Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 10:56 PM
Well, are you a Player?
If you are than you would've known the standard response. How did you meet her? How many girls have you dated in a month? Player rule #3: When accused of being a Player, Laugh and say "Me!!???!! a Player.. haha... no way... You really think I am that good-looking." Or... alternative line: "Me!!???!! a Player.. haha... Are you trying to get me in bed with you? I am sorry. I am gay." |
Why does it fail?
Because somebody's Needs are fulfilled and/or somebody is trying to get away with something and keeping secrets. |
dam i messed up
When is the second date?
Let's place bet whether she is going to show up. |
dam i messed up
Edited by
Tue 09/23/08 09:27 PM
Don't sweat it.
You will be fine. Women are attracted to a Man with Purpose and Passion and Goals. And that she is not your main goal in life. But are limited on patiences if you do this constantly. One or Two (Two is stretching it) miss dates are like telling her you are in short supply. Therefore she will perceive a High Demand for you. If you have too much time on your hand and you have so much time to call her... you will lose the girl as coming on a Needy and Goal-less in life. Too Much Supply, Low Demand. I have seen women fight over the last purse at a dept. store. |
Want NOT Need
I want a lover that don't drive me crazy I need a lover that don't drive me crazy Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Huh!!!! That is one of the points in the book I read... The more the sexual energy and satisfying between the two in bed... The more Frustrating in everyday Relationship. So, a Great Lover will drive you crazy. |
Want NOT Need
Lilith... yes I do agree.
Had to do some more thinking about what the Franshade and HeartSoul said (and Pastor/bible and other stuff). I agree you don't Need someone else to complete you. Otherwise it makes you NEEDY and the number one turnoff. You can be complete and aware (universal Awareness speaking) without another person in your life. Once you are aware and agree you are complete in yourself (or with God), you are able to be more selective and composed to choose your partner. HeartSoul.."Why are people wanting to complete someone is beyond mehuh "... Hollywood and Fairy Tales. Now, I have questions. What are your definition for Soulmate, Alone/loneliness and complete? |
I can't believe it...
Anyone noticed that when Dad dies the His children's marriage gets into trouble... like divorce.
Sorry Dude, about your marriage. The bright side is that it was only 2 months... it would suck if it took 2 years or 16 years to figure it out. Respect her wishes and keep your dignity. Everybody's a winner. |
Edited by
Sat 09/20/08 11:36 PM
<---------- I am a Robot. Please click on my website and give me your Credit Card Number plus your Social Security number and include a photo ID along with your last bank statement.
Do you want to buy some really cheap imitation Viagra? It looks just like the real ones made in America. Also pay me $50 and we will give you a Free $50,000 business just for sitting at home, doing Home Security. Don't forget to include your bank account number, so that we can deposit $1 million dollars in your account for only $5000. What a Bargain!!! |
Be careful on the roads.
Be Paranoid. Be Paranoid. Be Paranoid. Be Paranoid. Be Paranoid. Be Paranoid. Ride like they are all out to get you. Fight for that bubble space away from cars. |
Never met anyone on any site. Too many crazy people online. again .. just like real life babe ![]() Well, in Real life... you can see them coming a mile away. Online there is "The Filter" that negates... timely response, nervous ticks, obnoxious body odor, current appearance, bad temperaments, fashion sense, and for those women who loves a man with real confidence... it is easier to fake it on line than in real life. Of Course, I will say it is more efficient Time wise to meet online than real life. |
Want NOT Need
I thought you weren't allowed to have soda? ![]() hehe... it is not that way. I can have a coke if I want one... it's just that we don't stock any in the house. |
Never met anyone on any site.
