Community > Posts By > ChiefPUA

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Thu 12/20/07 09:21 PM
haha dude there are so many opportunities to meet people out in the world

you just gotta grab your balls and step up - quit hiding behind fear as an excise to not get out of the house

dont do bars? go to them anyway! you might meet some guys that know what theyre doing (maybe a PUA if ur lucky) and u can ask them to show you the ropes.

go to bookstores, cafes, yoga classes (lol), religious organizations (if ur religious in any way), the streets of downtown, malls, etc. etc.

however, if you make yourself to be too shy to talk to people in these places it wont make a bit of a difference. grab your balls and step up!

no photo
Thu 12/20/07 09:14 PM
u arent looking hard enough
or maybe u just arent getting to know enough women
get ur ass out there and say hi to the world!

no photo
Thu 12/20/07 09:08 PM

how bout a 40 and some BK??laugh

ill take the 40 but we better be goin to the higher-end BK lounge
and u better have some cute personality quirks to make up for the lack of fancy wine and dining lol

How about a BK with a playplace...ball pit and all

oh thats still not gunna compensate for a lack of cute personality quirks if ur implying that ur nothing but just another pretty face :tongue:
is that what ur sayin? sick

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Thu 12/20/07 09:00 PM

I thought this belonged here:

"A limiting belief is something that you believe about yourself, other people, or the world--and although it isn't actually true, the fact that you think it is holds you back from experience and success.

LIMITING BELIEF: All I have to do is "be myself," and eventually I'll meet the right woman who likes me for me.

REALITY: This works only if you know exactly who you are, what your strengths are, and how to convey them successfully. Most often, this statement is used as an excuse not to improve. What most of us present to the world isn't necessarily our true self. It's a combination of years of bad habits and fear-based behavior. Our real self lies buried beneath all the insecurities and inhibitions. So rather than being yourself, focus on discovering and permanently bringing to the surface your best self."

haha nice
my nocturnal habits are preventing me from doing the missions tho laugh

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Thu 12/20/07 03:15 AM
Edited by ChiefPUA on Thu 12/20/07 03:25 AM

Talk to her maybe she needs somebody to listen to her ....

The man who acts as her emotional tampon winds up in the friend zone, and there's no denying that. She should be complaining about her issues to her fellow girlfriends and "nice guy" friends as she tells him, "you are such a sweet guy, but I love you like a brother. You just have't met the right girl yet." The man that is supposed to be a potential mate should be all about positive emotions, and she should not be tainting the positivity with her past issues. If she doesn't already have friends to vent to, then she's got deeper issues if she can't make any normal friends.

dcrdnk has it right - give her a second chance by "testing the waters," as he says, and either stop her or drop her.

That being said, the dynamics shift once you actually get into a committed relationship with the girl. A boyfriend and girlfriend should be there for eachother.

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Thu 12/20/07 03:04 AM

I can't help but think of hardcore Christians who have found God and spend every waking moment trying to convince others of their newfound beliefs.

I am being off topic but please refrain from this kind of stereotyping. I am an (orthodox) Christian and I am proud that our religion promotes respect, acceptance, understading and love for everyone no matter their ethnicity, religion, etc. First and foremost we are taught to respect the beliefs of others.

We may show what our religion is about ("love your fellow people and be kind to them") but whether or not they wish to believe in it, is a personal choice of each individual.

What you said reminded me more of Muslims - "Kill the infidels and you'll go to heaven" as their "Bible" , the Koran, mentions.

Wow, I'm with you about stereotyping christians then you lost me with your stereotype of Muslims. How about you actualy take time to read the Qu'ran (Koran is indonesian for newspaer) and then talk about Islam, the Qu'ran only justifies holy war against a group who is trying to attack Islam itself. So yeah, please go read the Qu'ran instead of believing everything Pat Robertson tells you;^[

I have no idea who Pat Robertson is.

He's that guy that ruins your moment of comedic elatedness after you watch Who's Line is it Anyway with the 700 Club airing directly after.

Anyway, I think you should educate yourself toward tolerance, dude... There shall be no ignorant acts of religion-bashing here.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:12 PM

still not gonna fall for games or their stupid ways
once i kno a girl is doin this to me i end her game and tell her bye before she even tries to think she can fool me

and i like how some girls like to guilt trip us men lol

good luck with that, man. :wink:

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:11 PM

laugh laugh laugh

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Wed 12/19/07 11:04 PM
Edited by ChiefPUA on Wed 12/19/07 11:05 PM

how bout a 40 and some BK??laugh

ill take the 40 but we better be goin to the higher-end BK lounge
and u better have some cute personality quirks to make up for the lack of fancy wine and dining lol

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:04 PM
Edited by ChiefPUA on Wed 12/19/07 11:04 PM

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:56 PM
I watched the movie The Secret lol

lol i remember this one episode of Family Guy where Mel Gibson fell off a cliff and Peter was like "Christians don't believe in gravity" laugh

but yeah i'm all for the law of attraction

what's the law of healing?

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:54 PM

tell her that you had sex with your ex girlfriend 12 times a day and no one could replace her, but after her sex change things weren't quite the same.


no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:53 PM

i wish i could just forget about my ex but i cant....any sugestions

you have 2 options

1. meditation - learning to let go of attachments. (check out zen buddhism)

2. new girl(s) - redirecting your focus to other females. plenty of them are just as good or better as the ex you are obsessing over. (check out PUA stuff)

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:48 PM
wouldnt make any difference if you were anywhere else in the world if you were using those same conversational skills.

sounds like you are mostly in responsive mode. thats a no no. it kills chemistry. be at cause, not the effect. YOU must bring up different conversational threads.

you think the problem has something to do with the fact that you are stationed in iraq. that's just an illusion.

you just need better dating skills. check out my thread "Pickup Artist Secrets Revealed!" for more info.

best of luck, man.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:43 PM

3) Meal ticket -- She keeps him around because he'll buy her dinner, and
stuff and that's really all. My personal opinion on this, BTW, is that
if it's going on, it's the guy's fault. He has failed to create
attraction on her part and besides, who can blame her?

It IS the guy's fault if he failed to create attraction.


Beat that into your skulls.


Anyways, yes, this sentence does imply that any man has the power to CREATE attraction, regardless of the traits he was born with. And yes, this does imply that most men today inherently don't know how to create attraction. Yes, there are ways to learn.

It's so damn simple yet most guys blind themselves to the skillset.

Hm...must be natural selection.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:28 PM

he was drunk? OHHHHH well if youve had one too many you love EVERYONE bigsmile

drinker drinker drinker

drinker drinker drinker I LOVE YOU! drinker drinker drinker

Yeah I get that a lot, but my response is always the same:

You've got to wine and dine me, first, babe. :wink:

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:51 PM

And "WHO" makes the rules??????


For men...
His name is Neil Strauss

For women...
Her name is Ellen Fein (oh, and Sherrie Schneider)


no photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:48 PM
but that doesnt make u any different from anyone else
you were being guided by emotion, not logic

the word "stupid" describes something being guided by poor logic
logic wasn't even part of the picture here because it was all emotion

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:45 PM
make up an imaginary ex girlfriend with all the same problems and be like OMG i know what you mean blah blah blah and after like a minute be like no i was totally bull****ting. stop talking about your ex.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 04:41 PM
he was drunk? OHHHHH well if youve had one too many you love EVERYONE bigsmile

drinker drinker drinker

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