Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/13/09 01:36 AM

Dress to impress.

The guys showing up in flip flops or baggy @ssed pants trying to look gangsta let's me know that they ain't serious.

Eye contact...MAKE IT! From the receptionist to the inerviewer....look em right in the eye.

A trick that works for me.....during an interview....tell them...."I could tell you that I am dependable and hard working but talk is cheap....let me work for two years you will know that I am dependable and hard working"

(That last part only works if you ain't full of s*#t)

Good luck homeboi

I LIKE THAT!! if u don't mind terribly, next time i swing an interview i'm using that line. and if i get hired, i'll post about it and bring attention and accolades to u sir for that brilliant line. i love it!

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/13/09 01:26 AM
if i give u the instrument to stitch me with would u help me?

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/13/09 01:23 AM
sounds kinda like the bread pudding i make. never thot of doing a lighter version for breakfast. hahaha. brilliant!

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/13/09 01:15 AM
thanks... i'm sorry. i just i dunno... i don't think i'm dealing with life in general very well and it's all become very overwhelming. the girl i like left today. she goes back to prison tomorrow, my cat was killed about a month ago, i haven't been able to find work and i mean, i try to get help on another forum specifically for depression and all that, but i guess everyone is too depressed to type or post back or what i dunno. not that big a surprise huh? buncha depressed people aren't likely to be hot on the keyboard to write a response to anyone u kno. she was the only person who even seemed to care about me even a little bit and she was seeing other people besides me. she even brought one by the house one day. i dunno how many other people she was seeing besides me. but i dunno, i try so hard to be positive and smile and keep a good attitude and be punctual and follow thru with interviews and all sort of things, but i fail miserably at everything. i just fail at life. and i guess with everything that's happened recently it's too much for me to deal with anymore. i'm out of ideas.

i appreciate u guys' kind words tho. thank you.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 11/13/09 12:52 AM
i don't have a single friend. sure i mean, there are people i'm friendly with, and maybe... i re-iterate MAYBE a fair-weather friend or two, but not a single person who is truly and genuinely my friend. i try so hard to be a good friend to the people who are nice to me. i don't know anymore. i'm just really, really lonely. i figure since this is supposed to be a "community" someone here might have an idea or suggestion. i think i'm gonna try to see a therapist or counselor or something. mhmr or something like that. i found some old meds that i had been prescribed i tried to start taking those again. i guess i should be a little more consistent with taking them.

i'm not even really sure what i'm asking or if this is the right place, the other forum i post on doesn't ever have any activity. i figure at least here i'll get some sort of response even if it's someone laughing at me or criticizing me. i just don't know what to do anymore.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/09/09 08:08 PM

Great hair cut!

yeah most people walk into a salon and ask for a hairdo, i asked for a hairdon't. sm:)e hahaha

skanktricil's photo
Sun 11/08/09 07:21 PM

I wonder if, the folks sent to jail will be charged with a misdemeanor or felony.
If it's a felony conviction, they lose the right to vote or own a firearm.

i suspect since it's a federal law they'll be violating it's a felony. yay!!! this is EXACTLY what we need! more convicted felons among the american population. i hardly believe it, but whatever. sounds like a bunch of propaganda to me. but if it's real, this is sooooo awesome!! u wonder why the republicans didn't think something like this up. think about... the poor people can't pay, they become felons because they can't pay and NOW they can't vote so who's left to oppose the rule of the american aristocracy? it's BRILLIANT!! bwahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahaa

skanktricil's photo
Sun 11/08/09 01:29 PM
Afford some clothes so we don't have so many shots in your undershirts. Shoulders back; suck that gut in Bulldog. lol Is that mean enough? I swear I gained 5 lbs. looking at your photos. Read over for typo's and miss spells. Otherwise it looks pretty good.

edited and uploaded new pics. I'M WORKING ON MY GUT ALRIGHT!! i kno i'm fat! gosh! u don't gotta be THAT mean! hahahaha


skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/04/09 05:44 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Wed 11/04/09 05:57 PM
"you want the truth?"



hahahahahaha!!! yes! this post ftw! awesome. hahahaha.

that was funny! rofltickets! sm:)e

I normally don't reply in this one, your title caught me and I thought oh gosh what's with this guy. Ya had me fooledlaugh First of thank you for serving our Country, your kitten is adorable and oh boy, ya made me hungry, that food sure looked scrumptious.:wink:

Good luck!

u don't have to thank me for serving. but if u truly feel compelled to show ur gratitude in some way, u can set me up on a date with a cute girl. or set me up on a date with an easy girl. whichever. hhahahaha, i'm teasin. yes my little gatita the little Dutchess Trillian Ophelia Medusa squeakie "sweet-paws" Greyfur-McTabby of Frankford is sooooo cute. ur absolutely right. and that food in those pictures IS scrumptious. especially the "pabellon". very very yummy.

