Community > Posts By > Cybear07

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Mon 07/02/07 05:48 PM
True that;LaMom & OldSage my very dear friends.She has a splendid imagination & a very uncanny ability to pull the reader in headlong & hold them there.No uncertainty should ever lie within her.U Rawk!gurl.I luv it big-time.(((bear~hugs)))Godspeed!Cybear,your bearific friend forever & a day.;=) :tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Mon 07/02/07 05:36 PM
Awwwwwww!I miss U angel bearifically.My second home has changed somewhat because we are all lacking your presense.But we completely understand & U are ever present within our hearts & minds,so no problemo.Put me down U overgrown furry animal.Hmmmmm!let's see.NO!(lmao)But we can negotiate over let say some various fruits & poppyseed rolls.YUMMY!(((bear~hugs)))
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: blushing blushing blushing blushing blushing blushing
embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed

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Mon 07/02/07 05:19 PM
Welcome to JSH;iggylady.You've reached the kewlest on the net.There are some grrrreat people within.I have many true friends here that I admire & cherish.And over the course of time U shall accuire them also.Just mix & mingle & get to know people.Forum interaction is the greatest approach.I truly hope U enjoy yourself here.ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve ((((bear~hug))):tongue: flowerforyou glasses
1)Thx!for the friend addy & E.John Rawks!by the way. glasses
2)You're iguana is stareing at me with his beady eye.Does this mean he
likes Bears or he wants a piece of me?A curious lil critter:tongue:

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Mon 07/02/07 05:04 PM
I am just bearifically happy that my lake is close by.K;It's time for another dunk apparently have such tremendous imagination & an uncanny ability to pull the reader right in by weaving a tale that offers glorious seduction and then at the last moment before climax the reader is left with a diff.reality & sadness if I may add.(lmao)Freakin awesome gurl,keep up the great work sweetheart.Phew!Extremely Hot!Ms~W.Whoa!;=)
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou glasses

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Mon 07/02/07 02:18 PM
Your very welcome sweetheart.And I can most assure U that U will indeed accuire some very good friends here.I know this from sheer experience here.My friends Rawk!gurl.Granted some of the other boards have individuals with the MySpace mentality,however in my most cherished spot the Poems Forum of course this is not so.U shall see hon.If U have any Q's then I'm merely an e-mail away K.Enjoy urself sweetheart & keep that heavenly smile upon ur face K((((bear~hug)))))) flowerforyou :tongue:

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Mon 07/02/07 10:24 AM
Lend me your ear and a tale I will tell
We all barely escaped tyrants from hell
A blinding existence for those who lack
Grinds efficiently with political knack
Our hope is failing our hearts do scorch
Guide us then Lady Liberty with your torch
Such anguish aboard awaiting us each day
Starvation is looming a price we will pay
Please quench our thirst God & rain today
My compass it lies aimed by faith I know
I will steer her along so steady as we go
Such a long & painful journey to be free
Many tales told of your grandeur & beauty
A magnificence seen from many miles away
My ship sailed true and brought us today
As I reach closer my heart quickens pace
One tear for every line I can now trace
Countless souls you so faithfully serve
Morning dew speckles each of your curves
So many have perished to reach your shore
Lives's that never embarked a higher score
You captured many hearts through history
A crown adorns your head ever faithfully
We gaze upon you earnestly and understand
That freedom must prevail for mortal man
You stand firm yet graceful my eyes do see
Symbolic of such freedom we cherish thee
We all stand now in awe;Sweet Madame Blue
Words that were spoken so mercifully true
My sweet home;The United States of America
Gloriously Written by Cybear 7/2/07{X+O}
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: love
For my beloved country whom I've faithfully
served and shall honor until I depart.Amen!

