Community > Posts By > chrish

chrish's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:53 AM
Also worth noting that I wouldn't consider someone a real DJ if they couldn't use the 1s and 2s.



chrish's photo
Fri 02/13/09 10:50 AM
I sold a domain that I wasn't using to a company and did rather well out of it.

What is their offer, and what is the domain name? It's the only way to know if it's a good deal or not.



chrish's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:28 AM
Edited by chrish on Thu 02/12/09 10:28 AM
The iPod touch uses solid state storage, so there is no drive head to bounce around.

Running with it should be fine.

chrish's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:25 AM
All about Ableton Live.

It's what all the pros use.

chrish's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:24 AM

Looks like you want to use column aliases and sub-queries.

Post your table structure and I'll whip you up a query.



chrish's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:45 AM
Trying to describe discordianism isn't easy.

Is it a religion disguised as a joke, or a joke disguised as a religion?

Discordians don't worship Eris, they just acknowledge the importance of chaos.

"Hail Eris" - are just words...

"Discordianism" - is just a word.

It's not about being crazy, spouting bollocks about "five tons of flax" or waving your arms around going "gobble gobble gobble" (although your free to do so if you wish).

It is just recommended that you don't take things too seriously, that somebody viewing something through different eyes as yourself will see it as completely different... and both are true and false.

Most importantly, just make you own god damn mind up. Books are just words (Bible / Principia Discordia included) words mean nothing, it is just the interpretation of the words that is important.

Of course, I am absolutely wrong... This is all false.

I eat hot dog buns on a Friday, and it makes me no more or less of a Discordian than Richard T. Filth.

chrish's photo
Thu 02/05/09 09:37 AM
,,|,, (*.*) ,,|,,

chrish's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:35 AM
Domains cost money for a good reason.

Imagine how difficult it would be buying an unused domain if they were available for free.

chrish's photo
Fri 01/30/09 02:24 AM

i see it as more or less a show

Can't argue with that, but seeing as he has committed to an exit strategy for Iraq, and signed and order closing Gitmo, I am hopeful that he is different.

Don't worry, I still hold my normal overly paranoid levels of scepticism.

i dont see any thing truly changing for the good if anything the views of the new amin push for a bigger govt. to turn us into commie-fornia, if we wait and see it will be too late for every one.

Don't mistake socialism for communism.

Also, look at the mess your unregulated financial institutions got us all in to. If that is how the behave, then you do need government involvement. They had their chance.

i wa sin a coin and metal shop the other day heard the guy tellin some one to buy gold because youll be able to trade it for the universal currency the govt. has been planning on releasing when the economy falls apart but if they do this its going to nullify the constitution.

A great place to get economic advice, from a man you don't know in a shop, who tells you that you need to buy what he is selling.

There is a lot of talk about what will be, and personally I don't think new currencies and a new world order will happen.

You'd be as likely to see the protocols of the Elders of Zion being initiated, or the Bavarian Illuminati fighting it out with dolphins.

chrish's photo
Wed 01/28/09 02:10 AM

well its more or less right about the second but no ones go tthe guts to come out and say it alot, and i wouldnt put it so far off that some fellow Patriots might try.
wish we had the spirit George washignton did...

Seeing as you now seem to have a decent president and sensible topics are being debated, I'd say to your fellow Patriots... "Wait and see".

Who knows, if Barack is sensible, maybe you won't be over taken as a world super power by China.

(Sensible topics are (IMO): exit strategy for Iraq, closing GitMo, universal healthcare, etc. etc.)

chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 01:34 PM

chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:14 AM
Wow, reading these comments meant I wasn't shocked by reading this:

The proportion of Americans killed by firearms per year is more than seven and a half times greater than the comparable proportion of residents in the 10 developed countries with the next highest rates of firearm homicides.

chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:08 AM

When you go see a doctor because this hurts that's all you know unless you have some knowledge or experience about it.

The same goes for computers if everybody knew what they were talking about a lot would be unhappy for the loss of work.

Just be patient with the people that know nothing about it and be happy that people come to you for help.

At least a simple description of the problem in the subject is more useful that writing "help".

And.. if someone doesn't notice that their computer says "Starting Windows XP" when it's booting up, then I fear there might be no helping them!



chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:04 AM

This is the part that I don not get: Since it is not very complicated, then how hard is it to make a stupid button that does type in command promt the following:

make install

Or simply the OS itself knows to do that when a user wants to install something?

I do not know if I am making myself clear, but I wonder, if Linux is in fact as simple as Nuxoids say it is, then why aren't there buttons typing those same commands then?

My guess is it is not so simple. The OS is likely not capable of operating without extensive guidance from the command line, which likely includes many commands / parameters in unpredictable order. That is why there is still not a complete gui.

I did look at Ubuntu. Looks a lot like Mac to me. Goofy. Personally, if I wanted to be goofy, I'd just take Mac then... I expected an interface that is better than Windows (pre XP), not the one that is worse than Mac...

All in my opinion, of course.

There is a GUI for compiling. My comment was with reference to someone complaining about compiling programs. You took it out of context.

Linux is completely capable of being operated without ever needing the command line.

As I said before, Windows teaches users bad habits, once you are out of those habits, computing in general will be a lot better for you (even using Windows).

My god daughter who is 12 is very capable of using Linux, she installed an MSN client (aMSN), and got the webcam working and the first I knew of it was when she started a chat with me. No drama and no CLI used.

She is by no means a computer genius (although she is well ahead of her class in computing so much so that her tutor commented on it as being 'incredible').

