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Topic: Teacher Facing Assault Charge for Alleged Spanking
msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:29 PM

That is a sick poem IMO

What else could "daddy's hands" do in the name of love?

Spanking is a violent act.

If I smack someone, even it it doesn't hurt them it is considered a violent act and I can go to jail for it.

you also go to jail for holding someone against their will (grounding) and taking something from an adult without their consent, ,,but the standard is different for a child one is RESPONSIBLE for,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:31 PM

The ideal that spanking does something positive is a tradition in our societies.

It isn't provable and should be in fact be more disprovable since it is a violent act perpetrated on very little being who cannot defend themselves.

The absurdity of hitting those you love for their betterment is really absurd.

it isnt provable except when the person SPANKED tells you it was a positive influence for them,,,lol

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:31 PM
You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:32 PM

You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.


also, that poem is actually a bit disturbing

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:34 PM

You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.


also, that poem is actually a bit disturbing


msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:34 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/01/10 06:37 PM

You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.

violence is non consentual aggresive behavior

there is consentual aggressive behavior like in sports
and there is aggressive behavior as an understood(and thus consentual) CONSEQUENCE of other behavior

such as how police will GRAB an adults hands for resisting their orders and physically and aggressively restrain and arrest them

spankings were a choice as part of a spoken contract, in return for the food, board, entertainment, clothes and other loving and sacrificial actions of the parents, they would behave in aliance with the rules of the house

if they behaved, they continued to have all the privileges, when they broke from the rules, they received consequences

love was a given, never doubted or taken for granted, and neither wsa the very REAL choice we had to behave or misbehave and to accept the consequences

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:36 PM

The ideal that spanking does something positive is a tradition in our societies.

It isn't provable and should be in fact be more disprovable since it is a violent act perpetrated on very little being who cannot defend themselves.

The absurdity of hitting those you love for their betterment is really absurd.

it isnt provable except when the person SPANKED tells you it was a positive influence for them,,,lol

Except for those who belong in the UUSCA and think they got spanked out of love....lol

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:38 PM

The ideal that spanking does something positive is a tradition in our societies.

It isn't provable and should be in fact be more disprovable since it is a violent act perpetrated on very little being who cannot defend themselves.

The absurdity of hitting those you love for their betterment is really absurd.

it isnt provable except when the person SPANKED tells you it was a positive influence for them,,,lol

Except for those who belong in the UUSCA and think they got spanked out of love....lol

of course, fictional people from a fictional organization cant be taken seriously,,

but real humans posting in threads are a little more reliable,,,

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:38 PM

You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.

violence is non consentual aggresive behavior

there is consentual aggressive behavior like in sports
and there is aggressive behavior as an understood(and thus consentual) CONSEQUENCE of other behavior

such as how police will GRAB an adults hands for resisting their orders and physically and aggressively restrain and arrest them

spankings were a choice as part of a spoken contract, in return for the food, board, entertainment, clothes and other loving and sacrificial actions of the parents, they would behave in aliance with the rules of the house

if they behaved, they continued to have all the privileges, when they broke from the rules, they received consequences

love was a given, never doubted or taken for granted, and neither wsa the very REAL choice we had to behave or misbehave and to accept the consequences


I bet the kids wish they could negotiate that contract to at least be treated better than the dog....lol

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:38 PM
The first time I got in trouble at school in 2nd grade, my principal pointed to the giant, scary-looking paddle behind the door in his office and assured me I would be spanked next time. scared shocked

That said, corporal punishment is not so bad if the parents consent to it. Psychologists and "experts" are still divided on this issue, so I would leave the decision to the parents.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:39 PM

You can use any "terminology" you want.

