Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Thu 05/26/22 07:24 PM

Bob Dylan.

Lennon & McCartney were good, too.

Good choice :thumbsup:

Also: Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain. Ah well, the famous 27 Club

This looks really similar to my top 10 over rated musicians of all time. The Beatles sucked as a boy band unless you were a teen girl at that time, then you get into the Beatles acid trip days and you would have to be as high as they were to enjoy that. Dylan pushed some boundaries like bringing an electric guitar to a folk concert but much of his early days was impressing freaks in the UK with his poetry. He knew he was an awful singer, but his lyrics are highly over rated and the music put with the lyrics weren't very good either. Winehouse and Cobain are honored because they overdosed young, but art is in the eye of the beholder.

So best songwriter should include both lyrics and instrumentals, many songs are a collaboration of a few artists and then it's up to the producers to put that music in front of the population. Much of our music is only "great" because it's been pushed upon us and played over and over to get into our heads, some of the greatest music has not had these privileges and so it is over looked. So my question is are we looking for the best lyrics here? Or the best instrumental, or just songs that make us feel good? What works for one generation doesn't always fit for another. Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift are both examples of currently active song writers that are bringing meaning to what is going on today. Some think Eminem is one of the best songwriters of all time while other rappers have no respect for him. Prince has contributed to many performers and his music and lyrics were pretty good, but he had a very strange relation with the press and public so some many people over look him. Should music make you laugh? Or cry? Or make you want to dance? The styles of music are much too great to say there is one GOAT of anything whether it be songwriters, songs, or artists.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 05/23/22 07:32 PM

Open book. Can share anything gently, for example: Topic may be sex but discussion should have gently. Now show your ability of discussion....... :)
I don't exactly know how this works here. I am new here. I am 71 and been widowed for a little over two months now. I've been widowed twice I live in Wichita, Kansas, near Boeing/Spirit. I have a 7 year old female Black Lab, Dixie. And two female Cats, 8 & 7. All house pets. I don't drink or do drugs, but I do smoke. My only vice. I like to cook and do yard work. BUT... I don't drive, never have. I am in fairly good health for my age.Tho 11 years ago I had a Stroke which left me with daily headaches and sometimes poor balance. Tylenol helps.And 9 years ago had a Massive Heart Attack and Stent. But so far so good. It just gets lonely, and my dog needs a new Master. LOL :smile:

When I see "widowed" on here I go that is sad, but it happens for many reasons. When I see "widowed twice" that scares me a little. Maybe she liked older men? Maybe she has bad luck? But "how long" is that bad luck streak going to continue? Or another thing that crosses my mind is have there been big insurance policies involved? That could be good or bad depending on if her favorite shoe is "CSI" or something similar. I guess the moral of my story is be careful of what you share and how you share it.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 05/23/22 07:13 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Mon 05/23/22 07:14 PM
What is up with Putin? I've heard he has cancer or Parkinson disease or something and he is receiving regular medical care. Thinking he is trying to make his mark and is probably so arrogant that he thinks he will be remembered like Stalin. Does Vegas have odds on what he has, or when he will die? I'd be willing to put some money on that he doesn't have more than a few years to go.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 05/11/22 08:13 PM

good news after the rain dries up we can do what we do best in Minnesota. we can get out this week and enjoy the outdoors and warmer weather at least for the week

What we do best in Minnesota is complain about the weather. It's too cold, then it's too hot, there's too much snow or not enough, it's raining again, etc. The little window that we actually get outside there's too many mosquitos. So try to just put on a smile and not bring any of those things up:wink:

dust4fun's photo
Wed 05/11/22 08:05 PM

Yup, all women should have no control at all over their own bodies, and should be kept bare-foot and pregnant as often as possible.

Did I say anything resembling what you read into my post? Hell No just another” why let a crisis go to waste. “ that’s all the libs. got going for them . In about 5 months we will be done with these sick perverted policies being pushed by party of immorality… lol,you think Biden’s is lame now wait till republicans win over both houses of our congress . We will change his name from sleepy joe to lameo joe.

