Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 10:44 PM

i'm up, which cute blonde am i supposed to talk to?

the one who created the thread.

oops slaphead

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 10:40 PM
i'm up, which cute blonde am i supposed to talk to?

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 10:31 PM
dancing monkeys are cool. cos they look funny doing it. bcos they're monkeys. and they're dancing. u kno... like dancing monkeys. that's so cool. haha.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 10:02 PM

Miss "I am going to be a CRIMINOLOGIST",This is for you.
You said you do not do circular arguements and none have been presented to you..You are good at evading questions so why don't try answering these two....
My first question is why we hire Officers who can not defend themselves from bodily harm from a 74 year old woman without the use of what could be deadly force.For this officer to claim he was in harms way would be ludicrous to say the least considering his size.If he were in danger ,I might not pose this question but it is clear there was no dangerous situation..
Question 2.......Hypothetically we are a spit on me and I tazer you. OR You throw a punch at me and miss and I tazer you..Now before you did either action ,I warned you not do it and you proceed..Do you still believe that I should be prosecuted? Or is that a rule only for the police?

I see your wasting your time again...try answering and showing how criminologist think...It should be eye opening for all.....

just answer the question claire! yeah claire! c'mon claire, just answer the question.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 09:52 PM
my favorite cornbread are called "arepas". u gaiz dunno nothin 'bout that! whatchu kno 'bout some arepas or cachapas even?? NUSSING! u kno NUSSING! cachapas are more like cornbread that u kno, but arepas are also made of corn. just a different type. sooooo good.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 09:45 PM
i'm a loser, u gaiz r winners. i'm stupid, ur all smart. i'm ugly, u r all pretty. i'm wrong, ur right. u r all successful, i am a complete failure. u all deserve to be happy and live wonderful lives, i don't. god smiles on all of u, and frowns on me. u gaiz r the ones driving by in the car when it's raining and hitting the puddle that splashes me as i'm walking. u all r cool, i'm not.


skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 07:28 PM
i hate my life. i want to die.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 05:53 PM
r u gaiz watchin now?

watchin the punishment as it happens?

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 05:47 PM

That is not nice.I have no respect for an out of line officer...however to wish ill upon the police as a whole is a very sad place for you to be in life..A young man I raised for 17 years is a officer in Jax florida and he is one of the good men out there and I take your comments as a slam to him...Why do you think that way is my concern...If you would please elaborate..

my sympathies, i'm sorry the young man u raised decided on such a despicable career.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 05:35 PM
is happening right now. hope them boston folks don't cry into their beans too much at how their team is about to get PUNISHED!!

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 04:56 PM
more cops need to get run over and die.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 01:35 PM
i wanna make like a banana pudding pie. that would be YUMMAY!! i love banana pudding. the crust would be nilla wafers and it would have more nilla wafers in the custard, and also sprinkled on top and placed as garnish, plus whipped cream and bananas.

forget it, just plain ol naner puddin. can't beat it. why mess with perfection??

blue bell makes a banana pudding ice cream. amazing! different story that one. blue bell that is.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:01 AM
reporting for duty, the cure for the common skank. and since i been to the gym, extra-strength skanktricil, for those pesky skanks u just can't seem to get rid of.


skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 10:22 PM


oh man, i couldn't have been more excited when i saw the score was 5 - 0 when i was still in class and i checked the score on my fon. i only wish i could have been at the AAC instead of just around the corner from there in class. sonamabish. i was soooo jealous of all the people comin back from the game all decked out in their stars jerseys on the train. but it was sweet vindication for an unlucky season opener where we dropped the game to nashville in a shootout decision. wtf?!? dallas used to be the shootout champs. but it's ok, it's only the first five games of the season and we still haven't posted a regulation loss. sooo that's not the worst start ever. seven points in five games... meh... it's a'ight... we're gonna do better. BOSTON BRING UR LUBE TO DALLAS COS UR GETTIN BENT OVER AND TAKEN!! woot woot!!

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 10:07 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/15/09 10:08 PM
unless u show us the bewbies and shake da hiney 4 our entertainment.


skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 10:04 PM
so i jes got home from class. stupid train was runnin behind schedule by a whole half hour, i'm waiting outside after class for 40 some minutes freezin in my little chef coat w/short sleeves and i've got the freakin swine flu. it's like damn i don't need this! ennywei, so in class we made some sour cream topped cream cheese pie, sort of like a cheesecake. very rich. then we made a chocolate cream pie with whipped cream topping and i had everyone get creative and do semi-sweet chocolate shavings with my peeler to decorate their pies. then also key lime pie, and for that i asked the instructor to procure some limes to use as garnish which he managed when the fat jack@$$ who watches the pantry stepped out for a minute. our chef instructor/professor is KEWL as a fan!! so he brought out a couple limes, i sliced enough for everyone to decorate their pie with a lime wheel sliced thru the middle so they could split it into like an S shape and lay it standing up on the pie instead of flat. and also i zested the lime rind and also shaved some of the rind and ultra-fine julienne to use as garnish. plus whipped cream of course.

turned out nicely. left the chocolate pie on top of ol girl's car she was at work, i didn't wanna make a fuss at her place of work so i jes left it on her car and didn't say anything to her. let's see if she even calls me to acknowledge that gesture, then i'll kno for sure if she's worth gettin all twisted up about. anyone wanna lay odds on her calling me vs. not calling me? maybe we can start a pool and see how long it takes to close it out. she'll prolly be gettin off work here in the next hour n a half mebbe 2 hours, but maybe even sooner. no tellin, it's a cold thursday nite.

ennywei gaiz, i hope u all had a better day than me and life is treatin u better, cos life's been treatin me like an ugly red-headed step-child with buck teeth and freckles. terrible!

effin swine flu!!

