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Topic: Teacher Facing Assault Charge for Alleged Spanking
yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:33 AM
Moe...the article only says he told her she wasn't too big for that, not that he tried.

OT....I don't believe spankings are beatings. However, the teacher was wrong to put his hands on her that way (whether she needed it or not). He should have restrained her and gotten her out of class and gotten the principal involved.

The girl was a brat with no respect. But the parents should have been the ones to punish her (other than the school suspending her) That's all the school should have done.

HOWEVER...the girl tried to kick the guy. She fought back when he put his hands on her shoulder to get her attention (probably to kick her out of the class)

What punishment did she get?

If any thing I think the teacher is guilty of an assault. Labeling it a sexual assault or him being a perv wouldn't be accurate IMO. There wasn't an intent for sexual pleasure or anything. It was done in anger and frustration because of the kid's disrespect and disruption (which I don't think he was right to spank her either)

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:38 AM

Moe...the article only says he told her she wasn't too big for that, not that he tried.

OT....I don't believe spankings are beatings. However, the teacher was wrong to put his hands on her that way (whether she needed it or not). He should have restrained her and gotten her out of class and gotten the principal involved.

The girl was a brat with no respect. But the parents should have been the ones to punish her (other than the school suspending her) That's all the school should have done.

HOWEVER...the girl tried to kick the guy. She fought back when he put his hands on her shoulder to get her attention (probably to kick her out of the class)

What punishment did she get?

If any thing I think the teacher is guilty of an assault. Labeling it a sexual assault or him being a perv wouldn't be accurate IMO. There wasn't an intent for sexual pleasure or anything. It was done in anger and frustration because of the kid's disrespect and disruption (which I don't think he was right to spank her either)

prosecutors and lawyers shoot for as much as they think is possible and MORE , so that they at least get what they wanted

when I was assaulted at the park, they actually threw a kidnapping charge on the guy because he moved me without consent,,,,they actually got some version of the charge to stick(nothing federal though)

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:51 AM

Moe...the article only says he told her she wasn't too big for that, not that he tried.

OT....I don't believe spankings are beatings. However, the teacher was wrong to put his hands on her that way (whether she needed it or not). He should have restrained her and gotten her out of class and gotten the principal involved.

The girl was a brat with no respect. But the parents should have been the ones to punish her (other than the school suspending her) That's all the school should have done.

HOWEVER...the girl tried to kick the guy. She fought back when he put his hands on her shoulder to get her attention (probably to kick her out of the class)

What punishment did she get?

If any thing I think the teacher is guilty of an assault. Labeling it a sexual assault or him being a perv wouldn't be accurate IMO. There wasn't an intent for sexual pleasure or anything. It was done in anger and frustration because of the kid's disrespect and disruption (which I don't think he was right to spank her either)

the bottom line is teachers don't dish out punishment. thats what sending them to the office is for. weather it was a sexual thing or not, weather she is a brat or not, she should have been sent to the principles office and let them deal with her. if it was my daughter, and she was the brattiest girl ever, no grown man is going to bend her over. period.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:52 AM
Giving parents and teachers more power in their children's lives doesn't need to include any form of violence.

All spanking teaches a child is that when the world doesn't go your way, violence is the answer. So they grow to be beaters too and possibly worse.

Spanking is nothing but a form of release for a parents angst, it doesn't teach a child anything good.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:54 AM

Moe...the article only says he told her she wasn't too big for that, not that he tried.

OT....I don't believe spankings are beatings. However, the teacher was wrong to put his hands on her that way (whether she needed it or not). He should have restrained her and gotten her out of class and gotten the principal involved.

The girl was a brat with no respect. But the parents should have been the ones to punish her (other than the school suspending her) That's all the school should have done.

HOWEVER...the girl tried to kick the guy. She fought back when he put his hands on her shoulder to get her attention (probably to kick her out of the class)

What punishment did she get?

If any thing I think the teacher is guilty of an assault. Labeling it a sexual assault or him being a perv wouldn't be accurate IMO. There wasn't an intent for sexual pleasure or anything. It was done in anger and frustration because of the kid's disrespect and disruption (which I don't think he was right to spank her either)

the bottom line is teachers don't dish out punishment. thats what sending them to the office is for. weather it was a sexual thing or not, weather she is a brat or not, she should have been sent to the principles office and let them deal with her. if it was my daughter, and she was the brattiest girl ever, no grown man is going to bend her over. period.

I only agree as far as believing that the POLICY signed by students and parents should have been adhered to

as to the rest, I am an old school child, children need discipline just as much as food, and I no more get offended by a responsible adult disciplining my child in my absence, than I do about them feeding them in my absence

if the discipline is not abusive,, but thats just me

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:54 AM

Giving parents and teachers more power in their children's lives doesn't need to include any form of violence.

