Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Fri 03/07/25 06:16 PM
But don't worry "Jane" will be back again someday, maybe from a different location, maybe with a different name, but "Jane" will be back. 🤣

dust4fun's photo
Fri 03/07/25 06:09 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Fri 03/07/25 06:11 PM
A relationship on any level is give and take and you hope for a balance. Having a job is a relationship with your employer, you make them money and in return they pay you money. Are there pros and cons of any job? Yes, there are always are, but it's up to the employee to decide if it is worth it or not as well as the employer. Friendship is also a relationship, if you are always there for a friend, but they are not there when you need them it probably isn't going to work out unless you get something out of being used. So in a relationship with somebody of the opposite sex you also need to look at what you get and give. People have different needs, sometimes it's sex, or money, or security. Other times it may just be companionship or having a good time together. But realistically it probably will never balance out perfectly even, sometimes people need to make some sacrifices in order to get what they need. That's pros and cons, we will never live in a perfect world so we have to accept certain facts. Also as brought up earlier you can not change somebody unless that person wants to change. That is often a big mistake people make is they think they can change somebody to be the way they want.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 03/07/25 05:48 PM
A tariff is basically a sales tax on the people of the United States, I have not heard a clear answer on what the US government is going to do with this money? It is almost like a "sin tax" like the put on alcohol or tobacco to try to slow the amount people are buying from foreign countries, but many of these things we have no choice but to buy from other countries. And what is stopping them from selling them to another country and then that country selling them to the United States? Not saying I am against all tariffs, but seems it should be more uniform across the board.
As people panic that 25% is such a big number, most of what is being bought is at a wholesale level, so by the time it gets to the user that percentage should be much less.
Funny how Canada is making such a fuss out of these tariffs being they have such outrageous income tax and sales tax themselves, takes a lot of tax money to run a socialist country, probably one of the reasons why the United States is trying to add this hidden tax? Just another one of those things that if people were smart this could all be figured out, but leave it up to the government to make stupid moves that don't make sense, that's what they do best.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/19/24 06:23 PM
Either Amazon developing their new delivery methods, or Elon's new Taxi's. They are UFOS, not sure if "drones" is the correct term? Just another wave of more alien's getting into the country.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 11/11/24 08:50 PM

Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

14 million less, well old people are dying off, less people went to the polls, less illegal aliens were able to vote, less dead people voted, and less fraud took place? Kamala is a babbling idiot, the election was between dumb n dumber and I guess dumb won out over dumber. It is so sad that the American people have to chose between 2 POS for president, but then again I see more selfishness, entitlement, lack of common sense in people every day. I voted for the best person on the ticket and it certainly was not Harris or Trump. But people are easily brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

Good point about the fewer number of voters, but the rest of your post is way off base in my opinion. 77million people voted for Trump and how many for Stein or whoever your choice was. And we are brainwashed? At least you didn’t vote for Kamala..:thumbsup:

Stein :laughing: does that come with beer?
RFK, at some point we got to get the clowns out of Washington. Remember when Trump said he was going to drain the swamp? Well it seems Washington becomes more like Florida everyday. A big swamp filled with rif-raf and old people. I used to say I like Trump the brand, just not Trump the person. But lately he's been preaching this far right radical BS. Find a middle of the road candidate and maybe the popular vote won't be 48% to 51%.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/10/24 09:01 AM

Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

14 million less, well old people are dying off, less people went to the polls, less illegal aliens were able to vote, less dead people voted, and less fraud took place? Kamala is a babbling idiot, the election was between dumb n dumber and I guess dumb won out over dumber. It is so sad that the American people have to chose between 2 POS for president, but then again I see more selfishness, entitlement, lack of common sense in people every day. I voted for the best person on the ticket and it certainly was not Harris or Trump. But people are easily brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 08/13/24 07:14 PM
Why do we even care about the V.P. picks? How often does the V.P. actually do anything anyways? Look at short term, and long term history. How many V.P.'s have done anything notable besides maybe running in future elections.
Maybe people should be more concerned about Kamala is talking about? Or more importantly what she isn't talking about? Seems she likes to shy away from the media, probably better off that way so they can not question her on her wishy washy positions. Typical politician that magically supports the things that crowd wants and then completely flips when the next crowd want something different. She gets flustered under pressure, but how long can she go without giving some answers of where she really stands on things? Figure the majority of people backing her are only doing so because of her race/gender, which are some more things she is wishy washy on. If she can just avoid any media for the next 90 days she might actually have a chance of winning.
Not say Republicans are much better off, seems they are playing a game too, reminds me of when they wanted to be known as the teabagger party back in 2010's and thought Sarah Palin was the future. A divided party that suddenly changes their mind when they find out they need to follow whomever is leading the party at that time, or be shamed by the rest of the party. Seen even Elon has jumped from Democrats over to Republican. But then again so did Trump. A 3rd party moderate candidate sure would look good about now.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 08/07/24 06:10 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Wed 08/07/24 06:12 PM

You must not be doing your Research correctly.
Man is a Far leftist radical same as Kamala Plus more.

