Topic: Finally | |
i felt totally positive about all things posted....... how were the things i spoke "negative"? how and why did they make you feel that "negative" and "ugly" was spoken..... hum.....i stated "critism is the food of all wisdom", and if critism is not attempted to be proven true, then how will NOT many words not wished to be heard come soon to be ignored, based soley on whether they GO AGAINST WISHED GOOD FEELINGS of the hearer? damn girl, really honestly don't get how this lead to anything good..... you post in a public forum, and then say others have audacity if they post anything that is of offense to you, lol....... i posted that......"any words heard as "negative" could easily be proven as not true if so wished, as there is plent of evidence of good and bad actions all day by all people, so the mind can look and find evidence for whatever it wish to prove as true"........ how is this not true? how is this "negative"? the titanic was said to be unsinkable, and no "negative" critisms were heard, and it sank.... i wrote this as a analogy to show logic used..... how is that negative? how is it not true? if one walks into a room, and says aloud "I WILL HEAR NO NEGATIVE, NO UGLY ABOUT ANYTHING I SAY" is this a wise one? IS THIS UNTRUE OR SOMETHING..... how could one feel my post was as the "negative and ugly" unless they deemed it as fitting their own actions and words, lol...... if one walks into a room, and declares aloud to a room or boardroom..... "ALL THINGS THAT I DEEM AS NEGATIVE I WILL NOT HEAR, AND DON'T WISH TO HEAR, AS IT COMES FROM "NEGATIVE THINKING"...... is this a wise one that will hear only "words of praise and adulation"? wow......just don't get it, and just speak honestly about what i think..... it means nothing and is just words, but why should i think different than this is not seen? no negative or ugly words from any others? i do not compute how to compute such things as wisdom to pay good heed to...... i only wrote that this thinking which lead to belief would lead to lack of hearing many things soon, and seems this is no different that what HAD TO BE THOUGHT AND INSISTED FROM HITLER BEFORE COMING TO BE SO DILUTED THAT HE KILLED MILLIONS, WHAT THE GREAT INQUSITION HAD TO BE "LED" BY, WHAT THE AMERICANS SAID AND "BELIEVED" ABOUT THE INDIAN'S, BEFORE SLAUGHTERING THEM.... this is just history to me.... HOW IS THIS NOT TRUE, LOL....... how is this "negative and ugly"..... did these things really happen, and did not this logic of a "dictatorship mentality" that HEARS NOTHING PERCIEVED AS NEGATIVE have to be employed into belief before all these things REALLY HAPPENED, lol..... if one say i shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful..... do we not have inspectors for all buildings built? how can one say to them, TELL ME NOTHING NEGATIVE? seems a good builder welcomes any negative critism to me....... just thoughts and ideas girl....... all others who do not agree with logic spoken ALOUD IN PUBLIC PLACES are "percieved as enemies" and are speak of the "negative and ugly", lol..... would not soon all are buildings in america soon fall prey to short cuts and fall down..... seems this logic must also soon come to fall down...... is this true? how does one walk down the road and base all interaction with all others based on a definition of NO NEGATIVE...... is not this the thinking of one that raises fists and fights with many others calling them all manner of bad names and cursings...... if any child say......."anything you say that make me feel as "ugly and negative" has been spoken, i will not hear", than what will this child be capable of learning? it eludes me..... all words spoken in my post were "without any accusation targeted at any" and were only as a devils advocate and as food for thought about the subject matter posted..... how is and why is this "bad"..... food for thought posted in a public forum where data was posted publically....... how can "bad" be based on what one individual's feelings demand as accpetable, as this seems to lead to "wished feelings of self good only" becoming as the webster for defintions of good....... sorry feral, do not compute in any way how this is anything more than just demands of "treat and speak to me as i deem most fitting"...... not even a please is put in with the insistence of "tell me nothing i deem as negative"! wow.....that is kind of a mind blowing statement for a "self professed leader" so to speak....... how in the world can this be wisdom of any sort? does not critism teach and show us what we need to know for true happiness tomarrow, if we look into all things based not on feelings alone, and seen it as even most positive in nature..... this is why i felt no "negative" when posting.... SO WHAT IS NEGATIVE? this definition truly eludes me, so perhaps you can help me out, since you have said to me that you are caring, and loving, and have understanding..... peace..... |
You might want to start by denouncing Ann Coulter's "Christianity". She had this to say about the Arab countries, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Is that what you mean to support when you support "Christianity"? If not, then wake up! The label has become as much of a political agenda as it has become a religion. It's a totally adulterated religion. When people apear to be bashing "Christinity" may be you have poeple like Ann Coulter to thank for this. And according to her, she's a Christian. |
Man adulterates the religion, not God
now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative.
Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about. Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that. I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time. Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens...... And see here we go matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or negative.... I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful..... Don't agree with me that is fine...... And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over..... There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household. Definition of negative: expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint. I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life. |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 04:03 PM
now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative.
Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about. Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that. I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time. Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens...... And see here we go matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or negative.... I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom. And of course all are allowed their own opinion as I was when I answered your initial thread... Don't agree with me that is fine...... And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over.....that's ugly I would like to see the positive....How often to you see on the news the positive of the world....the people that do wonderful amazing things...not to often.....and then we wonder why we have a society that is desensencatized. There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household. Definition of negative: expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint. I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life. |
Man adulterates the religion, not God awh, indeed the essence of all truth in me humble observation...... seems to beg "what make man do this terrible thing", that has killed billions over time..... seems just the simple notion of believing in something, within any belief, as greater than itself as more ultimate good, or greater than itself as more ultimate evil, will always CREATE DIVIDED THINKING OF ONESELF FIRST, THEN THIS WOULD BE APPLIED TO LOGIC, THRU BELIEF, AND REFECTED OUTWARD AS A GUIDE FOR OTHERS, WHICH WOULD HAVE TO CREATE DIVISION BETWEEN ANY PEOPLE, AS SOMETHING GREATER THAN COMMON SENSE AND GOODWILL WOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO BE BELIEVED AND PROFESSED TO BE AS FROM "GOD".......... seems any such belief of things "outside" of oneself as some "guide" of good and bad except other people, and natural reactions, has to lead to devisiveness in all ways...... wonder if that was why it was stated the kingdom of heaven was within, lol...... wonder if why it was said to love enemies.... wonder of that is why is said love thy nieghbor as thyself, lol...... this seems to be the same as to say worship nothing but other people most, all as equal in thought, or their can NEVER BE PEACE...... the very nature of "motive created" when there is some written guide claimed to be as the holy grail of all believed truth, would have to seperate all things away from common sense of cause and effect, as of course there would always be reason for any to say satan or evil made me do it, so didn't really have any control man, or "god" said to do it, and if you don't you are not of "god", lol...... all leading to total lack of sight of oneself as having any accountability to other humans, creating much disreagrd in time to even other pain one is causing, leading to many things seen down thru history..... either way, seems why it was once said thru ancient eyes of wisdom, the greater and greatest truth MUST lie and come from within, lol....... anything GREATER THAN ITSELF AS A SINGLE GOD, OR GREATER THAN ITSELF AS A SINGLE SATAN, SEEMS WOULD HAVE TO PRODUCE SUCH THINGS..... indeed, it seems all of text indicated that satan was not any one being, nor god any one being, but rather all words most leading to it being the EVIL of any man capable of committing, or the GOOD of any man capble of any man committing, lol.... just ideas......peace |
You might want to start by denouncing Ann Coulter's "Christianity". She had this to say about the Arab countries, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Is that what you mean to support when you support "Christianity"? If not, then wake up! The label has become as much of a political agenda as it has become a religion. It's a totally adulterated religion. When people apear to be bashing "Christinity" may be you have poeple like Ann Coulter to thank for this. And according to her, she's a Christian. So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. |
Man adulterates the religion, not God Men adulterated God when they wrote the Bible. |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 05:48 PM
now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative. Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about. Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that. I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time. Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens...... And see here we go matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or negative.... I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful..... Don't agree with me that is fine...... And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over..... There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household. Definition of negative: expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint. I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life. Constant unconditional praise, adulation, agreement and support can, in many cases, weaken one's defenses to the "real" world when not balanced with what all people contain (part negative & part positive). So much so that one slip into a life of complete denial, expecting all to agree and co-sign... OR ELSE. Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't". This is how a child thinks... I know - I've been there. It's a painful, but necessary shift when someone finally comes along and loves enough to speak their own truth... no matter how it will be received. |
You might want to start by denouncing Ann Coulter's "Christianity". She had this to say about the Arab countries, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Is that what you mean to support when you support "Christianity"? If not, then wake up! The label has become as much of a political agenda as it has become a religion. It's a totally adulterated religion. When people apear to be bashing "Christinity" may be you have poeple like Ann Coulter to thank for this. And according to her, she's a Christian. So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. Different from them....what the hell does that mean.....Why the labels at all...Can't I just be me with my beliefs and abra be abra with his........ Don't support my views I don't care......but this in no way means I am not entitled to them. |
thanks feral......
if i say or call out to anything, YOU ARE NEGATIVE, THIS WILL NEGATE ANY LOOKING INTO SELF FOR WHAT I DID, FOR ANY SELF BLAME, FOR ANY SELF ACCOUNTABILTITY, FOR ANY REASONS THAT THIS WAS CALLED OUT TO ME, MAKING ME FEEL AS NEGATIVE........ negative and postive are as one to me, so this make for nothing looked thru as either one..... is this negative? if it seems to be, then perhaps looking to whther it is true or not true provide greater perception...... your response is appreciated, and there is much logic seen put into it, and sincere thought, and it does not go unnoticed....... however, the following you posted seems to be of the greatest essence of truth to me...... the first of the definition of "negative"..... .......expressing or containing negation or denial...... if there is such a thing as "negative" then to keep "negative from happening, would not negative HAVE TO BE LOOKED INTO AND DISCUSSED, in order to know how to stop it, by the telling and knwing what created the perception looked thru that created it........ you look at actions, and deem good and evil based on actions, and seen none of yourself as evil, so then many others are as evil, so fo course, to you, the reason tings happen are not imnportant, and why it is rather demands of your definitions of good given out....... this is not to see anything beyond observations of good and bad, and provide no true way to ever abolish anything that is not of most good..... if "negative" is a perception i have of certain words from others, or perceptions held by others, than how will this defintion be made and formed within me........ will it not come from so called "negative" emotion felt, and does not "negative" emotion always come when one is told ANYTHING that even remotely suggest error of logic or reasoning or methods or practices? how this could EVER be denied is beyond me, as there is no human aliove that has not felt the discomfort of this emotion, lol...... will this held then as the guide for what is good, just make one RUN from negative emotion, one ignoring what negative emotion has to tell, to give understanding, NOT JUST AVOIDING THINKING THIS IS AS A SOLUTION....... this line of thinking, lead one to only surround themself with prising and worshipping things, leaving sight into all ones own actions and methods even harder to perform, as all around one are people saying every day how GOOD one is, lol.... but indeed, this is no different than why any organized religion is formed, as even the KKK can convince itself it has truth if it can find others who AGREE....... oh sure, to some this feels good, and is all some worship and look for, but indeed, it is the thing most leading to mental blindness, which come from no true self assessment if only "postive" is wished to be heard...... it may seem we are speaking much ado about nothing, but indeed, the very essence of the way these things are processed by the mind, is truly the same for ALL things of greater evils, as all things are quite simple in their root, and simply spring forth into great evils with time........ again, THERE IS NO WAY THE BUILDERS OF THE TITANIC, IF THEY HAD "LISTENED LONG ENOUGH, TO JUST TRY TO PROVE ANY CRITICISM, THOUSANDS WOULD NOT HAVE DIES, AND NO FAILURE..... sorry, but there are no lessons in history that do not show that TRYING TO PROVE CRITICISM TRUE IS NOT MOST BENEFICIAL...... not doing so will running from being wrong, more each day, as all things grow just like a plant, and so will this percpetion of "negative" grow each day, until soon, even simple logic is as negative, and very little heard, and so GREATER DISASTORS CREATE..... if i say, the cat got run over..... is that negative? if i hear it as negative, the focus into WHY the cat got ran, HOW it happening again can be avoided, and WHAT I DID TO CAUSE IT is negated, by percieving this as a "negative" emotion.... it is just what happened..... if i said I WISH ALL CATS GOT RAN OVER, THAN THIS I COULD SEE MANY WOULD EVRY EASILY CLASSIFY AS "NEGATIVE" THINKING, but even hearing this from one, to me it is not negative, as to tell them is even more negative on top of negative, which is why no true solutions can come from observations alone, or what would be called as "labeling" or "name calling"....... are these the type of words i EVER post.... believe it or not, if one does not believe in negative, then no lack of love can exist, or lack of understanding, or lacking of anything that is good..... it is not missed that the things i speak of are to you controversial, or negative, and i do not see you doing this as a defect, or a negative, but rather just how it is....... if i thought in my mind "negative" about it, then there would be reason or effort or seeking to reach common understanding, and common ground of logic in thought, and soon even many people that i look at i would come to say....... they are just negative.... if something is as subjective, and of a singular definition, as held by any ONE mind, and this is offered outward as a guide, WITH NOT ALL WORDS HEARD AND OBSERVED AND HEEDED FROM ALL OTHERS, and common good decided from ALL, then it seems this would have to disallow any freedom of any that oppose certain belief's, and no freedom for all others that do not agree in due time, and even in extreme cases in histroy, DEATH..... this is commonly called a dictatorship..... is this what you wish for yourself..... so be can be created.......have at it, lol....... i am not saying that logic thus far in this nation is based on such, but in looking back to what are true events and "happenings", and not placing blame, one see's more, as one would say "hitler" was to blame, look at what he did..... this would not actually allow the "sight" of the ROOT THINKING THAT CAUSED HIM TO DO IT TO BE DISCOVERED, and certainly, it does not go without notice, that the people that HEARD HIM AND BELIEVED HIM, DID NOT USE PROPER LOGIC, AND WHAT WAS THE PROPER LOGIC NOT USED...... THAT IS WHAT I LOOK AT IN ALL THINGS, AND IS IMPORTANT TO ME, THE "ROOT" OF WHAT CREATE ALL THINGS, BUT THEN AGAIN, YOU ARE NOT CONCERNED WITH THESE THINGS I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND, BUT..... I AM....... PEACE |
So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. Different from them....what the hell does that mean.....Why the labels at all...Can't I just be me with my beliefs and abra be abra with his........ Don't support my views I don't care......but this in no way means I am not entitled to them. I'm not saying anything about your views. I'm not even sure precisely what your views are. I'm just saying that when you speak about "Christian bashing", you need to consider all the people who use that label to support their political views (like wanting to teach creationism in public schools, etc.) Maybe you agree with that and maybe you don't. But the point is that the lable "Christianity" is pretty much a meaningless lable. There is no such thing as a 'Christian'. All that exists are people who lay claim to lables. Christianity used to be a lable that refered to a church organization many years ago. But even that ideology is dying away very quickly. The people who use that lable today are confused, disoriented, and disorganized. Some organization are desperately organizing 'revival' meetings and telethons. The mere fact that they recognize that they are in need of 'revival' is a sure sign that they are on their way out. What you believe in, probably has nothing to do with those groups anyway. Christianity isn't 'your' belief system. It was taught to you by other people. You simply accepted their belief system. I used to be a Christian. I know all about it. I was taken in by it too for quite a while. You'll get past it, trust me. |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 07:25 PM
now don't get bent.....jmo opinion here....when you say critism is the food of wisdom.....I not only disagree but think that is negative. Maybe it's just the way in which you write it...I don't know....I read and got negative. I wrote that I don't do negative or critism It's just not what life is about for me. Love, understanding, compassion, giving, that is what I am about. Now if you were to write Positive begots postitive then I would say yea yea....but negative anything is just that. I would be that person who would walk into a room and I say I will not stand for negative anything....I would walk away first because I find it an utter waste of time. Again think positive and positive things happen...think from a place of nothing but love and that is all that happens...... And see here we go matter the context of how you mean it...Hitler...does that name bring positive or negative.... I like this: I shall build a house of love, and care, and concern, and understanding, and compassion, and wisdom, but does not allow any response from others except who agrees with them, and base all hearing on this premise, it seems there is no true indication of anything, but rather soon hearing of only patial words, which would create "illusions" of whether such things as wished to build were indeed as successful..... Don't agree with me that is fine...... And may if more lived by the above paragragh and love, care and compassion what a beautiful world this could be. It's like watching the news...I can know what's going on without watching it over and over and over..... There is a difference between learning and being taught and being taught in a critical or filled with critism way. That is ugly no matter how you look at it. I also train animals but I don't teach with negative or critisism ..I train them out of love and respect and they want to please me and be part of my world...But trust me take that same animal and do it in a negative nasty way and that is exactly what kind of animal you will have. Also with my children never is negative or can't part of this household. Definition of negative: expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative reply to my request. lacking positive attributes (opposed to positive): a dull, lifeless, negative character. lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness, or the like: a man of negative viewpoint. I am sorry but this is no way to live or regard anything in life. Constant unconditional praise, adulation, agreement and support can, in many cases, weaken one's defenses to the "real" world when not balanced with what all people contain (part negative & part positive). So much so that one slip into a life of complete denial, expecting all to agree and co-sign... OR ELSE. Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't". This is how a child thinks... I know - I've been there. It's a painful, but necessary shift when someone finally comes along and loves enough to speak their own truth... no matter how it will be received. Splendid, I concur. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 07:47 PM
You might want to start by denouncing Ann Coulter's "Christianity". She had this to say about the Arab countries, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Is that what you mean to support when you support "Christianity"? If not, then wake up! The label has become as much of a political agenda as it has become a religion. It's a totally adulterated religion. When people apear to be bashing "Christinity" may be you have poeple like Ann Coulter to thank for this. And according to her, she's a Christian. So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. Different from them....what the hell does that mean.....Why the labels at all...Can't I just be me with my beliefs and abra be abra with his........ Don't support my views I don't care......but this in no way means I am not entitled to them. Of course you are entitled to your views/opinions as we all are but why did you feel compelled to post said opinions on an open forum unless you wanted others to engage you in some fashion? If you desired no disagreement or varying points of view, perhaps a private chat or private message would have been a more suitable format? |
I don't care what religion anyone professes or adheres to. It's how they treat their fellow human beings that matters. And, I see people from all relgions who do this well and who do this poorly. I have severely chastised fellow Pagans who bash Christianity. Especially when they turn around and complain about how persecuted pagans are.
