Nice doesn't mean nice
So what does it mean when a woman tells a man.. "You have a NICE ****."
What is the meaning in girl talk? |
Male Stripper
Guys are in a no win position for the most part. That is not true. It is how you frame it in your mind and what you believe. Are you trying to prove to her you are the guy for her? If you are, than you already lost... because you are proving to her. A successful sort after Man has women proving to him that she is worth it. He is not needy. He barely has time for her. He doesn't have time to text a million msg saying he loves her. The Nice Guy does. Successful guy is not a jerk. It is the issue of FOCUS. He has better important things to do... which also attract women. Law of Attraction... The Secret. If you think you lack, than you lack. If you think you are in a no win position, than that is where you are or will be. |
....What they don't want is some fawning yes man who constantly decalres his undying love, can't stand to be away from her, etc..... and men don't usually want those things from a woman either. It's unhealthy and almost parasitic.... You are right. From "Ways of a Superior Man", The words he used is focus. The Feminine don't want the man to be focused on her. The energy should be focused on God or Goals. Because she doesn't want his happiness base on her satisfaction. She want to see that he will and can go on without her.... (paraphrased) |
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Tue 08/12/08 08:20 AM
....Women want respect, the same as a man does.... Men wants UnConditional Respect... the kind that even if they fail to achieve their goals or in life.. their spouse is there to help pick them up and encourage them with words, not shove him down and bury him like the rest of the world. Women wants UnConditional Love... the kind that say you will LOVE her no matter what, even when she doesn't deserve it. A Women never ask, do you respect me... she always check even after 16 years.. "Do you Love me?". A men never ask, do you love me... but always graves the respect for doing. "Love & Respect" Book... forgot the Author. To me, This subject is mainly for maintaining a healthy Long Term Relationship. The Nice Guy issue is the initial stages of attraction. It sets the tone for the relationship. Some mentioned you like Nice Guys and there is nothing wrong. Did you ever get sick of him being so nice all the time? Girls like nice guys (who doesn't love being treated like a Princess... some straight guy), but they don't respect them. And, women have to respect their man. |
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Tue 08/12/08 07:31 AM
I believe in "Reap what you sow" and this applies to this topic as well. If you treat another with respect, 9 out of 10 times you will be treated in the same manner. Shallow thinking leads to shallow lives. Granted, there are exceptions to everything, but I have been a "nice guy" pretty much my whole life and have hed wonderous relationships. My marriage did not go south only because of her, I had a part in it also. When you lose touch with the way you are supposed to act and start expecting some sort of praise for it, you will be destined for doom. Well yes... I partially agree. If you are a Door Mat (nice guy), than you attract people stepping on you... or create a situation where you invite the person to step on you (kinda Conditioning the person to step on you)... Law of Attraction... Book "The Secret" |
question for the men
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Mon 08/11/08 05:09 PM
I am not on the "market" but I would advise men to be very careful when dating women who have young children. The girl-friend will make decisions she perceives to the correct ones based upon what she "feels" is best for her child(ren) not you or your relationship. You are not the parent therefore any advice you offer will carry very little weight. Should you question the decision she will bring that point up to you, leaving you speechless. Does any of this sound healthy to a relationship? Does it sound unrealistic that a mom would act that way? I don't think so based off of personal experience and what I have read here. I really want to know the pluses in dating a single mom. Can someone tell me? I agree... Step family are a big challenge. I have seen complications that you wouldn't ever think of. These are not your kids and you cannot be the head of the family and lead properly with today's accepted dynamics. I have seen two strong wise christian couple family nearly pulled apart because of step kids. One kid being rape by another kid. One kid hateful of being discipline brings up false charges of molesting. (another family). One kid choosing to go back to dead beat dad in retaliation of discipline. Worse thing that ever happened, the real father had to seat in the audience, while his daughter is being walked down the aisles by the stepDad. I hate to say it. You would need all... I mean ALL parents and Step-parents to agree on a grand plan as a unified force. Cause these kids have an agenda of their own. Other than that... I have not seen any books on the subject, but my church has programs to help "Step families". |
...He says that the woman is no good, and maybe half the people he knows will believe him. Know why? Cause even today we refuse to believe that a woman could do that... HAHA!!! the word you are referring to is Bit...h... a female dog. I think it does stick. |
women in law enforcement
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Mon 08/11/08 04:48 PM
Too tell the truth... everytime I see a Police woman... I am checking her out and thinking of her as a sex object. Like in Police Academy I... That blonde with the sunglasses. That was a movie, a satire no less...although some people do have a hard time differentiating between fantasy and reality. Uh Ok, duh, I just shallow... Anyway, Do you own a pair of 80's style mirrored sunglasses? hehe..JK |
Falling in love with you
"That is not Love, that was just an orgasm you had." and Run for the hills.
women in law enforcement
Too tell the truth... everytime I see a Police woman... I am checking her out and thinking of her as a sex object.