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:36 AM
rate me please... go on, don't hold back. brutally honest... aim for making me cry and never returning to this forum.

have fun.

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/04/09 12:34 AM
boiled sugar syrup into egg whites, buttercream icing. u can find the recipe online just about anywhere, it'll probably take u a couple of attempts to get it right unless ur the type that is very meticulous and careful when following a recipe. it's not THAT hard, it's just the technique that has to be followed. look up buttercream icing/frosting recipe, and the one u want is one that makes mention of drizzling in boiled sugar syrup into egg whites, slowly so u don't cook the eggs before u finish mixing the icing up. u'll read the directions and either have success or failure. i wish u all the success in the world. good luck

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/02/09 02:31 PM
i get in a "funk" probably weekly. i'm starting to notice the pattern and trace it to a particular event. what exactly about this event causes me such severe and miserable depression i dunno. but everytime this one ol girl comes out to visit me i get really REALLY excited to see her. then as soon as she's gone i get terribly depressed and i didn't realize at first why i was getting this way, but i began to notice that it would happen after she left. so at least i've sort of identified what's causing it... somewhat.
i kno i'm really lonely and so i think after she leaves that feeling of loneliness is only magnified by her absence. i feel like it's an unhealthy obsession, because the rest of the week all i think about is the next time i might see her. and on nights i think she might stop by and see me after she gets off from work i'm up for hours, can't sleep with anticipation. if i had money and insurance, i'd see a doctor about this... meantime i have no clue what to do about it. at least i've somewhat identified where my problem stems from.

i dunno if i can help u w/ur "funk" in any way, but if there's some way i can i'd be more than happy to help. hope this reply finds u in better spirits than when u first posted.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/02/09 02:17 PM

I like when they are

Have a big ole bagger

They play hard
They love hard!!!!:heart:

how U doin? :wink:

skanktricil's photo
Sun 11/01/09 09:38 PM
stars lose in the shootout to the panthers at home, and then take a regulation loss versus the nashville predators last nite.

STARS record now 6-3-5

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/29/09 05:20 PM

dunno how i'm goin, but I'M GOIN!

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/29/09 05:06 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/29/09 05:16 PM

I love hockey it as been my game since I can remember but after what happened this week (Richard hitting Boot) and the decision of the NHL on it (Legal hit) I am ashame to love hockey.

The NHL will stay a 3rd class sport as long as they make decision like this. Only strong decision making and strict application of the rules will bring hockey back.

IF you haven't seen the hit it is obvious he wanted to hurt him, the guy didn't have the puck and he bent to hit his head with his shoulder.

One hit like that can change the life of the player receiving it for ever (Head injury) and should not be tolorated and severely punished.

Hockey is a violent sport and will always have the risk of injury but the officials (on ice and off) have to punish the deliberate acts with no regards of the status of the player doing the deed, the player should be punished base on the act not on the extent of the injury.

i haven't seen it, but it sounds bad, and one of the players from the STARS was suspended for 3 games for going in and hip-checking a guy, who saw it coming the whole way, only because he was bent down so low they decided to call it a "low-hit" and suspended one of our key guys after the game against St. Louis where we won 4 - 1. now update, last nite we played the Toronto Maple Leafs at home and so far our record at home has been miserable! but LAST NITE! ... oh man... tied for the majority of the game, and then wouldn't u kno it. OVERTIME at home AGAIN!! please for the love of all that is holy in the land of china NOT ANOTHER OTL. and wouldn't u kno it? there must be something holy in that land of china there cos THE STARS PULLED IT OUT AND WON THE GAME!! in overtime no less. didn't have to take it to the shootout. DECISIVE VICTORY!! and hey, the Leafs can claim they played well too cos they at least took it to a tie in regulation and earned a point for the OTL. BUT THE STARS WON!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

oh and a little side note here, cos i was watchin the game at this pub where the girl i like works. she sat with me n kept me company while she was waiting for her section to get busy.

ai laik that gurl ALOT!! she's as secksi as the STARS are awesome! VERY VERY!! ok, i'm done now...