All spanking teaches a child is that when the world doesn't go your way, violence is the answer. So they grow to be beaters too and possibly worse.

Spanking is nothing but a form of release for a parents angst, it doesn't teach a child anything good.

Quoted for truth!

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 11:55 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/31/10 11:57 AM

Giving parents and teachers more power in their children's lives doesn't need to include any form of violence.

All spanking teaches a child is that when the world doesn't go your way, violence is the answer. So they grow to be beaters too and possibly worse.

Spanking is nothing but a form of release for a parents angst, it doesn't teach a child anything good.

I didnt learn that at all, anymore than being grounded taught me I could kidnap and confine people.

I learned that actions have consequences and that adults and children are not equal. I never learned that violence solved an answer as my parents were never violent, and only swatted my well patted behind.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:03 PM

Moe...the article only says he told her she wasn't too big for that, not that he tried.

OT....I don't believe spankings are beatings. However, the teacher was wrong to put his hands on her that way (whether she needed it or not). He should have restrained her and gotten her out of class and gotten the principal involved.

The girl was a brat with no respect. But the parents should have been the ones to punish her (other than the school suspending her) That's all the school should have done.

HOWEVER...the girl tried to kick the guy. She fought back when he put his hands on her shoulder to get her attention (probably to kick her out of the class)

What punishment did she get?

If any thing I think the teacher is guilty of an assault. Labeling it a sexual assault or him being a perv wouldn't be accurate IMO. There wasn't an intent for sexual pleasure or anything. It was done in anger and frustration because of the kid's disrespect and disruption (which I don't think he was right to spank her either)

the bottom line is teachers don't dish out punishment. thats what sending them to the office is for. weather it was a sexual thing or not, weather she is a brat or not, she should have been sent to the principles office and let them deal with her. if it was my daughter, and she was the brattiest girl ever, no grown man is going to bend her over. period.

I only agree as far as believing that the POLICY signed by students and parents should have been adhered to

as to the rest, I am an old school child, children need discipline just as much as food, and I no more get offended by a responsible adult disciplining my child in my absence, than I do about them feeding them in my absence

if the discipline is not abusive,, but thats just me

i agree with you, kids are out of control. but this not the old west, and teachers can't just grab kids at will and start wrestling with them. order and discipline should go for the teachers too. what kind of message does that send to students when the teachers are not following the rules?

Dragoness's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:03 PM
It is always good to teach children that those who beat deserve respect. Especially women. They get it really good too.

oldsage's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:03 PM
There comes times & situations, in life, when force is the ONLY answer. Not saying this was one of them. Big differance between discipline & abuse. I never "abused" my kids. I did discipline them & as they got older, talked to them. Son was bigger than me before he left high school, but WE BOTH are proud to say, we never had to get physical. He had learned RESPECT in his younger years & now will discipline his children. They are learning respect, also.

Different folks, different strokes. You are intitled to your opinion & me mine.

Disicipline is part of respect,to me.

To this day, disrespect me to far & we will have to discuss it, one way or the other.

Just an old sage's opinion.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:04 PM
"All spanking teaches a child is that when the world doesn't go your way, violence is the answer. So they grow to be beaters too and possibly worse. "

I disagree. I was spanked as a child. I'm very close to my mother to this day (even when we argue) I have never been in a physical fight in the 39 yrs I have been on this earth. I know when to walk away.

My cousin was never spanked and in and out of jail for violence. He has no respect for anyone and nothing to do with his mother.

There are violent people on all sides...whether spanked or not

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:07 PM

the bottom line is teachers don't dish out punishment. thats what sending them to the office is for. weather it was a sexual thing or not, weather she is a brat or not, she should have been sent to the principles office and let them deal with her. if it was my daughter, and she was the brattiest girl ever, no grown man is going to bend her over. period.

I agree. As I have said above that he deserves to be punished. He was wrong in what he did and needs to answer for it.

I have a son and I would be furious if someone (like a teacher) laid their hands on my child. If a female teacher spanked my son, I wouldn't think of it as a sexual assault though. It is an assault and I would push for him being prosecuted for it and dismissed from his job. He obviously couldn't control his anger....and as a teacher, that isn't a good thing

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:10 PM

It is always good to teach children that those who beat deserve respect. Especially women. They get it really good too.

again, my parents never BEAT me, I never learned it was ok for anyone to BEAT me,,,and a random person is not my PARENTS and does not make the sacrifices and give me the support everyday of my life that they did,,,, somehow, I understood that difference at a pretty young age

Dragoness's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:19 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 07/31/10 12:21 PM
If you were spanked you were beat there is no way around that fact.slaphead

Being beat means you will at least beat your own children, spanking is beating.

