Community > Posts By > yzrabbit1

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:55 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Wed 03/26/08 03:57 PM
do do do

Nothing to see here. blushing blushing

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 03/25/08 05:35 PM

when a child is abducted,raped and killed
when so many bad things happen to really good people and yet child molesters and rapest and murderers go on doing what they do
where is this so called great and loving god
we are on our own here people
and if there really is some kind of god out there
letting these things happen i'll be damned if i will worship him or even want to be with him when i pass on

Sad to say that we do not live in a sinless world.God does not wish bad things on anyone.
If God is all good and all powerful,why do the innocent suffer? Here we have to admit our partial ignorance.We do not have the full explanation of the origin and problem of evil because God has chosen to reveal only a part to us.God created the universe perfect;mankind,through free will,chose to obey.Evil came into the universe through man's disobedience.Because mankind disobeyed and broke God's law,evil pervades the universe.
We must not overlook the presence of evil in every one of us.If God executed judgement uniformily,not one of us would survive.Suppose God were to decree,"At midnight tonight all the evil will be stamped out of the universe."Which of us would be here at 1:00a.m.?"
After pointing out man's personal problem with evil,we need to know that God has done everything necessary to meet these problems.He came into human history in the Lord Jesus Christ,and He died to solve this problem.Every individual who willingly responds receives His gift of love,grace,and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.C.S.Lewis has observed that it is idle for us to speculate about the problem of evil.The problem we all face is the fact of evil.The only solution to this fact is God's Son,Jesus Christ.
I hope that this answers your question.And I pray that you continue to look for God and find answers through His Word and through prayer.Sincerely in Christ,Rose

I would still be here at 1. The only sin you have hanging over your head is the one you imagine your God cares about. A normal person that doesn't believe in that type of Voodoo can go through out the day peacefully knowing that they are not sinful by nature. That their children will not be born sinners. That they do not have to pay for the sins of some fruit eater from long ago.

Come out into the light where you can find real peace.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 03/23/08 09:00 AM

ok...ummm it wasn't meant to be offensive to you in any way. just a thread for you to debate your points in is all.

But the Bible isn't meant to be literal about everything...I believe that's why we have so many different churches.

but that is why I posted that break down...I thought it explained things to help understand they meaning behind them to christians

That is what I said. The reason I did not go into yours is because it DOES NOT offend me in any way. You just put up a well worded question on the purpose and power of prayer.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 03/23/08 08:49 AM

I posted the break down to help people understand if they chose to.

The Bible isn't always Literal

BTW I even started a thread for you which you have chosen to stay out of I see

That thread is not offensive to me in any way. It is a well placed question on what prayer really does. Not someone saying God gave me that Rocket Launcher I have been praying for to kill the infidels with.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 03/23/08 08:31 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Sun 03/23/08 08:32 AM

1st: daily bread isn't asking for just bread. I believe it's asking for feeding us and remembering communion

2nd: God doesn't lead us into temptation. It is asking for his help to deliver us from evil and not let us fall into temptation

You can believe those things if you want to twist the words. However it clearly states "GIVE us THIS DAY our DAILY BREAD". If you think that Jesus is God then his words must be pretty important and very clear.
That sentence says quite a bit. The person who is praying it is asking to do nothing and be given something, in this case bread. He is also asking that he be given this same thing over and over again every day. Jesus makes it clear here that you should ask God to feed you every single day. Ask him to give you bread.

The second sentence that you pray to God is

"Lead us not into temptation"
If you are praying that to God that means you are saying GOD lead us not into temptation. God is clearly the one that will lead you into temptation in that sentence. These are the words directly from Jesus. If you think you can come up with better words to make his point for him I would think twice if I was you.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:44 PM

Here are the two things that stick out to me

1 he only asks for bread. Nothing more. He could have asked for a farm, place to raise grain and make bread to feed a family, but he just asked for bread.

The second thing is why would God lead us into temptation. It seems so weird, like he is just sitting there about to lead us off with great temptation. Of course as a youth and a young believer I looked at the females around me and was very tempted by Gods works. So maybe he does create some wonderful temptation.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 11:38 PM

man this guy just wants to try and stick his thumb in everyones eye. It seems like he just goes out of his way to irritate others. Quite a step away from the last one.

