Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/31/22 08:59 AM

I agreed the saying :
Because what's matter most is our MATURITY.

What's next? "LOOKS DOESN'T MATTER"? or maybe "HYGIENE DOESN'T MATTER"? We are humans and some things attract us while other things drive us away. To each their own but please use some common sense like not liking somebody too young or too old. Remember you don't stay the same the same age and neither will they and your views may change over time.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/30/22 07:10 PM
I would agree with most of what Mike has to offer. Do you remember when you were a kid and had Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy? When was the last time one of those stopped by your house? Fairy tales to make use feel better, to make us believe in magic that could not really happen. Religion is just cults designed to control people. It's a pyramid scheme that makes promises they can not keep while encouraging people to spread the word. The reason Catholics don't believe in birth control is it's a way to grow their group. Missionary work is done in other countries to gain power in new areas, look how much religion has been spread over time by this. I'm not going to deny there isn't good things about religion, but I will live my life to live and whatever happens to me when I die so be it.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/30/22 11:32 AM

I've read and heard things at the time about Trump that I was totally not in agreement with, some things even appalled me greatly.

But this... the man ain't no fool!!
He even knows what's going on here in The Netherlands with our farmers and the total BS concerning the climate crisis, an EU concoction, and spoke up about it.

Now THAT is great! We need more attention for this problem and what's going on here as it's insane!
In short: our farmers are being forced to reduce their farming (cattle) by 70% as they are made responsible for the nitrogen crisis, that doesn't exist btw. It only seems to exist here, so it's utter nonsense.

In Denmark & Germany they already have trouble with crops not having enough nutritional value anymore as the EU forbids use of nitrogen in fertiliser.
But nitrogen is a necessary part of healthy soil life. Without, for instance in your garden, you get all kinds of weeds growing that bring nitrogen from deeper in the soil to the surface.
Healthy balanced soil to grow crops on needs nitrogen.
Clearly the world leaders (the ones behind the screens) are seriously working controlling us via our food. Something that was predicted 15 yrs ago already. (Codex Alimentarius' secret agenda that every UN member must follow).

Here's the page with the vid of Trump's speech (short)
Scroll down a li'l.

Farming has been government controlled for years and the entire farming system is broken. People should care as much or more about farming as they do about global warming.
Corn needs a lot of nitrogen, that's why they put ammonia on the fields, other crops like beans actually put nitrogen back into the ground, but for economics and convenience most farms run a mono crop instead of rotating crops every few years. Only 1% of corn grown is "sweet corn". Here in the US about 40% is used for ethenol and about 45% for feeding live stock. So at your summer BBQ there is more corn used in your hamburger and soft drink then in your ear of corn on the cob, then factor in the amount of corn to get it there. The government gives subsidies to grow corn and produce ethenol. A lot of the corn used to produce ethenol is planted and harvested with fossil fuel, then it's dried and processed with fossil fuel. In the long run not only the costs, but also the benefits of producing ethenol are more harmful then beneficial when you factor in the other factors such as adding nitrogen to the field, using water, polluting the water, and so on.
The live stock is now kept on feeding lots, cows were not designed to eat corn but we feed it to them anyway because it's a "cheap" way to fatten them up. Feed lots release large amounts of methane and other pollution. In nature the animals would graze out in the field and their waste would be repurposed to fertilize the field. But human interaction has redefined how we do things and much of it comes down to money. Believe it or not our food is actually under priced, but these savings have long term costs.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/16/22 09:20 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 07/16/22 09:28 PM

jan 6 who cares.... i mean really. waste of tax payers money again

It doesn't appear you even live in the US, but I do. Stop worrying about taxes you dont pay.

Schiff Russian collusion for a year, was certainly NOT a WASTE of our money. If he wasn't a sitting president things would've went differently.

ever heard of 401, or mutual funds, whatever happens in your country on the news affects it. you dont invest do on your own i see. i know that

jan 6 is a waste of tax payers money. again going after trump for what- Jan. 6 committee spent $1.6M this past quarter for what.