Maybe not too centrist, but he's firmly middle-class and is a good, family man. Walz has been elected to office more than Trump and Vance combined. He was a Command Sergeant Major in the MN Army National Guard, which I can assure you doesn't come to anybody who isn't an excellent soldier, and he's charming. As far as being "far leftist" I agree with him that government should stay out of personal health decisions between women and their doctors, and there's nothing wrong with making sure school kids are fed.

But go ahead and tell me how Trump, the convicted felon, is a better man.

It's the far, far left verses far, far right. People are worried Trump will become a dictator, but that's exactly what the Democrats did during the COVID pandemic.
Wow, Walz was in National Guard :rolling_eyes:.
Parents should be feeding their children, not schools. How much does a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter cost? Maybe these welfare people that had children they could not take care of should use some of those government food stamps to feed their children instead of themselves. Better yet instead of giving them food stamps we should give them a bag of rice, potatoes, and beans. If they don't like that they can go out and get a freak'n job and work for what they want.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 08/06/24 08:21 PM

Radio Host said, just about any man would be a better President than Kamala Harris.
Minnesota governor is much more intelligent than she is.


Yeah, Tim Walz is really good!

Walz really good? Good at what? Lock down for COVID was a disaster. Everything about the George Floyd overdose was a disaster. Minnesota is an over taxed welfare state. It's not even a swing state, Kamela found somebody as far left as she is. A moderate in an actual swing state would have made much more sense, but Kamela not too bright anyway.
Just a reminder of 1984 when Walter Mondale ran for President with the 1st woman running mate. Mondale got a total of 13 electoral votes, 10 from Minnesota and 3 from District of Columbia. Pretty sad when you only get 1 state out of 50. I realize times have changed, mostly for the worse. Can't say Trump is the best candidate, I prefer my presidents not to be a loser, like he was in 2020, But i am also sick of freeloaders, have no respect for Robinhood, or socialism. The government is way too big, and taxes way too high. But throughout history there really weren't many great, or even good Presidents, and unfortunately the House and Senate are not much better and even many everyday people are not capable of voting for decent things. The best thing would be to dismantle the entire government and rebuild it from scratch, clearly that won't happen in our lifetime, but if there is ever going to be a future it will happen at sometime.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/30/24 06:47 PM

It has been a few years since your post & I was wondering with the benefit of hindsight,
How Has Your Opinion Changed?
I am Canadian but follow things in the US because it's surely to affect us.

Besides Biden conveniently getting COVID after Trump got shot and then with drawing from the race, I really have not heard of many people getting COVID lately. Not sure if this was an excuse by Biden not to deal with things? Or he thought bringing COVID back to the forefront would help the Democrats?
I know plenty of people who never got vaccinated and never got COVID, I also know many people who got vaccinated and have gotten COVID since, some multiple times.
Long story short we will never know the affects the vaccine did or did not make because what has been done has been done. At some point another similar virus will pop up again, from the first reports of COVID I knew it was a form of SARS, and variants pop up from time to time.
Being Canadian do you like living in a Socialist country? Do you think the US should be more socialist? Or do you with Canada would lay off on some of its socialist policies? Socialism is just a road to Communism, might work for some, but has also failed for so many.
So basically I have stuck to whatever things I posted early on in the Panic denim, What do people think of inflation? Many who complain about were the ones begging for handout during the pandemic. Now that money is long gone and wasted and we are paying way more for things. Drug companies still making money off "vaccines" and insurance rates have skyrocketed for many reasons related to pandemic. Things were handled very poorly and few have been held accountable.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/28/24 10:24 AM
Now taking applications for the President of the United States. Great benefits, flexible hours, work remotely. No experience necessary.
Due to laws we are required to give priority based on Race, gender, age, sexual preference. Those with mental health issues and retardation strongly encouraged to apply.

Just goes to show how bad the work force in the US has gotten. The sense of entitlement, the loss of work ethic and loyalty and why so many places find it hard to find employees. Most jobs have become service based jobs, we no longer make anything. People want jobs, but they don't want to work. They want to come and go as they please, do as they please while they are actually there, and somehow expect to be compensated as an upper middle-class person no matter what they are doing. How long is a waitress at your table? They take your order, bring you food out, bring you your check at the end. They don't cook the food which is a very important of your dining experience, they don't do the dishes or clean up after you. And yet they think they are entitled to a 20% top, and somehow we have accepted this as normal, some places have even started adding this on as mandatory. And now everybody is thinking they should get tips, my tip is get a real job and see how that goes if you are not happy. Not sure how much longer the human race can continue to decline, the level of selfishness, and stupidity has gotten out of control.

Harris is far to the left and Trump car to the right. The priorities of the government should be the same as people should have at home. Number one would be money, paying bills without borrowing money, if can't afford it, then don't get it. Live with in your means. Second should be health and safety, people shouldn't live in fear. The federal government should focus on federal issues and leave other things to local governments. Taxation should be a reasonable amount, can't just keep taking more because you want something.