It seems like the timing of this "draft" by the supreme court would strongly favor the Democrats more that the Republicans. Polls show that about 65% support some form of abortion rights. These nut cases that are stalking the justice's at their homes need to be prosecuted, however they are nothing compared to the nut cases that stalk the clinics and doctors. Anytime the government threatens to take away any rights of the people it's a bad thing, this is no different, just a power trip of a few power hungry politicians. Most hangers are now made of plastic, most abortions take place early on using a pill, to make it very difficult for millions of women to seek treatment while others would have relatively easy access doesn't seem right, there are already barriers for many. Look at the numbers, look what people are doing and what they want.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/08/22 03:17 PM
Men are from Mars and women from Venus, I thought that was a well known fact. If somebody really wants to know where I am from it is listed in our profiles, it really bothers me when someone messages me "where do you live?" like they are too lazy to read.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/08/22 02:53 PM


60? I was thinking 69! Or as Ariana puts it 34+35.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/03/22 08:52 PM

Is there an olive oil shortage?

There is a shortage of olive oil too in UK but not as bad as sunflower oil. Not sure if the same applies to US though.

I dont know either, I cook with butte r use an air frier I also use the fat from chicken and the other animals I cook as it has more flavor.

I was thinking the same except bacon grease, can't afford chicken right now at $6 a lb, eggs are crazy too, what once was an affordable semi-healthy choice has gotten crazy, hopefully they can get control of the flu and get things back to normal soon.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/03/22 08:47 PM

With news of Elon Musk taking over Twitter and allowing Opinions that challenge the corruption of the liberal democrats radical agenda and the indication that the Supreme Court may strike down Row vs Wade after 50 years. Hallelujah, finally some good news for the folks that still love this country and refuse to let the sickos on the left steer this country into oblivion.

And how is over turning Row vs Wade a good thing for America? So we can have more unwanted, illegitimate children living off the government's (our) money? According to the numbers there are about 1 million abortions each year and 3.6 million births, looks to be popular by somebody. And don't play the they are humans card, most can not live or function out side the host at that point , think about it before you send one down the drain, what really is life or not? Not to mention the destruction of the the earth by our out of control population growth. Freedom of speech goes both ways before somebody gets all worked up. And whether a minority or majority believe in freedom of choice we still need to respect minorities that maybe underrepresented.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/09/22 10:10 PM
Supply, demand, and greed. Fuel prices have an impact on the price of everything. The thing is when we take $1 of gas out of the ground we don't shove a $1 back down the hole. Somebody is making money, actually many people are making money all the way down the line. Many suffer as a few prosper, the government is happy to see it too because they collect more taxes on the products and profits as it works it's way thru the system. The Democrats want high gas prices to push their "green energy" propaganda and gain control over the people. Many people actually saved money during the pandemic by not driving to work, going out, or going on vacation, yet the government choose to hand out boat loads of money, much of went to the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Too much money was blown on things just because people had access, and the shut downs affected the amount of production creating the perfect storm for shortages and price gouging. Why would people work when they can make more staying at home? Or popping out more kids? Walmart is offering $110k a year to work for them driving their trucks, most reasonable people can feed their family off that, but people are lazy and greedy so they are still having a hard time getting people. That causes the prices they charge to go up, then others see that number and somehow they think they are worth that. Greed leads to more greed. The banks and credit cards are also loving it because they make a percentage of each transaction, that's why the offer you money back to swipe your card and charge people 24% interest because all the money is made off the swipe now, they don't want you to carry a balance. The war is just something to blame for things going on just like the pandemic. They just keep creating more problems as part of the control. The vaccines where to wipe out covid, but the drug companies make billions on having it continue while the push new "vaccines" for various things to keep the cash cow going.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 02/24/22 08:49 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Thu 02/24/22 09:15 PM

You see, the problem is not with being born black; it's being raised white.

I actually kinda agree with this, but for a completely different reason. and this is from experience.

we are raised to treat everybody equally, martin luther king said judge not by the color of the skin, but by the character.
yet in their community they are taught by their parents and community, that they can never be as good.
because they are not white. while their peers that escape the bonds placed on them.
prove they can do just as well, and better. then anyone else, regardless. (labeled sellouts and uncle toms and worse. by those who choose to remain enslaved to their known community)
that is a cycle that has to be broken with in their community.
no out side influence will be able to change it.

Daunte's mother is white and I'm not going to pretend that white trash can do any better of a job of raising a child then a black person, or that color played a factor in any of what happened in this case. It's the black people playing the race card on these cases trying to push a social agenda on people. As far as black people being raised white is similar to the saying it's easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, but it's hard to take the ghetto out of somebody. Look what they did to the native Americans when they tried to take the Indian out of them in boarding schools. However at one time all nationalities had to adapt to assimilate, some did better then others. Most of what drives the current issues of black people is pop culture. Movies, music, peers, BLM, propaganda, poor parenting leading to future poor parenting, poor money management, disrespect. The black community has to address these problems, giving them hand outs to do so will only lead to more hand outs and abuse. Change the "black culture" what they see in movies, listen to in music, their image that they need to be gang bangers, then maybe they can fit into the American fabric. They say they want "equal rights" but to them that means the rights of whites+ special rights to fit them= black rights. To me that does not add up to "equal".

LOL.. I wonder if you take the time to understand what you write.. while I agree with a lot of what you wrote. the way you wrote can be viewed as offensive by those who actually lived it.

I said I speak from experience, because I shared a similar back ground, of being called white trash, white bread, gringo (no it is not just a term meaning a white person, it is a slur)( this H word for whites was blocked so I edited to remove it), red neck, hick ECT...
I could just as easily have been trapped by believing it was "THE MANS FAULT" that I had to live the way I did. because I was just like others that was raised not knowing better. it was not until I left the fields of california, and started working at a nursery, that I learned.. different.
yes, it is hard letting go of what you know to be true. when you find out that it was all a lie. it takes time to come to terms with it. and some people never fully make the adjustment.

I dont know his mother, she could be a verry decent person who did the best she could. I'm sure she probably did.
for all I know she came from a good home in a good neighbor hood. but was taught that women were inferior, and her job in life was to be a good wife and raise kids.
even people that meant well in the 60's and 70's . did not understand they were causing harm. Martin Luther King taught us to rise up and show our worth as equals regardless of skin color.
while others in the movement taught that we should hate back, and blame others for holding us back and to blame what we are, not who we are for our failings.
so that we could be trapped and be able to be controlled through that hatred and miss trust.
people that are not taught to recognize their victory's will never achive them, and people who dont study their history. are doomed to repeat it.

and if your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.

^^^^Richards response^^^
My, reply,

First off if I ever offend anybody they should send me their address so I can send them a participation award and some coloring books to make up for it. I a very busy and sometimes cut my thoughts short, don't have the time or space to write a book here. When people participate in the forums they have to be willing to say "I don't mind annoying people" read that again as "I don't mind annoying people" meaning people are not always going to be pleased with what you post and you will not agree with everything others post, that just part of life.
Janish said " the problem is not being born black, it's being raised black". We need to figure out how much is learned actions and how much is natural instinct. The common thing in most of these cases is the "fight or flight" reaction. Is this part a black person's natural trait, dna? Or is this something that is learned? If Daunte would have simply showed up for his court case he would have not had anything to run from, that is not saying he would not of still attempted to run. In the Ahmad Arbury case if the had chosen the flight option instead of fighting some redneck with a gun he probably would still be alive. As we seen in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is not wise to fight with somebody with a gun. Whites have been domesticated for much longer than most ethnic groups, is the tribal instinct stronger in those groups? That not racist, it's science and nature. When they say "all men are created equal" there is nothing farther from the truth, everybody has their own DNA, mental challenges, different sizes, different needs, we need to understand these things for ourselves and others. So how much is learned and how much is in the genes? It's known that many blacks are raised by single mothers, but many whites are too, so how much is in the raising of the children, how much is DNA, and how much is learned thru the community, media, and culture?
How "black" does somebody need to be "black"? Daunte was half white and raised by a white mother, that makes me question what part is the way somebody is raised and how much DNA influences ones being? Are the black genes more prominent? Or were these things learned by living in the community he was in? These are the questions that are not being talked about as black people are blaming white people for all their problems. Obama is also half black and half white, so was he the first "black" president? He was raised by a white mother and at age 10 moved to Hawaii to have his grandparents raise him. So environment was a factor, had he been in a different environment where would he be now? We will never know, but it leads to both DNA and environment being factors in how people turn out. So there really isn't a short term solution to the problem, and not sure how many are really willing to stick to long term solutions.
If anybody ever has the ability to watch the original uncut movie "Clerks" they should. The main character is also named Daunte, he goes out of the way for his employer, community, and friends and at the end of the day he gets his head blown off by some crack head over just enough money to buy another rock. In my comparison Kim Potter is the Daunte from this movie whom had her life taken away by some thug (the Daunte she shot). You can do all the right things in life and have some loser take it all away from you in a split second. People think criminals only affect the person they victimize, but the harm they cause to society is much larger from the money of law enforcement, court, and jail, the mistrust of the community, the loved ones of them and the victims they hurt. Just one criminal can affect so many people.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/21/22 08:04 PM

You see, the problem is not with being born black; it's being raised white.

I actually kinda agree with this, but for a completely different reason. and this is from experience.

we are raised to treat everybody equally, martin luther king said judge not by the color of the skin, but by the character.
yet in their community they are taught by their parents and community, that they can never be as good.
because they are not white. while their peers that escape the bonds placed on them.
prove they can do just as well, and better. then anyone else, regardless. (labeled sellouts and uncle toms and worse. by those who choose to remain enslaved to their known community)
that is a cycle that has to be broken with in their community.
no out side influence will be able to change it.

Daunte's mother is white and I'm not going to pretend that white trash can do any better of a job of raising a child then a black person, or that color played a factor in any of what happened in this case. It's the black people playing the race card on these cases trying to push a social agenda on people. As far as black people being raised white is similar to the saying it's easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, but it's hard to take the ghetto out of somebody. Look what they did to the native Americans when they tried to take the Indian out of them in boarding schools. However at one time all nationalities had to adapt to assimilate, some did better then others. Most of what drives the current issues of black people is pop culture. Movies, music, peers, BLM, propaganda, poor parenting leading to future poor parenting, poor money management, disrespect. The black community has to address these problems, giving them hand outs to do so will only lead to more hand outs and abuse. Change the "black culture" what they see in movies, listen to in music, their image that they need to be gang bangers, then maybe they can fit into the American fabric. They say they want "equal rights" but to them that means the rights of whites+ special rights to fit them= black rights. To me that does not add up to "equal".

dust4fun's photo
Sun 02/20/22 08:12 PM

The OP makes it seem like she was the victim here. How absurd.

This is because she IS THE VICTIM! Daunte Wright took the life of Kim Potter. She showed up for work to make the community a better place and this thug fights her and destroyed the life that she knew. If you fight or run from the cops there is a chance you will die, if you do not want to take that chance then don't commit crimes and when you get caught stand up and face the consequences. She had every right to shoot him, does not matter if it was an accident or not, she had the right to do what she did. That car will kill somebody just as fast as a gun will, and there was nothing saying he didn't have a weapon in the car. She will be out of jail in just over a year, but she will have to live with this the rest of her life, she can't just go home and go back to work and forget this all happened. This guy destroyed her life, how long did he really think it would have taken to catch him had he gotten away? If this thug was still out their how many others would have he caused harm too? Are you going to support people whom work for a living? Or support the low life freeloaders that harm others to take over the streets? Get a clue people, if they are locked up the can not commit a crime (outside of jail anyway) and they can not reproduce either! And yes the 4 cops that arrested George Floyd are also victims of Floyds selfish actions and disregard for others, and the court system is just as guilty of destroying those 4 officers lives because Floyd should have never been out on the streets, and the public officials never should have turned it into a witch hunt to convict them based on public opinion.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/19/22 05:07 PM
Love Song - Tesla
Love Bites- Def Leppard
Love in an elevator - Aerosmith

dust4fun's photo
Wed 02/16/22 07:00 PM

The trucker’s freedom convoy is for, and about, truckers. They are protesting covid19 vaccination requirement or face 2 week at home quarantine when returning across the border. To me, it seems they care about how non-vaccinated truckers may lose downtime due to quarantining, but they don’t seem to care much about the effect their convoy is having on other’s welfare.

Since the initial start of the freedom convoy others have joined in protesting all Covid19 mandates.

It seems to be a disheveled mess.

The vaccines are not keeping people from getting covid, or spreading covid, it is just making some people have less symptoms, some don't even know they have covid while they are out spreading it. So what is the purpose of quarantining people just based on the fact they are not vaccinated? Either everybody should be requested to test or quarantine to cross the boarder, or no body should be required to, has nothing to do with the vaccine besides the government controlling the people.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 02/12/22 12:25 PM

Yo, Bart!
Huge numbers of people can't get to work because of this -- no matter their thinking about the mandate or protests, etc. Emergency vehicles with potential life and death occupants are blocked.

