Community > Posts By > chrish

chrish's photo
Mon 01/19/09 08:45 AM
I get betas of M$ software as part of my MSDN subscription. Beta means, not finished. Expect it to crash.

Sounds to me like you might have a dodgy stick of RAM.

Can cause all sorts of problems, and as you have > 1GB then the problems can occur sporadically.

Run a memory test (don't use the Windows one!).

What flavour of BSD do you use? I'm pretty certain FreeBSD and PcBSD provide memory testing utilities on the installation media. Whereas OpenBSD does not (I just checked).

Pretty much every Linux [live]CD contains a memory test, as your running BSD, I'm sure you'll have one around.

Make sure you use one that actually uses a Memtest kernel.



chrish's photo
Mon 01/19/09 01:18 AM

Looking through the first couple of pages of the Computers & Technology forum, I see several posts titled as such:

someone PLEASE make my computer run faster
when is..
ok I need a computer nerd or
Computer Question
help needed
ahhhh!!!! HELP
do i need to dowload something?
Pulling my hair out
Not Good.

Please, please, please. Use a descriptive subject for your post.

At the very least list what OS you're using and a very short description of the problem.

If you do so, you will find it much more likely that you will receive the help you require.



chrish's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:55 AM
Also, it is important to think about plausible deniability, which in cases of requiring anonymity on the web, can be just as useful if not more so.

chrish's photo
Mon 01/12/09 09:09 AM

chrish's photo
Mon 01/12/09 09:07 AM
You'll find it a lot easier to run it under Apache.

Apache will run happily on Windows and you'll be able to take advantage of extra functionality such as re-writing URLs.

Running Apache on Windows is typically called a WAMP stack, and you can find more out here:



chrish's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:59 AM
Run the following:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

I expect your PHP isn't compiled with SSL support.

chrish's photo
Fri 09/26/08 10:17 AM
Also, if you were fortunate enough to be running Linux, you couldn't watch it at all without breaking laws set out in the DMCA.

How are media companies able to create legislation in your country? Smells fishy to me!



chrish's photo
Sun 09/21/08 03:59 AM
Ummm turn autorun off... Good idea WRT security anyway.

Chances are though, though, you are too late. Sony has installed a nasty piece of software on your computer to prevent you watching DVDs normally.

Welcome to being treated like a criminal even though you purchased the DVD legally. If you had pirated your DVD this problem wouldn't have happened.

There have also been viruses released that use Sony's DRM to hide on your computer.

Please, please, please tell Sony what you think about this!

chrish's photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:57 PM

Maybe I have too much time on my hands, but I just downloaded a new web browser, it's called safari. Allegedly the fastest browser in the world. I love it!!! There, that's my happy post for the day. :banana:

It's also supposed to be the least secure of the browsers out there, second ONLY to Internet Exploder.

Firefox is probably still the best choice, with Opera being a pretty decent second choice.

Browsers should run with next to no privileges, but meh...

Its plugins, calling them funny names, and the OS underneath that makes browsers insecure.

Firefox looks in the mirror and thinks its fat.
Opera just wants to be popular.
Safari is boring.
Internet Explorer gets drunk and pukes on your shoes, no one likes it.
Google Chrome suffers from premature ejaculation, but can go many many times.

You think Safari is quick, wait until you try out Google Chrome.

Same HTML rendering engine as Safari, but with a new Javascript engine.



chrish's photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:49 PM
Edited by chrish on Mon 09/15/08 12:50 PM
Edit: Just noticed you were having problems with VLC, 0.9.2 has just been released, download it and have a go.


Download this VLC:

It is stable as a... ummmmm stable, plays almost everything you throw at it and is customisable.

Its not the prettiest media player, but who wants to be shallow. :wink:



chrish's photo
Tue 09/09/08 02:16 AM
Nope, was taken in Ashton Court, Bristol.

I was an usher at that wedding. Unfortunately nobody told me what an usher did (I hadn't been to many weddings).

So, there I was stood outside the mansion with a cup of strong coffee and a ciggy watching people walk in, wondering why the brides family were giving me strange looks.

My other responsibilities at that wedding were to press play on the CD player, and entertain the 'kids'.

After the ceremony (and a few drinks) I thought it'd be a shame to waste being in such nice grounds, so I took the kids tree climbing.

Three of the kids ripped their suits, as did I. Which again got me in trouble with the brides family.

Then... While stood outside in the evening, a girl asked me if she could nick a roll up, so I obliged. Turns out it was the brides sister, who's parents didn't know she smoked. When they saw her and bellowed "Who gave you that!", she pointed at me, stood swaying in my torn suit.

... I'm no longer welcome at the brides families house. :cry:

At the moment all my friends are being good little citizens (I'm really not bitter :wink:) and getting married, having kids and buying houses, so I now go weddings quite frequently.

Can't say it appeals to me, but I assume that's because I've not met the right person. I did however buy a house, but only because I want to be able to decorate it, knock walls down and do whatever I want to the thing (which at the moment is not a lot).

Hmmmmm, that's a long winded way to say "Nope, it was in Bristol".

chrish's photo
Mon 09/08/08 10:41 AM
How many people are in relationships with someone because they believe they can do no better?

chrish's photo
Mon 09/08/08 08:57 AM
for all the wrong reasons....

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:30 PM

I thought I was losing my mind

of all the things I've lost..

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:24 PM

smokin That guys nuts, grab emsmokin

i dont wanna touch his nuts... can we cuff him instead???

awwwwww, but I've just showered... tears

shaved the dang thangs then?


no my dear, wax all the way.


you get used to it

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:20 PM

smokin That guys nuts, grab emsmokin

i dont wanna touch his nuts... can we cuff him instead???

awwwwww, but I've just showered... tears

shaved the dang thangs then?


no my dear, wax all the way.

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:15 PM

smokin That guys nuts, grab emsmokin

i dont wanna touch his nuts... can we cuff him instead???

awwwwww, but I've just showered... tears

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:14 PM


ɹǝddoɥssɐɹb buoɹʇs sı nɟ-ǝ1boob ɹnoʎ

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:09 PM

ok how the hell did you do that? my cell phone has been doing the same thing lately....

try turning it the other way up

chrish's photo
Wed 08/27/08 04:07 PM
...ʎ1ɹǝdoɹd ǝdʎʇ ʇ,uɐɔ ı

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