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Mon 07/02/07 06:58 AM
Hello!& welcome to JSH.I am pleased 2 meet U.I think them are words of wisdom to live by most certainly.Fortunately you've found a very special place indeed.You've stumbled across the greatest upon the net.And now U are trapped here for all eternity.J/K(lmao)Seriously though there are some bearific people within as U shall find out.I have many dear & cherished friends within.And U shall obtain some along the way.Just continue to mix & mingle with us,& the rest falls into place naturally.So enjoy then & cont. writing also K.ttyl/snags.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)(((bear~hug))):tongue: flowerforyou glasses
p.s.go into profile,edit pics,upload a pic.(default or whatever)& snag it(pun intended)into ur main image K.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{bear's:tongue:den}

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Mon 07/02/07 06:41 AM
I am very pleased to meet U;LFC.I think that poem is bearifically beautiful.And I pray then that she remains steadily by your side to watch over & protect U for all of ur days upon the earth.And with your faith I am most certain that she shall.I hope U are enjoying yourself @ JSH.There are some bearific people here & quite frankly my bond with them exceeds many of those in real~time/real~world.Please continue writing K,I enjoyed this very much.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)(((bear~hug))):tongue: flowerforyou glasses

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Mon 07/02/07 02:08 AM
Well there U go then.Beautiful,sweet,talented,expressive & young @ heart.Amen!(((((((((bear~hugs)))))))))):tongue: flowerforyou

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Mon 07/02/07 02:02 AM
Hey GBIY,let's keep it polite & real here at our second home K.I did'nt see anyone throw comments on your weak played out MySpace poem,but if you're going to talk like that to this sweet lady then U know,I just may be inclined to step up myself & say something.Be nice K;A person is as old as they allow themselves to be within they're heart.If that is her age then she is 50 yrs young K.We choose to spread love in our house.That's not cool bro.Peace,Cybear glasses
Nancy,I enjoyed that very much sweetheart.Belief must always thrive or else mistrust takes hold & shall reign most willingly.Very beautiful expression hon.I loved it & please keep writng K.I love reading your Poetry.((((((((((bear~hugs)))))))))) :tongue: flowerforyou :heart:

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Mon 07/02/07 01:45 AM
I do feel blessed just stepping into this thread.A hopeful and strongly sought after vision and hope that I've always wished & longed for at JSH.It certainly is a desire I've expressed many of times,I'm sure in my writing.I will never let go of this hope either for I believe with all my heart that this special place aka (second home)consists of many who desire the same,even if it is not stated.My heart tells me that many
others desire the same likewise.Futhormore some of my closer friends here have stated as such.Call it my dreamy notion if U wish,but is it possible?Of course it is.They're will always be nay-sayers so then U have a forum titled Doubting Thomas's.Then may they live long & prosper likewise & God willing they accept change and welcome hope and love for they're fellomman,for it is imperative,otherwise the steady decline & collapse of humanity's core shall follow.Well just my thoughts anyhow.And by the way Michael,I am quite pleased to meet U.You're within the company of 2 of my dearest friends.Take care & Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;=) ((((((((bear~hugs))))))))
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing

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Sun 07/01/07 05:53 PM
Trust me!people it is bearifically YUMMY!in fact I just pillaged a piece.Mmmmmmmmmm!Geez!I did not realize what I was missing.OMG!Clean & jerk & munch from the lake has nothng what~so~ever on this recipe.
Indeed;I learn so beary much from silly humans.:tongue: This is bearifically YUMMY!embarassedK;I better beat paws before he sends poochie after me(lmao) :tongue: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{bear:tongue: cave}

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Sun 07/01/07 05:44 PM
That is just simply magnificant G.OMG!I loved this very dearly.With your permission of course I would love to print this & place it with my Poetry.Let's just say this poem moves deep into the realm of where I stand presently.This is beyond mere words honestly.There are moments in our life when applicability just leaves us breathless,and this my dear friend is indeed one of them moments.It is requiring my straight-line focus as we speak to reply to this.Your ablilities are completely astounding.Wow!Your bearific friend forever G,Cybear;-)(((brear~hug)))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: embarassed