Teaching children that the only way to get attention and respect is to hit someone is always a good policy.slaphead
Teaching children when life isn't going your way violence is the only way, teaches them to not use their mind to solve problems but use brute force.
Teaching men that violence gets respect makes women beaters and teaching women that violence deserves respect.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:23 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/31/10 12:24 PM

If you were spanked you were beat there is no way around that fact.slaphead

Being beat means you will at least beat your own children, spanking is beating.

Teaching children that the only way to get attention and respect is to hit someone is always a good policy.
Teaching children when life isn't going your way violence is the only way, teaches them to not use their mind to solve problems but use brute force.
Teaching men that violence gets respect makes women beaters and teaching women that violence deserves respect.

sorry, only rather dense people would come away with those ideas

Myself and numbers of others I know, who are fairly intelligent, never learned ANY of that from being paddled
in fact, we used our mind quite often, we were given rules and consequences, and everytime we CHOSE to break a rule, we were CHOOSING to receive the consequence

considering the sacrifices our parents made for us and the overwhelming support and rewards we got for doing well and doing right,, it wasnt that big a deal or that hard of a choice to make

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:25 PM

If you were spanked you were beat there is no way around that fact.slaphead

Being beat means you will at least beat your own children, spanking is beating.

Teaching children that the only way to get attention and respect is to hit someone is always a good policy.slaphead
Teaching children when life isn't going your way violence is the only way, teaches them to not use their mind to solve problems but use brute force.
Teaching men that violence gets respect makes women beaters and teaching women that violence deserves respect.

i'm glad you have it all summed up for us... i was spanked/beat, as you call it, daily when i was growing up. and i deserved every last one of them to. but i have yet to spank my kids. so where does that put your "theory" now?

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:27 PM

If you were spanked you were beat there is no way around that fact.slaphead

Being beat means you will at least beat your own children, spanking is beating.

Teaching children that the only way to get attention and respect is to hit someone is always a good policy.slaphead
Teaching children when life isn't going your way violence is the only way, teaches them to not use their mind to solve problems but use brute force.
Teaching men that violence gets respect makes women beaters and teaching women that violence deserves respect.

again...not correct. My sister and were both spanked (not beaten) I spanked my child, she didn't spank hers. Both have grown up into respectful and friendly adults. Both kids are close to mom.

Beatings (IMO) are excessive force or extreme.

I'm NOT a child beater. I never learned that violence is the only way (again I have never been in a physical fight) to solve problems and my son has never learned that either. Quite the opposite. I have taught him self defense is one thing, but when you are able to walk away....then leave. Once he continues (after the other stopped attacking) or attacked more than necessary to stop the attack, then he is the aggressor and is in the wrong.

He understands this perfectly. The only time he has been in any fight was to restrain others to break up a fight.

To me...that is like saying time out is holding someone hostage

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/31/10 12:29 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/31/10 12:32 PM
spanking is always touchy,, right?

the bottom line is this, and any psychologist will tell you this. EACH child is different, what works on one child may not work on another. when I see a happy well behaved child, I applaud the parent on whatever method they use,,even if I dont think its right for my child

with me, I was raised to be VERY appreciative, so I never felt ENTITLED to anything,, which meant if you'took' some privilege or material thing, it didnt bother me because I never felt entitled to it in the first place

I wasnt particularly hyper so telling me to sit down a few minutes wouldnt have really deterred any behavior either

what worked with me was spankings

we were happy and well behaved and we got spanked

perhaps , with other children, they become miserable and violent,,,in those cases, the spanking wasnt for THEM and their parents should have tried something else

Dragoness's photo
Sat 07/31/10 01:49 PM
"We were happy spanked children" slaphead absolutely hilarious.laugh

But actually not.noway

It is a tradition and like all traditions it dies a hard death.
Also for a person to agree that spanking is bad they usually have to say their parents were bad or they themselves were bad and it ain't gonna happen without serious therapy so I don't expect any affirmation.

There is no positive reinforcement being done by perpetrating violence on your child. You teach your child that you will resort to violence if you don't get your way and they are way littler than you so you basically perpetrate violence on someone who cannot defend themselves. Not a very good example, if I can say so myself.

Respect is not learned from violence and a child is not going to act better because they get violence perpetrated on them.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 07/31/10 01:52 PM
Reading enough, you learn that ignorance is the breeder of violence.

I have read it many times in many books.

I was spanked.

So I spanked.

But I was wrong.

And so were my parents.

And their parents.


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