Topic: ~A Test of My Faith~
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Sat 06/30/07 03:06 PM
The chilling damp air hovering over me
Such darkness creeping ever sightlessly
Grasp hold of me now for I welcome thee
This putrid beast lurks longing for me
The bolts of lightning cracking the sky
An evil shadow moving before my eyes
Gasping for my breath as it draws near
Caressing whispers show me your fear
Beads of rain roll down the windowpane
Such are my tears also,I can not refrain
Rolling so slowly down my unwanted skin
Waged by my heartbreak,not from my sin
Consuming souls with such great delight
Feeding lavishly all through the night
Craving such fear from a damaged heart
Reigning the grey matter right at start
Deliver willingly & I will spare pain
So futile your efforts for I still gain
Show me your terror & I'll show mine's
Oh!a resilient mortal my treasured kind
Your wings are damaged you faithful dove
My Saviour;he stands watching from above
Take your hatred and recess back on down
Merely seeking a true love not yet found
My angelic Goddess;she glides in flight
I shall find you then by Heavenly sight
With my faith there will always lie hope
My daylight breaking;I've learned to cope
Cradle me so gently please never let go
My faith it never wavered even while low
Upon thy bended knees then I shall pray
Our souls they shall clash 1 glorious day

Faithfully Written by Cybear 6/30/07
1 day~:heart:+:heart:will be 1.Amen!
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Sat 06/30/07 03:21 PM

as always..u write such beautiful things..this is so true too..

god bless, darlin..

:heart: :wink: :heart: :smile: :heart: happy :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 03:44 PM
:heart: THERE-ARE,,,,," ANGEL'S AMONG US"!!!!!
Great Read Mr. Bear.....smokin :heart:
She is just waiting until your NOT looking to so that SHE can SURPRISE you,,,wink,wink,lol bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 03:58 PM
Awww!Thank You!sooo much sweetklp aka sweetheart.(((bear~hugs)))I thank U very dearly for your compliments,for they mean much more to me than mere words.They lend me assurance that if I remain persistent and driven then I shall find that elusive soul mate that I longingly seek.Take care hon,ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve.((((bear~hug)))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Sat 06/30/07 04:50 PM

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Sat 06/30/07 05:13 PM
Hello!Iam4U aka T.How goes the life's lil battle?(lmao)I took me a supper break.Italian suasage & fried onions w/rolls & fries=bearifically YUMMY!So true bro,thee angels are there,perhaps at times we become so mainsream focused that they remain elusive.However some times they find U & fire cupid's arrow directly @ U when U least expect it.Well I'm still looking & waiting patiently.(lol)But one never knows,so true.I hope all is well with U.Well take care my dear friend.ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=) :tongue: glasses :heart: embarassed

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:24 PM
Hello!F/P long time no see/nor hear.U are flying beneath the radar hey?I'm a bear w/keen senses & I will find U.If I can not I'll have some lil cubs assist me(lmao)I hope all has been well with U hon.I am very happy to be back with my bearific friends.I missed them terribly,& I'm making some new frinds also.YAY!;=)My friends here hon truly keep me inspired & driven indeed.I hope that one day all of us can plan a wkd.annual meet at a nuetral place that fits the majority.Now that would be bomb hey?Well I can always have my dreamy bear notions can't I?Never say never as the saying goes.Take care sweetheart K.(((((((((bear~huggies))))))))))
Your bearific friend forever,Godspeed!Cybear aka Steven;-):tongue:
flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

Marie55's photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:41 PM
Beautiful work, Cybear, just takes time, you will find her.

pkh's photo
Sat 06/30/07 06:39 PM

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Sat 06/30/07 06:45 PM
Hi!Marie;my very dear friend.Thank You!soooo much hon for that compliment,I am humbled indeed.And very flattered if I may add.I know I will sweetheart one day.I will hold fast and diligent to my hope for if I ever relinquish that then I have welcomed despair.And that would be utterly saddening.Have a bearific wkd.sweetheart K.I have been peeking @them 2 baskets of strawberries & raspberries=YUMMY!!But I'll be a good bear plus I'll keep boo-boo away from them if U promise to make me some yummy pancakes.Mmmmmmmmm! :tongue: Take care sweetheart.ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve;=)((((((((((bear~hugs~a~plenty)))))))))))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

