Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/05/23 03:27 PM

I haven't read all the back and forths above but in terms of the headline post, sadly I must say I'm not even sure we (USA) deserve the label "Superpower" anymore. This country has become SOOOO freaking weak in almost every way. Our kids are a mess, fat, weak, whiny, and triggered at any little thing. Always a victim, always criticizing those that came before them for their problems. These are the kids (men?) that are going to go up against China? China makes killing machines and we are all about putting trans people in high ranks in our military JUST BECAUSE. We've loosened our standards for fitness in the military just to let in more of our marshmallow young recruits. We put transgender nonsense training for our recruits. The list goes on and on. If it weren't for our wealth and weapons, we wouldn't stand a chance from a pure fighting perspective.

I agree with all of this, however the military has become more about technology, war used to be hand to hand combat, then guns, mines, bombs, airplanes, and tanks became the tools. Now we rely on drones which we could have these kids run and they wouldn't have a clue, they would just think they are playing another video game. It is scary that China hacks all our phones and knows more about people then what they know about themselves. The hacking of computers, shutting down power sources, refineries, the ability to get information, etc is a scary thought, and wars in the future will not look like any wars of the past. Just a part of advancement.

Also although the US doesn't necessarily control many countries on paper, they do enough with protecting them, sending them resources, and having enough control to keep them on our side.

The US also controls a large amount of the worlds food supply, remember the US population of 350 million (maybe a lot more with illegals) is very small compared to many nations. The US may not be "The Superpower", but it will always play a big part in the game. The US has had a good 250 year run and all things will come to an end at some point in time. We should probably think about getting our own house in order before telling everybody else how to run their lives. But look at the direction the world is heading, most countries continue to become more "Westernized", not because we force them to do so, but more because they want to be "Westernized".

dust4fun's photo
Fri 11/03/23 07:20 PM
100yrs ago there were 2 billion people in the world, now there are 8 billion people. When it's cold those people heat their houses, hmm maybe that's why it it ends up warmer? When it's hot people run their Air Conditioning, Air conditioners are just heat pumps that push the hot air outside, hmm that would make things warmer outside.

Much of the "Green Energy movement" is just people whom think they are doing good things for the environment. Think of it like the "Recycling movement", you know where most of that plastic goes that you grow in the recycle bin? Sure you feel like you are doing your part but most of it ends up in landfills, the ocean, or burnt filling the environment with plastic, and that doesn't even take into consideration what it took to make the plastic in the first place, or the chemicals that leach off from it often ending up in you body. Things like Ethanol used as fuel take's up crop land, burns up the valuable top soil, and still add pollutants to the air. Hydro power has been used as centuries but now the tree huggers are worried because a few fish can't reproduce, but we've had "renewable energy" for centuries so it's not all bad.

Worried about methane? Well it's more then just farm animals releasing that methane, the 8 billion people are also releasing methane. But the biggest danger is the melting of the permafrost that's releasing way more methane then the animals. Nature has gone thru many changes in the billions of years planet Earth has been around, somethings it can fix quickly, other things take hundreds, or even thousands of years to adjust to. One way nature may try to correct it's self is by balancing the population, however humans have found ways to avoid most of these solutions, but someday nature will come up with something humans can not control.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 10/31/23 08:13 PM
Should just read "Do you think this country is on the right path?" Biden, Trump, and Clinton should have never been on the ballot for president or any other office for that matter. WTF are people thinking to allow this to happen in the first place? Are the people of the United States that easily brainwashed? Or just that stupid? I can fix a lot of things but everybody knows " you can't fix stupid" so until someone can figure out a way to intelligentize the population, and I'm not talking about free college! I guess all we can do is say it was a good run while it lasted. We can't keep printing trillions of dollars and handing it out without consequences, socialism just makes for lazy people, that is why we have to check out and bag our own groceries at the store. We need to bring back natural selection so if you are too dumb and/or lazy to work then you starve. We are breeding an ever weaker mankind and if a natural disaster doesn't wipe everybody out first eventually humans will become so useless that they will just die off. The only thing keeping the US going besides printing money are the babyboomers whom saved and invested money during a time when they were fortunate enough to do so. When that money has runs out it's going to become a very rough world to live in that most spoiled brats will never understand til it happens. Who's running in 2024? Like it even matters? You don't actually get to choose who is on the ballot much less who wins. It's all rigged, your best bet is to bury you head in the sand and just go out and enjoy your life while you still can.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 10/04/23 07:32 PM
With one eye open at all times. You never know when a zombie or vampire might attack.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 09/19/23 07:17 PM
Only time I served on jury duty they called me in for a trial but they reached a plea bargain before trial so i did get like $35 for time and travel from the court, most of the time a plea is come to before going to trial as it gets very expensive to fight for both sides. Many people do come up with excuses not to serve, sometimes they will even keep jurors from going home during big trials because they don't want them getting outside information or talking to outsiders about what is going on.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 09/19/23 05:29 AM
The last few years I only wear Nike adapt or Nike E.A.R.L. because in this day and age who wants to bend over and tie your shoes like they did back in the stone age? When they have shoes that automatically lace themselves! But I would never go online to promote the shoes, to brag on how much they cost, or to compare myself to a professional athlete.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 09/18/23 07:50 PM