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 02:59 PM

hair piedrool

how did i kno someone would make a referrence like this one?

cos i would have made a similar statement. hahaha... only u can keep the hair, leave me the pie. ;)

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 01:42 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Thu 10/15/09 01:45 PM
here's one of mine, it's super easy and sounds all impressive since it's in another language, and to describe it in english sounds all fancy too.

tarte tatin a.k.a. french caramel apple upside down pie.

4 the pie shell
stick of butter
lightly beaten egg
cold water
pinch of salt
1 2/3 cups all purpose flour, sifted

for the filling
1/2 stick of butter
3/4 cup of sugar
roughly ten crisp apples, i prefer gala apples cos they r sweeter, but u can use granny smith or any other variety that is CRISP and holds up well to being baked
some more sugar for sprinkling

DIE reck shuns -

cut the butter into the flour until u have roughly small pea size lumps left. mix in the salt and prepare the egg by adding about a tablespoon of COLD water and dumping it in. mix it until it just comes together, if needed add slightly more water until it is all JUST wet enough to hold together. if it's still kinda clumpy falling apart, that's ok so long as u can mush it all together into a ball and flatten into a thick disk the moisture will permeate the dough while it relaxes in the refrigerator for about an hour wrapped in plastic.

peel and slice the apples into at least 8ths if not 10ths or 12ths.
now get started making the filling in an ovensafe pan for ur stove (a nice ovensafe 10" saute pan is good). heat the butter, sprinkle the sugar over it and maybe a tablespoon of water or so to get it started. once u got ur caramel goin good, remove to either extremely low heat or just off the heat completely. begin placing the apples vertically around the outside of the pan until it has a ring, then move inside and do another ring of apples, and again, etc. u should have concentric rings of vertically placed apples. try to keep them as close together as possible with a minimum of gaps. also just for a nice effect if you have the apples sort of lean to one side on one ring and in the opposite direction in the next, when u unmold ur pie u have a fancy looking domino layer effect. u'll see when u make it. this isn't exact as they are cut apples of different dimensions, do ur best, it'll be fine. sprinkle sugar over the top of ur apples and put back on medium heat and allow the caramel to cook some more and bubble thru ur rings of stacked apples. once the caramel permeates all the filling, and u see it bubble thru remove from heat. now roll out ur pastry dough until it would just overlap the edges of ur pan by not more than an inch. trim it up a bit if needed with a pizza cutter. make folds inwards and underneath the dough as it is placed on top of the apples in the pan. make the folds at roughly 1 ince intervals for a nice "fancy" border appearance. u can do this.. it's EASY! make some holes in the pie crust with a knife to allow steam to escape, bake in a 400F degree oven for 20 - 25 minutes... maybe even 30? allow it to rest AT LEAST 15 minutes before u even think about possibly considering to unmold it. if u can let it rest longer, even better, it gives the apples time to set against one another instead of sliding around against one another while it's still hot. when ur ready to unmold, slap a plate large enough to exceed the edge of ur pan by at least a half inch and then flip it. u might have to give it a little tap to loosen, but not likely. just flip away from urself so u don't have any juice splash u. caramel apple juice can stain. u can dress it with another sprinkling of sugar, this time large granule sugar. looks pretty. or dust it with powdered sugar, then slice and serve lukewarm or even room temp with whipped cream or ice cream or both. or whatever u like to serve ur apple pies with... it's ur frickin pie eat it with cheddar cheese if u gotta. do ur thing, enjoy. bon appetit

now if u'll excuse me, i gotta get ready for my baking class tonite, we're making a wide variety of pies if i remember correctly. key lime, lemon chess, buttermilk, apple, sour cream peach, pecan maybe? i don't remember all the pies the chef professor said we're making. chow now

i'm sure i'll tell ya 'bout it later.

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 12:18 PM

If you have a fever or temperature (over 100.4°F) and two or more of the following symptoms, you may have swine flu:

1. unusual tiredness,
2. headache,
3. runny nose,
4. sore throat,
5. shortness of breath or cough,
6. loss of appetite,
7. aching muscles,
8. diarrhea or vomiting.

Sounds like you have at least got the swine flu!sick

Go wash your hands. drinker

lemme add cough, headache, loss of appetite and aching muscles... the others will probably hit shortly. hahahaha.

i'ma get right on that washin hands mess right after wash down some manischewitz concord grape with some, ... uh... manischewitz.. con-CORD GRAPE!!

skanktricil's photo
Thu 10/15/09 10:18 AM

Sounds very yummy BURP!laugh Anna x

what manners... SOOOOO HOT!! love love love