Community > Posts By > skanktricil

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:17 PM


Vive la difference!
We're all entitled to our matter how wrong they might be!
rofl rofl rofl

a chacun sont gout

and ur correct, ur welcome to be as wrong as u like. sm:)e

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 06:09 PM
thanks. sciawwy if i wasn't quick with the replies last nite. i was kinda nodding out pretty heavy, took a xanax earlier in the day and it had me feelin pretty loopy. i kno i have a text that i had started to send but never quite finished cos i fell out while typing it.

hope ur well. sm:)e

talk to u again soon.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 05:05 PM
don't mention it. i would suggest a dark rum, not a light rum if ur planning on making this. maybe something like that black seal, or meyer's dark, altho i don't really like jamaican rum. anything from trinidad & tobago is alright. Cruzan is pretty good. Ron Pampero Aniversario is a good one. think it's a Venezuelan rum too. have to check on that.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 04:59 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Mon 10/19/09 05:01 PM
there is none better, so take notes.

spiced hot buttered rum


cinnamon stick
nutmeg, ground - a pinch, maybe less than 1/8 teaspoon
allspice, ground - a pinch
whole clove
star anise (or regular anise seed)

thick pat of butter (use real butter, it's better)

1.5 - 2 fl oz of PREMIUM rum (my favorite is Santa Teresa Ron Añejo which is a premium imported Venezuelan rum but the only way to get it is to go to Venezuela and bring it back urself because it's not sold here in the States)

honey or sugar or both, however and whatever u like to use to sweeten this remedy with

now, the preparation is fairly simple, some things u'll need, some are handy to have but not essential. the following are: a mug/teacup heavy enough to hold in the heat of ur elixir to contribute to making ur throat feel better, a kettle or some other vessel in which to heat water. now a mesh wire strainer is helpful at this point but not essential to the preparation of this remedy.

first begin by heating the water, and subsequently heating ur mug with the hot water. (unless ur doin it in the microwave u can skip this step. return the water to the vessel and dump in all ur spices. allow the water to come back up to a boil, and brew the spices somewhat for a couple of minutes. try and keep ur mug warm so it retains as much heat as possible and doesn't contribute to cooling it after it's poured. now prepare the mug by dropping in a thick pat of butter, and pouring in the rum, u can add the honey or sugar now, or wait until after u've poured the hot water.
now is when it is helpful to have that strainer, as u pour the water/spice brew into ur cup. and now u can sweeten to taste. this will make ur throat feel LOADS better if u've been coughing relentlessly for hours and it's raw. at the very least it'll get u started on the way to getting drunk and feeling better about life in general.


skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 04:42 PM

Kings VS Stars....are u watching the game tonight?:tongue:

yes ma'am, u kno i am! i have every single game programmed on my fon's calendar and set to remind me one hour prior to game time so where ever i might be i have enough time to find my way home or to a bar or somewhere i can watch or listen to the game. i'd really love to host a watching party with a bunch of nice friendly STARS fans and cook some snacks and stuff and get a big pre-game and post game party going, well, post game in the event it's a winner and not something like the embarrassment of the other nite when boston came to town.

i kno i'm not ur type, but u think we can be friends ennywei on the common ground we share for the love of the STARS? sm:)e

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 04:39 PM
there's no need to mess up the flavor of some natural vanilla bean blue bell ice cream... it's already PERFECT! adding anything would just mess it up. u can't improve upon perfection. unless the design of this dessert is to dress up balsamic vinegar-macerated peppered strawberries. because that's the only reason i can think of to put that mess with vanilla ice cream, in the hopes the vanilla will improve the flavor of the vinegar pepper berries.

skanktricil's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:02 AM
so yeah, after a pathetic showing at home versus the bruins the other nite, a 3 - 0 shutout in favor of boston, the dallas stars rallied to win a next day road game in the windy city against a team they didn't have a single win against the previous season. not only that, but it's CLEAR the refs in chicago are on the take. not callin a blatant case of goalie interference and at the very least it was a tripping call had it been another skater. i know they saw it. everyone saw it. they just didn't call it and since the goalie was sprawled out on the ice and out of place from being dumped, chicago manages to score a goal during that time.