I'm sorry what guy?

The Pope

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:40 PM

man this guy just wants to try and stick his thumb in everyones eye. It seems like he just goes out of his way to irritate others. Quite a step away from the last one.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:33 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Sat 03/22/08 07:37 PM

Hi Creative,
I just stopped in to read, but posted a quickie anyway. Sorry, if my strike is preemptive, I was just amused by the lack of responce. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

Creative, you ask for logic where logic does not exist!

Of course, no one is going to answer, using the theory that they prayed had enought or believed strong enough, because that would just be egotistical. That would place one persons faith above others, who's similar prayers were not answered likewise.

Even if some tried that responce it would be countered with: If God knows all, then God also knew, prior to creation, when intervention would take place, or is that when it would be needed?

Of course this is pre-empting free will, isn't it? As our destiny must be predetermeined (known by God)in order for prophecy to be possible, for a plan to unfold, as the Bible indicates.

As for me, I do have a theory, one I've noted in other posts. Some people seek acceptance and confirmation of their beliefs by other humans. They need this as much as they feel the need for answers. So it makes sense that the unexplained be attributed to thier God. It creates knowledge, an answer to the unexplained, and it lends acceptance by others, who likewise believe, and finally, it creates confirmation, when others conform to the belief as they are also in need of having their questiones answered. Soon they will seek their own miricles, so they too will find acceptance and have a personal explanation with which confirmation from others will be needed.

Circular, isn't it; this need to find acceptance and confirmation from other humans. Considering the fact that those believing in the miricle have already received what is needed from the only being that counts.

So much for the individual nature of belief.

Thanks Red. This post is great. I was so frustrated wondering why people can't see the nose on their face. At least it makes a lot more sense this way. Some type of self preservation (even if it is one of the ego). We can all understand and feel that type of self deception. I may be able to approach this with a little more calm. (only a little)laugh

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 06:42 PM

<---giving a big wave from the other side
of Lake of the Woods...

Hey rabbit...drinker

Just thought I would drop by and see
how things were doing on the other side...drinker smokin

Spring is on it's way ...flowerforyou happy

Good to see you too earth spirit. You must be keeping a low profile. Yeah things were warm here until spring hit now it is all snow.laugh

Soon we will have spring and the misquotes will be here.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:41 AM

Rabbit~~ are you aware that you came into a thread about not lumping people together and that is exactly what you are doing. You are doing it in past and present, though. Double whammy.

Quite a feat, I'd say. grumble

My point is in saying that Christians can't just Cross the finish line while they knock everyone else down and then say lets play fair NOW.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:35 AM

Good news
Let me tell you what God has done.
About a year i have been praying for God to give me a Laptop,
It happened today.Praise God And it was freely given all glory goes to him


he was able to part the Red Sea in a moment and it took him a year to get you a lap top??? Sounds like one hell of a back log to me.

You see yellow rose it is almost offensively ridicules to many more then me.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 08:07 AM

rabbit....then start your own thread

I don't know what you cannot understand. I am talking about exactly what this thread is about.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:43 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Sat 03/22/08 07:46 AM

ok...again...this thread was just about someone happy and thankful. why argue? it was meant to debate and there was no question. it was only how he feels

whether God had something to do with his laptop or not...doesn't matter. It's him being thankful.

Maybe God wanted him to have a laptop to use to help fix the problems of the world

take the thread for what it is. Can't we just say way to go or whatever instead of bashing?

Ok I will tell you exactly why this so offends me.

I figured out a long time ago that miracles did not happen. While I was still a strong Christian I could see in that no miracles were happening in our time. I could figure with my own mind that if God did miracles then we would not have free will and finally I knew that we were taught to have "faith" in god. If you prayed for God to put a puppy in your hands and pooof one appeared there, then you would have KNOWLEDGE of God. Faith would no longer exist. You do not have to like or dislike this info I am just giving you every thought in my head about Miracles since I was about 25.
When I was a Christian I would try to point out to people in my Church the ramifications of what they were saying if they believed in miracles. That we did not have free will and that our faith was so weak that we needed to test God to make sure he was there. I just could not understand why these people always wanted more, more, more.

