It is going to be a tough fight. Even poor people I know who would 100 percent benefit from Universal Health care cannot see or think pass the propaganda.
It is going to be a tough fight. Even poor people I know who would 100 percent benefit from Universal Health care cannot see or think pass the propaganda.
It is going to be a tough fight. Even poor people I know who would 100 percent benefit from Universal Health care cannot see or think pass the propaganda.
Through out my life I've always had this way of connecting with certain thoughts or emotion's, I've managed to bring out the inside of people out into the light creating a kind of bond that they rarely ever even realize. I've been told time and again, questioned as to how it is they could be so easily open with me, how I can know them so well in less than an hour and often I've heard people tell me I'm just psychic or something. Well, it's true but I'm not as self-centered as you might believe. The fact of the matter is Psychic's just don't exist. In reality the whole idea that someone can read you and fix you is completely false, it's a total scam that people die into and when it works they mistake their own inner strength to mean that this "psychic" or "magician" was somehow real. Look, I'm not saying Magic doesn't exist, in fact it's quite the opposite, It's not so exclusive. Every single person on this planet has the potential for psychic abilities, every person has the ability to create and utilize magic but people confuse it, they don't understand it and assume it's just some way to change someone or something. It's not breeding and it doesn't cost you money, YOU have the power and the strength to change your life, YOU have the power to turn things around in your life, that Magic is YOURS and no one else. Psychic's are a placebo, nothing more, when people believe that something will happen it usually does. Now, as for myself, I can't explain how I can read people suffice to say I draw it from a sound, an image in my mind and a feeling I get from speaking with that person. I sense these thing's perhaps out of some higher sense of self-awareness but it doesn't make it magic, it just means I'm more in-tune. Psychic and Magical intuition is NOT THAT SPECIAL. Stop spending your money and your lives on false faith and have faith in YOURSELF. Love yourself, love who you are and change your life through your own power and will. It is the same with God. God doesn't want you to use religion to change yourself, God wants you to be good for the sake of being good. Be true to yourself, love yourself and I promise you'll be alright. Hey it is in the Bible that different people are blessed with different abilities. So I believe there are Psyhics out there. However, from my experiences with Psychics and my Brother and Other Christians here is my belief: A Psychic (a very good friend of my Brother) said... it is in everyone to be a Psychic, but once you open the door you can never shut it. And it is a terrible curse that takes you out of Life. A Born Again Christian told me... when you open that door to the Spiritual World like sacrifices and rituals and idols, you open the door to Bad Spirits. She claims to have been posesses by demons and Only Jesus was able to save her... not the Priest or Bishops... but Jesus. BTW, I also think I am Psychic, but after the Psychic's warning... I will not go there. IF it comes it comes... always pray for wisdom what to do about it. I got more stories but I don't have time to post it. |
christians on muslims?
Edited by
Fri 07/17/09 10:11 AM
as a non religiious person im intrested to hear christian views on the minority muslims, "destructive" side Muslims are just like Christians. They are not anymore destructive than Christians. The Koran is similiar to ours minus the New Testimony. They follow Moses laws. Most of the Koran is about Moses. The Koran mentions Mary, Mother of Jesus, more than the Bible. The problem is some country using Religion to OPPRESS. We are not far behind... The line of Politics and Christianity are getting blurred everyday. Even my Pastor doesn't realize he is being Political not Christian. Example: Iran doesn't have Gays, because they Kill them. We are not far behind. |
I'm pro-life and pro-choice. Than you are Pro-Choice. |
Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy............. I am 100% proChoice... but I admire people who are 100% ProLife regardless of reasons of pregnancy. |
Do you believe in God?