STARS record now 6-2-4 next game - Panthers vs. STARS on Friday 30.10.09

*** edit ***

after watchin the video of the hit u made reference to i can't see calling it an illegal hit. it looked clean to me, it just had unfortunate results. it's never a happy day when a player is injured severely. when anyone is injured severely period. player or otherwise, all are people and deserve to live happy healthy lives. however, when one chooses to engage in a high risk activity one must take responsibility for one's own safety and recognize that while there are rules in place to prevent egregious acts of violence, in a game like hockey, one can still get hurt in spite of those rules.

p.s. i think ol girl is stoppin by tonite after work. WOOHOOO!! :banana:

skanktricil's photo
Wed 10/28/09 01:08 PM

Long John Silver's



but yeah, KFC definitely has some good stuff. those KFC famous bowls are BALM!!

skanktricil's photo
Wed 10/28/09 02:56 AM

Hee well, the Hawaiians LOVE spam! They eat more spam there than anyone, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

yes well, i was stationed in Hawaii for a bit. Kaneohe Bay, Oahu - Hawaii. and so very apropos in this thread, i was also at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor for 25 days and i could see the USS Arizona memorial from my cell, but when i was in the brig we didn't make commissary, we jes got fed in the mess hall 3 times a day. real good food tho. tha's one thing for sure, the navy feeds their marines and sailors well. and oddest thing i couldn't quite figure out, there was an air force airman in the naval brig with us. weird. i didn't ask what he was doin there, i jes always wondered about it. was also locked up right along side 4 guys who murdered a marine. they were waiting to catch chain to leavenworth. i think tha's the only time i can remember being around someone who was locked up for murder. when i did my state penitentiary time, closest i came to murderers were drunk drivers convicted of manslaughter. horrible horrible thing. and some of 'em were the twerpiest skinny lookin bastards u could imagine. can't imagine how they can wake up and go about the rest of their lives the way they seemed to knowing that their stupid choice to drive home while drunk resulted in the death of another person. i don't think i could live with myself if i were responsible for someone else's life because of my careless, thoughtless, negligent action or the like. horrible! i think that's worse than actually murdering someone even. because at least a murderer had a motivation to kill. the person who commits vehicular manslaughter it's as if "ooops, my mistake. sorry..." and nothing they say can sound any less trite and hollow. STUPIDS!! i jes always think of this one guy that i met who was locked up for that very thing. i just see his sorry pathetic scrawny nerdy twerpy self and i remember how he acted and i can't believe for one second that the lives he affected even register properly with him, he just seemed like some weasel to me or something. .... sciawwy 'bout my rant, i went off topic... i sciawwy, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

skanktricil's photo
Wed 10/28/09 02:35 AM

Dude stop sweating the small stuff!!! We arent teenagers anymore. Keep exercising hard and eat lots of meat!!!! It will take time... So be patient!!!

yeah man, ur right. i kno this. i guess i'm just really discouraged n all, i had made so much progress and now i feel like i'm losing all this weight, stayin fat, etc., etc., .. blah blah blah. it's slow goin, 'specially when u do it all natural. i was tryin to keep up with these younger kids 18-21 who were using test boosters in addition. only supplements i was using, B complex vitamin, C, BCAAs, and this Apex brand Volumizer which had creatine and glutamine in it. that and eating healthy. made it to 185 like that. took me nearly 5 months but hey. i dunno, i jes want that instant gratification of lookin in the mirror and seeing what i used to see and steppin on the scale and seeing a number i'm happy about. not bein able to roll my sleeves all the way up cos it cuts off circulation. hahahaha.

thanks to all who shared kind words and for everyone's support and encouragement. i'll be back in the gym soon enough and eating properly again. take some before n after photos. hahahaha!! think i'm gonna redouble my efforts to tone up my core/midsection too. soooo, yeah, it's comin. that and a brazilian wax. OUCH!! hahaha!!

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/26/09 12:16 AM
Edited by skanktricil on Mon 10/26/09 12:18 AM
los roques archipelago - venezuela. that's the place to take ur significant other. pure romance. the most pristine and beautiful beaches and clear turquoise waters. absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.

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