Why this why that
those who always ask "why" forget to ask "how" lol
why vent and dwell on the negative when you can move onto something FUN? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() to me, the negitive is stuck in my mind Life is about good and bad. I don't trust people who always say everything is wonderful. Becca, there are plenty of good guys who will like to hear you talk to them about whatever is on your mind. Try to find one that you can begin to feel comfortable talking to. dont trust ppl who always say everything is wonderful? pffft. Everything IS wonderful if you choose to see it that way. I'll admit I'm not at that level because that's like f*cking enlightenment status, but I know better than to let the scum of negativity pollute my head. Look, man. If you focus your energies on the negative, you are only going to manifest more and more of that negative in your life. Then, you'll think about more negative sh!t, then you will experience more negative sh!t, and it becomes a perpetual negative sh!t cycle. Negativity is a self fulfilling prophecy. Sure, I think about negative things, but it's mostly to objectively judge how I can solve the problem so that it becomes a positive ASAP. I have learned from PhDs in Positive Psychology and it's a fairly new and overlooked field. The attitude of its information is oftentimes contradtictory to "standard" views in psychology. I'm not exactly in the position to challenge you, tombraider, since I am only an undergrad trying to double major in psychology/sociology with a minor in philosophy, but I will say that I have read sources that claim venting to be something that only amplifies the negative emotions involved. |
its natural to fear the approach.
women don't know this, but for men, approaching a beautiful woman is just as frightening as jumping out of a plane. It sparks the same terrifying adrenaline rush in the sympathetic nervous system because it's evolutionarily hard-wired into the male gene. That doesn't mean you cant do anything about it, though. Nature does not completely dictate Nurture. Go take a walk downtown and say "hi" to every female you pass by. |
why vent and dwell on the negative when you can move onto something FUN?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks buddy. Reading the books is easy, but it doesn't always give you a full grasp of everything. "I read and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -Confucius |
How to pick up women
"Pickup Artist Secret Revealed!": Good Day Game stuff, 813punk. A lot of guys make the mistake of opening with something dumb like "Do you like coffee?" and it just comes off as awkward and like they want something from her. The PUAs call that a "situational opener" and they just suck. What you are describing is more like the "spontaneous opener," which is pure gold if you deliver it correctly. Max Weiss elaborates on this in his book, "The Zen of Meeting Women." As for the listening and creating an emotional connection part, his mantra is "Find the emotion, theme, feeling, or trait. Notice, admire, and relate." It's not so easy to apply this stuff you are talking about during Night Game when you are at parties, bars, and clubs, though. The social dynamic is different there. Most of them will be doing the same thing - dancing or just talking with their friends, and it's more difficult to apply those spontaneous situational approaches to these situations without coming across as just another lame guy hitting on them. The "opinion opener" has become the most popular standard approach in the PUA community, which involves asking the girls for their opinion on something. I personally don't think it's the best idea to do this during Night Game, though. It's better for Day Game. What I usually do is say something like "Hey whats up party people" or ANYTHING as long as I'm delivering it with a fun, positive, high-energy vibe. I love using "OMG openers" in Night Game. The most famous OMG opener is "OMG did you see that fight outside?!" but no one uses that anymore since it was televised on VH1's "The Pickup Artist" haha. I like using "OMG where did you get that shirt" better. The mistake that vast majority of PUA newbies make is that they try to prepare themselves with ALL canned material like a script. So, yeah, people do need to LISTEN more for genuine conversation - but hone your listening skill so that you can tune into a woman's emotional state and the theme of what she's talking about with as little conversation from her side as possible. Be the guy that UNDERSTANDS and "gets it" quickly because in the beginning stages, you are going to be wanting to talk a lot more than she is, ESPECIALLY for Night Game. |
The Fox Den
I'm game!