Too many crazy people online. |
Want NOT Need
Edited by
Fri 09/19/08 12:08 PM
Yeah, but you brought the other stuff in to buff up your statement that it was about the bible as you corrected guesstimated I am not at all religious. C'mon, be honest. I'll buy you a coke? ![]() WEll, My first thought was the Bible, when you used the word "complete". That is such a trigger word for me. Yes, I am a Christian. The other stuff was information I read that answered the question "Why". I don't believe anything I say base out of the Bible would have anything meaningful to most people or you... it is my journey... my path that I choose to take. However, the other stuff is things I found along the way that does have meaning to most non-Christians (but not to the Christians, you would have to do Bible talk like Bush). Ok... now where is my coke? |
Want NOT Need
re: Adam he did not need Eve, he wanted companionship jmo (edited my own joke to not get the righteous to attack me ![]() "Stone Her!!!" ****throws a stone at Franshade... |
Want NOT Need
SVI I find it interesting you disagree only because of what the Bible says. I'd have had respect for your response if it came from you and not what you think you ought to believe. Just saying... HAHA... I ought to believe Marriage is forever, too. What I believe about "Truths"? When you were a Child you believe certain things. Than when you were a Teenager you know everything and believe differently. Than when you got married you believe in another way. Than another life changing event or time you believe in another way. I am a human being. I make mistake. I am not a constant throughout time. I cannot trust myself on my opinion today, because if I am to keep growing, I have to be willing to accept I am wrong today and yesterday. The Bible is constant... I may not understand it, but I just believe in it... Take it on Faith, is the only way I can describe it. I didn't only quote the Bible to you. I also got Psychology stuff and Secular writers that believes a man and a woman completes each other. David Deida uses Masculine and Feminine because it can be use for guy-guy and girl-girl models. I had a bride to be Lesbian agreeing to this... incidentally, one is dressed as bride and the other as a groom. |
Want NOT Need
Edited by
Fri 09/19/08 11:12 AM
...I can not be completed by anyone. I am whole, I am in no need of completing. I believe a relationship is 100/100 and that a partner enriches and compliments my life. A person who invigorates my mind, body, and spirit, and I theirs. I want a relationship, and therefore would never take it for granted or become complacent. I'd never settle just to have someone. I don't know about this part. "I cannot be completed by anyone". A life partner (not that kind of partner.. hehe) is suppose to complete you, according to the Bible. I don't know why or the exact reasons behind it, but I would have to go with the wisdom of God & Bible. (I'm preaching watch out) Adam was alone when he was with God. Adam was complete when he was with Eve. Now, in the secular book I read, David Deida states The Masculine completes the Feminine and vice verser... because they are opposites of each other like the North pole (no pun intended again.. HAHA) and the South pole... sexual energy is created from the arc of magnetism. The Feminine dances with life and flow of energy, The masculine is stiff and unbenting... they complete each other. Conflict and Drama is as much as a part of life as harmony in relationship... they are the spicy ingredient of life. But than again, I have seen 70 year old Monks without a wrinkle on his face... years of stress free woman less living. He seems complete. HAHA. |
Want NOT Need
I do not need anyone in my life. I am quite independent and capable of either doing for myself or finding a resource who can. I do not believe soulmates exist. Anyone agree or disagree? I think I agree... I don't know since we disagree on everything else. Ok. I agree soulmates don't exist. If the guy admits she is the only one for me or we are made for each other.... than later later later down the line this belief can create problems for not working on the relationship. IN my opinion, The soulmate belief goes hand in hand with the Fairy Tale belief that everything will be alright if we just LOVE each other and Happily ever after because it is Deemed.. or written in the Stars. But in reality, there is a lot of work and compromises and swallowing Pride (no pun intended) to make a relationship work. Like your Parents and sibling are the closest to your upbring and more than likely think the same way and behavior in similar ways and of course no one here really wants to live with them for more then a week before going crazy. Also, it is based on selfish reasoning that "I am Happy" in which Fairy Tale land everyone is "Happy" all the time and free from drama. Once the fairy tale Happy land ends... divorce. |
Why are kids horrible?
