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Topic: Finally
Eljay's photo
Sat 09/20/08 12:17 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

Eljay's photo
Sat 09/20/08 12:29 AM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 09/20/08 12:32 AM

now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative.

Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about.

Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that.

I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time.

Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens......

And see here we go again.......no matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or

I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful.....

Don't agree with me that is fine......

And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over.....

There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household.

Definition of negative:

expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint.

I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life.

Constant unconditional praise, adulation, agreement and support can, in many cases, weaken one's defenses to the "real" world when not balanced with what all people contain (part negative & part positive). So much so that one slip into a life of complete denial, expecting all to agree and co-sign... OR ELSE.

Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't". This is how a child thinks... I know - I've been there. It's a painful, but necessary shift when someone finally comes along and loves enough to speak their own truth... no matter how it will be received.

Are you new.....why the heck would anyone want to live in a negative...there is enough of that all around us. Again please try and understand this. I am a positive person this doesn't mean that negative or "bad" things don't happen..They do on a daily basis...you deal and they then become part of your past. But the constant negative that are in this threads is so mudane that it really makes me almost want to hurl.

No one has to agree with anything but it also imo to come in and take something and make it now so dreary is just patetic. When I wrote this thread the first sentence was how others perceive Christians.......The second sentence was how we perceive ourselves and since that is the case to enjoy the dance. Now it turned all negative and once again the whole fun of the thread is lost on all the negative nelly's.....

Speak your own truths as I do..then let people take away from it as they wish....I am all for that.....

No one said anything about "constant" negative. This was your interpretation, Feral. I would venture to say that the "constant" focusing on only positive may indicate a fear of one's own denied negative.

This poster has no wish to live in "mundane" negativity. It has simply been experienced that running from one's own negative creates FAR more negativity and a life way out of balance. We ALL contain both sides of the coin...

Until one stops running, admits the negative and takes full responsibility, one can not truly be free (kind of like how confession works). Until this moment is passed thru, more negativity builds like a clogged artery.

Does prefacing your post with, this poster being "new" suggest that what has been shared is any less valid?

lol lol lol I am sorry and get to know me more and you will see how soooooo unture that is. How can someone fear ones owned negative. I am a POSITIVE PERSON PERIOD. I don't deny the negative I just don't let it in. So hmmmm you think to yourself what does that do? It makes all those around me more positive........and this is solid because I hear it all the time.

OMG you hysterical I can't even believe your ramblings that for some warped reason you could ever think negative is ever a good or positive thing....it is sooooooo not. If you don't let negative in.....then it can't do jack diddly now can it. It's not that what you say is any less valid it's just imo of course......giggle....stupid.

your post just declared you don't let negative in, then turn and call anothers perception as stupid......do you not hear your own words

teach animals and kids having no negatives in anything, then call others stupid, lol......

are you a patholgical liar dear feral?

my daughters are 6 and 11, and have more wisdom than to think any other human percpetion is as stupid........

please dear one......

it is most obvious that the negatives you so wish to keep out, are others that have more wisdom than yourself, and believe and have knowing of things that such limtied perceptions can never see, and indeed the negaitves are coming from within, not from the outside, from thoughts of yourself as most wise, as indicated by all your own words, and you just have no sight, that seeing and believing another is as stupid, is as NEGATIVE, and to perpetuate NEGATIVE, such NEGATIVE as extended to all those whom post any other perception different than yourself, putting them down as if they are stupide or less equal, but then indeed, it is not missed, they are believed to be of less value than yourself in all ways.......

stupidity cannot be seen unless anything peer stupidly thru eyes that see oneself as having greater wisdom than all others.....

You are so wrong.......and hey if you want or anyone wants negative in their lives...then I say have fun with it...But to assume that I can't live my life just fine and dandy without adding the negatives is just to me stupid.....I was not referring to her being stupid just imo to let negative in is stupid...and again if you don't like it...oh well to bad it's how I feel......

Never did this poster mention anything about "letting negative in". What was shared was taken completely out of context and clumsily inverted to make it appear as though this poster was completely off the mark and "stupid"...

Perhaps another attempt to spell out the post's actual meaning.

Here goes...

Think of it a personal experience...

Something is pointed out to you about yourself to which you object VERY strongly (something really hard to hear about yourself). A strong objection is usually a fairly decent indication that there must be some truth to what the person has stated about you...

Or else you wouldn't be so moved...

If there was no truth to it, you'd probably not react and just shrug it off.

So, when this other person points something out to you that is hard to hear and you notice your own strong reaction, you pause...

You think to yourself:

(Hmmmm... I'm certainly getting fired up about what this guy is saying. Let me step back and look at this. There just may be some truth in what he's saying...


There could be...


I DO do this and have been doing this and, although I feel like a piece of poop for doing it, at least I can finally admit it. Now what? I feel stupid, yet relieved. Now I can turn the page.)

No longer denying your own "wrong", you can now own what you've been doing, see it's full impact, take total responsibility for your part, correct it and MOVE ON.

No more walking around trying to pretend you're perfect, yet feeling deep down like crap because, in your heart you know you've not been.

No more lying to yourself...

How liberating!

Now, how does this have anything to do with letting negative in?

While I can see the point that you are making here, I would like to bring up a point that often happens on these forums.

The statement "Your imaginary friend in the sky doesn't exist - you're delusional"

Now - I'm not going to passively let this statement go by - especially when it follows some claim of what "Christians do" - that I know to be absolutely false. I can respond to this vehemently without thinking for a single moment that there is a word of truth in it that might apply to me - what-so-ever. I don't even need to pause to think about it. Usually - what thought crosses my mind is to immediately ask the poster if they've even read the bible. To which I never get a response.

At this point - I let it go. But I respond initially - not because I believe there is a ring of truth in it for me - but because I see a fallacy in the broad interpretation of "religious profiling" with no wisdom or understanding of the topic they are adressing in the first place. That of Christian doctrine and percieved behavior.

So - while I see your point - often times it does not hold true in the religion forums.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 09/20/08 01:03 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 09/20/08 01:16 AM

now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative.

Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about.

Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that.

I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time.

Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens......

And see here we go again.......no matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or

I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful.....

Don't agree with me that is fine......

And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over.....

There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household.

Definition of negative:

expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint.

I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life.

Constant unconditional praise, adulation, agreement and support can, in many cases, weaken one's defenses to the "real" world when not balanced with what all people contain (part negative & part positive). So much so that one slip into a life of complete denial, expecting all to agree and co-sign... OR ELSE.

Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't". This is how a child thinks... I know - I've been there. It's a painful, but necessary shift when someone finally comes along and loves enough to speak their own truth... no matter how it will be received.

Are you new.....why the heck would anyone want to live in a negative...there is enough of that all around us. Again please try and understand this. I am a positive person this doesn't mean that negative or "bad" things don't happen..They do on a daily basis...you deal and they then become part of your past. But the constant negative that are in this threads is so mudane that it really makes me almost want to hurl.

No one has to agree with anything but it also imo to come in and take something and make it now so dreary is just patetic. When I wrote this thread the first sentence was how others perceive Christians.......The second sentence was how we perceive ourselves and since that is the case to enjoy the dance. Now it turned all negative and once again the whole fun of the thread is lost on all the negative nelly's.....

Speak your own truths as I do..then let people take away from it as they wish....I am all for that.....

No one said anything about "constant" negative. This was your interpretation, Feral. I would venture to say that the "constant" focusing on only positive may indicate a fear of one's own denied negative.

This poster has no wish to live in "mundane" negativity. It has simply been experienced that running from one's own negative creates FAR more negativity and a life way out of balance. We ALL contain both sides of the coin...

Until one stops running, admits the negative and takes full responsibility, one can not truly be free (kind of like how confession works). Until this moment is passed thru, more negativity builds like a clogged artery.

Does prefacing your post with, this poster being "new" suggest that what has been shared is any less valid?

lol lol lol I am sorry and get to know me more and you will see how soooooo unture that is. How can someone fear ones owned negative. I am a POSITIVE PERSON PERIOD. I don't deny the negative I just don't let it in. So hmmmm you think to yourself what does that do? It makes all those around me more positive........and this is solid because I hear it all the time.

OMG you hysterical I can't even believe your ramblings that for some warped reason you could ever think negative is ever a good or positive thing....it is sooooooo not. If you don't let negative in.....then it can't do jack diddly now can it. It's not that what you say is any less valid it's just imo of course......giggle....stupid.

your post just declared you don't let negative in, then turn and call anothers perception as stupid......do you not hear your own words

teach animals and kids having no negatives in anything, then call others stupid, lol......

are you a patholgical liar dear feral?

my daughters are 6 and 11, and have more wisdom than to think any other human percpetion is as stupid........

please dear one......

it is most obvious that the negatives you so wish to keep out, are others that have more wisdom than yourself, and believe and have knowing of things that such limtied perceptions can never see, and indeed the negaitves are coming from within, not from the outside, from thoughts of yourself as most wise, as indicated by all your own words, and you just have no sight, that seeing and believing another is as stupid, is as NEGATIVE, and to perpetuate NEGATIVE, such NEGATIVE as extended to all those whom post any other perception different than yourself, putting them down as if they are stupide or less equal, but then indeed, it is not missed, they are believed to be of less value than yourself in all ways.......

stupidity cannot be seen unless anything peer stupidly thru eyes that see oneself as having greater wisdom than all others.....

You are so wrong.......and hey if you want or anyone wants negative in their lives...then I say have fun with it...But to assume that I can't live my life just fine and dandy without adding the negatives is just to me stupid.....I was not referring to her being stupid just imo to let negative in is stupid...and again if you don't like it...oh well to bad it's how I feel......

Never did this poster mention anything about "letting negative in". What was shared was taken completely out of context and clumsily inverted to make it appear as though this poster was completely off the mark and "stupid"...

Perhaps another attempt to spell out the post's actual meaning.

Here goes...

Think of it a personal experience...

Something is pointed out to you about yourself to which you object VERY strongly (something really hard to hear about yourself). A strong objection is usually a fairly decent indication that there must be some truth to what the person has stated about you...

Or else you wouldn't be so moved...

If there was no truth to it, you'd probably not react and just shrug it off.

So, when this other person points something out to you that is hard to hear and you notice your own strong reaction, you pause...

You think to yourself:

(Hmmmm... I'm certainly getting fired up about what this guy is saying. Let me step back and look at this. There just may be some truth in what he's saying...


There could be...


I DO do this and have been doing this and, although I feel like a piece of poop for doing it, at least I can finally admit it. Now what? I feel stupid, yet relieved. Now I can turn the page.)

No longer denying your own "wrong", you can now own what you've been doing, see it's full impact, take total responsibility for your part, correct it and MOVE ON.

No more walking around trying to pretend you're perfect, yet feeling deep down like crap because, in your heart you know you've not been.

No more lying to yourself...

How liberating!

Now, how does this have anything to do with letting negative in?

While I can see the point that you are making here, I would like to bring up a point that often happens on these forums.

The statement "Your imaginary friend in the sky doesn't exist - you're delusional"

Now - I'm not going to passively let this statement go by - especially when it follows some claim of what "Christians do" - that I know to be absolutely false. I can respond to this vehemently without thinking for a single moment that there is a word of truth in it that might apply to me - what-so-ever. I don't even need to pause to think about it. Usually - what thought crosses my mind is to immediately ask the poster if they've even read the bible. To which I never get a response.

At this point - I let it go. But I respond initially - not because I believe there is a ring of truth in it for me - but because I see a fallacy in the broad interpretation of "religious profiling" with no wisdom or understanding of the topic they are adressing in the first place. That of Christian doctrine and percieved behavior.

So - while I see your point - often times it does not hold true in the religion forums.


Nothing about what this poster has written has A THING to do with "what Christians do". Nor has this poster EVER suggested that anyone is delusional for their beliefs...

...and were we limited to ONLY discussing Christian doctrine?

If so... I'll consider myself moderated.

Religious Profiling?


This isn't an "Us and Them".
At least not as far as this poster is concerned.

Yes... This is a Religion Forum.

I was under the impression that participation was not limited to one Religion.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 03:37 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/20/08 03:40 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:32 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 09/20/08 04:34 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them


Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:38 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 09/20/08 04:39 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:39 AM
Krimsas quote- Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

I know, didn't do it rightlaugh

I think you are reading more into it than what I said Krimsa

tried to re-phrase it but don't know if it came out any better or not.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:43 AM
Really not much better but I wont argue with you. This is feral's thread anyway and Im sure she isnt interested in this topic. There are many other threads related to the specific subject of Creationism and the Theory of Evolution. We should not take over every single debate in the religion forum. It just seems to come up very often. :tongue:

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:44 AM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Sat 09/20/08 04:50 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at times, then i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:47 AM

Really not much better but I wont argue with you. This is feral's thread anyway and Im sure she isnt interested in this topic. There are many other threads related to the specific subject of Creationism and the Theory of Evolution. We should not take over every single debate in the religion forum. It just seems to come up very often. :tongue:
yeah, I know, don't like to sound confrontational but it happens with us all at times,flowerforyou just the way it comes out and gets taken at times

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:51 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:52 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at times, then i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"
that probably didn't come out right either but i'm working on it all the time

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:54 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.
I did say that I checked them out and found them interesting. I just don't accept it myself, that's just me and my choice, doesn't mean i'm right and someone is wrong.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:55 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.
I did say that I checked them out and found them interesting. I just don't accept it myself, that's just me and my choice, doesn't mean i'm right and someone is wrong.

Now you say that! Novel concept huh? Why didnt I think of it? :tongue: happy laugh

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:58 AM
since I don't accept it, maybe it does mean i'm saying they are wrong, but then again, thats just me, people that believe in it, i'm not trying to say they are wrong and this is just getting even more confusing trying to explain myselflaugh but it's an attempt.

lets just say we agree that we disagree and on that we can hopefully leave it, I'm tired anyway, really need to get some sleep, hate daylight, i'm kind of a night person

beachbum069's photo
Sat 09/20/08 04:58 AM
The universe was created by Bill Gates on a Windows 95 pentium II computer with a 500mb HD and 256kb ram.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 05:00 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.
I did say that I checked them out and found them interesting. I just don't accept it myself, that's just me and my choice, doesn't mean i'm right and someone is wrong.

Now you say that! Novel concept huh? Why didnt I think of it? :tongue: happy laugh
say what, that i checked them out and found them interesting? I did and I do :smile:

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 05:01 AM

The universe was created by Bill Gates on a Windows 95 pentium II computer with a 500mb HD and 256kb ram.
laugh what's up beach, good morningdrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 05:03 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.
who became hurt and angered? not me, I checked it out, I love to read and check things out like that, still didn't convince me, but that shouldn't matter anyway.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 09/20/08 05:05 AM

I just choose for myself to leave it, is that so wrong,

No. Who ever said that was wrong? Not I anyway. I resent your attempt at portraying yourself as the victim. happy
wasn't speaking of you but of another, I don't feel I am a victim of anything, never have been, never will be

you should know that, this thing has been going on most of the day

Well point out who said you MUST accept the theory of evolution then. It wasn't me and it wasn't Billy. You had originally posed the question about transitional fossils and he was nice enough to offer you a couple websites to further explain how this occurred. If it was complete crap, no one would believe it at all and it would not be taught in public schools. So Im not sure who on this thread told you that you have to do anything.

Hmmm... interesting argument. If it weren't true - it wouldn't be taught in public schools.
If that were so - Christianity and the bible has over 300 yers of being taught in public schools.
Does that make it unequivically true?

I'll have to remember this one.

You obviously did not even bother to read this thread and instead isolated one post and felt you just had to insert something argumentative. I was explaining to Sharp that no one had told him he MUST accept the Theory of Evolution. We all know you wont even bother to understand the most basic of its components. It is for this reason, I dont enjoy discussing it with you any longer Its akin to ramming my head against a brick wall. It is taught in public schools with the presumption of it being a theory. Parents who are not not happy with this situation, always have the option of writing a note and having their children pulled from science class. I actually had this very incident occur with a friend because she had evangelical parents. It was horrible but I was 11 years old and nothing I could do about it.
let me try to re-phrase that then, it seems that some are bothered by the fact that some dont believe in it, just a choice, we all make them

Im not sure who was "bothered" exactly. You posed the question to begin with. That was part of the reason this thread went in the direction of human anthropogenesis. There is a distinct difference between a religious doctrine that demands some degree of faith and acceptance that "this happened" and a scientific theory which essentially is making the statement "this is ONE possibility that scientists have been able to formulate and reconstruct based on their research and unearthed physical findings.Take it or leave it."
and all I said was that I leave it, for those that want to take it, more power to them, it's not that big a deal to me, we all have our beliefs and make our choices, thats just mine or if "mine" is trying to take it personal as you accuse me of at time, the i'll use the word "some" or "others"

just wanted to be part of the discussion and share another viewpoint, seemed to bother some was all I meant, I try to always stress, My opinion, my thought on such and such, something along those lines. Never that "you have to believe me, or you have to believe this"

I never did that either. That is the point of contention. YOU INQUIRED as to the transitional fossils. Someone who is more knowledgeable of this particular point offered you a couple websites that would help increase your understanding of this key element in the theory. At NO time were your views (whatever they may be) attacked. I guess the lesson learned here is dont ask questions about a subject and then turn around and become hurt and angered once someone chooses to offer you information that might be helpful. There was no expectation that you would do anything with it. Yet another difference between a religion and a scientific theory.
attacked, never said my views were attacked, not liked, not shared maybe, but not attacked

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