Regardless of your seemingly skewed thinking about the definition of liberal, a ton of innocent folks are being harmed.

This topic, while not unimportant, is minor compared to so many other wrongs going on, whether sanctioned by government or driven by industry.

Ironic that lockdowns and mandates have also stopped huge numbers from from going to work, funny how when BLM protest blocked things off the government was not concerned about potential deaths from people being blocked, and had no regards for people's inconvenience, they actually encouraged people to go out and protest even in the middle of a pandemic.
Ironically the truckers blockaid could easily end simply by ending vaccine mandates. Do vaccines actually work? In the short term they may help a small number of people with preexisting conditions survive, they have not kept people from getting the virus, with people showing less or no symptoms of the virus they are much more likely to go out and spread the virus to others so there is probably an actual increase in cases due to the vaccine, and long term is yet to be determined. Does anybody remember when they told people to stop eating butter because it's very bad for you and start eating margarine because it's made of plants it has to be good for you, right? How many commercials are there that say have you or a loved one taken this drug or used this product and became ill or died? You may be entitled to be part of a lawsuit. Just because people can't see it now does not mean it will not have grave affects in the future. I have no problem with old people and those with pre-existing conditions getting vaccinated by their choice, but don't be forcing this on children with little or no risk of serious outcomes.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 01/21/22 09:13 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Fri 01/21/22 09:31 PM
Here's where we've gotten to. The pot is calling the kettle black, and the kettle is calling the pot black. It's to the point I don't think it matters how much we try to clean either one they will both still be disgustingly filthy. Maybe it's time to throw both of them out and bring in some new cook ware? Personally I liked it when Ross Perot ran as an independent in 1992. His campaign was you need a businessman to run the government like a business. For a 3rd party candidate he did surprisingly well getting over 19million votes or about 17% of the popular vote. A businessman would run the country like a CEO looking at how much money is spent and why. Keep the products that work, get rid of the ones that don't. I believe this is also something many see in Trump. He's been a Democrat, Independent, Reform party, and now Republican. He brings a sense of where is the money going, and what are they doing with it.

The thing is people have a short attention span and a short memory. So 3 years from now could be a long time that brings a lot of changes, Trump could be in prison? Biden could be dead? Who knows. The covid thing is just into it's 2nd year and people are tired of hearing about that, and until someone else dies running from the police BLM isn't making a big scene. If you remember the "tea party" movement the Republicans had going, you know when Sarah Palin was going to lead the party🤣. It ended up dividing the party which is not a good thing because the need to be united in order to have the numbers they need. So have to see if things die down in next couple years, or the put the "my pillow" guy on the ticket. It would be hard to put someone who "lost" back on the ticket, but depending the competition it may be the thing to do. At this point I really don't see any outsiders that would bring enough energy that would revolutionize how things are done. And in the long run the President is more of a spokesperson as the House and Senate can really screw up a Presidents plan.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/19/22 05:54 PM
Biden and the Democrats lates push is for "voters rights" and they are even thinking of changing the rules of the Senate to push it thru even thou there was "no fraud" in the 2020 election. However they wasted 2yrs saying the Russians interfered with the 2016 and after all that investigation and trying to impeach Trump all they could find was a few Russian citizens that posted some stuff on Facebook. Why shouldn't we require prof of ID when voting, they tried to make us show prof of vaccination to work, and most major cities you need prof of vaccination to eat in a restaurant. So why is it so hard to show prof of ID when you vote? And if you are going to vote you should at least take the effort to make it to the poll, or fill out some forms to get a mail in ballot. The Democrats just want to mail the ballots to all those whom may vote for them knowing they would be to lazy to do the steps it would take to actually vote if it weren't handed to them.

Anyone who is at least 18yrs old, not a convicted felon, is a legal citizen, and is not dead is allowed to register and then vote, it's not that difficult, easier then doing your taxes. Which brings me to my next point, maybe only those who actually contribute money to the government should be allowed to vote? If the government gives you more money then you pay in taxes why should you have a say in what they do with that money? At what point is it considered buying your vote? Or here's another thought, how bout we vote when we file our taxes? Or even better the amount of tax you pay influences the power of your vote? If you pay $1000 you could get one vote, if you pay $100k in taxes you get 100 votes. It seems to me the more you give the more say you should have in how they are spending YOUR money.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/16/22 10:05 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 01/16/22 10:11 AM
Population is a big effect on what is happening. 100 years ago there was 2 billion people on earth, now there is 8 billion! It's a "snowball effect" meaning it grows by multiples. There are factors that cause this growth, people live longer, people have more children, people who couldn't have children are now having children.
If you have a child when you are 15 and they have a child at 15 etc. 15-30-45-60-75-90. Compare that to somebody who has a child at 30 and there child has a child at 30 etc. 30-60-90. The number of generations alive at a given time doubles when you start young.

We as humans can decide to have less children, or we can wait for nature to wipe out a large number of people. The best solution for nature would be if humans started to eat other humans, this would reduce the number of humans while giving them a sustainable food source, however things would have to get pretty bad before this happens, and if people, and/or nature control the population it may not have to come to that.

Between the 1500's and mid 1600's 50million people in the Americas died, mostly from diseases, but also some fighting and what not. When they died the farm field grew trees back, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere dropped about in half sending the planet into a bit of a minor ice age. This shows what a shift in population could do, so we can do something, or nature can do something! The only predators that are a real threat to humans is viruses such as what we are seeing now, however our food sources could could also easily be affected, or an astroid or volcano eruption could easily affect life on earth.

Here's an idea if you don't want your children and grand children to deal with how we destroyed the planet, don't have kids, then they won't have grandkids. It may be too late for many to do this, but if somewhere along the line people stop having children, or the majority of people on earth control the number of children being born, maybe then we can create a balance between nature and the population, but if left out of control it will lead to disaster.

We are not here for a long time, we are here for a good time. Just enjoy life, and what happens after you are gone will not affect you. The biggest issue is it's mostly stupid people having large amounts of children, eventually the human gene pool will be so weak that people will no longer have the knowledge to survive.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 01/15/22 07:57 PM
Compared to Chernobyl this was just a minor incident. There are many, much better places to get oil from, but too many people saying not in my back yard. These folks on the rig knew it could be dangerous and were paid well, so well it is sad they lost their lives, it is also sad to see what happens to the environment when too often these events happen because of carelessness or reckless actions.

If we look at the actions people propose to changing the things that are damaging the earth there are different approaches, some aimed at saving the environment and creatures, while others just focus on what it takes to save humans, or protect the comfort of humans. Human control over the affects from nature are rapidly growing, things such as people living longer lives, and increased production of food. Nature is in a constant battle to try and balance its self off, but the drastic changes that people are causing makes it very difficult for nature to keep up.

So what can be done to protect planet earth? For start we could control population growth, every human has a carbon footprint no matter how simple their life is. We could do a way better job of recycling, 99% of what we throw away could be recycled or composted, but between convenience, cost and laziness too often it just goes to a land fill or in some cases our oceans. Sometimes this is also a result of using more energy or material then it's worth to recycle. Garbage can also be burnt for energy, you may think this would create a lot of pollution, but letting something decay also created pollution and if burnt correctly it can be very efficient. Peoples love of travel, their need for useless goods, their desire not to be to hot or cold, all use large amounts of resources. People could work closer to home, use products produced closer to home, and less of them. Keep the heater, and air conditioning from working so hard and allow their bodies to adapt to changing temperatures.

New energy sources are out there and yet to be discovered. Hydro (water) power has been used for centuries, yet there is much more talk about wind and solar at this time. The problem with anything electric is you lose about half the power (energy) by the time it's transmitted. Windmills are affecting birds and may even be changing some weather patterns, solar only happens during daylight, it can be expensive to produce the panels, and think about adding all that black surface area to the earth that will create more heat. If they could use the roadways for these panels it would be a win, win. I started with Chernobyl so not a good time to bring up nuclear, but it is a very effective way to create energy, could be used to heat as well as produce electricity, just a matter of making it safer and protecting the waste for millions of years. In order to get away from heating homes with gas we can use geo thermal and radiant solar, not sure if in the big picture messing with the ground would have an effect on nature, I'm sure something would show up.

I'm sure now everyone will take actions on their own to save the planet, but then again you only live once so why not just enjoy it while you are here and let nature take it's coarse?

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