Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:26 PM

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:23 PM


the Stars win tonight against the Red Wings!!! YAY! 3-1:banana:


OH YES THEY DID!! however miserable a call that was to declare the goal that brad may scored a "no-goal", it wouldn't have mattered in the end, because the STARS scored 3 and detroit would have still only scored 2. so the STARS WIN!! yay!!

STARS record is now 9-4-6 for a total of 24 points. wooohoooo!!

/me waves to Cinderella75

hey cutie! waving

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:19 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Wed 11/18/09 08:20 PM

skanktricil's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:16 PM
when u just gotta eat something satisfying and ur in a hurry, what's something u like to fix for yourself assuming u have all the ingredients available?

me, i kinda like to fix a tuna quesadilla.

2 8" flour tortillas
1 mylar pouch of hickory smoke flavor starkist tuna
3 - 4 packages of talko belly hotsoss or mild soss, never tried the fire soss
shredded cheese as necessary
conservative smear of butter or margarine to help toast up the tortillas

heat a saute pan, butter one side of each tortilla, lay it down on the pan, layer with cheese, then the tuna, add the soss over the tuna, then another layer of cheese and the other tortilla buttered side up. toast, flip, toast again. make sure it's cooked all the way thru. it should end up crispy, melted and DELICIOUS!! high protein and very satisfying.

got the idea comin home from the gym one night, couldn't make too much noise and needed to eat something proper. this came to me after seeing a picture on the package of tuna. i made this and i've made it a few more times since then. deeeeeee-lishus!! yum yum..

skanktricil's photo
Tue 11/17/09 10:38 PM

skanktricil's photo
Tue 11/17/09 11:44 AM
funk phenomena 2010 - armand van helden

skanktricil's photo
Tue 11/17/09 09:53 AM
because i'm the strongest over the counter anti-skank remedy available without a doctor's prescription, and now new extra strength skanktricil, cos i been hitting the gym.

drinker cheers

skanktricil's photo
Tue 11/17/09 09:46 AM

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 08:07 PM

This is all pretty self evident.....

The ones who are modest/shy/ less than self-confident not post skin pix (or at least gripe about the ones who do)

The ones who are happy/ confident in their bodies don't hesitate to show some skin.

The idea that "I am only interested on the inner person".....I don't buy.

Experience tells me that, if given a choice between a physically unattractive person with a beautiful soul......and an attractive person with a beautiful soul.....people go with looks.

Showing some skin is simply a way of showing who you are (physically)

I find it far more honest than hiding ones body behind a mumu.....cause you are gonna have to show what ya got sooner or later.

"Turn off the lights" before sex tells me that a person has real confidence issues.....

So......I say....bring on the skin pix.....let's me know what I am working with.

can i get an AMEN! ?? testify brother, testify!

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 07:40 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Mon 11/16/09 07:41 PM
double post edit..

yo mammi so stupid it take her an hour to make minute rice.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 07:38 PM
yo mammi so fat she broke her leg and gravy spilled out.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 07:34 PM
UNBELIEVABLE!! i've dipped below 160 now!! i'm 159! wtf?!?!?! seriously!?!?!

this is terrible! i was 185 freakin pounds and now i'm 159!! this is soooo bad.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:54 PM
seen yo mammi down on the corner in a rowboat with a peg leg n a eye-patch talkin 'bout "THAR SHE BLOWS!"

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:53 PM

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:52 PM
the kids are hooked on 'ponics, they are learning to weed.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:48 PM
step up to the bar and take shots of catfish grease!

keep 'em comin

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 06:45 PM
because i am trained in shield and i am trained in spear, and i will put the nigerian *** whooping on her. you will not disrespect me woman, i am a doctor. AHHH HAHAH AHA HAH AH AH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

tooooooo funnay!! a friend showed these to me the other day, we just sat around laughin our fool heads off. but then she also left me stuck out in BFE lewisville with no way to get home and no clothes to change into and stuck in this small apartment full of people, one crying baby, one adhd semi-retarded(??) (possibly from the drugs the parents used up to and "possibly" during the pregnancy, but definitely the father contributed to making that kid retarded if he is) annoying screaming brat of a kid, animals and their messes, and no place to even lay down properly 'cept maybe the floor. this is a funny story now, because it was miserable and other people's misery makes for somebody else's comedy. hahahahaha

think about it. when someone else experiences misfortune there are people who have no connection to that event and they can laugh about it and probably do. have u ever wondered about why someone else's misfortune is funny? if someone else suffers why do u laugh about it? don't know why, but i do kno that when it happens it sure does make for laughs. hahahaha

oh that apartment was a nightmare. but it's funny now. hahahaha

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 04:36 PM
and ur son will work at rally's and u will have great big chili dog belly with ur cranial sinatosis.


skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 04:26 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Mon 11/16/09 04:30 PM


*** fixteded***

skanktricil's photo
Mon 11/16/09 04:04 PM

yes i did that

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