Prove to me God doesn't exist. You can't Prove God Exist, either. |
"biblical" marriage
hi stephen for me the big bang theory just dont make sense that one day BANG!!! and this beautiful earth with trees, flowers, people, water just was. but i guess most of ya'll think it dont make sense to believe in a God who created all of this so i guess we will have to just disagree and that is ok nothing wrong with disagreeing with people that is what makes us, us. And I for one am very glad to be me. Ok, sorry babbling ![]() Anyway have a great week cya It is easy to understand. The Big Bang theory is base on what is observable and measurable and that is All. Believing in God that created it ALL, cannot be observable nor measurable because it is base on Faith. Whether the Big Bang theory is ever proven correct or replaced by another (which often happens in science), God trumps it all because it is constant and never changing. Just don't OPPRESS others with God. |
"biblical" marriage
just one quick question, if evolution did NOT discredit your Creation belief in anyway, would you still reject it? i don't get it, are you a christian or not? I am a Christian. I drink and I go to a Southern Baptish Church. I took 3 semester of Geology and learned about the Theory of Evolution. I watched a Video tape of a High School Teacher debunking Theory of Evolution and promoting Creationism. I agree with some ideas and proof for Creationism. But at the end of it ALL.... Creationism is just not Science. It is based on Faith. Science is base on the World, what is seen and measurable. You have a choice, you want to be apart of the World or the Spiritual World. The World will always be here till the end of days. Or you can be Spiritual like the Amish or an Islamic State. The Rest of the World have no problem with Evolution. They will continue their research base on the Theory in the field of Bio Medical and others. GET RELIGION OUT of SCIENCE. You are using Religion to suppress thoughts and it is going to burn you at the end. Religion goes bad when Man uses it for his Agenda (Politics and TV evangelicals) and to suppress others' Freedom. (like an Islamic state). And if you are non-Christian, you wouldn't know what the heck I am talking about. Than you would Group us ALL Christians in one Group just like how they Group ALL Muslims as terrorists |
I agree. I think if people can pull themselves away from the media circus of Palin/Jackson and look into the torture photos of Abu Graib they will be discusted beyond belief at what has been done in their name with our tax dollars. The torture issue should be the main focus of our media circus. regardless of the thinking behind it we violated the basic rights of every human being. Those are All Diversion and Deceptions. I remember when Bush would use the Gay issue and Religious issues to get us away from Focus. After some careful thinking... the Focus should be on the Christian Right. This is absolute the most Evil Cancerous Threat to our Free Democratic Country. It's message has nothing to do with God or God's Will but only to shield itself in the Cloth of the Lamb under false pretense of Family value, anti-Gay, and Pro-Life. In Which, statistically Christians have a higher rate of divorce than non-Christians... where is the Family Value in that. Gay rights and people are not destroying Family Values, but your hippocratical lies and empty hollow religion is. You know, Abortion is such a none issue. I would have "no more Abortion ever" in this country, but the state would fund Birth control pills and Morning after Pill and Total Health care of ALL unwanted Children born into this world. Of course that would never happen. The GOP would never allow no more Abortion ever in this country. That would mean 100% of their voting supports would disappear. They would have to find another Religious Heart Wrenching Issue that would further limit Freedom for "FFFAmmily Valuuue", until we are just like a Freedomless Islam State. |
"biblical" marriage
Lol! the bible is one evil book! I disagree. The Bible has the Truth. It is People that are capable of Evil. It is People that use the Truth to create LIES around it. The People is the Christian Right... a Political Movement using Jesus as an endorsement without his consent or payment. It is outright BLASPHEME!!! Therefore, the Christian Right is Evil. Ask yourself, How many people believe in order to be Christian, you have to be Anti-Gay and Pro-Life? Only Christian Right Followers will know you don't have to... but everyone else sees it all one group/thing. They successfully binded a Political movement with Sheep following part of Religion. Those who ask questions and challenges their faith everyday can see the deception. |
...What christian country has a SUPREME LEADER who has a their only qualifying point a fanatical and unrealistic hard my god is better than you god view of the world. Our SUPREME LEADER was Bush. Meshing Religion with Politics, in which, the WORD of God is MIXED with Man's Political Agenda. It is a very definite line that you have to be a Pro-life to be a Christian or Anti-Gay to be a Christian. Yeah... you will tell me you don't have to be Pro-Life to be Christian but yet you are. And All Christian Right are. To be a Christian you shouldn't compromise your moral values. That means Torture is Wrong. History will show how the Christian Right movement have dubbed everyone... just like how they did in the past for KKK |