Spanking is violence perpetrated against a child in the name of love.

violence is non consentual aggresive behavior

there is consentual aggressive behavior like in sports
and there is aggressive behavior as an understood(and thus consentual) CONSEQUENCE of other behavior

such as how police will GRAB an adults hands for resisting their orders and physically and aggressively restrain and arrest them

spankings were a choice as part of a spoken contract, in return for the food, board, entertainment, clothes and other loving and sacrificial actions of the parents, they would behave in aliance with the rules of the house

if they behaved, they continued to have all the privileges, when they broke from the rules, they received consequences

love was a given, never doubted or taken for granted, and neither wsa the very REAL choice we had to behave or misbehave and to accept the consequences


I bet the kids wish they could negotiate that contract to at least be treated better than the dog....lol

again, a poor comparison, I dont know many dogs treated better than we were and we werent made to smell our own piss or tapped on the nose with newspapers or locked in a room all day or fenced into a backyard,,,etc,,,

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:41 PM
But the idea that a modern human being still considers an archaic form of parenting as the best choice is as absurd as the act of hitting a child to show them you love them.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/01/10 06:47 PM

The first time I got in trouble at school in 2nd grade, my principal pointed to the giant, scary-looking paddle behind the door in his office and assured me I would be spanked next time. scared shocked

That said, corporal punishment is not so bad if the parents consent to it. Psychologists and "experts" are still divided on this issue, so I would leave the decision to the parents.

thank you for that, I guess it must be amazament on both sides that keeps the debate going... one side amazed that people can be loved and disciplined and another side amazed that people can presume to know if someone was loved strictly based upon how they were disiplined,,,

spanking was one of many methods used in the home for varying degrees of rebellion or insubordination

spanking was for extreme things like disrespecting elders or authority

for something like forgetting to clean the room, you would have more chores added

for something like getting poor grades, study time would be increased and play time decreased

the consequence correlated with the offense

I was never abused, I know it, and I get this same back and forth when explaining about my life in other areas , where no doubt someone usually insists I am in denial

I get a similar reaction from some people about dating interracially, those who assume that I must only date interracially and must therefore not have or use other avenues and must be a miserable soul who feels little self worth for who I am and where I come from

truly, its two sides of the same emotion, as a loved and disciplined child from a balanced home, I find the ABSOLUTISTS(those who say spanking is the ONLY way and those who say spanking is NEVER the way) on both sides quite amazing

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:45 PM
Again I am not making judgment nor trying to change anyone.

I was spanked
I spanked
I was wronged and wrong

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:46 PM
I have outgrown this archaic form of parenting.

It is outdated and has no positive effects on the children.

It is an absurd idea

I will hit my children for their bettermentslaphead

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:48 PM
she just forgets that kids are kids... they need to be taught. spanking doesn't solve everything, neither does group hugs. the teacher had no right to put his hands on someone else's child, and should be taught a lesson. but any parent has a right to spank or not spank their own children, whether anyone agrees or disagrees.
every kid is different, just like every parent is different. just because you feel justified in your thoughts, there are some thats gunna disagree.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:49 PM

Again I am not making judgment nor trying to change anyone.

I was spanked
I spanked
I was wronged and wrong

and that was YOUR experience, not the experience for everyone who had spankings,,,

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:50 PM

The first time I got in trouble at school in 2nd grade, my principal pointed to the giant, scary-looking paddle behind the door in his office and assured me I would be spanked next time. scared shocked

That said, corporal punishment is not so bad if the parents consent to it. Psychologists and "experts" are still divided on this issue, so I would leave the decision to the parents.

HB, where were you at where using a paddle on kids in school was still legal? By the time you were in second grade it was pretty much on the books to not do it anymore...unless you were in some podunk southern town or something.

The debate is pointless. People will continue to do what they think is best...I'm fortunate to come from a violent upbringing and NOT pass it on to my children. I understood the harm and choose to do it differently and better.

Back on topic..the teacher was wrong, it's that simple really. Momma bear would be throwing 2 fits if it were my boys, one for the teacher, the other for my boys behavior..which I would deal with myself!

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:51 PM

I have outgrown this archaic form of parenting.

It is outdated and has no positive effects on the children.

It is an absurd idea

I will hit my children for their bettermentslaphead

this is a form of discipline that generations of productive happy ancestors have used, and my parents, and myself which works fine for us,,,,it is still current in our family and has many positive effects

I will spank to teach choices and consequences,,,

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/01/10 06:54 PM
Okay my lovely children I am going to hit you multiple times and it is done with love, I hope you believe that.brokenheart

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