Community > Posts By > Cybear07

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Wed 06/27/07 10:32 AM
Your most welcome sweetheart.His hometown ironically is from my
state"Mass"I was hooked on him at 8 yrs.old & never looked back.For
without him I would of never tried my hand @ Poetry.For this I am
eternally grateful to the master Poet;Robert L.Frost{LUV HIM} :heart:
Your bearific friend,Cybear;=)~(((bear~hug):tongue: flowerforyou

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Wed 06/27/07 10:12 AM
"The Bear"

The bear puts both arms around the tree above him
And draws it down as if it were a lover,
And its choke cherries lips to kiss good-bye
Then lets it snap back upright in the sky.

His next step rocks a boulder on the wall
He's making his cross-country in the fall,
His great weight creaks the barbed-wire in it's staples
As he flings over and off down through the maples.

Leaving on one wire moth a lock of hair
Such is the uncaged progress of the bear,
The world has room to make a bear feel free
The universe seems cramped to you and me.

Man acts more like the poor bear in a cage
That all day fights a nervous inward rage,
His mood rejecting all his mind suggests
He paces back and forth and never rests.

The constant click and shuffle of his feet
The telescope at one end of his beat,
And at the other end the microscope
Two instruments of nearly equal hope.

And in conjunction giving quite a spread
Or if he rests from scientific tread,
Tis only to sit back and sway his head
Through ninety odd degrees of arc it seems.

Between two metaphysical extremes
He sits back on his fundamental butt,
With lifted snout and eyes(if any)shut
lie almost looks religious but he's not.

And back and forth he sways from cheek to cheek
At one extreme agreeing with one Greek,
At the other agreeing with another Greek
Which may be thought,but only so to speak,
A baggy figure,equally pathetic
When sedentary and when peripatetic.
p.s.This poem was written by one of the finest
writers ever known to Man.{Robert Lee Frost}.
Certainly one of my all time fav.Author/Poet
Written by Robert.L.Frost/Humbely submitted by Cybear.
:tongue: flowerforyou smokin

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Wed 06/27/07 09:31 AM
These are very beautiful A~G.Thank You!for sharing them with us.I like
them very much.Excellent read.Godspeed!Cybear:tongue: flowerforyou

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Wed 06/27/07 09:16 AM
This is a very beautiful dedication S~P.Extremely deep & heartfelt.Rest
assured that ur uncle is looking down at U & smileing.He can feel &
sense every word that U have spoken about him.And I am equally certain
that for every tear that U have shed for him,he would rather have each 1
replaced with a smile.I am sure that we would prefer that U are happy
for each & every day that U remain upon the earth.He is very proud of U
indeed.Absolutely superp S~P.;=)((bear~hug))Godspeed!Cybear
flowerforyou :tongue: glasses
p.s.C+P this dedication into the Poem sect.sweetheart.flowerforyou

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Wed 06/27/07 04:44 AM
Awwww!Good Morn.ladies.Did 2 of my bearific friends come to say hi &
tease the bear.Yay!I wuv interacting w/silly humans(lmao):tongue: I am
very pleased that you two ladies enjoyed it,and I am very humbled
also.In light of some recent experiences,I was compelled & driven to
write this particular poem.But on a lighter note as I have mentioned in
the Poem,Oh! do I soooo cherish the dear friends that I have here.For U
are my bearific friends for life.And God willing we shall make more new
friends on the fly also.Thanks again ladies & have a bearific day & of
course stay cool.It is already sweltering in Mass right now.Phew!Bear
needs ice from cooler,yep!time to pounce & forage coolers.If U see the
Park Ranger aka J.Carey please let me know because I ate his lunch & I
think he's mad at me(piggy~bear)lmao) :tongue: flowerforyou blushing
p.s.I left the windowsill alone Kim,but Ohhh!so tempting.I'm watchng a
crawdaddy right now.He's a perculiar lil fellow(lmao):tongue: laugh

