Community > Posts By > yzrabbit1

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 04/02/08 08:18 AM

in America...we all have the right to say it or leave out, change the words or say "under God"

I have yet to see any school force the children to say it if they don't want to and if it was something i disagreed with, i assure you, my child wouldn't

they don't even say the Pledge anymore in my son's school district because of the controversy

Asking a 6 or 7 year old kid to make a stand against a person in authority like a teacher is ridiculous. It is not the childes fault that they put that in the pledge. The child should not have to make a decision like that at 6. I checked the grade schools around here do the pledge every morning.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:18 PM

not what I said rabbit. I'm sure he will. I was responding to saying ohwell because it's whether i think it's funny or not doesn't matter. i know he has a great sense of humor

Lost me on this one.

Just the same to make you happy. If you didn't like it I apologize to you for that. It was my intention only to be funny.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:16 PM

Now that I have read this I realize that imperfection is key. Is there any Religion out there that thinks Imperfection is Not Godly

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:14 PM's about him

You give him too little credit. He will think it is funny. He is above something as silly as this.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:13 PM

i have a great sense of humor but it's not our sense of humor that matters

Who's matters?

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:11 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Tue 04/01/08 01:12 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I am allowed right.......tha's not against the code of Christians is it wabbit....

laugh laugh laugh laugh

I didn't think it was against the code but looking at the post's above you I'm starting to have my doubt's
laugh laugh laugh noway

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:08 PM

Your lucky you silly wabbit I came bearing

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Im glad to see 1 person with a sense of humordrinker

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 12:42 PM


I think he has a better sense of humoer then you think

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 12:40 PM




laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 12:32 PM

According to the science of astrophysics the Big Bang created the first imperfection.

In fact, life as we know it would not even be possible had it not been for that first imperfection which created all of the beautiful imperfections that we see around us.

You see, if the universe were perfect, it would have no recognizable stuff it in. It would just be one perfectly homogeneous cloud of perfectly distributed particles.

It’s the fact that they have been distributed imperfectly that gives rise to the universe we see.

A perfect world can have no distinct features because distinct features are themselves imperfections.

So be grateful for imperfections! drinker

Without them life would impossible.

You may have just given some people an out with this one.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 12:10 PM

Do you have an answer?

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:21 AM

If you don't believe in God but you believe that religion is a powerful force that seems to have an unnecessarily large effect on our society then I think this is a good place to post.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:51 PM

I found out my kid could call 911 while my cell phone was still on my belt and I would not feel it. ( I only found out when the cops called me back )

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:32 PM

Dragoness I like your sign about not becoming silent.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:04 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Mon 03/31/08 06:07 PM

why all the suffering?
if u think that God does not have anything to do with ur life, it's fine.
but be respectful enough to others who feel that God it's the purpose our lifes.
get a grip. and live ur life in your own terms, and allow others to live in their own terms.
if u ask respect give it first.
Very good post Yashafox.

Why would you make a post telling people that you think they should not post. You are not the judge here. Anyone that wants to post can do so. This is not just for a few this is for everyone that wants to express themselves.
The only person that you can stop from posting here is yourself.


I get the feeling that you think you need to protect Yashafox. I think he is stronger then you think. He has never stooped to name calling that I have seen. He is always even tempered and expresses his point of view. I would think any interaction people had with him you guys would be happy about

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 03:05 PM

He did not. Everything has a choice. Yahshua is the only one to follow through and he is called perfect.The angels have choices also. some follow satan as Satan had choices also. A creator that does not allow choice has created a robot. Miles

That means the creator had no choice and he is a robot.:tongue:

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 02:43 PM

My point is clear. He made very disgusting statements about another religious group. This was not sometime before the Nazi Holocaust in the 40's. He made these statements in the very recent past of the 1970's.
He also did not just come forward guilt ridden because of what he had said. He went along day after day for years without ever feeling a need to mention it. Then when he got caught he finally came clean after he discovered he could not worm out of it.
His statement in the oval office is the most telling, when he states that the Jewish people do not know how I feel about them(the fact that they are evil.) So it is very clear that he can act one way in public and think something different.
Sure he made an apology, but past statements make it clear that he probably is not sharing how he really feels with the public. He is to slick a public figure to tell people the truth.

Wow. So now, anyone who should make any type of derrogatory comment ever in their lifetime should be held accountable no matter if it was in error??? I'm sorry, Rabbit, But I HIGHLY doubt you are a perfect man because only one of those walked this earth and his name was JESUS CHRIST. Billy Graham is one of the most faithful servants of Christ I have ever seen. Does this make him perfect? Certainly not! None of us will ever be perfect until we are called home to heaven. However, the only Judge of Mr. Graham's TRUE intentions and sincerity of his apology is Christ Himself. Not you, not me or anyone else. As Christ said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."
Rabbit, you go ahead and imply all you want that Mr. Graham is a bigot or otherwise if you can HONESTLY say that you have NEVER said ANYTHING derrogatory EVER about anyone that you have regreted in your lifetime.

In Christ United We Stand! Blessings...smooched bigsmile

Derogatory comments about individual people? Yes I have made comments like that about individuals. I have never made a statement like that about a major racial group. Maybe thats why it is hard for me to understand what happened here.
I think it is pretty clear that I do not hold my tongue on how I feel. I just do not understand misleading some group of people into thinking that I feel one way when I actually feel another way.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 02:26 PM

It is always a good time to take God out.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 05:27 AM

I love you too.....and it was more I would ever shut those two up....giggle....

and it was a very nice question that I asked of "feralcatlady" so please oh great feralcatlady Goddess of the Biblical "google cut and paste" give me thou wisdom and answer my question oh great ye ...

since a perfect God can only create perfection then explain why would a God create imperfection ..

The thing is Funches we never tier of telling the truth, and they grow weary trying to defend the ridiculous. Soon there will be no one willing to stand up to the truth.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 03/31/08 05:24 AM

My point is clear. He made very disgusting statements about another religious group. This was not sometime before the Nazi Holocaust in the 40's. He made these statements in the very recent past of the 1970's.
He also did not just come forward guilt ridden because of what he had said. He went along day after day for years without ever feeling a need to mention it. Then when he got caught he finally came clean after he discovered he could not worm out of it.
His statement in the oval office is the most telling, when he states that the Jewish people do not know how I feel about them(the fact that they are evil.) So it is very clear that he can act one way in public and think something different.
Sure he made an apology, but past statements make it clear that he probably is not sharing how he really feels with the public. He is to slick a public figure to tell people the truth.