Community > Posts By > ChiefPUA

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Fri 12/21/07 10:32 PM
that one is good sometimes for some environments

wouldn't recommend it for most Night Game scenarios like a bar or club though

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Fri 12/21/07 08:52 PM

lol just use this to practice flirting or whatever and get out of ur house to meet people in real life

like at clubs, bars, malls, community events, downtown, etc.

ooo try meeting someone while volunteering for a good cause. it builds character and also the women u meet will surely have good hearts bigsmile

Thanx for the advice there chummer

But it strikes me as funny that the advice you give is also a practice we use in the auto sales biz.laugh laugh

huh? u meet women in auto sales? huh

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Fri 12/21/07 08:25 PM

Chief, your the one who made it sound like that.

just because i think i may have something to offer in one subject doesnt mean i think i know it all

it was ur own assumption that created the false perception

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Fri 12/21/07 08:20 PM

Nope, I'm not quick to judge, just don't like people who think they know it all.

u were sure as hell quick to judge that i thought i knew it all :wink:

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Fri 12/21/07 08:15 PM

LOL laugh laugh
Your 18 and now you know everything, that's so funny. I have kids older then you.
laugh laugh

quick to judge, eh?
whatever floats your boat miss

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Fri 12/21/07 08:07 PM

and now that i figured it out, i have one question, and this is for the ladies. Why is it that most women are so superficial , that they will not date a heavy set male?

what the HELL are you talking about???
just because you have failed to attract women in the past due to a lack of understanding of women and the dynamics of courtship doesnt mean that the reason lies in the fact that you are a heavyset!
ur lookin totally in the wrong place. fat guys can get any girl they want if they knew what they were doing. i can't stand it when guys whine all the time about how they can't get laid because of some dumb excuse reason that has nothing to do with the real matter at hand: the lack of a learnable skill.
check out my thread "pickup artist secrets revealed!"

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Fri 12/21/07 07:54 PM
u cant "earn" a kiss by giving her stuff!

just build sexual tension to the max, dude

it'll happen naturally if you do

you'll both feel that undeniable urge

and then...

smoochy smoochy! smooched

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Fri 12/21/07 07:49 PM
aw man if you were in lancaster CALIFORNIA i could totally help you out cuz i know a sweet caring girl who lives there

anyways have u tried meeting people at bars and malls and stuff like that?

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Fri 12/21/07 07:29 PM
lol just use this to practice flirting or whatever and get out of ur house to meet people in real life

like at clubs, bars, malls, community events, downtown, etc.

ooo try meeting someone while volunteering for a good cause. it builds character and also the women u meet will surely have good hearts bigsmile

no photo
Fri 12/21/07 07:14 PM
make friends with the S&M person

and try it out once to see if u like it

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Fri 12/21/07 07:12 PM

hey PUA: free advice is not always wanted advice.

then dont take it
simple as that

no photo
Fri 12/21/07 07:01 PM
well if u actually want references, check out Sexual Strategies Theory by Buss and Schmitt (1993) and Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man by Trivers (1973 i think)
there are also many scientific books you can check out like the selfish gene by dawkins, the red queen by some guy, sperm wars by some guy... uhhh...yeah.

self-serving my advice may be for the most part, but it results in the best possible outcome for everyone. sounds pretty logically GOOD in my opinion.

and uh
if u dont compete...yeah thats kinda goin agaist human nature. i accept and embrace human nature and celebrate it's simple complexity. i don't just block it out and live with ideals against it.

Trivers concluded in his studies that the sex that invests the most amount of energy into offspring is the choosier sex when it comes to mating partners, and the sex that invests the least energy faces intrasexual competition where they fight amongst themselves over the resource of sexual opportunity. In the human species, women invest more energy with excruciatingly painful childbirth and connecting through oxytocin and whatnot, actually risking death in the process. the male invests an ejaculation...NOT risking his life. males face intrasexual competiton. its the other way around for seahorses.

if u wanted me to cite my sources i wudda done that from the getgo

The way I see it is this. If a women gets my attention... She has my attention. Above all others. Generally, part of that is ~ I've got her attention too. Above all others. Anything less then that? Is not really worth pursuing, beyond friendship.