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Tue 06/26/07 09:08 PM
This is well written although such a deep & saddening reflection of
moments that have come & gone lies within.So many of us have reminisced
about such moments or a lost relationship.Though hope does remain which
is vital.Good read WWE.Godspeed!Cybear glasses :tongue:
TwilightsTwin=Hilarious.Hey!a bear will do alot of things but I ain't
climbling any electrical poles K.(lmao):tongue: flowerforyou

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Tue 06/26/07 08:50 PM
Them words are extremely well said,& straight from the heart.If couples
were more communitive like this and would openly express such heart-felt
words then the break-up & divorce rate would not be nearly as high as
it is sadly.Beautiful expression CCP.((bear~hug))Godspeed!Cybear;=)
:tongue: flowerforyou

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Tue 06/26/07 08:23 PM
I won't sweetheart.It almost smells like a bait to get me banned
huh?Awww!Cy's not buying into someone's stupidity leak(lmao)Perhaps an
ex gruntled unhappy camper from the site prev.& coming in with a new
alias.((((bear~huggie)))+1X ;=):tongue: flowerforyou blushing

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Tue 06/26/07 08:11 PM
CCP=:smile: flowerforyou Thank You!sweetheart;=)
p.s.There is no higher compliment that can be spoken
than from a highly talented & compelling Poet such
as yourself.I am humbled CCP.((((bear~hug)));=)

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Tue 06/26/07 07:58 PM
Marie=:smile: flowerforyou Thank You!sweetheart;=)

AtinyDancer= :smile: flowerforyou Thank You!swweetheart;=)

p.s.I sincerly appreciate them comments from U beautiful
ladies for they inspire me to cont.writing and 2 remain
driven.I am humbled.((((bear~hugs)))x2 ;=) blushing

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Tue 06/26/07 04:33 PM
Absolutely superb Karma.Your writeing just pulls the reader headlong
forward directly onto the very path of the tale.Thx!for sharing
bro.Godspeed!Cybear.glasses :tongue: drinker
p.s.Yep!me knows certainly ur back at it,& I'm luving it.drinker

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Tue 06/26/07 04:03 PM
Heather={LMAO}Seriosly though hon,I have to say first that I have a
tremenous amount of respect for Martin Broduer,trust me!I've seen him in
his finest form & quite nasty he can be backstopping while under intense
pressure in the playoffs.These moments will haunt me a lifetime.Do U
remember Colorodo Av's doing battle against your Dev's.J.C & all his
apostles.I had to replace my coffee table K(lmao)One of the finest Cup
finals I have ever witnessed in my life.All U could hear was SAVE
BRODUER!!~SAVE ROY!!OMG!what a series,the roof was nearly taken off the
bldg.Sweet Jesus.I was told I have have a very serious prob.with this
sport.& I was like NO!I have an intense LOVE for this sport."HOCKEY
RULES"period.Take care sweetheart(((bear~hug))) :tongue: flowerforyou
Zapchaser=(((bear~hug)))U go bro!!I would be honored likewise if U would
join my friend's list.From 1 hockey~head to another.glasses :tongue:

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Tue 06/26/07 03:32 PM
Boo!Grrr(lmao)~(((bear~hug)))What's with all this noise?I can hear U
coming into the forest from a mile away.Geez!I have bearific
hearing.Your friends sweetheart will help to illuminate this path for
you as you step towards this unknown.There always lies uncertainty for
each new path we take,however with friends much of this can be
allieviated.Remain steadfast & strong
Alanna.(((bear~hug)))Godspeed!Cybear.:tongue: flowerforyou blushing

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Tue 06/26/07 03:14 PM
Excuse Me!Might U be the first candidate this applies to?Hmmmm!I'll
ponder over that one indeed.Show some respect newbie,how's that for good
advice?Go uptairs & read the in-house rules before posting.glasses

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Tue 06/26/07 03:08 PM
This is beautiful work once again Txs.I seem to have reached the same
croossroad within my own life & I'm standing alne in the middle of
nowwhere pondering all these qusetions,for likewise my 3 angels are all
grown know & I'm seperated.All them years it seems have just been blown
away in the blink of an eye.What,Where's,Why's are racing towards me.
What's really ironic is that I'm currently working on a poem quite
similiar.I loved this read very much Txs,& I missed you
bearifically.((((bear~hugs))))+1X.:tongue: flowerforyou :heart:

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Tue 06/26/07 02:56 PM
This is bearifically beautiful G.This is very deep & contemplative.I've
read it several times already & it leaves the reader pondering over
these instictive questions that one must ask oneself.Magnificant work
G.I Luv it.Godspeed!Cybear.;=)glasses flowerforyou :tongue:

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Tue 06/26/07 02:15 PM
I've just come here to make some new friends
Thee truthful ones shall last & will never end
Though few of them are that so I must confess
So many harbour wicked for that is there best
An abject despair is what they intend to share
Their false intentions in time they shall bear
There brow beaten down for they do not learn
That happiness conquers while the spirit yearns
So stealthily quiet & they will bite real quick
With fresh wounds open they will love to pick
Well shield your hearts and keep them at bay
Smother them with kindness they'll slink away
Perhaps then they will anxiously tag this poem
With their hardened hearts they do love to roam
Such a cowardly pretense they do make me sick
They gouge wounded souls with mindless tricks
Some of them exposed as they pass through time
Their path it is so darkened yet feeling sublime
I will not judge them oh!but I will surely wait
They will slither and cower before God's gate
If you hurt my friends then you have hurt me
Within our gracious circle there lies such unity
With an arrogant gleam you just stride on past
Your complacement showing as if you will last
So bide your time then and you shall surely see
Such an eternal doom it certainly waits for thee
Praise God;along the path for when we do find
Some blessed friends with their hearts so kind
Embrace them so tightly and never let them go
A lasting reflection of love they sure do show
So count your blessings for each one you add
Confide within each other when troubled or sad
A shoulder and ear you will both need and seek
With there self indulgence they feel we are meek
Such horrendous nightmares & languishing days
Answers lying within them just change your ways
Welcome sweet love & put down the ragged knife
Uncloak your deceitful mask and change your life
With blinders now lifted can you see it's toll?
Hell's been mercifully robbed of an awaiting soul
Look upwards now & praise him & hold his hand
A new course it lies forward to his promised land

Contemplatively Written by Cybear 6/21/07
:tongue: flowerforyou glasses

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Tue 06/26/07 01:59 PM
Well then!Hi!Princess Phoenix.I am very pleased indeed to meet you
gurl.And I must say that anyone who
dreams & wishes to play Hockey is certainly on my page of music.You
Rawk!gurl;=)I've been a hockey~head since I was 4 yrs.old so that puts
me in the game for 44yrs.& running.Yay!There is no other sport on the
planet as far as I'm concerned.I'm in Mass & I've never attended a
Celtics,or Red Sox game in my life.HOCKEY RULES!!the rest drools.
"Kewlest Game On The Planet"We must give our adieu to thee beloved
country of Canada also.I wish U the best in ur endeavors also.Send me a
friend addy if U wish,for I would be honored to be ur friend
K.Godspeed!Cybear aka Steve.;=) :tongue: flowerforyou glasses

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Tue 06/19/07 08:01 AM
Two of my most valued and cherished friends for life lie within each
other's arms forever & all eternity.Just as God meant it to be so.I am
soooooooo bearifically happy.I luv U 2.OMG!This has made Cybear's heart
warm right up & allow me to forget about yesterday's pain.I am greatly
honored to be their friend and so this shall remain for all of my
days.(((((((((bear~hugs))))))))))))+paw shakes for G.;=)
:smile: :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: blushing embarassed

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Tue 06/19/07 07:49 AM
Thank You!Julia;=)(((((((bear~hugs))))))If I could erase them poems I
wrote to that player Jenn.I would in a red hot second.Unfortunately I do
not have that ability @JSH to edit.However they sure are deleted
@MySpace.Amen!She's washed up here @JSH and her game is played
out.Another strike to my already damaged heart,however all my friends
here know the real deal concerning her.So all's good.All her poems were
written to her fiance(poor guy)Alex,not to me.Jenn=Big-Time
Player;=(Boo!She'd do best by packing it in & calling it a wrap for she
is exposed now.Good Riddance!Player~Jenn.Well she can always swap poems
with her meddleing pole smokeing friend Daniel.mad