Topic: Teacher Facing Assault Charge for Alleged Spanking
Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:37 PM

The same time that the government stops getting into wars...

This arguement will never be won, I agree that the teacher had no right whatsoever to hit the girl, but at the same time, why should the authorities raise our children for us. The parents should have been called when the girl kicked him and they should have dealt with her.

I hate that people spank their children but if it works for them so be it. It is not my place to tell someone how to raise their children. I can tell you that if my kid hits me, i am not calling the police to deal with it. It's hard enough nowadays to raise children without other people telling them how to do it.

Personally I have never seen a time out work, the parent usually ends up sitting in time out with the child to make sure they take the time out, and then, the kid goes right back to doing what they were put in time out for.

There needs to be a good discipline system that is acceptable by all people and that will never happen as all kids are different.

I agree to some extent.

There are children who have never been struck and are CEOs of big companies today. We only hear about the bad kids.

I just have never found one healthy conclusion from spanking.

When someone hits us it brings fear, granted fear is a control but not a healthy one.

Hitting doesn't teach respect or a healthy problem solving or anything basically except that someone will hit when they feel like it.

Groundation or time outs don't teach any of that either, all they teach is that when you misbehave you get imprisoned for awhile.

That is closer to reality for when you are grown than a spanking is.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:39 PM

I didn't turn out all that bad, I was spanked 4 times in my entire life and I suffered no seriously negative consequences. I do not have PTSD from it, not do i feel that my parents owe me an apology.

I grew up a happy child and the spankings i did get stayed in my memory for about 1 day and i forgot all about it. I did learn that my parents meant business if i was misbehaving.

My mom typically used grounding as a punishment, although more oftenm than not it didnt hurt me any as I never had a life anyways.

that goes back to the concept of BALANCE that people overlook to find a quick blame

there is a time for everything, my parents were raising minority boys in a different time, and believed in treating ALL the children with the same guidelines

they knew they couldnt afford for their boys to believe life was going to be some easy road where everything (food clothes and shelter) would be handed to them, or their parents would provide for them into adulthood, they couldnt afford to believe that as grown men messing up would only mean some slight lecture or slap on the wrist,,,,consequences for ADULTS are much steeper than that and my parent cared enough to show us the more honest side of consequences,,,,, in BALANCE with all the wonderful things they did with us in support of and encouragement for our good choices,,,,

a loving home, with loving parents, who spanked,, its not an anomoly or an impossibility,,,its just a result of parents knowing what balance is best for their kids

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:40 PM
My point here is to point out how ridiculous the concept of spanking is.

I hit you out of love.

I cause you pain because I love you more than anything in the world.shocked

I am going to beat you until you learn the best things in life which are not suppose to include beatings by the way.whoa

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:40 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/01/10 04:45 PM

The same time that the government stops getting into wars...

This arguement will never be won, I agree that the teacher had no right whatsoever to hit the girl, but at the same time, why should the authorities raise our children for us. The parents should have been called when the girl kicked him and they should have dealt with her.

I hate that people spank their children but if it works for them so be it. It is not my place to tell someone how to raise their children. I can tell you that if my kid hits me, i am not calling the police to deal with it. It's hard enough nowadays to raise children without other people telling them how to do it.

Personally I have never seen a time out work, the parent usually ends up sitting in time out with the child to make sure they take the time out, and then, the kid goes right back to doing what they were put in time out for.

There needs to be a good discipline system that is acceptable by all people and that will never happen as all kids are different.

I agree to some extent.

There are children who have never been struck and are CEOs of big companies today. We only hear about the bad kids.

I just have never found one healthy conclusion from spanking.

When someone hits us it brings fear, granted fear is a control but not a healthy one.

Hitting doesn't teach respect or a healthy problem solving or anything basically except that someone will hit when they feel like it.

Groundation or time outs don't teach any of that either, all they teach is that when you misbehave you get imprisoned for awhile.