Does a short man try to make himself look shorter? Does a broke man try to make himself look broker? Does a fat man try to make himself look fatter? Why would a freakishly tall woman wish to look even freakishly taller? Unless you are a dude perhaps?

I was thinking along these lines, lets cut to the case and find out what this job is the "requires high heels?" He/she commented on being called "freakish" but did not comment on the "dude" comment. For somebody to ask a question like this, especially the way things were stated it seems they are seeking attention, or trying to say they are better then others. Then to start comparing themselves to super models? Really? Sounds like maybe they should see a therapist about what shoes to wear instead of asking strangers online?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 08/19/23 07:11 PM
This topic started out more about street crime as the Democrats have turned a blind eye to arresting and prosecuting people, it's there way of trying to make it look like the crime rate has gone down but instead there are more guns and thugs out on the streets because people are afraid of getting blamed for "profiling", or worse yet have their lives destroyed by one of these punks killing them, or sending them to prison for the rest of their lives for killing the thug in self defense. Suddenly everyone is focused on this "white collar crime". Most of this is just a witch hunt set to destroy the competition. The corporate world (and politics) have a lot of gray areas. Is something misleading corruption? There is a fine line and depends on how far you want to take it. It's like if we started giving everyone going 58mph in a 55mph zone a ticket. Also who knows what in white collar crime is hard to prove and usually it's some poor low level people who end up as scape goats, it's always easier to blame somebody else then to stand up and take the punishment.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 06/26/23 07:09 PM

I'm high anxiety and have extreme ADHD and I was hardwired for stress since birth. I see my therapist twice a week and I have a counseling life coach.

I'm wondering why you trust these counselors with your contentment? It seems to me (from what you have written) you are not really 'fixing' your mental condition, merely enabling it.

Nobody is 'hardwired' for stress since birth. Stress and anxiety are learned conditions adopted after the age of reasoning. You can't know you are stressed until you can compare the stress conditions to non-stressed conditions. Clearly you were subjected to mental or physical abuse in your early childhood. Its an environmental condition not a genetic one.

Attention deficit means your mind works faster than the stimulus you are encountering. You have problems focusing your thoughts which can be a genetic condition which was reinforced by your environment.

I suggest you find both a psychiatrist and a psychologist who work together with the right drug and the correct counselor.

Anxiety, depression, addiction can all be passed thru genes or can occur from tragic events or learned behavior. I do not agree with Tom making this out like because the things he has done in life makes him 'normal' and others 'not normal'. That seems 'selfish' to me which is also passed thru genes as well as learned. At this point it doesn't really matter how much of it was inherited, and how much was picked up over time. It has much more to do with learning to adapt to the conditions that exist and alter the brain to recondition itself.