sandylou2456's photo
Sat 06/30/07 06:58 PM


Here is my special Teddy Bear Hug for youflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 07:23 PM
Awwww!does Cybear have 2 more hugs to give out.Yay!Grrrreat.Because quite frankly I'm obsessed with them(lmao)But I did speak with my Bearanarian & he said he thought it was simply bearific.;=)I thank you very kindly ladies for it is U who keeps me inspired & driven.I am extremely pleased to met U PKH(((bear~hug)))& I hope U are enjoying our secomnd home.For it is a very special place indeed,& U can expect to make some very bearific friends also.Some even find their elusive soul-mate if that is whom they seek.So I've come to believe that many things have been proven possible here.Thx!again sweetheart & I would be honored to be ur friend if U choose so K.Your bearific friend Cybear aka Steven;=)~(((((((((bear~hug))))))))X 2 beautiful ladies
Sandy~Lou=:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing
PKH=:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing K;back to my (bear-den)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{:tongue: }Phew!Home-Sweet-Home}embarassed

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 07/01/07 02:04 PM
Edited by Gryphyn on Sun 07/01/07 10:32 PM
The bear strikes again, Its nice to see you combing the forest for some honey, I saw a tree down by the river with a hole near the trunk, AND there was a buzzing sound.

OOohhh I saw another furry thing down there too, she looked like she needed a friend.

bigsmile :wink:


summerlady's photo
Sun 07/01/07 03:10 PM
Edited by summerlady on Sun 07/01/07 11:38 PM
Simply beautiful, Cybear!!flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 07/01/07 03:32 PM
Edited by Cybear07 on Mon 07/02/07 12:00 AM
There U are G.Phew!I was getting ready 2 send a search party out for U (lmao)Yay!this is simply bearific,I'm making some new friends(awesome ppl's G)((bear~hug))Oooooh!Did U say honey?=YUMMY!I will head down to the river indeed with bearific steps.Plus there's possibly a mama bear is there frolicking?Make that,I'll be pounceing my way there.I can use the yummy honey to entice her.Hmmmm!yep!that's what I'll do.I saw something really strange by the brook the other day.I sat there for 2 hrs.watching it completely mesmerized.It was a "CRAWDADDY".He was a curious lil guy.He kept looking up at me to.I assured him he was not part of my diet & I think he smirked @ me.Yay!I luv making new friends.K;down the river I shall pounce & earnestly seek her.(lmao).Take care my very dear friend,Godspeed!Cybear((((bear~hug)));=)
:tongue: flowerforyou glasses

no photo
Sun 07/01/07 03:48 PM
Edited by Cybear07 on Mon 07/02/07 12:16 AM
I Thank You!very dearly S~L.Your words are extremely appreciated & U truly help to keep me inspired.For these complimentary words U speak are the true ignition device that lights the fire beneath my imagination,in addition to providing sustenance so that I will persevere.I am truly humbled my very dear friend.ttyl/Godspeed!Cybear;=)~(((((bear~hug)))))
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 07/01/07 04:30 PM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Mon 07/02/07 12:58 AM

The day will come when you least expect it and there she will be. One that will love you for who you are not what they want you to be. They will accept you the way they found you for that is who they fell in-love with. You will truly know when it is the one for there will no longer be any doubts in your mind. And it will be the one you feel comfortable enough with to open your heart and let them see your soul. :heart: bigsmile flowerforyou As they say good things come to those who wait. bigsmile

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 07/01/07 05:12 PM
Oh you big bear, I got my nose caught in a bramble bush the other day and I couldn't smell a thing till this morn. This new countryside is filled with many strange things I am not used to seeing. You should see me shedding everywhere the heat is muggy but I'll survive if I can stay by the creek or Crik as some people call it. LOL And to top it all off this 3 hr time change has me all out of wack, hopefully I'll get used to it soon.

laugh :wink: bigsmile


PS it seems I posted on someone else's profile this last week, thats another thing I have to get used too.

LAMom's photo
Mon 07/02/07 04:58 PM
Welcome home my Friend,, She is out there and when you are not looking she will grab ya up and lift you off your feet,, I have missed you dearly,,,, Bravo Piece,,, Awesome,,,, flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou