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Topic: Mingle AA
burgundybry's photo
Sun 09/27/09 04:32 PM
7/13/1984...one day at a time:wink:

no photo
Sun 09/27/09 08:21 PM
Some serious long timers here.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Wed 09/30/09 08:25 PM
july the first 2009...one day at a time.my drug of choice was more,now i choose life.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sun 10/04/09 08:40 AM
My Grandfather died an alcoholic. My uncle died drinking rubbing alcohol. My other uncle also was an alcoholic. An alcoholic DUI killed my 4 year old son on the road. I met my late husband in a bar and we never went back and never had a drink again. I was able to see the writing on the wall. It was God's whisper to me.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Sun 10/04/09 09:21 PM
Minor detail. All alcoholics will die an alcoholic. A few wont die an alcoholic death. If I drank today, I would get to the death part that much faster, because I now have the one thing that is the most dangerous of things an alcoholic could have... Success.

no photo
Mon 10/05/09 12:37 PM

Minor detail. All alcoholics will die an alcoholic. A few wont die an alcoholic death. If I drank today, I would get to the death part that much faster, because I now have the one thing that is the most dangerous of things an alcoholic could have... Success.

Funny that we know how to deal with failure, lurching from one crisis to another, disappointment, despair.
But when thinks get good we don't know what to do with it.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 12/11/09 10:07 AM

Minor detail. All alcoholics will die an alcoholic. A few wont die an alcoholic death. If I drank today, I would get to the death part that much faster, because I now have the one thing that is the most dangerous of things an alcoholic could have... Success.

Funny that we know how to deal with failure, lurching from one crisis to another, disappointment, despair.
But when thinks get good we don't know what to do with it.
That's why we listen to learn,and learn to listen!
So we do not fear the Good Times when they roll in!
Lurching from one Crisis into the next,isn't really acceptable in Sobriety!
Life is NOT made of Calamities,especially not a Sober Alcoholics one.
And some do touch us,we know that they will not last!
We no longer live in a Malevolent Universe!waving

no photo
Fri 12/11/09 11:28 AM
It was a Woman that drove me to Drink, And I never had the chance to thank Her.

LonlyGirl4124's photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:43 PM
i just went through a brake up and now i am drinking on weekends and any time i have child care. could this be a start to being an alcoholic?????

or could this be that i am young and never had a chance to go to bars cause i was pregnant and with men that dont drink that rather do drugs

no photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:46 PM

i just went through a brake up and now i am drinking on weekends and any time i have child care. could this be a start to being an alcoholic?????

or could this be that i am young and never had a chance to go to bars cause i was pregnant and with men that dont drink that rather do drugs

Find out

LonlyGirl4124's photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:55 PM

i just went through a brake up and now i am drinking on weekends and any time i have child care. could this be a start to being an alcoholic?????

or could this be that i am young and never had a chance to go to bars cause i was pregnant and with men that dont drink that rather do drugs

Find out

thank you i went to this link did the quiz and now think i well talk to my doctor and see were to go from there. seem i could have a problem.

no photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:56 PM

i just went through a brake up and now i am drinking on weekends and any time i have child care. could this be a start to being an alcoholic?????

or could this be that i am young and never had a chance to go to bars cause i was pregnant and with men that dont drink that rather do drugs

Find out

thank you i went to this link did the quiz and now think i well talk to my doctor and see were to go from there. seem i could have a problem.

Good Luck!

Thomas27's photo
Sun 12/13/09 05:58 PM

i just went through a brake up and now i am drinking on weekends and any time i have child care. could this be a start to being an alcoholic?????

or could this be that i am young and never had a chance to go to bars cause i was pregnant and with men that dont drink that rather do drugs

Find out

thank you i went to this link did the quiz and now think i well talk to my doctor and see were to go from there. seem i could have a problem.


Or you can check out this link as well, it has helped many

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:51 AM
Hi, I have been offline for over three months but have been making a lot of meetings. Something that just caught my attention after many years is the second half of step two where it talks about the restoration to sanity. I found in the book, "As Bill Sees It" an article written about restoring us to sanity. Some had mentioned to me that the steps should be worked in order. Coming from and addict and alcoholic background I was able to see the order from my point of view. I had gotten partially schizaphrenic so just admitting who I was was a major step much less that I was alcoholic or an addict for that matter. Life was never really that manageable so it took a while to discover the real meaning in that. I had a belief in a higher power and even took for granted that he was God. But when I accepted the first step for real without all the denials the second half of the second step really started to make sense because the insanity part was what I was really needed help with without knowing that addiction and alcoholism were part of the problem.:smile:

no photo
Fri 12/18/09 09:58 AM
Most people, I would say, who have an addiction problem have underlying emotional or mental issues... usually deeply rooted ones that are repressed or just haven't been dealt with yet.

The drugs aren't necessarily used to numb... it's all sorts of reasons... don't make me go re-read Ceremonial Chemistry by Thomas Szasz.

no photo
Fri 12/18/09 02:12 PM
It has been my experience that people who can honestly admit and accept that they have mental health issues in sobriety do much better than those who don't. Bill Wilson struggled with severe, debilitating depression years into his sobriety. I would say for most Alkies, the second half of the second step, "could restore us to sanity" refers to:
Alcoholic insanity, the mental obsession to take a drink
Repeating behavior expecting different results.
Extreme Selfishness/Self centeredness.

As the individual progresses in the emotional sobriety that occurs with spiritual growth, other issues come into awareness and can be improved upon. It is never ending, and there is always room for improvement. We never really 'arrive' completely.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 12/18/09 03:40 PM
Hi, Michigan. :smile: Two of my favorite readings in the big book are "Doctor's Bob's Nightmare" and the second where it talks about King Alcohol and how we were denizens of his mad realm.

no photo
Fri 12/18/09 07:06 PM

Winx's photo
Fri 12/18/09 08:11 PM

Most people, I would say, who have an addiction problem have underlying emotional or mental issues... usually deeply rooted ones that are repressed or just haven't been dealt with yet.

The drugs aren't necessarily used to numb... it's all sorts of reasons... don't make me go re-read Ceremonial Chemistry by Thomas Szasz.

This is a topic that many counselors have discussed over the years.
Their big question is "Which came first". Was it the addiction problem or the underlying issues? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Alcoholism does run in families. It is hereditary.

no photo
Fri 12/18/09 11:05 PM

Most people, I would say, who have an addiction problem have underlying emotional or mental issues... usually deeply rooted ones that are repressed or just haven't been dealt with yet.

The drugs aren't necessarily used to numb... it's all sorts of reasons... don't make me go re-read Ceremonial Chemistry by Thomas Szasz.

This is a topic that many counselors have discussed over the years.
Their big question is "Which came first". Was it the addiction problem or the underlying issues? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Alcoholism does run in families. It is hereditary.

I've heard they found some actual genetic link...

I believe in personal choice... and person influence. I think those weigh heavier than genetic precursors.

I never liked the 12 step program... but I'm stubborn as hell and I've never really accepted any program completely.

Only child complex? Hehe.

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