully believe that God (whichever way you see him/her/them) loves unconditionally and doesn't have any grief with anyone being in love. The God I know is loving and does create such people to teach the rest of us acceptance and love. We're supposed to love everybody, not just those who are just like us. That would be the reason God makes gay people, so many different skin colors, and people with disabilities. We're supposed to learn to love and accept every single person we want to hate for being different. I oppose gay marrige, not for any other reason then my religious beliefs..I do not hate gay people or wish them harm..I believe that all Americans are guarenteed equal protection and rights according to our constitution..Now having said that, I am not sure what god you are talking about when you say that God is a god of love that teaches acceptance.. Unconditional love is a seperate issue to what you are referring to. But unconditional love does not mean that those he loves can do anything they want without reprocussions. The God of the Bible is a God of Love, Kindness, Forgiveness as well as a God of Wrath and Justness. We tend to highlight only the attributes that we know benifit us, and allow our conduct, but to not acknowledge the other attributes means that we don't comprehend His entirity. Gods word is complete and unchanged with time and just because we like to believe that it changes to meet our circumstances, doesn't mean that it is true. If you look at the Bible and how it deals with individuals and groups of people that live a life contrary to His will, he charges them to repent, and do not continue in the sin..Take the woman that was being stoned because she was a prostitue..Jesus stopped them because it was wrong to harm her, but told her that her sins were forgiven and go and do it no more..a clear indication of His intent and desire to live in His will..He did not treat her badly or wish her harm..but if she chose to live as a prostitue afterwards, then she would suffer Gods wrath..not mans..a pretty simple lession on how we should approach this subject.. this give your religion the right to protest gay marriage --------- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; --------- but passing a law any law passed on religion is in essence establishing said religion No.. it is not Christ that is protesting gay marriage. It is Politics with Power and Greed HiJacking Christianity. Christianity is prone to be hijacked, if you are a Rigid Legalist. A Christian with Strong Faith can question Why and will not follow blindly like a sheep. |
I oppose gay marrige, not for any other reason then my religious beliefs..I do not hate gay people or wish them harm..I believe that all Americans are guarenteed equal protection and rights according to our constitution..Now having said that, I am not sure what god you are talking about when you say that God is a god of love that teaches acceptance.. Unconditional love is a seperate issue to what you are referring to. But unconditional love does not mean that those he loves can do anything they want without reprocussions. The God of the Bible is a God of Love, Kindness, Forgiveness as well as a God of Wrath and Justness. We tend to highlight only the attributes that we know benifit us, and allow our conduct, but to not acknowledge the other attributes means that we don't comprehend His entirity. Gods word is complete and unchanged with time and just because we like to believe that it changes to meet our circumstances, doesn't mean that it is true. If you look at the Bible and how it deals with individuals and groups of people that live a life contrary to His will, he charges them to repent, and do not continue in the sin..Take the woman that was being stoned because she was a prostitue..Jesus stopped them because it was wrong to harm her, but told her that her sins were forgiven and go and do it no more..a clear indication of His intent and desire to live in His will..He did not treat her badly or wish her harm..but if she chose to live as a prostitue afterwards, then she would suffer Gods wrath..not mans..a pretty simple lession on how we should approach this subject.. I agree... very good points. The Path of Sin = Pain. |
Edited by
Sat 12/20/08 02:16 PM