The anxiety can cause a manic state where there are highs and then crashes into a depressive state. I can also trigger a fight or flight response. If the anxiety is not controlled it can lead to rage. This seems like this fetish of being spanked would be counter intuitive like maybe the anxiety and ADHD is just an excuse for justifying the fetish? Or it could be based on something that happened in the past?

First thing to always look at is diet, exercise, lifestyle. If the high blood pressure a result of anxiety and ADHD? Is it diet based? Is it inherited? Often time stimulating the brain without over doing it can relive much of the problem, it's all got to do with dopamine and endorphins and how the brain processes everything. The drugs listed are aimed more at depression so I wonder if the doctor really knows what they are doing or just chasing an easy buck? I would consider look into other doctors.

As far as councilors go what they do is council, not treat. And it is much like a drug addiction where you have to want change, and hopefully can change brain activities to become a little more normal. Drug treatment often fails several times before it takes, that's why they also call it drug counseling instead of drug treatment, and the brain has rewired itself to adapt over time so it can take awhile to get to normalcy. Often learning better ways to deal with the problem and avoid certain situations is the best bet.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/25/23 09:41 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 06/25/23 09:44 AM

Hi Etsin :wave: any loss of life is a tragedy :broken_heart: Who do you think should be held accountable for the migrant lives lost ..the country they fled from ? the country they were fleeing to ? Countries who failed to help save lives ? There is seldom fairness in life or death . The world is not a fair place .

The issue is for a pertinent thread and not this one to comment about.
then why did you post your comment and not start your own thread ? ?

To be fair I would say this thread is no longer viable so it is okay to turn attention to your post ., unless of course you have nothing to say on the matter :wink:

Not sure we should say this thread is over just because the sub imploded and the people died. I think there are still things to learn and think about, things like this will always happen but maybe we can minimize it.
As was brought up earlier would you rather live a possibly shorter exciting life? Or a possibly longer boring life? Remember a split second can alter or end anybody's life at anytime.
What gets me is when people do something stupid that endangers others. We shouldn't have to put other lives at risk to save your life. What have we accomplished by putting people into space? It's very costly and dangerous and I don't see any benefits in the near future. Scuba diving you are relying on mechanical functions, something goes wrong and the only hope you have is a back up. Rock climbing, I ain't going to come peel you off the side of the mountain. Skiing or snowmobiling in an avalanche area, who's going to dig you out while risking another avalanche? I'm not saying don't go out and do these things, just don't look for help or sympathy when something goes wrong.
I know a guy who has spent the last 2 years building an airplane out of wood and fabric, people have been doing it for 100 years. I said I have some carbon fiber, there are better ways of doing it now from what we have learned. He asked for my help building it but I don't need that on my conscious, he has offered to take me up in it but I guess I don't have that much of a death wish.
Go out and have fun, just think about what you are doing and what could happen.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/25/23 09:19 AM

then why did you post your comment and not start your own thread ? ?

To be fair I would say this thread is no longer viable so it is okay to turn attention to your post ., unless of course you have nothing to say on the matter :wink:

I posted in order to point out the vast contrast between the efforts to rescue the five passengers of OceanGate, and the hundreds of migrants aboard a boat that was about to capsize off the Greek coast.

I won't start a thread for the topic of migrants and refugees, but I do have more to say on the matter in such a thread.

Generally migrants flee because they think they will die if they stay where they are at, or their life is so bad that they are willing to risk it to try something new. If we go and save those people that just encourages other people to try and escape, which could cause more harm in the long run. If we are willing to pick them up out at sea, then why don't we pick them up before they get on the boat? Why don't we go to every country and pick up anybody who wants to go? It's where do we draw the line? Sometimes it's because of the government or gangs that run the country. Other wise it can be good shortage or economic reasons. There is only so much that people can do to help these people without having millons of others expecting the same.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/25/23 08:28 AM
Normally I would not recommend drugs for anybody because they often cause other problems. But in this case where therapy has not solved the problem I would suggest there are some drugs that may help control the anxiety. Otherwise it shouldn't be too hard to find a woman who wears the pants in the family, it's actually pretty common.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/24/23 09:24 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 06/24/23 09:25 PM
I think she meant to put "also to search for money" but ran out of room being she is Asian but listed Native American and she lives in England. But I'm sure somebody out there is interested in Haha.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/21/23 06:22 PM
I wonder if this is what Cat ment when she said there should be more "deep topics"?:thinking:

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/21/23 06:13 PM

Garbage human being...