Schiff Russian collusion - or he said we have a whisle blower -- CNN, The New York Times and others reported Wednesday that the whistleblower had reached out to a House Intelligence Committee aide before filing the whistleblower complaint

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff on Thursday clarified comments he made last month that his committee had not spoken directly with a whistleblower after his office acknowledged Wednesday it had been in contact with the whistleblower before the complaint over President Donald Trump’s conversation with the leader of Ukraine was filed.

As Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, claimed Schiff was the only member of Congress who knew the whistleblower’s identity, Schiff said he actually was unaware of who the whistleblower is.

so he made it up and the media took off with the lies.

Again it is NOT a WASTE of money because people died!And you are NOT paying taxes here.So let US investigate.
Schiff and Gym Jordan, blah blah blah....instead of rambling off topic propaganda, please start your own thread instead of high jacking this one.

Pot - kettle, kettle - pot. Pump doesn't understand she is a "bully" just as much as others are "bullies". People have rights to post their opinions, opinions are like A-holes, everybody has one and they all stink. It is perfectly acceptable to discuss other things that are going on without starting new topics. Some of the best input is from outsiders, they see things thru a different light, so I am offended that she would call him out just because he is from a different country.
People died on Jan 6th so it needs to be investigated? I think all of that has been investigated so let's move on, there are plenty of other deaths and murders that could use those resources to be solved, the Jan 6th hearing is nothing more than a witch hunt, political propaganda stunt.
Biden is old and the only good thing I have to say about old people is at least they will be dead soon.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/14/22 05:37 PM

Whiskey in the winter.
And gin, never!

I always thought of Gin as a winter or Christmas drink being it tastes like the Christmas tree :evergreen_tree:

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/14/22 05:35 PM

Anything I can get my hands on

I would gladly let you get your hands on me:wink:

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/14/22 05:34 PM

Black Bush, nothing else :sunglasses:

I see what you did there, hitting on Nganyim?:nerd:

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/09/22 07:46 AM

Chandler's girlfriend in the tv series 'Friends' is called Monica. She was nice, keeping the apartment clean and tidy, as well as all the cooking and making cookies, lucky guy that Chandler, I could get used to her voice.
I miss that show, I can never stop laughing each time I watch an episode.

Really thought you were going to say Chandler's girlfriend Janice. Like OMG, could you get any more annoying? I have never cared for the Boston accent, not sure who could live with that?

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/07/22 06:56 PM
With all the positive comments in the forums about the United States politicians I thought it would be good to share some positive remarks from somewhere else. Boris Johnson, (ex) Prime Minister of of the UK seems like a good place to start. You have to have respect for someone who cracks jokes when his staff starts to resign. And let's not forget the killer party he had during the covid lockdowns. Just seems like a real fun guy. Any thoughts?