That is closer to reality for when you are grown than a spanking is.

not in the times I was raised, or the environment. Police did and always have shot first and asked questions later with those I know about anyhow. Those who go to jail, are assaulted and raped. THat is a much more painful and realistic adult consequence than just sitting in a furnished room where you are used to sleeping anyhow, with the things you are familiar with, and being brought home cooked meals in safety.

the idea of authority was a well earned one in our home, my parents EARNED the authority and respect for their authority ,,PERIOD

it was understood in all the PLEASANTRIES they spoke, did and provided that they loved us, it was understood in the sacrifices they made so we could be healthy and happy that they loved us, and it was understood that they were the parents and we were the children, not equals, and that ANYTHING they told us or did was a result of how much they cared and NOTHING they did would ever be to harm us. This unnegotiable respect, was partly reinforced with unnegotiable consequences. My mom never had to worry that something bad might happen to me while she was trying to EXPLAIN to me why I needed to get out of dangers way( she saw a neighbor watch his child die as he tried to convince her to jump out a window of a home on fire, while the other children in the home just did as they were told)

so yes,, my parents spanked AND they loved me AND for that I was a very happy and healthy child, AND I have never doubted those things or succumbed to any who want to convince me otherwise or convince themself they know better even though they never lived my life...

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:41 PM
I am going to perpetrate what is a crime if I do it to anyone else and you should feel loved from it.noway

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:43 PM
I really can't find a healthy way to say it.

When I raise my hand and you flinch, I know you feel loved.indifferent

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:43 PM

I am going to perpetrate what is a crime if I do it to anyone else and you should feel loved from it.noway

spanking your children is not a crime... your in a fantasy world now

kayak69's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:44 PM

My point here is to point out how ridiculous the concept of spanking is.

I hit you out of love.

I cause you pain because I love you more than anything in the world.shocked

I am going to beat you until you learn the best things in life which are not suppose to include beatings by the way.whoa

What does that have to do with someone being a CEO of a big company?

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:45 PM
I show my children love by being the first to perpetrate an assault on them in this world, called spanking.sick

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:47 PM
Traditions are a mother.

People will defend them no matter what.

Parenting by striking a child should have been outgrown by humans by now.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:48 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/01/10 04:50 PM

I show my children love by being the first to perpetrate an assault on them in this world, called spanking.sick

and as already pointed out, in this world taking someones things is theft, unless you are the parent and they are the child ,,,,

thats what consequences and punishment are

adults and other adults are equals, parents and children are not

when I Start being held responsible for what an adult does or doesnt do, I might argue the right to swat their behind and have authority over them as well,,,but for now,, adults and other adults have a different relationship to a parent and their child

kayak69's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:53 PM

My point here is to point out how ridiculous the concept of spanking is.

I hit you out of love.

I cause you pain because I love you more than anything in the world.shocked

I am going to beat you until you learn the best things in life which are not suppose to include beatings by the way.whoa

What does that have to do with someone being a CEO of a big company?

I ask again.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:56 PM
Yea, well that was fun and not so fun at the same time.

Back to the teacher.

He should have known better.

Do you think he was spanked and just reacted?

Do you think he was a spanking parent and just reacted?

In this case it is gonna cost him his way of paying for his children to live.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:56 PM

Traditions are a mother.

People will defend them no matter what.

Parenting by striking a child should have been outgrown by humans by now.

Well ya would think so by now...seems were not evolving at all at times. There is enough evidence that violence doesn't work yet spanking, hitting (whatever ya want to call it) is STILL justified.
Sad to see some actually say they deserved every whipping they got...I didn't deserve them. We were just kids, being kid ever deserves it.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:59 PM

My point here is to point out how ridiculous the concept of spanking is.

I hit you out of love.

I cause you pain because I love you more than anything in the world.shocked

I am going to beat you until you learn the best things in life which are not suppose to include beatings by the way.whoa

What does that have to do with someone being a CEO of a big company?

I ask again.

What does what have to do with being a CEO?