shame on u chicago. play fair. nobody likes a sore loser! cos i know u gaiz HATE it when dallas WINS!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


skanktricil's photo
Sun 10/18/09 04:46 AM
semper fi leathernuts

hope u get well soon. jes curious, was it in ur job description to be haulin 100# rucks up mountains on the regular or did u just get lucky and have some gung ho commander who wanted to "whip his troops into shape"?? i kinda messed up me knee doin squad rushes with packs. but i'm more or less better. ennywei, hope u heal soon. good luck to u my brother.


skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 11:28 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 10/17/09 11:29 PM
well the STARS won tonite. a very important road victory against chicago after losing miserably to boston at home last nite. how completely and utterly depressing that was.

final score was 4 - 3 but one of those goals shouldn't have been allowed. skater tripped up the goalie and managed to score while the goalie was scrambling to his feet. that's goalie interference, i don't care how u slice it. that's a legit penalty. i've seen less severe infractions of goalie interference called some which were highly dubious infractions at best, more or less outright BS infractions called, but all the same, this one was CLEAR CUT goalie interference and it wasn't called. but that's how they play in chicago. any underhanded means necessary including having the refs on the take. really dirty that was. but no matter, they still couldn't beat DALLAS. and they thought they were gonna make a run at the cup... HAHAHAHAHA... not likely! especially not with the majority of the team healthy this year.

2009 - 2010 stanley cup champs. HERE WE COME!!

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 05:13 PM
no, dinosaurs do exist. there's this one place i know where u can get fried dinosaur.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 04:55 PM
don't go to the bathroom n grab ur weiner with them hands... put some gloves on... u think ur nose is burnin... hahahahaha

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 04:27 PM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 10/17/09 04:29 PM
givin it to you in grams, SOOOO much easier than lbs n ozs.

Danish Dough

water - 200g / 8oz
yeast, fresh;dry - 32g / 1.25oz ; {16g / .75oz - active dry}
butter - 62g / 2.5oz
sugar - 75g / 3oz
nonfat milk solids - 25g / 1oz
cardamom or mace - 1g / .04oz
whole eggs - 100g / 4oz
egg yolks - 25g / 1oz
bread flour - 400g / 16oz
cake flour - 100g / 4oz
salt - 8g / .4oz

*butter - 250g / 10oz (shaped into rectangle and chilled in refrigerator)

in a planetary motion mixer dump in all ur dry ingredients EXCEPT THE SALT and begin adding the wet slowly in stages. mix at speed one just until everything is coming together, allow it to mix for just a bit longer at speed one maybe a total of 2-3 minutes before adding the salt. after adding the salt allow to mix for 1 minute more. then increase the speed to the second setting to knead the dough for 3-4 more minutes.

allow the dough to repose in the refrigerator covered for 30 minutes while u prepare the butter for lamination. mash the butter between two sheets of plastic wrap into an even rectangle. once the dough is chilled a bit, and ur butter is good and chilled and in a nice rectangle shape, roll out ur dough into a rectangle. the butter rectangle should fit inside the dough rectangle and occupy 2/3 of the dough rectangle. first fold the exposed dough end inward to cover the butter. now fold up the end of the dough with the butter on it. the butter should be encased in dough at this point. the one end with the butter should have just a little lip to be able to encase the butter with.

once the butter is encased roll out the dough once more and fold into thirds again. wrap tightly in plastic wrap and quickly return it to the refrigerator to chill so the butter doesn't melt and firms up again a bit before working the dough anymore. do this step two more times, each time returning the dough after u've completed rolling it out and folding it in thirds to chill for at least 15 minutes, no longer than 30. the quicker u work, the better. less chance of the butter melting into the dough. very important as u get thru the first round of folding. since the laminated layers of butter are super thin now. it's not a lot of butter to begin with.