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Sun 07/01/07 05:21 PM
Wow!+OMG!Welcome Ms~W to JSH our second home,where many souls reside within.Quite the diversified type if I may add.This is truly a wonderful place and I have a bunch of very dear friends that I've meet here & you shall likewise dear.I truly hope U enjoy yourself here.Also feel free to send me a friend addy if U so desire.Well then in regards to the poem unfortunately my faith does not encompass re-incarnation or any other type of magic or hocus-pocus.But if I may be so bold then I would say that I know of countless men who desire to return as a well~loved,
gently~worn,dog~eared novel(lmao);=)Pleased to meet U and I enjoyed that poem immensely.Take care & Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;=)((((((bear~hug))))) :tongue: glasses

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Sun 07/01/07 03:48 PM
Edited by Cybear07 on Mon 07/02/07 12:16 AM
I Thank You!very dearly S~L.Your words are extremely appreciated & U truly help to keep me inspired.For these complimentary words U speak are the true ignition device that lights the fire beneath my imagination,in addition to providing sustenance so that I will persevere.I am truly humbled my very dear friend.ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear;=)~(((((bear~hug)))))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Sun 07/01/07 03:32 PM
Edited by Cybear07 on Mon 07/02/07 12:00 AM
There U are G.Phew!I was getting ready 2 send a search party out for U (lmao)Yay!this is simply bearific,I'm making some new friends(awesome ppl's G)((bear~hug))Oooooh!Did U say honey?=YUMMY!I will head down to the river indeed with bearific steps.Plus there's possibly a mama bear is there frolicking?Make that,I'll be pounceing my way there.I can use the yummy honey to entice her.Hmmmm!yep!that's what I'll do.I saw something really strange by the brook the other day.I sat there for 2 hrs.watching it completely mesmerized.It was a "CRAWDADDY".He was a curious lil guy.He kept looking up at me to.I assured him he was not part of my diet & I think he smirked @ me.Yay!I luv making new friends.K;down the river I shall pounce & earnestly seek her.(lmao).Take care my very dear friend,Godspeed!Cybear((((bear~hug)));=)
:tongue: flowerforyou glasses

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Sun 07/01/07 11:19 AM
Edited by Cybear07 on Sun 07/01/07 07:47 PM
Superb!CCP.I do love to reminisce of my childhood memories,though sadly I need to erect a fence to block out the others as of course U know what I'm referring to.The fond ones are corrupted with the others for they are equally as powerful sadly.I do try desperately to remain focused on the pos.when I reminisce.Awesome CCP.Godspeed!Cybear(((bear~hug)))
brokenheart +:heart: laugh +sad ~~~~~~~~~~{bear:tongue: cave}

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Sun 07/01/07 11:04 AM
Edited by Cybear07 on Sun 07/01/07 07:32 PM
Wow!simply beautiful Txs.(((bear~hug)))If U don't mind sweetheart,I'd luv to print this 1 & place it in my notebook of Poetry.Not that I will need 2 read it over & over for the words are virtually embedded already.
More so because of it's stark surrealism it lends within my present state of mind.There are moments that your words of wisdom leave me stunned & I am left to contemplate them.Amazing my very dear friend.
Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;=)~((((((((bear~hugs))))))))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Sun 07/01/07 03:58 AM
Good Morn.ppl.'s;=)I'm afraid 2 dissapoint U,but U will never see them both at the same time for they are actually 1.Mr.V has stated to us in the past that Mike is his alter-ego(lmao).And over time we have all become convinced of this fact.It's sort of creepy but the mysterious element is way kewl.(lmao)Such as the Bear is mine's(lmao).Well have a nice day,for I did not mean to sadden U.:=)((bear~hug))Godspeed!Cybear
:tongue: flowerforyou embarassed

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Sat 06/30/07 08:02 PM
That is very heartfelt & extremely moving Michael.I loved it very much,& I truly wish the same for U likewise.Much love & happiness.I am greatly pleased to meet U.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;=) :tongue: flowerforyou