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/07/22 06:43 PM
Joe Biden wants to be FDR, not sure if that is because FDR was president when Biden got into politics? Or if he thinks he even has any of what it takes to be like FDR? The biggest problem is we are in a very different time now then we were back then with the world economy, and the needs of the people. Biden thinks he can create the next "New Deal", handing out money, and controlling the people. Investing in infrastructure is not a bad thing to do, it's better to do it now then when when it is beyond repair and even more costly to do it. The problem is controlling the money and where it goes, everybody has their hands out, most of it goes to the paper pushers, environmentalists, big corporations. Very little is left by the time it trickles down to the actual project, things are much more difficult to do with acquiring property, and somebody always gets the short end of the stick.
His other proposal mostly designed to hand out money to poor people is a terrible idea. If you give a poor person $100k 90% of those people will be worse off with in 2 years then they were before they received that money. Giving people free money just makes them lazy and disrespectful. Look how many people didn't pay rent during the pandemic due to the no evictions mandate. And do you think they saved their money to get a new place? No, they wasted their money and are flat assed broke.
Paying for college for everybody was Bernie Sanders big dream so not sure how Biden got suckered into this student loan forgiveness program? There is all ready relief for those who "attended" fraudulent colleges. The reason I put "attended" in quotes is so much "schooling" is done online now. So if you are "smart" enough to attend college, should you also be "smart" enough to understand if the college is legitimate? Or what you will be able to do with your "degree" after you graduate? This is where the difference between "book smart" and "common sense" comes into play. The school screwed you, so why does the government need to bail you out for that? And why did the government hand out loans for these schools for so long? Biden is also pushing to give $10k in relief to people currently paying their student loans. The thing is for the 2 years of the pandemic they have deferred student loan payments, and in that time 60% of loan holders have not made a single payment. Apparently they don't understand how interest works, or that the over all amount they owe could be much less if they made extra payments. Once again these people knew they wanted to better their education and took loans out to do so, so why are they not making enough money to pay these loans off themselves? Clearly they did not think things thru before making the commitments. They say somebody with a college degree can make a million dollars more in their life then somebody without. But let's say somebody gets a job making $50k right out of high school and works that for the 4 years that someone else is in college, then take the $100k+ that people are borrowing to go to college and the interest over the life of the loan. That puts the guy who goes to work right out of high school over $300k ahead, if he buys a house or invests some of the money from the get go he may be able to equal what a college educated person makes in a lifetime. Maybe something's need to be done to make college more affordable or useful? After all the real beneficiary of these student loans was the college in the first place.
$5 a gallon gas is not the issue, the issue is gas shot up from $2 a gallon to $5 in less than 2 years. They were talking $5 gas 15 years ago, it's just the adjustment period and the fact it affects almost every aspect of our lives. Doing a gas tax holiday would be just stupid, it's only $0.18 a gallon. Releasing reserves in small quantities can be done, but shouldn't be large amounts, or long periods of time. The reason the feds are raising interest rates is to slow spending in hopes of a avoiding a recession. High gas prices along with the price of everything else going up will in the long run also slow spending as people figure out their priorities.
Much of our problems are from every aspect of the government from the local city council all the way up to the President of the United States. Everyone has their hands out for "free money". They have no clue on what goes on on Main Street or how Wall Street works. They think throwing money at something will solve a problem when really it makes it worse. The Democrats are looking for everyway possible to "buy votes" and distract people from what is really going on.
While Biden is trying to be FDR that is still better then Putin who wants to be "Peter the great" and reinvent the "Russian Empire" by starving the world just because he has cancer and wants to leave his mark on the world.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/05/22 09:05 PM

I met each of my four children as they arrived and presented them to their mother.

I dropped a quarter on the shop floor and it rolled a short distance and came to a stop on its edge.

I threw a beer can across the shop and it landed upright on a 2x4 over the trash can.
Same beer can fell into the trash can just as I reached out to knock it in.

Caught a full glass of milk knocked from the dining table before it hit the floor and did not spill a drop.

Recovered control of my car in 4 lanes of heavy traffic after it spun 360 degrees on ice. Not only did I stay in my lane, I stopped the car before it hit the one in front of me. It was on a downhill slope.

Drove my 68 Road Runner 170 mph with no brakes, no seat, at 3am. Used the gears to slow down. Took me 1.5 miles to slow down.

Drove a cement truck with the brake chambers in the back caged (front brakes only) in St Louis evening rush hour, 7 miles back to the shop.

Was part of the cleanup crew when the Beruit Embassy was bombed.
Helped build the chow hall in the basement of the BLT barracks in Beruit and was back at beach camp when it was bombed. Helped with emergency response.

Was on the ship filling the water bull when the ship came under missle attack in the Lebanon peacekeeping initiative.

Was pinned down by live machine gun fire on the path to the airport in the Lebanon peacekeeping initiative and not permitted to lock & load or return fire.

Manned a 50 cal machine gun emplacement on the Beirut-Saida Highway during the Lebanon peacekeeping initiative. Also carried a 45 calibur service pistol and an M-16 rifle. Had two M60 machine guns but could not lock & load any weapon without direct orders from the officer in charge.

Earned Bluenose in Norway.

My Equipment operator and I got lost in a white out and turned back at the Russian border (American post) driving a weapons carrier full of cases of beer. Yes, alchohol was a factor.

Changed the clutch in my C20 pickup truck in the intersection at Tidewater drive and East Little Creek road in Norfolk, VA. It took me 1 hour, by myself. I walked to the auto parts store for the parts.

My X and I changed the engine and transmission in our 1977 Buick Lesabre in 2.5 hours at my shop on a Saturday morning. Yes, we used air tools.