ok, so now u've finished laminating ur dough. whoopie! yay! what a pain huh? ennywei, now what u do is if ur ready to use it u roll it out and u can either cut squares with cuts that u then fold inwards like pinwheels or some other fancy shape, OR u brush the entire length of dough with butter, dust with granulated sugar and roll it up like a cinnamon roll then slice into roughly 3/4 inch thick slices and lay those out on a sheet pan, press a hole down into the centers and dress with fruit filling, cream cheese filling, or whatever u like with ur danish. pastry cream even. pudding, whatever. if u're not gonna use it right away, saving it for the following day, u wrap it super tight in plastic wrap and store in the coldest part of ur fridge. otherwise for longer term storage, again wrap REALLY tight and store in the freezer, then when ur ready, u roll it out, as above get it all ready, THEN u proof!

to proof!: stick it somewhere with a decent amount of humidity and roughly 90F degrees for about 30 minutes or until it just starts to look like it's increasing in size a bit. u don't wanna let it completely finish proofing otherwise it might overproof very quickly. don't worry, the oven will finish it off just fine. bake at 375F degrees for maybe 10-15 minutes. i think u can tell when a pastry is done baking by looking at it. if not, stick to mrs. baird's.


edit** for a cream cheese filling, u can look online or try mixing cream cheese softened to room temp with confectioner's sugar (aka powdered sugar) and maybe a touch of sour cream to help smooth into it. blend well, cool it down again before using as filling.

have fun.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 11:40 AM

danny t - bottom heavy (austin leeds & luke chable remix)

effin CLASSIC!! who here knows it? probably very few... sadly. i think amazing music like this should be celebrated by all.

post a link and share!

found it on limewire. buddy of mine has the bottom heavy remixes vinyl pack. sooooo effin DOPE!!

Danny Tenaglia or danny t... bottom heavy. it's easy enough to find. it's CLASSIC!! just like:

latour - people are still having sex
inner city - good life
l.a. style - james brown is dead
josh wink - higher state of consciousness, don't laugh
dubtribe - mother earth
RITM remix of planet soul's - set u free (SIIIIIIICK!!)

and these are jes house classics forget what u heard

DEADMAU5!! and for some morbidly obscene, savagely wicked, viscera-liquifying brutal drummond base
noisia - stigma
pendulum remix of ed rush & optical's - bacteria
or actually... jes holler at me, i'll lace u up proper. sm:)e


skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 10:50 AM

Is that a pregnant Hooters girl?

probably from oklahoma or arkansas... mebbe alabama or kentucky even.. but if i had to put money on it, i'd go with oklahoma.

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 07:59 AM
Edited by skanktricil on Sat 10/17/09 08:05 AM
danny t - bottom heavy (austin leeds & luke chable remix)

effin CLASSIC!! who here knows it? probably very few... sadly. i think amazing music like this should be celebrated by all.

and plenty of deadmau5

skanktricil's photo
Sat 10/17/09 06:51 AM

Hope you feel better. flowerforyou

...and just a suggestion, take that stuff with some food. I don't know if it was just me, but I took it for a while last year, and it took me three times taking it to realize it was the medicine that was making me cramp like I had food poisoning...because I had taken it on an empty stomach.:smile:

hey, thanx 4 the heads up. i think i usually eat, but yeah, as of late i kinda have lost my appetite. i guess it's kind of hard to have one when ur throat is full of all kinda mess in the mornin.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:37 PM

thanx, i took a sudafed. i'm gettin all messed up on cold medicine. hahahahaha..., i'm pathetic. sm:)e

The flu ?

the SWINE flu!! hahahaa, i dunno, i think it's jes a cold, but it's messin me up bad. really kickin my @$$. achin muscles and all of that.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:34 PM

well i had a good night...sowwi ur team didn't win...

hahaha, i knew in my heart they weren't going to win even before the faceoff. if there's one thing the stars are it's inconsistent. consistently.

went to the gym, couldn't lift worth a flip. the snots are steady comin outta my face.

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:25 PM
thanx, i took a sudafed. i'm gettin all messed up on cold medicine. hahahahaha..., i'm pathetic. sm:)e

skanktricil's photo
Fri 10/16/09 11:12 PM
i'm sittin at home, sick, alone... miserable.

i hate my life.

someone tell me about how exciting their life is in comparison so i can feel worse please.

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