Besides the economy the abortion and reproductive rights issue has been front and center. Doing away with abortion would be stupid, who thinks it's a good idea to bring unwanted children into this world? Should people avoid getting pregnant in the 1st place? Of course, but if you look at the numbers like 20% of pregnancies end with abortion so it appears to be popular enough not to take that right away. If it was up to me there would also be mandatory abortion, if somebody can't even take care of themselves, they certainly are not responsible enough to take care of another human. Now we all know the Democrats love handing out free money, Welfare is a source of control. You would think they would hate abortion because it produces many generations of poverty, dependency, and people they can control. On the other hand the Bible thumping Republicans are against abortion, but you can't tell me many of them don't have abortions cuz they need to put on an image of be pure, or children will get in the way of making money. The whole thing is just brainwash, telling people what they think they want to hear. A bunch of sheep, too dumb to see the writing on the wall. But people are going to believe the mombo jumbo as society goes down the drain.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 05/25/24 09:33 PM
Marriage is a husband and wife so when a guy says he has a husband I assume he must be the ***** in the relationship, and if they want to have children they should have to do it the old fashion way where a man has sex with a woman, if that can't happen then no going out and buying a child, i thought buying and selling humans was outlawed 150 years ago and yet people get awaybwith it all the time.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/06/24 09:37 PM

What does booyah mean?

its erm US slang too that translates to "Oh yeah!"

aka booya/boo-yah

Hmmm, interesting. Usually I relate to a stew or soup. I have also been to parties where everybody brings a bottle and dumps it with what everybody else brought along with some fruit.

I was curious what other meanings it may have, it even has urban slang related definitions. The most interesting one I found was "The process of not getting sleep due to the fact that one was up all night quoting Liam Neeson films. An individual that booyahs usually organizes annual batman conventions and host weekly role playing tournaments in his mother's basement."
I can't make that shlit up if somebody wants to track that info for themselves, somehow just felt so fitting here.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/05/24 06:32 PM

had a shiit week and my dishwasher has been on the fritz. took me a few days of troubleshooting and found the issue. the brands warehouse is currently in location transition and theres a two week delay on part required. The dishes are stacked in the sink so i went to local hardware store and got dishwasher safe super glue. applied it waited the recommended three minutes to set. popped it in and doing first batch right now. if it pops open again ima reapply glue and cure it for 12-24 hours but so far so good.

The other thing is i havent had my medicinal cannabis for three weeks now. Its coming from a different Chemist this time and its due for delivery any minute now.


My 1st thought is if everybody posted everytime something in their house broke we would have to have topics for washer/dryers, refrigerator , stove, vacuum, microwave, plumbing, yard maintenance, sex toys, light bulbs, TV's and electronics besides computer, computer and technology, would be a full time job just to read the post.

My 2nd thought is this guy can't wash dishes by hand? Then I seen the pothead comment and that made sense that he is too lazy to wash a few dishes.

3rd thought is people that "need" medical cannabis? Is this something paid out of pocket? Or is this insurance or paid by public? I know what chronic pain is, I do not expect others to pay for my mistakes and mishaps in life. So sorry that you may have felt a little discomfort for a few days.:rolling_eyes:

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/05/24 06:09 PM

Sex on a first date is Usually a one night stand.

Maybe if somebody doesn't perform well or is psycho it will be a one night stand, not saying it will turn into a long term relationship, if done right it will often turn into a fling, treat them right and they will come back for more.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/18/24 07:18 PM
Pickle juice, the body has a hard time absorbing water unless it has salt in it.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/18/24 07:17 PM

I've heard that drinking plenty of fluids and eating well while drinking can PREVENT a hangover. Though I am not 100% sure if this is true as I've never had one. But to deal with a hangover would be most likely taking something for headache relief such as acetaminophen. That and resting should help a lot. Best of luck!

Why would somebody screw up a $100 buzz with a $5 cheese burger? Food just means you need to drink more to get drunk.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/16/24 08:49 PM

Do you think this is a massive red flag or big no.
Or does it vary by date?

Once again, you are 19 and dating younger guys. Not sure how things work at where you are from, but over here we have a saying "15 will get you 20", meaning that if you have sex with a 15yr old you will do 20yrs in prison. I suggest you hold off on sex til they are old enough to drive, get a job, and pay child support!

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/16/24 08:43 PM

Why is it that when I offer to pay on a date and the guy tries to play the I earn more so it's fine, but when I tell them my salary they go sheepish and then don't tend to want to see me again?

Um, maybe cuz you are 19 and dating younger guys, so clearly you make more at your job then their mom gives them for an allowance 🤦

dust4fun's photo
Sat 03/02/24 09:15 PM
A ghost? Like I can spy on people and walk thru walls? That would be so cool!

When I don't show up I identify as "TRANSparent" please use the correct pronouns of Who/Where.

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