She knows about the concepts of computing (files, folders, peripherals etc) and GUIs (WIMP - Windows Icons Menus and Pointers), really simple stuff, but she is not used to the "Microsoft Way", so she can adapt.

In her school they teach the kids how to use Microsoft Office, and later on they use Macs, they never touch Linux. Yet by knowing and using Linux, she is streets ahead of the rest of her class when using Microsoft products.

Her comment on Linux is "I like the penguin, I think he's cute".
She prefers Macs because she thinks they are cooler, and she thinks Windows is stupid.
I've never told her what OS she can run (she can choose (she has a Mac Mini which runs Ubuntu, but she knows she can choose between Windows, OS X and Linux)), and I don't 'coach' her with computing.



chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 02:30 AM

They should have just called it windows 2008 and not modified the Shell too much. Srsly vista is fine I have been using it for a while now and I have encountered no problems at all.

Adapt or go to linux/mac. I recommend linux though because mac is an absolute piece of **** OS much worse than windows. I know a lot about using mac (I know some scripting, etc) but I still feel like a disabled ****** when i use mac. Sorry if I say anything messed up im drunk right now.

You'd have to be drunk to think OSX is crap. OSX has the best learning curve of all the OSes on the market. Plus it has virtually no bugs, and the support is amazing. There's basically an app for any app that Windows has. If you REALLY knew anything about using a Mac, you wouldn't be feeling disabled unless you ARE. And the crazy thing is, DISABLED PEOPLE CAN USE MACS TOO! Thank you, have a nice day.

MACs = Computer for Dummies. This is the reason MAC exists. Now, as a tinker, I hate MAC. I can see Windows, rip it apart make it look completely different. MACs aren't so easily manipulated. Why?

This is so the user doesn't damage something they shouldn't. MACs are GREAT for average people who know little of the intracasies or abilities of software. but for an explorer like's a hell of a restraint. I'd rather Linux or Windows...depending on the job.

Ummmm I use a Mac day to day, and I would not consider myself a dummy.

What you are talking about it changing the look and feel, hardly technical stuff.

"Look ma, I done made my task bar red."

With a Mac you can customise almost everything to do with the look and feel, aside from the three buttons on every window title (you can have colours or grey (graphite).

As OSX is Unix based, it is a lot lot more powerful than windows for tinkers.

You can run X11 and most Unix / Linux apps through MacPorts. You can run services properly. There are proper permissions. You can use bash scripts and cron jobs. The list goes on and on.

I use Windows for Testing, Mac for day to day stuff and Linux for my servers (and some BSD).

Although my heart solely rests with Linux, I still resent being called a dummy for choosing to use a Mac for my day to day computing.



chrish's photo
Mon 01/26/09 02:19 AM

i am not against guns at all in fact pro i just wish people would stop bein such ****os.

Well that's ironic.

It's all about escalation; cops carry guns; so crooks need to carry guns; which means civilians need to carry guns which means crooks need to carry bigger guns etc.

It's a slippery slope.

I'm from the UK however, where we are just beginning to see the results of the first level of escalation. It's not pretty.

As I understand the 'right to bear' arms is so the American population can protect itself from a tyrannical government. A somewhat moot point now, as the American population over throwing their government is very very unlikely to happen.



chrish's photo
Fri 01/23/09 08:45 AM

Yeah. If the Linux crowd made a REAL GUI and not that parser-slash-gnome crap, they'd have M$ by the balls. All they'd have to do is make it easier to use (without all that compilation crap) and they'd be all set.

REAL GUI!??! Gnome has a far superior GUI to Windows XP / Vista! By superior I mean: more consistent, more intuitive, easier to extend and easier to learn.

If your used to the M$ GUI then there will be a learning curve as you get out of the bad habits you have been taught by M$.

There is also KDE, XFCE, Fluxbox and Enlightenment. Choose what works best for you.

Get out of the bad habits you have learn by using M$ and then you have something not many M$ users are used to... Choice!

Also, there are many many many distros where you never ever have to compile anything (Ubuntu included). I know loads of people who happily use Linux and don't even know what compiling is.

Even so, with Automake compiling some software is much easier. Although it is normally a case of:
make install

Which doesn't look too hard to me (although I've been using *nix variations for years, and cut my teeth on *nix before I'd even seen Windows).



chrish's photo
Mon 01/19/09 10:10 AM

Why can't they just stick with XP? Everyone pretty much loves it (I do anyway). If it ain't broke, why fix it?

Caves weren't broke, yet we live in houses.

We need (as a race) to progress, although I fear we are progressing in the wrong direction at the moment.

And Windows XP is very very broken! :wink:

chrish's photo
Mon 01/19/09 10:08 AM

BSD = I meant Blue Screen of Death.

My memory is fine, and it's 2GB :wink:

..and yes, i'm trying to install it to a separate partition, an entire hard drive dedicated to it.

The > symbol means greater than (with regards to computing). I was saying you had more than 1GB or RAM (which as you say, is 2GB).

How do you know your memory is fine? What program / system did you use to test it?

Whenever I read BSD, I assume people mean the OS. I guess I'm lucky to have to rarely use Windows, and when I do I just its in a VM, so if it crashes I just restore a snap shot.



chrish's photo
Mon 01/19/09 08:53 AM
Just noticed you said in the BSD, not in BSD (implying you run a variant of BSD).

Sorry, I read your post too quickly.

Either way, download and burn an ISO of any flavour of Linux, choose memory test from GRUB and post the results.



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