"It may have been based on christianity but there are 3 very big words that goes with it.. FREEDOM OF RELIGON. When you bring church into state you take away that right..JMO" "The country was founded on freedom of religion. It wasn't founded on Christianity." Here is my understanding of the Freedom of Religion... from the HISTORY Channel. Around 1700's and earlier in Europe, People got KILLED because of their Religion. I am not talking about Christians vs Islam vs Hindu vs Buddists vs Scientology. I am talking about Bloody Mary - Queen Mary killing Protestants because she is Catholic and was against the people getting a personal copy standard book size of the Bible (vs the Catholic Giant sized Bible read only by Priest to the People). Lutherans being killed by other form of Christianity. The Founding Father idea was that you don't have to be a particular Religion in order to serve in Government. ie. you don't have to be a Protestant or Catholic to hold office or have a business or be discriminate against. Religion and Politics has throughout History try to LIMIT OTHERS' FREEDOM... Subjectgating them to their ways and beliefs. Simply, that is exactly what the Christian Republican Right are trying to do. Ask yourself this question... If We all say "OK"... no more Gay Rights and No more Abortions... (because none of these issues really affect me at all)... what will happen NEXT... The MONEY Making, POWER Greedy Craving Political Machine will find another issue to LIMIT other People's rights on... the path will eventually lead us to become just another Islamic Freedomless Religion Imposed State. (The Political RELIGION Machine will not be satisfy with just No more Gay Rights and No more Abortions...) |
marriage was around before the courts Marriage was around before Christ was born... before the Roman empire... before the Greeks... |
What I wish to know......is since marriage is a religious ceremony, why would anyone homosexual would wish to involve themselves in a religious ceremony anyways.....furthermore, due to seperation of religion and state why does one with a religious ceremony get bigger tax breaks than a person without....why is recognized by our government there? Just end it and grant the same rights to Unmarried partner as married partners with no definition of gender. grumble Marriage is NOT exclusive to a religion. People did get MARRIED before AD... 2000 years ago. There shouldn't be an issue whether a Gay man or woman gets married or NOT. The ONLY Reason why it is an issue is because it gets ATTENTION and MONEY and VOTES!!! This is how RELIGION gets sucked into POLITICS. All these TV Christian Leaders and Christian Right Republican Leaders are Guilty of Manipulation and Lying and MIS-REPRESENTING Christ. These are the same tactics and Methods used in Past History that disCredits Christians. (Past History like KKK, Crusade, Christians for Racism, Christians for Sexism, basically Christians limiting other people's Freedom to choose). |
Then don't look. ![]() It's probably gross to them to see a man and a women kiss. No... it doesn't gross them out seeing a man and a woman kissing. I am suuuurrrre they have a father and mother just like us. True story. I was talking to a lady about photographing her Lesbian wedding. Somehow, I mentioned as liberal as I am, I have a problem watching two guys kiss. and She said her too... It just grosses her out, too. |
: ![]() ![]() ![]() You want to talk Bible... lets talk Bible. The Bible also say it is not ok to Sin. Like adultery, stealing and lying.. and yet we continue to do this everyday. The Biblical rules are not there to condemn you like man's laws... it is a guideline... a way to show you, you are not good enough to get to heaven and that you need God/Jesus in your life. His Grace and Love even when you don't deserve it. The Bible didn't say drive a Car. The Bible did say don't be a part of the World and yet Christmas became a mockery of Christianity. Is it really about the birth of Christ or has it become a celebration of Consumerism. The Bible has talked about Blaspheme and yet every Christian Anti-Gay Rights and Anti-Abortion Leader are Blasphemous about God. There are a lot more important things in life than worry about two Gay guys having sex their way. You can't save them and passing the law and not passing the law will not save anyone from Hell. However, focusing on your own life can get you saved or save... which ever Christian religion you follow. Satan uses the Bible to condemn and shame people away from God. christians are so insanly worried sbout the splinter in other peoples eyes and refuse to see the plank un there own. That is why they are so upset about gay marrige, it keeps them from thinking about their own failings. Here is a theory of what is Happening.... Christianity has been hijacked by the Republican Conservative Party. Just like how Islam been hijacked by Terrorists. It is easy to suppress and Blind People with a powerful belief and FEAR. Who can criticize and be against God and their Good intention? Plus, you can't have Christians saying what the Christian right are doing is wrong.. because you would be Judging. I am a Christian and it is terrible what has been going on in the name of God. You don't suppress others in the name of God. You are suppose to show the love and Grace of God. I recommend 3 books: "Conservative without a Conscience" by John Dean (a traditional Conservative). "Stealing Jesus" "Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back" by Frank Schaeffer |