So, according to Trivers and my own observations, it's really easy for a man to give his undivided attenion to a woman, but he is always competing with other males for HER undivided attention. Hey, maybe it just doesnt feel like a competition to you because you're already on top as alpha, but look behind you and/or under you and you'll see a lot of guys envious of your position. Or... you may have noticed the ratio of your attention-giving is pretty unbalanced.

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Fri 12/21/07 04:42 AM

Ok, I know this is a dating website and I have complete respect for people who are seeking to get to know people and find their better half. But are any of you getting random ims from people for the first time...talking to them for about 5 minutues and then having them try and pressure you to get involved in a long distance relationship with them or fly out to wherever they live so they can "take care" of you? I'm relatively new to this site and I've been getting a lot of those ims, which I find weird because my profile states that I'm looking for friendship. However, even if I were looking for a relationship, I'd at least want to get to talking with someone for a good amount of time and then meeting them before commiting to anything. So I find it weird that these people are wanting to "settle down" right away with me, after talking for 5 minutes. Is that how this online dating stuff works? What are your thoughts?

men dont understand foreplay
silly men :tongue:

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Fri 12/21/07 03:03 AM
aw sh!t that SUCKS

f*ck that roofie sh!t

goddamn idiot guys tryin to get into womens panties with illegal and f*cking stupid methods cuz they cant f*ckin get laid

just be goddamn social and UNDERSTAND WOMEN so you can actually build genuine attraction goddammit. using drugs and alcohol to seduce is just f*cking disgusting. JESUS.

sorry ive had a couple drinks myself :tongue:

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Fri 12/21/07 02:59 AM


its so obvious

have those girls love each other just as much as they love you and youre set!!!

look up suzy bauer

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Fri 12/21/07 02:55 AM
ok im a little tipsy but ive got this to say, jistme.
all this PUA stuff
ok i mean ur lookin too deep into this sh!t to justify your stance against it, but relax dude. from another viewpoint, all this PUA stuff is nothing but a social lubricant as a whole for society that encourages the flow of positive social interactions, which i think is a definite good thing. heeeyyy switchin from psychology to sociology here.
anyway its just another option for men to take so that they dont get left behind in the dating rat race or whatever you wanna call it.
now lets all sing songs or somethin drinker drinker drinker

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Thu 12/20/07 09:53 PM

start acting really really REALLY nice, forward, awkward, and clingy to both of them. act as if you would die without their attention. act really really desperate. don't overdramaticize this because you want it to be convincingly real. both of them will get bored with you really quickly.

trust me, it'll work.

Then again this might happen if you do the above, they might both want to marry you. So it's a tightrope you walking. As I stated before you have to be honest with the ladies and hope for the best.

they wont wanna marry him if he sounds desperate.

oh, and be sure to write really desperate sounding love letters and poems to the one you dont want sticking around... oh, and it'll help if those poems were actually kinda bad and unoriginal lol

One of them keeps begging me to write a poem about that wont' work my friend

do everything they tell u to do
supplicate and show that u are a beta male

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Thu 12/20/07 09:32 PM

start acting really really REALLY nice, forward, awkward, and clingy to both of them. act as if you would die without their attention. act really really desperate. don't overdramaticize this because you want it to be convincingly real. both of them will get bored with you really quickly.

trust me, it'll work.

Then again this might happen if you do the above, they might both want to marry you. So it's a tightrope you walking. As I stated before you have to be honest with the ladies and hope for the best.

they wont wanna marry him if he sounds desperate.

oh, and be sure to write really desperate sounding love letters and poems to the one you dont want sticking around... oh, and it'll help if those poems were actually kinda bad and unoriginal lol

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Thu 12/20/07 09:27 PM

start acting really really REALLY nice, forward, awkward, and clingy to both of them. act as if you would die without their attention. act really really desperate. don't overdramaticize this because you want it to be convincingly real. both of them will get bored with you really quickly.

trust me, it'll work.

hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

i know its funny but im serious. itll work lol
which is why its funny i guess :tongue:

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Thu 12/20/07 09:26 PM
start acting really really REALLY nice, forward, awkward, and clingy to both of them. act as if you would die without their attention. act really really desperate. don't overdramaticize this because you want it to be convincingly real. both of them will get bored with you really quickly.

trust me, it'll work.