I had to rescue my youngest son from his car when he locked himself in it without his keys. He triggered the anti-theft feature which sucks the door locks into the door panel. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. Plus...years later its still just as funny.

I cooked a turkey last Thanksgiving which looked like ran over road kill when it came out of the oven. Yes, I still laugh about that too.

I joined Mingle 2 forums and still participate. Yes, I laugh about that too!

Run Forest, Run!
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will get. :nerd:

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/29/22 07:45 PM

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/28/22 07:47 PM
I have found girls like Playboy for the articles, and boys like Playboy for the pictures.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/28/22 07:40 PM

I like men and American football.

I like American football and baseball! But I don't like men. So we probably don't have enough in common.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 06/28/22 07:34 PM
With midterms coming up I just wonder if the far right conservatives will still be dancing in the streets when they fail to gain seats in the house and Senate? They should of had no problem doing so with gas prices, inflation, and the over all running of the country. However with gun violence on the rise many people want to see gun laws tightened, not loosened. And with 75% of people saying they accept at least some level of abortion, and woman's right to choose. People want more rights, not less rights, this includes the right to safer streets without guns on them. The far right conservatives somehow think they are gaining ground, however they are just shooting themselves in the foot. People on the fence will have a hard decision on which way to turn. Moderate Republicans could go towards Independents which will never win, but will take votes from the Republicans.

If people take the time to actually see what the overturn of the New York gun law consists of may be surprised at what it really says. Some people on here advertise it like anybody can carry a gun either concealed or open carry anytime without a permit. That is far from truth. The NY law that was on the books since 1913, yes, over 100 years on the books, said you had to have "proper cause" to get a permit to carry and just saying it is for "self defence" isn't enough. That is really the only part of the law that was over turned. States can still require a permit to carry, require fingerprints, do a background check, do a mental health check, and require firearm training. They can also still have laws that bans guns in schools, churches, bars, public buildings. Private companies can also ban guns and post signs that no guns allowed. What really gets me is the Federal government that allows you to carry guns also bans guns in federal buildings. They don't care what is good for anybody else, they just care about what is good for them.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 06/27/22 04:33 PM

A girlfriend who likes football.

Not me. I hate football :laughing:

Perfect! You can do the dishes and grab beers for me n the guys while we watch football 🤣🤣🤣

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/26/22 09:00 AM
No Bart, I am not anti-gun, i used to hunt, went through gun safety as a kid, been on a trap league, and shoot target practice, I do own guns. But I do not see the need for everybody to carry a gun everywhere they go. When was the last time you had a gun pulled on you? When was the last time you got shot? It is a risk and reward system, I do not see the risk being high enough that I need to carry a gun at all times, however if everybody else starts to carry guns around the risk goes up, too many people have short tempers and the ease of access to a gun will be a power trip they can not resist. Maybe we should all start wearing bullet proof vests everywhere too if it is such a danger? May be we should all start wearing PFDs (personal floatation devices) in case we fall into the water and drown? This just gives thugs an easier way to run around with their guns. The liberal prosecutors in big cities have already stopped prosecuting low level gun violations, and they have turned their heads on contact stops such as traffic violations that used to lead to other major offenses or warrant's. So these thugs are still running around on the streets with their guns, or will be out shortly to do so. If you were not so trapped in your box you would see that this ruling favors the liberals that want to keep these dead beats on the streets as much as it affects the conservatives. Same with the anti-abortion, that just means more people on welfare, not that there are not conservatives getting abortions too, they just don't want anybody at church to find out about it, it's all about keeping that image.
I would have had no problem with more people being shot when they stormed the Capital, I also would have liked to have seen more force including guns used during the "social justice", BLM, "civil unrest" or whatever BS term they want for those riots. If somebody is looting or burning a building shoot them. There are those who say "it's just property, it's not worth taking a life over". Well the United States is "just property" and if we are not willing to fight for that property we may as well just hand the keys over to China, Russia, or BLM. I have no problem with defending the country, or myself, I just don't see a reason for many people to run around with loaded guns, that just means we are failing to either put criminals in jail, or get them the help they need.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/25/22 05:58 PM
Most people down south think it's the right to bare arms, that's why they run around in tank tops. The right to keep and bear arms, it does not say firearms or guns. Arms can be any weapon. So now I have the right to carry a sword, a mace, a bomb, a bow, a knife, a taser,or anything else I want? So now anybody and everybody should be allowed to conceal and carry as well as open carry? I will say the same as I say about coronavirus. If you are really that afraid of what might happen when you go out then STAY AT HOME! Do I need to list all the little kids that have shot somebody with their parents unsecured guns? Do I need to list all the people with a permit to carry that have been shot? Do I need to list how many road rage cases have had shots fired? Do I need to list all the stalkers, and domestics? Look at those rednecks in Georgia that shoot Ahmad Aubrey , it was Aubrey's fault he got shot and died, but they didn't need to be running around the streets with guns and now they are spending the rest of their life in prison. What kind of situation does somebody think they are going to use this gun? Are they going to do an old fashion duel? If you got somebody down to the ground with your gun on them you don't think somebody else will shoot you? What if somebody grabs your gun and used it against you? Trust me I have seen the caliber of the population running around these days and they are already dangerous enough without having a gun strapped to them.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/25/22 09:18 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 06/25/22 09:20 AM