Move ahead many years and I am married and my second son is almost 2 and my wife is pregnant with my Daughter. We go into the Dr to get the results of a test on my second son. We are told by the Dr that he has SMA and that the life expectancy of kids with it is 3 years old and the baby had a 1 in 4 chance of havening it too. His muscles will waste away,similar to lou Gehrigs disease, until he becomes to weak to breath.
Today he is 8 years old and still going strong. He is very physically weak and has to use a power wheel chair. He has a short life span and will never walk and barley has the strength to feed himself. He is the greatest kid a parent could ever have. He is so happy, so smart, so sweat. People just love to be around him. His sister did not have it.
I don't think you can imagine how maddening it is to have someone come up to you and say " God only gives Children like this to people who can handle it"
Don't they understand what they are saying, that means if I was a little weaker my son would walk. How stupid can they be? I did not do anything to put my son in this situation. It is just how nature works. A genetic roll of the dice.
Even my in laws will come and say we are praying for a miracle for your son. I ask what miracles exactly? They say that he will be cured. I try to point out how offensive that thought is to me. Like are they saying that my son is somehow less of a person just because he cannot walk. He is a great kid, and I do not think a short life span makes life less wonderful. There are plenty of people that get to a ripe old age and are nothing but bitter and mean.
Think about what you are saying when you claim that God will selfishly bend the rules of the Universe just to please you.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 03/22/08 07:08 AM

rabbit - you are a perfect example of what I was talking about. You lump all Christians as pushing beliefs and everthing else. not everyone is the same

I will say it again. The only reason that you can comfortably sit in this virtually all Christian country and peacefully practice your religion, is due to the fact that many guns were used to clear out the land that you sit on.

So go ahead and say that you are pure because you never raised a hand in the war. I agree with you, you did not HAVE to kill anyone YOURSELF.

However you cannot say that other people with other philosophies that now use the same tools your religion did are being unjust, or somehow "bad" because they now have enough power to fight back. Like I said earlier in my case I will only use words to forward my cause. I do not believe the same from my foe. I have even been physically threatened by Christians in this bullitin board. So don't tell me it is just in the past.
I know the truth of history. You want to ignore the fact that you stand on the shoulders of those that came before.

Good luck ignoring history.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:43 PM

great view point would....ty

At what point did he mention the Movie????

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:39 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

Are you out of your mind man?? If that is what you got out of that....then....crap. I don't even know what to tell you.


Here are the words that I saw

".....because there are people hungry, dying? What does anyone really do to help in these situations? Complain? Throw stones? Ridicule?

I prayed for a job. Any job. I asked for the wisdom to know when I needed to get off my ass and get there when it showed its self to me......"

What does that mean?

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:35 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:54 AM

I have watched and debated in threads in this forum and I've noticed some people lump everyone together. Whether it's something that happened in the past by a certain sect or because of a sect acting one way.

As for me...I'm a christian but I don't force my views on others or think others are wrong for what they believe. I was brought up to believe to respect others. I, for one, don't like being lumped in with those that do push their views or from what some have done in the past.

No one is perfect and unless you are...please don't cast stones on others.

having a debate and discussing views is great and that is how we learn about ourselves and others.

Just my 2 cents flowerforyou

Christianity has spread all over the world and that was done in most places with the Sword. Christianity has prostelytizing as it's corner stone. You cannot sit here in a place were that religion pushed out many hundreds of indegiounus religions and put itself in place with the Gun and now say we are all even lets just be nice to each other. Your religion does not have a history of being nice.

I am here to point out the flaws in Christianity because it prostelytizes. I will be here prostelytizing the beliefs of reason, science, knowledge, peace and so forth. I hope someone out there will see the light and walk out from the dark oppressive nature of Christianity. I will only do this with words. I will never bring the sword with me. I know I cannot say the same for my foe.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:43 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 03/21/08 10:43 AM
I'm sorry I just talked to God and he says he takes it all back. He was just kidding. He says he thinks it is the funniest thing to mess with those people that believe he will go around making everyones life great. He says he hopes you get the Joke and if you don't the jokes on you.

If you read this God took it all back.