Like in Police Academy I... That blonde with the sunglasses. |
women in law enforcement
I know a Police woman who married an FBI agent.
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Mon 08/11/08 11:17 AM
Anyone got the subtle hint except for the whistling.. That if we switch roles... Women get away with treating men this way.
That's the NICE Guy taking the crap and loving it. (no self-respect Chump). |
Ask her if she wants a drink and than tell her Great... get me one too.
Wait for her to open the door for you. Look away when the check hits the table... or run. Talk or Text, after she pays the meal... setup next date... with someone better. Ask her to spring for the Hotel, so you can have sex. Finish her drink. Look at every Hot azz that walks by... whistle a couple of times too. Talk about your EX and how you ditched her. Talk about your past conquest and how you ditched them. |
Yes, yes they do!! I've decided to become a jerk, now I will start getting dates!! ![]() So... have you tried this: Ask her if she wants a drink and than tell her Great... get me one too. Wait for her to open the door for you. Look away when the check hits the table... or run. Talk or Text, after she pays the meal... setup next date... with someone better. Ask her to spring for the Hotel, so you can have sex. Finish her drink. Look at every Hot azz that walks by... whistle a couple of times too. Talk about your EX and how you ditched her. Talk about your past conquest and how you ditched them. |
women in law enforcement
HAHA... I never really thought about the issue before.
But now that I think about it. Every.. I mean EVERY Police woman or former Police woman I know are married to a Police man. But a Police Man is not necessary married to a Police woman. Maybe it has something to do with Musculinity & Femininity roles. |
If it wasn't true why is it always brought up. Because men are hunters, so only the so called strong guys ended up with the women, because nature takes over and women are like the rest of the female animals and are attracted the one who stand out right or wrong. There are also nice women that finish last !!!! That's the game and it wont change. Just remeber the movie Hitch. I know alot of good guys that chase women and would've been great together. I even tried to hook them up, but in the end. The women went with some A## and ended up alone or *****ed how much the guys were a jerk. So yes nice guys finish behind. Because nice isnt in. Women always say they want a nice guy but their definition of nice is different then mens. Assertiveness and confidence are in, with asprinkle of nice. Money aslo helps Good luck pup, ![]() ![]() Yep!!! Good Post |
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Sun 08/10/08 08:44 PM
two equal guys in looks and smarts, the guy with money will always get the girl. Nope... It is the character. Otherwise, if it is money than the girl wasn't worth it. A Shallow Girl will go for the money. A quality woman will go on character. I guess you are right and if you believe what you stated, than you are setting yourself up for shallow girls. (ie. enhancing yourself with more money image to attracting shallow girls. OR improving yourself to be a better Man... you will attract Quality woman.) Law of Attraction... The Secret (book). |
That is long and one day i entend to read it, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah... Women loves detail... I am sure they will read it. nope. didn't read it. Yes you will... YOu can't resist me and you want me. |
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Sat 08/09/08 09:34 AM
Because I always put them first and do and do and do not that I mind but all I ever hear is well your just to nice your always smiling your always happy don't you ever have a down day? You always look at things on the bright side can't you ever be mean and nasty? So I tried to be mean and nasty did not work for me. Nice looks hmmm yes they do say that and a nice body for someone being 50 what the hell is that suppose to mean? So you see you have you point of view on this and so do I. That is why we are all different if we were all the same what a boring world this would be. Someday I will find the man who likes NICE. Ok... I see your point. From what I understand the simple basic initial attraction formula for: Men, is visual cues (go figure... Make up and fashions.. I think this has to do with Media Programming with what is good looking and healthy)... Women, is based on deeper qualities like Confidence and Potential and goals and passion. Statistically, Leaders get more girls and they attract more girls. Ok, being Nice is a label for the type... not just Nice. Nice would negatively be described as Low Self-esteem. They don't value yourself or your time and that is why they give so much to the other person. They also become the Door mat, because there is no consquences for bad behavior. Non-attractive traits... (non Sexual Value Traits)... being Needy, insecurity, lack of Trust, Lack of Respect for oneself. There is more... I just don't remember everything that I read. BTW, it is not about being mean either... the point is have self-respect. Your time is important too. Being mean and being Nice... you are STILL focused on them. Don't be an Ahole. Push off gently if that is your nature... "I'm sorry I can't cook your meal... I have a prior engagement." |