Really.... When was the last time a christian beheaded a person for not converting. What christian country has a SUPREME LEADER who has a their only qualifying point a fanatical and unrealistic hard my god is better than you god view of the world. HAHA!!!! You only exist on the surface of reality. You are right... we, Christians don't behead people for not converting. But we kill Heads of States for not signing contracts. It is a simple offer to heads of states... sign the Western Favorable contracts (which screws the indigeous people) and the indigeous elected Leader will become a harsh Dictator with lots of American Cash and all his kids are guarantee paid College tuitions and American Jobs to funnel additional Cash. If you don't sign you die. If you can't understand how it is done... just do the Math. The ending result is Country's with vast Natural Resources are the poorest and the people are poor... have you ever ask the question "Why"? Religion is not the culprit... but an instrument used to control people by Evil people. Christianity was hijacked for Political Power. Islam like Christianity.. in itself is against the system and world order... it is a rallying voice against the system of greed and everything worldly. The System that we support and have a blind eye too is the one that causes world hunger and proverty. It is the modern version of Colonialization without an occupational Army... just a Dictator and a contract. We didn't start the system, we just got to be the best at it. If it is not us, it would be another country doing it. Gold is one of natural resources but today it is Oil and it is linked to our dollars. When Nixon Administration stopped backing Cash with Gold they made an agreement that same year to trade Oil only in American Cash... forever tying our money to that resource and power. Oil is power... It is worth more than gold and it provides power to our military. Saddam was one of our hitman. He is the model Dictator that we like in power... ruthless and total control of population. (Remember the picture of Saddam shaking hands with Rumsfield.) The best way to get to a Head of State is to bribe his bodyguard. Saddam was trained by us to kill the previous leader. Saddam knows our tactics and hence hired many actors unbeknownst to the teams of BodyGuards whether they are guarding the real Saddam. We didn't get to be the most powerful nation in the world just by playing nice. We did alot of dirty things. The Supreme Leader and Iran was the results of our failed attempts at controlling their resource. Something that we can not infiltrate with our system of religion and tempt with our vices (culture). They are the extreme answer to our extreme tactics. |
Have you Read "The Secret History of the American Empire."
Yeah.. we have the image of Freedom and Free Society and Anti-Imperialistic... but in Reality we are the current Imperialistic Leader thru Oil Contracts and World Bank Organizations without the use of a military to physically occupying a colony. We wear the sheep's clothing of Christianity. If it is not us in this Global position, some other country will take our place. Like Germany, UK, France, etc... we just got better at it that anyone else after WWII. The system cannot be stopped. It will consume you and corrupt you whether you are with the system or going against the system. Hugo Chavas sounds like he knows what he is up against... but the longer he stays in power and change things... the worst he will be as a leader and dictator like. I don't know. But so far my solution is as God says... be like an Alien to this world. BTW, The Christian Right is the system using Religion to control the masses. "The fundamental problem is a degenerate and corrupt Christendom." There is Truth in Christianity, but the system uses that Truth by cherrypicking and warping it to fit its political agenda. Just like how the Terrorists using Islam. If I were to fight the system (would also be called the World order to Christians), I would aim at the Christian Right. IT is absolutely Blasphame and Evil what they are doing. It is like using Jesus to endorse Pepsi except they are using it to endorse a Political Party ..... FOOORRRR FREEEEEEE. |
Regina Spektor on NPR
The CEO that sold Tinted Milk.... DEAD. The CEO that sold Lead Paint to Toys... DEAD. The Thief that robbed U.S Olympic Coach's Family at knife point... officially commited suicide after the robbery.... unOfficially encouraged to jump off a building. There is definitely a balance between Freedom and Justice. |
Edited by
Sat 06/27/09 11:51 AM
This is weird... I called Giocamo a meathead and Bush smart and he didn't respond.
I need more Bush-it ammo to fling. |
We should've protested the 2000 stolen election like they are doing in Iran.
I feel that the Republicans are not using common sense with this issue. We have to deal with Iran in the future and we shouldn't be meddling in their internal affairs. it's not's standing up for Freedom... What??!!!! Standing up for Freedom is mouthing off like an idiot. You know Bush did that with his Axles of Evil Labeling... what did that do except make more enemies. You are definitely as smart as Bush. You should stand up for Thinking... Free up your mind... get a little intelligent... like thinking before doing.... don't be a meathead. |