chrish "I need someone real bad... are you real bad?"
44 year old man from Bristol, England      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About chrish
I like to think, I really actually enjoy it. I also have to be a bit careful, I'm one of those people who tends to do thing in excess, whatever it is. I am friendly, articulate, reasonably witty, quite cheeky and know how to enjoy myself. I like piercings, but for some reason have just taken mine out, I'm not letting my tongue piercing heal up, and I am currently trying to pluck up the courage for one more. I am a developer by profession, and am just as comfortable writing code on a Friday night as I am going out and getting wasted, going to the cinema or going for a meal. This probably qualifies me as a bit of a geek. I enjoy reading dark edgy fiction, or something factual some books I have read recently: The Essential Jung: Selected Writings - C Jung (Well, duh!) Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea - Mark Kurlansky Rant: The Oral History of Buster Casey - Chuck Palahniuk Music I have recently purchased (If I like it, I buy it): Year Zero - NIN 10,000 Days - Tool Pretty Girls Make Raves - Kid 606 Pink + Green - Venetian Snares Christ Illusion - Slayer New Pin - Oceansize I am a Discordian too, sorry, if you know what that means, the chances are I will instantly fall in love with you, and we can move to Fiji and raise cows, sheep, pigs and hell. I am also quite left wing, and I enjoy discussing politics. I never force my views on other people. I'm actually mainly interested in finding people to talk to rather than looking for love - or - I'm saying that so women think I'm less threatening, and more likely to message me. Look ma ->
Profession: Developer
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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