Community > Posts By > Cybear07

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Thu 06/28/07 06:28 PM
I've been pondering over where it all began
Retracing my steps back through Cyberland
I knocked at their door with an open heart
To cover some pain and to make a new start
With such timid steps I did walked right in
They shook my hand and said how has it been
I told them then that Cybear needs to roam
Well we welcome you then to our second home
Then my eyes teared up and I tried to hide
They just kept coming steadily to my side
Well I sat right down then I looked around
Much love and tranquility is what I found
I knew right then that I would never leave
They hugged me gently and made me believe
Sunshine is fading just to exhume my past
With candles they held and stood steadfast
Share with us then & just speak your peace
Compassion they lent that would never cease
Such soothing whispers were spoken by them
Hearts shining brilliant like precious gems
Broken and alone I was just feeling so weak
My core just seemed hollow but I must speak
Not a game here thrown with sorrowful dice
My friends here do not banter or set a price
Precious are they till I heave my last breath
Remaining in their hearts even after my death
There's no need to ask then is this the place
My path is now illuminated with their grace
Two special friends also let's speak of thee
They hail gracefully by names Mike and Mr.V.
With generous hearts they'll always be known
They have given to countless souls here alone
Beautiful are they & trenched deep in my heart
Many come to them with their life's torn apart
A vast starlight glow beaming across their face
The creators built from kindness not with haste
Never shall we look upon them feeling any loss
They have offered many solace without any cost
Humbled by such kindness that they surely show
Heightened awareness for when you're feeling low
By virtue of our kindness let us help them grow
Forever we are grateful and this is what I know

Contemplatively Written by Cybear 6/28/07
For Mr.V.& Mike & my Bearific Friends{X+O}
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Thu 06/28/07 02:56 PM
Hi!F~F~K;=)Welcome 2 JSH.I hope U enjoy urself here.There r some fantastic people here,just mix & mingle & you'll be on ur way 2 makeing some bearific friends n' no time.Trust me!Very bearific expression with this Poem & very heartfelt indeed.Sadly it rings true for 2 many of us.But hold steadfast 2 hope K,4 this allows us 2 sustain.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;-)(((bear~hug))):tongue: flowerforyou

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Thu 06/28/07 01:59 PM
Thank You!carebear.From 1 bear 2 another.(((bear~hug)))I'm very pleased 2 meet U.Paw~shakes~a~plenty.(lol) :tongue: flowerforyou embarassed
I'll try to bump for at least 24 it is not missed.take care my bearific friend,& enjoy yourself camping also.Very Kewl!indeed.Say Hi!to ur friends while U are there K.:tongue:

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Thu 06/28/07 01:22 PM
Txs=((((((((((((bear~hugs)))))))))))))I so admire your words of wisdom sweetheart.You totally Rawk from all conceivable angles hon.I consider myself blesssed knowing U & I must make it a point to confide in U more often,for I dearly never want to re-travel the road I was once on.Lord,No!.Thank You!Txs from the bottom of my heart K.I admire U bearifically hon.(((((((bear~hug))))))))ttyl/sweetheart.By the way I've missed ur words tremendously.I'm soooo happy to be back hon.
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed
Awwww!AuburnGirl=(((massive bear~huggies)))We have much to talk about sweetheart.I am bearifically happy that I have moved U with this Poem,& ur words drive me & keep me inspired.I'm an e-mail away sweetheart,U know that.K;ttyl/hon.:tongue: flowerforyou :heart:

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Thu 06/28/07 12:21 PM
Thank You!CCP aka sweetheart~poet(((bear~hug)))I'm going to send U an addy hon via MySpace K,of course if U don't mind.I did not realize U were established there till I saw U on D's page.U rawk gurl,& I luv the expression of leaving the rocking chair on the porch & going down by the stream to ponder.That freakin rawks!I luv it big-time.(((bear~hugs)))
:tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 06/28/07 12:06 PM
Bear pokes his snout back into thread.Hmmmm!where did everyone go?Such timid lil creatures.Indeed they are faint at heart.Maybe it was the bear~scratch comment.Well 1 can never tell.frown Well as long as I don't smell gunpowder,I'm a bearifically friendly bear.:tongue: K;so I have a beartastic appetite.Geez!Who wants some fishies hot of the grill?What this?A watermelon=YUMMY!I'll take this thingy home for the cubs to play with(lmao)K;bye:tongue: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:tongue:

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Thu 06/28/07 09:00 AM
Hey!O~B,he wont have to feed me,I'll be pillageing the coleman cooler while he's away frolicking or doing what he does best(lmao):tongue: Human food=YUMMY!:tongue: Geez!humans are so bearifically silly(lol)
p.s.Guns=Bear Scratchlaugh :tongue: (my bearific opinion)noway

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Thu 06/28/07 07:23 AM
VIRGO - The One that Waits.tick...tick...tick...?
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves {Yay!}=((((((bear~hug)))))))
them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal.
Easy to talk to.Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward.& I will pillage ur entire coleman cooler if U do not forward.:tongue: laugh

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Thu 06/28/07 05:50 AM
That is a bearific 1st post Shawn.((bear~hug))I am very pleased to meet you & welcome to JSH.Mix & Mingle with us,for there are some awesome people here & you will make some bearific friends in the meantime.If U choose then send me a friend addy K.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)
:tongue: flowerforyou

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Thu 06/28/07 05:30 AM
I wish for U a bearific day E~W.And may I lift my cup of JAVA with U likewise.I'm very pleased to meet U.Godspeed!Cybear glasses drinker