splendidlife said:
Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't [love me]". That just crystallized something that has bothered me for quite a while. I was in on of those “If you loved me you’d ________” relationships. I knew there was something terribly wrong with that statement but I could never put my finger on exactly what it was. It was equating love with agreement. Thanks splendid! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 08:56 PM
Time for Positive.... "The word 'Christian' means different things to different people. To one person it means a stiff, upright, inflexible way of life, colorless and unbending. To another it means a risky, surprised-filled adventure, lived tiptoe at the edge of expectation...If we get our information from the biblical material, there is no doubt that the Christian life is a dancing, leaping, daring life." Enjoy the dance! Believe as you Wish And Let us do the same!!!!!!!! One night our town put on a street dance in honor of a local resident who had died. They had a band and many people were gathered. I was dancing, and a few other people were dancing. I had no partner, I just got out there and danced. My friend, a Pastor from the Church of God was there and I tried to get him to dance with me. He wanted to, but he was stifled because he worried what people "might think." He felt some silly obligation to play the roll of a dignified restrained man of God as is expected. He said to me one day that he "envied me" because he thought I was the most "free" person he had ever met "because I didn't care what people thought" I just lived my life the way I chose and had fun at it. That shows me that very few Christians, especially so-called "men of God" really know how to cut loose and be themselves and have fun. They would like to, but there are these little rules and regulations and expectations that keep popping up that they have to consider. What would people think if the Pastor danced with me at a street dance. I was the tarot card reader who must certainly be dancing with the devil. He was afraid to "associate" with me or to dance at a street dance. And after all, he was a married man. So I know many Christians "have fun" and say that they "have fun" but the bottom line is the young adults just want to party, drink booze and get laid. But of course that is not allowed, as well it shouldn't be for teens even if you aren't a young Christian teen. Still, that is what they want, so they will sneak around and sneak out and do it behind their parents back. Don't kid yourself about Christian events for teens.. we know what they want, or most of them... the opposite sex. ![]() JB |
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Wed 09/17/08 09:37 PM
splendidlife said:
Then one begins to equate love with agreement... "If you loved me, you'd agree (no matter what)... and since you disagree, you don't [love me]". That just crystallized something that has bothered me for quite a while. I was in on of those “If you loved me you’d ________” relationships. I knew there was something terribly wrong with that statement but I could never put my finger on exactly what it was. It was equating love with agreement. Thanks splendid! ![]() ![]() ![]() I was in one of those relationships too. It went like this: "If you loved me you would back me up (even when I am wrong) and you would accept me, and you will agree with me, respect me, worship me, serve me ....or else... I will turn into your worst nightmare." And a nightmare it was. ![]() That is why I hate the Christian doctrine because it is very similar. If you do not worship and serve and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and master, he will not save you from the pit of fire. Extortion, threats, and terrorism don't work with me. JB |
You might want to start by denouncing Ann Coulter's "Christianity". She had this to say about the Arab countries, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity". Is that what you mean to support when you support "Christianity"? If not, then wake up! The label has become as much of a political agenda as it has become a religion. It's a totally adulterated religion. When people apear to be bashing "Christinity" may be you have poeple like Ann Coulter to thank for this. And according to her, she's a Christian. So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. and I guess i'll have to say the same as you. So? |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/08 09:34 PM
So? All you're saying here is that we're no different from them if we support Ann Couler's views. Different from them....what the hell does that mean.....Why the labels at all...Can't I just be me with my beliefs and abra be abra with his........ Don't support my views I don't care......but this in no way means I am not entitled to them. I'm not saying anything about your views. I'm not even sure precisely what your views are. I'm just saying that when you speak about "Christian bashing", you need to consider all the people who use that label to support their political views (like wanting to teach creationism in public schools, etc.) Maybe you agree with that and maybe you don't. But the point is that the lable "Christianity" is pretty much a meaningless lable. There is no such thing as a 'Christian'. All that exists are people who lay claim to lables. Christianity used to be a lable that refered to a church organization many years ago. But even that ideology is dying away very quickly. The people who use that lable today are confused, disoriented, and disorganized. Some organization are desperately organizing 'revival' meetings and telethons. The mere fact that they recognize that they are in need of 'revival' is a sure sign that they are on their way out. What you believe in, probably has nothing to do with those groups anyway. Christianity isn't 'your' belief system. It was taught to you by other people. You simply accepted their belief system. I used to be a Christian. I know all about it. I was taken in by it too for quite a while. You'll get past it, trust me. what's wrong with teaching creationism, they teach evolution as well. And religion aside, The theory of evolution is full of holes as well. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ only last sentence is mine, don't know what happened on the quote thing |