Community > Posts By > ChiefPUA

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Thu 02/28/08 08:22 AM

Have you ever waited for the 2nd shoe to drop? Maybe you never got closure? :cry:

hey uh
what does that mean?
call me stupid, but ive never heard that expression before.

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Thu 02/28/08 08:18 AM

Chief, will you go out for coffee with me?

Has it been 71 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 12 seconds already? lol

yes. hit me up if ur ever in new orleans :smile:

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Thu 02/28/08 08:15 AM

Yes, I do, but I do it in an harmless, sarcastic unassuming way... kinda like

"Excuse me miss... Ummm... I was looking for the Starlight adult theater, would you know the location?"

For some reason, it rarely ever works... :cry:

Doesn't work because you said "excuse me." Here's a challenge for ya: try that exact line minus the excuse me (just say hey instead) and notice the difference in results.

It really doesn't matter how silly, outlandish, or random your opening line is as you are coming from a position of confidence and fun. "Excuse me" usually comes from a position of "I'm sorry for talking to you because I have no right to talk to strangers and I have zero confidence in myself."

The best opener i've heard recently was from one of my friends named Fernando. He went around at a party, high energied, asking random girls "Hi! Are you Fernando? No? Well, I'm Fernando. Nice to meet you!"


It really doens't matter WHAT you say. Just f*cking say SOMETHING. It's all in the attitude :wink:

...just don't say/do anything creepy or you may end up with a face full of mace or worse lol

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Thu 02/28/08 08:08 AM

you should wait AT LEAST 71 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 12 seconds after meeting someone to ask them out to coffee. If you can time that EXACTLY on the dot, it means you two are soulmates.

Actually, you could easily arrange a coffee date with someone you just met half a minute ago.

Ha, don't say that. You know someones gonna try it.

you mean i know someone's gunna try the first part or the second part? the first part is sarcasm and a completely stupid idea. the second part is completely legit and people should definitely try it. im serious, by the way.

no photo
Wed 02/27/08 09:36 PM
you should wait AT LEAST 71 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 12 seconds after meeting someone to ask them out to coffee. If you can time that EXACTLY on the dot, it means you two are soulmates.

Actually, you could easily arrange a coffee date with someone you just met half a minute ago.

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Wed 02/27/08 09:32 PM

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Sun 02/24/08 11:44 PM
Instinct and intuition can say a lot more than you think.

Completely forget about the entire notion of cheating and just hang out with your girlfriend a bit...

After a while, try to notice if you are acting any more jealous than usual. Try to notice if she gives any complaints saying that you've become more jealous or posessive or anything like that.

Here's the thing... when a female in a relationship cheats on her significant other, she knows it, and will give off evolutionarily hard-wired subtle cues that she may be seeing other men. These cues are very subtle and she will not be aware of them. YOU will not be consciously aware of them, either, but your BODY will. You will not KNOW if she cheated on you, but you will FEEL that she cheated on you.

There was a psychological study done (I forgot the details of who did it and when it was done so I can't cite my sources... I look into a LOT of psychology studies) where the population being studied consisted of couples in relationship counseling, where the woman was complaining about the fact that the man has been acting irrationally more posessive and jealous lately, and his temper would wane toward anger a lot easier.

The researchers would pull the women aside and tell them that they are doing a survey study for science, and that anything she tells them would be completely anonymous and confidential. They asked the women, "Have you ever cheated on him?" The vast majority (I forgot the percent) of the women admitted yes.

These men in relationship counseling could not explain why they were being more jealous and posessive lately. They admitted to the fact that it may be a problem in the relationship and they were very much confused themselves... but apparently their bodies were only responding to evolutionary triggers that said, "she's cheating on you."

It was all intuition/instinct.

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Sun 02/24/08 03:12 AM
Most men may actually feel some inherent intimidation from women who make more money than they do.

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Thu 02/21/08 08:50 AM
PUAs are all about having fun :wink:

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Thu 02/21/08 04:09 AM
Ok so I was talking to my friend (we call him Choi Boi) on AIM and he comes up with this fantabulous idea...

A scavenger hunt date. I took the idea and ran with it in my head.

DOUBLE DATE: Two couples, two teams. Pick a home base location. First team to come back with all the listed items (or pictures) wins. Losers have to buy everyone smoothies or something.

Regular Date: No competition since there's only one team, but still fun. Just hunt around your park, campus, downtown, or wherever for all the stuff on your list.

I also think it'd be a great idea to have a lot of items on the list that require picture-taking (such as certain statues or buildings) so you can have the opportunity to take pictures with the two of you in them. Instant memories.

I am so going to implement this idea... as soon as I'm done with tests and pledging. jeez.

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Tue 02/19/08 10:45 PM

I was talking to this girl on hear. I told her I was moving to North Carolina. She lived up there. My laptop died and I just was able to check it today. Her account was deativated. I feel like I screwed up soooo bad.

huh How did you screw up?

I was thinkin the same thing, totage... but we come from a more enlightened frame of reality :tongue:

I just want to point out that this guy's username contains the word "poet" but his first sentence has a blatant spelling error. yay irony! drinker

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Tue 02/19/08 10:40 PM
that's for the girl to decide - and it depends on her sexual appetite, YOUR sexual appetite, your sexual stamina, and your ability to satisfy her.

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Tue 02/19/08 10:37 PM
just 2. one is a real-life friend from before JSH and the other one is a dude who just likes my advice.

chyllax dude. just cuz people haven't added you as favorites doesn't mean you don't have fans :wink:

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Tue 02/19/08 01:53 PM
I'm 18 and I flirt with women in their 30s in the bars and clubs a lot. I've made out with a cougar on the dancefloor. The closer they are to my mom's age, however, the less likely it will be for me to flirt with them.

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Tue 02/19/08 01:49 PM
that's a general profile for someone with antisocial personality disorder, which could fall under psychopathy or sociopathy.

i taught pickup to someone like this before, and it was one of the biggest mistakes ive ever made. frown

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Tue 02/19/08 01:45 PM

ok, i'm back on this subject again, our massage is tomorrow and I was thinking a little bit. I haven't told her about it, I was using it as a surprise. I realize that it could be a little revealing, I don't know much about massages, I do know they give us robes to wear, but do we take them off before we lay down? not sure. The only reason I am concerned about it is because we haven't seen each other naked yet, and I don't know how comfortable she will be with this. I really hope to get some advice on this, whether I should tell her or keep it as a surprise .

aint something id worry myself with if i were you

...i mean unless youve got some self confidence issues with revealing some of your skin... but most of us guys get over that in the middle school gym lockerroom

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Mon 02/18/08 02:59 AM
um... what's the freakin occasion??

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Mon 02/18/08 02:58 AM
Let me ask you this:

Would YOU feel more comfortable talking to a stranger in a black ski mask (so you cannot see his face)?

...or would you feel more comfortable talking to a friendly, smiling face?

take those feelings you experienced while visualizing those situations and multiply them by ten. That's how women feel. They are a lot more sensitive to their emotions.

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Mon 02/18/08 02:53 AM

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Mon 02/18/08 02:51 AM
for most guys, it's all a matter of a lack of skill from a lack of the right social education. for me, it's all a matter of choice.

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