Wow, impressive! Think maybe somebody has done a few too many whip-its with that kind of intelligence. Pot-kettle, kettle-pot, just don't call me black because I might be eligible for some reparations then. So glad to hear those comments that added so much to the topic!

My issue is not whether somebody is black or gay, or even black and gay. The issue is when it's rubbed in everybody's face like the group is so desperate for attention that they need everybody to see it. The best way to fit into society is to blend in. 100+ years ago all of the nationalities in the United States hated each other, or at least thought they were better then others. But thru time they learned to adapt to the other cultures and blend in with everybody else. This was not done by making a scene or forcing others to do things their way. I will put it this way, if you drink a big glass of milk everyday and one day you start to slam that glass of milk and it's curdled and sour you will probably be worried about all milk for awhile after that. It just takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bushel, and if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth you will not only remember, but subliminally you will think about it too. I don't care what people do on their own time, but when it interfere with my time and money it leaves that bad taste in my mouth. If somebody chooses to celebrate Juneteenth go crazy. But when it shuts down the government and those employees are getting paid with my tax dollars then I got issues with it.
I laugh at Bud Light and Target for all the loses they have occurred for pushing homosexuality down people's throats. I would much rather be factually correct then Politically Correct, or fallow the so called Social norms that so many go by. Those things have been made up by society, who is society? Me, and you, and that other guy are all society and we are all allowed to put our input into what "social norm" should be. I look at what has happened in history, research done on subjects, and I use a little common sense which doesn't seem all that common. I think outside the box to figure out why things are the way they are, many don't understand this approach because it doesn't fit into their social norms or political correctness.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/21/23 05:41 PM
The thing is run off from an x-box controller, heard the lights were from camping world. Don't know about you, but I think I would do a little more quality control before going down in something like that. It reminds me of the subs they build in the jungle down in Colombia to run cocaine to the US. They build them out of wood and fiberglass to avoid radar, they have to surface every so often to get air. They got away with running a lot of cocaine before somebody finally snitched. The cartel would force people to drive the submarines, saying no was instant death so people had to chance it. Think they found one on the surface not all that long ago with the people inside dead. It's a very interesting story for those who want to look into it.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/20/23 06:24 PM
It's like this, I am allergic to shellfish, well more like shellfish people. Whenever I'm around them I get a headache and feel queasy.

Instead of the world coming closer together they are being driven farther apart. Some of this is being done intentionally by politicians and advertisers, other parts have more to do with pop culture. Society is becoming more bi-polar, or tri-polar, or even beyond. It's not just the liberals verses the conservative. Look at the stupid things they got going this month. Pride month? Like gay people need a special month? When gay people fly a rainbow flag outside what are they truly trying to accomplish? "Hey, look at me I'm gay"? Or "screw you, I'm here and I'm queer"? They are not trying to "fit in",and have "equal rights", they are saying they are going to rub their lifestyle in your face wether you like it or not.
Then we got the dumbest holiday ever invented aimed at people that don't work and want everything handed to them. Who ever came up with this "Juneteenth"?. That's not even a word and is even more make believe then Columbus day. Congress just wanted another paid day off. If it wasn't for slavery 90% of the black people wouldn't even exist in the United States. Why are they so fixed on the past? Why can't they assimilate? Why do 100 people get shot every year at "Juneteenth" celebrations. It's not bringing people closer together, it's making people say "hey look at me, I'm different from you"

I heard somewhere that after the so called "pandemic" people are associating less with classes other then their own. Maybe because people who work hard for their money don't appreciate freeloaders? Or is it more to do with driving people apart and pinning them against each other?

Someone mentioned all the people on Mingle, well I get plenty of hits everyday on my account, problem is they are all fakes, fake people don't post in the forums, well not often anyways. They still have profiles of people from 10 years ago, the number of people that are on this site long enough to realize there are forums is very limited. That along with the fact that every topic has already been covered a number of times makes it tough to come up with new content. I'm not big on social media but I've even noticed people don't comment on Fakebook like they used to either, and if people don't click on "like" for every post then people don't do it in return, or they drop the people. Maybe the forums should come up with a "like" button, and a "dislike" button also?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 06/09/23 10:13 PM

God has no son
Son in the Bible
An Arabic Christian website mentioned the following:
We do not believe at all that Jesus is - the Son of God in physical terms. Christians use the phrase "Son of God" to describe Jesus in a metaphorical and spiritual way. It does mean that Jesus has the attributes and deeds of God, just as the son shares the characteristics of his father and has his powers.
In the Gospels, Jesus called two of his disciples, James and John, “the sons of thunder.” For these two disciples had a fiery nature and great zeal as the nature of thunder.
Jesus said to his disciples shortly before his death:
‘’Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light … While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.” (John 12:35-36).
Jesus means that if we believe in Him and His words and apply His teachings in our lives, the true light enters our hearts, and we become a light to the world.
The birth of Jesus is a miracle.
Mary was afraid. “ But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.’’ “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.’’ (Luke 1:30-35)
Jesus is the word of God brought by the Holy Spirit, and was born of a virgin without knowing a man. His birth depended on God's power and eternal purpose, and this means that Jesus is more than just a human being or an ordinary prophet.

Basically this is saying if you believe something it must be true, that we should throw out all logic and believe in fairy tales. Mary was certainly not a "virgin". Just for "make believe" sake let's pretend there is a "god" which in most likely hood would have absolutely no human like qualities as he would have existed long before any humans would have ever existed. Now why this "god" would have "created" Jesus as the messenger is very far fetched. There are plenty of religions that started long before Christianity and yet there are many that believe only in the stories that have been created in the last 2000 years. Jesus pretty much sold snake oil to not very bright people, basically he practiced witch craft, a scam artist, and there was good reason to crucify him as was pretty common practice of the time. He was not all that special, could pretty much compare him to what Hitler was trying to do but in a more advanced time. Religion is power, the bigger the group you can obtain the more power (control) you can have, so they form a pyramid scheme where they get lower level people to recruit more people. This is done with false promises (just like politics). Sure Santa and the Easter Bunny are real, but then you are one day disappointed when you wake up and there are no presents or Easter baskets. Ironically these holidays have been highjacked by Christians. Jesus is not the "reason for the season". Has nothing to do with his birthday, just away to promote their religion by altering others beliefs. It's all a fairy tail writen by not so special people over time that has come to be believed by many people as fact when it is clearly fiction. Not that religion doesn't have some good points, as does government, but along with the good comes some bad things. It's not bad to pretend you are living in a fairytale as long as you know it's just a fairy tail.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/21/23 08:22 PM
I forgot what this topic is about but would anybody happen to know what time the game is on?

dust4fun's photo
Fri 03/17/23 06:58 PM

Median wage is $54K/yr, the average person works 45 years = $2.4 mil.

Even on a flat monetary level, $5 million is insane.

The counter, there is absolutely no denying America did horrific things to African-Americans up to the mid 17th century and then continued to repress them after.

A more sensible approach might be free college for all descendants, along with shelter/food during college, maybe interest free home loans after college.

There is absolutely no denying the residual effects of descendants of slavery, but $5 million is just insane.

The better, more sensible approach is to pay to elevate those descendants to where they would be, had they migrated here like the rest of us.

Lincoln's was supposedly a slave when he was a teenager, he felt bad for the negros that were enslaved and wanted them "free". Originally he planned on sending them to a reservation in central America after they were "free". So when people start throwing around this BS about giving people free housing, free education, free food, I say look what the F'n indians have done with all that we have given them? Like Bart says throwing $ at a problem is in no way going to solve that problem, the way to make productive, assimilated people's is to have them go out and earn it and prove themselves.

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