Community > Posts By > ChiefPUA

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Mon 04/21/08 04:14 PM

lol im like teacher's pet in that class

:heart: hey stranger.....

Hey oddball :wink:

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Mon 04/21/08 03:47 AM
Yeah, approach women you are interested in while detaching yourself from the outcome and assume rapport from the start so that you may allow yourself to converse comfortably.

And remember, women are human just like you and me, not some scary monsters that bite your head off if you say the wrong thing.

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Mon 04/21/08 03:33 AM
escalate the flirting to make it heavier and heavier and a lot more obvious. he'll either get pressured into asking you out (if he's single) or yall will just continue flirting and you won't get that awkwardness you so fear.

or just go to that joint alone sometime...but still escalate the flirting.

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 03:30 AM
lol im like teacher's pet in that class

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 03:21 AM
get your own :tongue:

id give u one but what do i get in return?

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 03:19 AM
lookin? lookin for what? did your puppy run away or something? :tongue:

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Mon 04/21/08 03:17 AM
yeah but ur in texas. too bad. :tongue:

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Mon 04/21/08 02:59 AM
pick up a nice gal at the bar and u wont be so lonely

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Mon 04/21/08 02:57 AM

what's a good way to make the best first impression.

Be your confident self.

Be your unstifled best confident self who assumes rapport without having to work for it.

If you are AFRAID to sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs in a crowded public place from fear of embarrassment, you are STIFLED and therefore will make a LAME and BORING first impression. Truly being yourself involves holding NOTHING BACK.

Tis the practice of the pickup arts.

...and no, I'm not saying that you should sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs as the first thing you say to a woman. Well, you can if you really want to, but the point is to adopt a fearless mindset. With this mindset, even if you just say "hi," it'll make a world of difference than from saying "hi" when you are nervous or holding anything back.

If you are thinking about consuming alcohol to get to this unstifled state, that's not going to do you any good. The more you approach women in a drunk state, the harder it will be for you to approach them sober, so you'll never really get a chance to express your true personality.

Check out this thread for more good stuff:

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 02:48 AM
I didn't know david bowie was on JSH

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Mon 04/21/08 02:46 AM

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Mon 04/21/08 02:44 AM

there are over 3 billion women in the world
come on.
get out of the house...and gather the courage to approach the ones you find attractive without having to rely on crap like knowing them through someone and all that social circle nonsense.

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 01:35 AM
By the way,
I'm getting tired of Mystery Method... I'm planning on completely switching over to Gunwitch Method, which has a lot of opposite elements to MM.

I find GWM (Gunwitch Method), which is a form of "Direct Game," to be a more honest expression of this art than "Indirect Game."

From what I've studied so far from GWM, here's what I can explain about it:

When you approach a woman, get yourself into what Gunwitch calls a "sexual state" from your sheer interest in her. Getting into a sexual state basically means letting yourself know that you are very interested in her and WANT HER without fooling yourself with any self-deception. When you are in a sexual state, you will naturally start speaking and acting in a more comfortable and confident manner, provided that you've got Inner Game down. Your sexual state will convey that you are interested in her right from the getgo so there isn't any of that indirect beating around the bush.

While you are speaking to her, get into a state of assuming rapport so you can freely be yourself around her.

What's the script? Only simple sh!t like "Hi how are you?" and "What do you like to watch on TV?" The words really don't matter as long as it's good conversation.

GWM really focuses around the fact that women love sex just as much or even more than men do, and as a man you have the responsibility of giving women the right kind of opportunities to have their desires fulfilled.

Next is SECT.

S stands for Speaking like a lover. E is for Eye contact like a lover. C is for Closeness (physical proximity) of a lover. T is for Touch like a lover. If you are in a sexual state, you should and will speak, look, be close to, and touch her in ways that are congruent to a sexual being, and she'll catch onto that vibe and reciprocate.

GWM will not work for any guy who is insecure (neither will any method out there). He should work out his Inner Game issues first. Women are not attracted to insecure guys because they generally convey a sense of neediness and desperation that creeps women out. The stronger your Inner Game is, the stronger your game will be overall.

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Tue 04/15/08 06:53 AM

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Fri 04/11/08 03:57 AM

What about ignorantance?


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Fri 04/11/08 03:50 AM

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Tue 04/08/08 01:07 AM

Do you have to be despirate to find someone? (No offense to my friends who are in relationships, they are great and awesome) but I think I have to lower my standards to "be" in a relationship.

On the contrary, I think that the desperate never really find anybody.

If you're actually happy with yourself, you'll have the true capability to be happy with someone else. :smile:

no photo
Tue 04/08/08 01:02 AM
I wanna ride in yo limo smokin

no photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:55 PM

Can a woman fall in love with an obese man in a powerchair?

Yes, but only if he is able to love himself.
Oh, and this applies to any man regardless of handicap, by the way.

no photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:51 PM

Do i really need to keep faith and god in me because for the past few weeks i been struggling, and i am trying so hard but my heart keep telling me to give up and there are nothing in this world for me, accept my love for sports, Deep inside of me I really care about people, and my parents and i are going at it, They dont believe in me, And i dont believe in them, I just wish there someone i can talk to beside getting help from a counselor. And there are so many things that i cant let it go

Put your faith in the right place.
God is not a being. God is being.

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