At one point, we would say to the kids... "Mommy and Daddy are going to do the "S" word." They go illllll and run off. Kinda awkward so we read a book instead. Having no kids around is better than having kids... sometimes.
Kids add spice to my life... ie: About 3 years ago, My wife got me a c()ck ring from a Sex toy party. It came in a little clear sealed wrapper. She showed it to me, just as I was about to sleep. Thought nothing of it, threw it on the night stand and went to sleep... I was tired to do anything. Early in the morning,something woke me up. The wrapper had fallen on my face. While half asleep puzzling over the wrapper (thinking I am going to get some morning fun), I looked up and saw my (at the time) 6 year old daughter with a big smile on her face and the c()ck ring on her finger. That s-toy looked like a cheap prize from an arcade. |
Cheating Lowlife Ex
If you think you are fifty percent responsible for your wifes cheating, I suggest you go get some counseling. And if your pastor agrees you are partially responsible I suggest strongly you get another paster. The only person at fault, insofar as the cheating itself is concerned, is the cheater. I am not saying things were great in your marriage, but it was SHE who cheated on you, not you cheating on her. The Counselor and Pastor will say not 50%, but somewhere in the 25-40%. Cheating is a symptom. Something is very wrong in the relationship. A basic need wasn't met. Yes, it would be easier for me to leave the situation and watch the Train wreck of her marrying the other guy. But my kids would have been on that train. BTW, the other guy was a friend... He already had 3 previous divorces... His current marriage is with a woman whom he was courting while she was still married... After my wife, he was cheating again with another housewife. From my wife's account and stories, I know he used series of techniques to seduce woman. I recognized what they were from doing research. Simple things like: being leader of the tribe, Demonstrating Higher Values with made up stories, being unpredictable... etc... I also found 4 reasons why a good girl would cheat. If these 4 condition exist in your marriage, than she is susceptible to the wolves out there. A responsible and proper pastor/counselor will nt place ANY of the blame on anyone other than the one at fault. yes there may have been problems in the relationship, but no matter what those are/were it does not excuse or absolve the persons guilt if they choose to have an affair outside the relationship. If the problems are that bad, then it is their responsibility to end the relationship first, and THEN pursue another relationship, not prior. I am sorry my friend, but you are deluding yourself by believing you are at fault in anything to do with her infidelity. you are at fault for anything You have or have not done, yes, but you did nt put her in bed with the other guy, hold a gun to her head and tellh er she had to have an affair. She chose to do that all on her own, so the blame is all hers. None of the counselors (3 in total, 2 christian base, 1 non christian), placed any blame on her. I see the point of our misunderstanding. You see it as excuse or absolve someones guilt. That is not the case, We see it as each person oweing up to his/her own responsibility for their role in the affair. Of Course, like I said there are 4 reasons why wife cheat. One of them, "View Cheating as normal interaction" is not going to heal by the method we have chosen. Even now, I still have my doubts whether it is going to work. We finally link it back, to her childhood exp. and her lack of respect for herself. Another source is "Love, Sex and Long lasting Relationship" by Chip Ingram... The author describes "It is a slippery slope." She was not going to sin, but like to play at the edge (temptation) and she slipped. It is quick and it destroys. Daniel.. you speak as if you are very well educated, but I don't believe you are speaking from an expert point of view, but rather from an emotional point of view. Please clarify what is your background on the subject? Only 1 out of the 4 conditions meet with your suggestion of blaming 100% her fault. The others are caused by "Needs" not being met in the relationship. |
A Weighted Issue
Lifestyle Change... I don't really mind it.
I like being very selective what we eat... but the contradiction of eating healthy and than adding only junk food that she likes, drives me nuts. Like no Sodas, but having beer is ok. I am not particular into sweets. I would like it once in awhile. We got this delicious Chocolate Cheesecake from the Cheese cake factory. By the time I got to it, it was gone. You snooze you loose.. |