Publically reveal facts about me of why I'm a good catch, huh? Well, this is what I tell girls... I'm a douchebag! ![]() Funny thing is, I said this to one girl the other night and all of a sudden she starts groping my ass. What a weirdo. lol jk she's not a weirdo. |
Chief, I have a question for you. After you open, how do you keep the conversation going? Do you stack openers or do you just go off into your own little world and talk about anything? ![]() You just gave yourself two examples of what normally happens after the opener. 1. stack openers and transition smoothly, or 2. follow the rule of "the best transition is no transition." what do I usually do? I do something different in every set so it's hard to remember my usual pattern if I have one...let's see...looking back to a few nights ago, i was at this party. After opening sets, I started telling stories that were relevant to whatever came up in the situation. The usual question that came up was "how was your break" (it was a frat party at a bar so we were all students from the same school) so I just started telling DHV stories about what I did during winter break, passionately expressing the fun vibe plus how glad i am to be back in this fun city of new orleans (emotions are very contagious so express the positive ones with passion). I had a huge advantage in this field because I knew a lot of people there. In the main 3-set I was in, I would be CONSTANTLY getting social proof from a bunch of girls givin me hugs and kisses and all these chill guys, and I would introduce them. I worked the whole room there. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is to get used to telling fun stories. If you don't already have that down, don't worry about sticking in the DHV spikes yet - just get used to talking about your life (hopefully you have some fun and interesting things about your life haha). Also, take advtantage of backwards and forwards set merging because that gives you the preselection attraction switch. If you go to, I posted an article there called "How to Talk to Women" where I elaborate on the tactic of "multiple threading" and other conversational skills. Check it out if you think you need further help with keeping up conversation. Also, one of the guys who lives on my floor showed up at the party and saw me. He was all like "Hey Chief! Give me a quick pointer from your PUA stuff." And I told him something I learned from Jlaix: guys who talk LOUDER and in greater amount are more successful in-field. When I was in that 3-set, I WOULD NOT SHUT THE F*CK UP but those girls were eating it up, listening intently to every word that came out of my mouth. And it feels damn good when three girls are leaning in toward you, all giving you attention as if you are telling them some kind of underground celebrity gossip. Hell, I was only talking about something my roommate did ![]() Should we take this private? ![]() E-Mail me.... if you insist, but i aint promising anything more than stimulating conversation. im not that easy ![]() |
![]() ![]() that sh!t's contagious |
Question For The Guys!
yes of course
In Need of Advice
There's an entire online community designed to help out guys like you.
One thing I can tell you right now is this: If you are desperate to get a "chance" then you wil reek of desperation and come off as needy, creepy, and weird. If you are coming from a position of abundance and unneediness, however, you can allow yourself to express the best and most attractive qualities about yourself. One of the pickup gurus once said that when you are approaching a woman, it is better to think of it as a chance for her to show you what kind of woman she is rather than a chance to "win her over" by trying to prove yourself to her. Check this out: |
Players Anyone?????
Dont hate the player...
Play the player ![]() |
Chief PUA... into older women? ![]() haha you cougar ![]() what have you got goin for ya more than your looks? whats really rare is 1. a good energy 2. great personality and 3. a great outlook eh you got 2 out of 3; its a good start ![]() ok ok standard PUA routines aside, im very open minded. To those who wish to follow along: that was A3 followed by the beginning of a BHRR of A3...but i'm not going to follow through with the BHRR in this case. Now, onto C1. lol As am I. ![]() Did you find that it's best to be more open minded from experience or were you always like this? Personally I went through a lot of situations that made me learn, as the old saying goes, that the more we know, the more we realize how little we know... are you in the same boat? |
what to do?
I could tell you exactly why in terms of science and how your mind works, but what good will that do? Stop asking yourself WHY things are bad and start asking yourself HOW you can bring positivity into your life.
Your thoughts on this....
i guess a deeper, more exclusive connection between 2 ppl
Being Freinds with girls
detatch yourself from the unforseeable (spelling?) consequences
a lesbian was hitting on me last night. i was very confused.
so sad ...
sounds like one-itis you shouldn't be thinking bout a woman in terms of a one special "she" unless she's already your girlfriend, fiance, or wife. |
two dates...
your a player, and they found out ![]() sounds like you need to stop listening to my advice, stevenpwis LOL jk |
Chief PUA... into older women? ![]() haha you cougar ![]() what have you got goin for ya more than your looks? whats really rare is 1. a good energy 2. great personality and 3. a great outlook eh you got 2 out of 3; its a good start ![]() ok ok standard PUA routines aside, im very open minded. |