None of what you quoted makes any sense to your question.

kayak69's photo
Sun 08/01/10 04:59 PM

Yea, well that was fun and not so fun at the same time.

Back to the teacher.

He should have known better.

Do you think he was spanked and just reacted?

Do you think he was a spanking parent and just reacted?

In this case it is gonna cost him his way of paying for his children to live.

At least we DO AGREE hat it was WRONG for the teacher to put a teenage girl over his knee and strike her.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:00 PM

Traditions are a mother.

People will defend them no matter what.

Parenting by striking a child should have been outgrown by humans by now.

Well ya would think so by now...seems were not evolving at all at times. There is enough evidence that violence doesn't work yet spanking, hitting (whatever ya want to call it) is STILL justified.
Sad to see some actually say they deserved every whipping they got...I didn't deserve them. We were just kids, being kid ever deserves it.


msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:01 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/01/10 05:02 PM
sorry, but the violence we are seeing comes from a BALANCE of things, we had much less violence during times when spanking was much more the norm.

if spanking doesnt work for you, try another way

no need to feel sorry for those of us who had a happy balance of love and discipline/punishment/consequence(or whatever one wishes to call it)

feel sorry for those who dont get enough love , or enough discipline,, its children growing without a balance of both that I feel sorry for

either those handed everything and catered to, or never pushed to grow up into adults or abandon the childish things that will keep them from becoming mature and responsible and functioning adults, til they believe the world is supposed to revolve around them and they never have to grow up and can always just 'be kids'

or those who are constantly belittled and disciplined until they believe they are worthless,,,

its extremes causing problems, not spanking

kayak69's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:02 PM

The same time that the government stops getting into wars...

This arguement will never be won, I agree that the teacher had no right whatsoever to hit the girl, but at the same time, why should the authorities raise our children for us. The parents should have been called when the girl kicked him and they should have dealt with her.

I hate that people spank their children but if it works for them so be it. It is not my place to tell someone how to raise their children. I can tell you that if my kid hits me, i am not calling the police to deal with it. It's hard enough nowadays to raise children without other people telling them how to do it.

Personally I have never seen a time out work, the parent usually ends up sitting in time out with the child to make sure they take the time out, and then, the kid goes right back to doing what they were put in time out for.

There needs to be a good discipline system that is acceptable by all people and that will never happen as all kids are different.

I agree to some extent.

There are children who have never been struck and are CEOs of big companies today. We only hear about the bad kids.

I just have never found one healthy conclusion from spanking.

When someone hits us it brings fear, granted fear is a control but not a healthy one.

Hitting doesn't teach respect or a healthy problem solving or anything basically except that someone will hit when they feel like it.

And I know people that are CEOs, executives, managers, principles and even superintendents that have been spanked.

What's your point?

This is what I am referring to.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 05:03 PM

The same time that the government stops getting into wars...

This arguement will never be won, I agree that the teacher had no right whatsoever to hit the girl, but at the same time, why should the authorities raise our children for us. The parents should have been called when the girl kicked him and they should have dealt with her.

I hate that people spank their children but if it works for them so be it. It is not my place to tell someone how to raise their children. I can tell you that if my kid hits me, i am not calling the police to deal with it. It's hard enough nowadays to raise children without other people telling them how to do it.

Personally I have never seen a time out work, the parent usually ends up sitting in time out with the child to make sure they take the time out, and then, the kid goes right back to doing what they were put in time out for.

There needs to be a good discipline system that is acceptable by all people and that will never happen as all kids are different.

I agree to some extent.

There are children who have never been struck and are CEOs of big companies today. We only hear about the bad kids.

I just have never found one healthy conclusion from spanking.

When someone hits us it brings fear, granted fear is a control but not a healthy one.

Hitting doesn't teach respect or a healthy problem solving or anything basically except that someone will hit when they feel like it.

And I know people that are CEOs, executives, managers, principles and even superintendents that have been spanked.

What's your point?

This is what I am referring to.

The point is that there are lots of good non spanked adults in this world to date.