Abortion wasn’t a constitutional right when it was written , the right to bear arms was.( 2nd amendment). The court just returned the decision back to the states…If someone threatens my life I’m not thinking about will I get in trouble for protecting myself? No, I’m defending my self first to live, then I’ll defend my self in a court of law if needed. Anyone without a record has the right to conceal and carry. Most people that go thru the process of a c&c course will be responsible gun owners and never present a threat to the public.

I like that everybody goes back to the constitution that was written 250 years ago. Maybe we should go back to throwing out sewage in the streets and letting it run into the river? That is as bad as people whom follow the bible that has been written (by people) over the last 2000 years. Things change over time, if you want to take your black powder and load a ball into your musket then go right ahead. If somebody wants to carry a semi-auto pistol around with them everywhere they go I want to make sure they are not a nut, unfortunately that is easier to say then do. Besides the accidental discharge, how many guns are used in road rage or domestic abuse cases. It's not that I am anti-gun, it's that too many bad people have spoiled it for everyone else. New York and other states can still make it very difficult for people to conceal and carry. Start with 100 hours of firearm training and a $1000 application fee, then charge $1000 a year for renewing the permit every year and gun refresher classes every few years. That would make it so only the people whom are really serious about this would actually do it. If somebody wants to kill one person or a large number of people there are many ways they can go about doing it. They can go buy a gun or two and some bullets, or they can try figuring out how to make some bombs, or the can buy some gas and set things on fire, or they can take their pickup and drive thru a crowd. The list is endless. One problem with legal guns is often they are stolen or sold and become illegal guns. They just busted a couple in my state that was buying guns "legally" and reselling them to people in the ghetto. Inner city gun crimes have skyrocketed over the last couple years, just because somebody is "legally" carrying a gun doesn't mean they won't use it "illegally".

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/25/22 06:18 AM
So the SCOTUS takes away the states rights to make gun laws and yet it turns over the right for states to make abortion laws? It is as bad as all these states that have turned their heads to the federal drug laws and legalized marijuana and in some cases more. So is it up to the Federal government to make all the laws? Or is it up to the state government to make all the laws? Or is it something that we can pick and choose for whatever works for us?
I would agree that it is good that some people can carry a weapon, but for MOST people this is just a dumb idea. If you want to carry there are some things to think about. Are u willing to get shot or die? Are you willing to go to prison the rest of your life? Are you prepared to be sued for everything you own? That split second decision can affect the lives of many people and you need to be willing to live with whatever the outcome. Many of the thugs that don't have a record are also going out and getting a conceal and carry, so when the cops stop them they can not take the guns away. In a place like New York city the cops have very strict regulations on when they can use their guns so as others are not caught in the cross fire, yet the criminals just shoot wherever and whoever because they don't care. A citizen with a gun also has to be well aware of their surroundings and it's pretty good odds of getting shot by a cop if you are running after someone waving a gun around.

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