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Thu 06/28/07 05:23 AM
Your very welcome FA4U.flowerforyou
I'm not here to negotiate CTP.Like I stated this came from a reliable source & backed up by NBC.I don't need to google it.Thx!I have many friends here I care deeply about & I personally am not willing to take that chance.(my opinion likewise)glasses

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Thu 06/28/07 05:15 AM
Good Morn.SandyLou;=)(((((((bear~huggie)))))I know sweetheart,cyberworld is full of them.sadly in real/time+real/world likewise.Be careful hon & stay very alert for they are extremely clever & with our modern days of P.C.'s they have a much wider base of victims to choose from.BE CAREFUL!e-mail me hon if U have any Q's K.(((bear~hug)))):tongue: flowerforyou
Your very welcome SPS.(((bear~hug)))flowerforyou Godspeed!Cybear;=)

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Thu 06/28/07 05:08 AM
Good Morn.Oceans.Perhaps they have already tried a bait & snatch,but this person is obviously very clever so broadcasting the certainly the next best option while they re-think a new plan of capture.We could be saving the next life in the meantime,for this person or person's are certainly elusive & adept.glasses Please to meet U by the way.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)

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Thu 06/28/07 05:00 AM
Thank You!E~W.I'm getting the word out also.This came from an extremely reliable source,so I was all over it in a flash.I have many tremendous friends here that I deeply care about so I posted it here first.Thx!again & I'm very pleased to meet U by the way.(paw shake)Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)glasses :smile:

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Thu 06/28/07 04:45 AM
Your very much welcome S~L.Let all of ur friends know please Thx!(((bear~hug)))flowerforyou blushing :tongue:

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Thu 06/28/07 04:21 AM

Please read this.....I hope that all of my Friends Post this and help keep our myspace & JSH friends safe.

State police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then send it out to all the people online that you know. Something like this is nothing to be taken casually;this is something you DO want to pay attention to.

If a person with the screen-name of imahustlababay or contacts you, do not reply. DO NOT talk to this person; do not answer any of his/her instant messages or e-mail. Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect for murder in the death of 56 women(so far)contacted through the Internet.Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask them to pass this on,as well.

This screen-name was seen on Yahoo, AOL, AIM, and Excite so far. This is not a joke! Please send this to men too...just in case! Send to everyone you know!Ladies, this is serious.Gentlemen, PLEASE let your Lady Friends know....This can also be found at or
IF WE CAN PASS ON JOKES, SURELY WE CAN PASS ON A WARNING THAT MAY SAVE A LIFE.Please repost! Thx!Cybear 6/28/07{This is not SPAM,I don't do SPAM}
glasses :heart: flowerforyou

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Thu 06/28/07 04:02 AM
Mmmmmm!That was bearifically YUMMY!:tongue: I need a recipe for grilling fishies in the great outdoors because well quite frankly I have this abundance of them in my fridge=(lake):tongue: any ideas T.G.?No I did not eat any crawdaddies Geez!what I do look like some wild ravageing Bear? :tongue:T.G.'s recipes=YUMMY!Does this make me a piggy bear?
(((((bear~huggie))))):tongue: flowerforyou blushing embarassed

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Thu 06/28/07 03:11 AM
Marie=((((((((bear~hug))))))))))Thank You!sweetheart
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing;=)
p.s.Nope!I have not seen your wateremelon :tongue:
(claws crossed)laugh

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Wed 06/27/07 07:41 PM
Awwwwwwww!Group huggie for my bearific friends:tongue: Thank U so
much,for them words truly do inspire me.I see JSH as my second home &
there are no greater friends that I choose to share my thoughts & poems
with.I am very flattered & honored indeed.I'm just glad also that I have
this marvelous pelt to hide my constant blushing.Phew!((((bear.~hug)))My
friends RAWK!I wuv U guys.K;back to my
den.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(bear-cave)Hmmm~home-sweet-home!Yay!I wonder if
they'll notice the food gone from their coolers.Naaa!I'm safe.
:tongue: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Wed 06/27/07 06:42 PM
There's moments in our life every now & then
Reflecting upon the places that we have been
Such wonderful people fortunately we've meet
There is others that we just as soon forget
Some have even helped us so that we may gain
Others served us sorrow & such bittered pain
Then upon a victory we must certainly shout
For failure is born from laid seeds of doubt
Precious life is given from a Heavenly source
But hearts are so bruised by moments of loss
Within their lies reason for both sides I know
It's said there required for us to learn & grow
Our sweet memories cherished & we hold so dear
Sadly some are harboured with terror and fear
A heart with such compassion I surely do admire
Yet so many tears are shed from words of a liar
Them tenderly moments we shall gently embrace
Shadowed by those whom have fallen from grace
Never shall we relinquish such steadfast hope
Then we would fall victim & no longer we'd cope
It's wiser to awaken & express your first smile
Then wallow in misery and such bittered denial
So let's say a prayer for those hopefully lost
Their blurred sight failing from reality tossed
As I reminisce dear Lord,I will ex-haltingly say
My faith never faltered,I lived for U each day
This choice it lies waiting for each mortal man
Upon this eternal crossroad where will U stand?
A mindless perception locked in depth-less twirl
1thought,1step and man could change this world
These are not dreamy notions just a plain fact
Then we've made a difference as we look on back
Proclaim this boldly as you welcome eternal rest
With my love and faith Lord,I have done my best

Contemplatively written by Cybear 6/27/07
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing