Community > Posts By > ciretom

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Thu 05/14/20 03:11 PM
Should Putin be worried about his own health

Shouldn't everybody?

Hoping he doesn't get sick

So what if he does?
Do you think it's an automatic death sentence? Or guarantee they'll become debilitated?
Seems most people that get it have mild symptoms and get better.
But just like any other disease there is a "chance" of greater severity.

And he's a very rich "world leader."
He's never going to be sitting in a hospital waiting room for hours and told to go away and come back if it gets worse, or have to wait weeks for medical supply shelves to be restocked.

, did he OR Peskov wear a mask while talking to each other.

Not sure that would have mattered.
I mean I went to a fast food place the other day and noticed the lady behind the counter handle several people's change wearing the same gloves, and I saw the guy at the drive through window wearing the mask under his nose, he changed his gloves, and then preceded to rub his finger under his nose like an itch.

I've seen people go into stores and put on their masks, leave the store, take off their mask, put it in a pocket, then go next door to a store and put their mask back on.

So let's say they wore masks...did they use the same pen? Exchange any paper?
Sanitize their hands then put their covid covered masks on then shake hands?

Gloves and masks aren't magic covid killing weapons.

Other than that, back in February the CDC stated it's not a question of "if," but "when."
My understanding is the whole "lockdown" was/is about "flattening the curve" so the number of people infected didn't inundate hospitals.
It's not too keep people from ever contracting it, but to manage its spread so health care can keep up.
I know the hospitals in my state are at under 44% capacity.

So IMO let the "world leaders" get it. Wear masks, don't. Watch them recover. Or not. I think it would be far more in the public interest for people to see those people they have to watch and listen to daily go through it (because again, it's a question of "when" not "if").

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Thu 05/14/20 02:37 PM

That might be more useful.

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Tue 05/12/20 06:10 PM
Why don't we care a partner like we care a child?

Some do.
They're called professional dominatrix's and they have clients with adult baby fetishes.

Other than that, have you seen how some people care about their pets?
Some people care more for their pets than their children.
Why don't we care a partner like a p...oh wait, there's furries and bronies.

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Mon 05/11/20 04:45 PM
dating is nothing but what is it necessary for all

I'm going to assume the missing punctuation makes this more like "dating is nothing. But what is it necessary for, all?"

It's not necessary, anymore.
Thanks to technology dating is arbitrary.
A taser and a cage are all anyone really needs.

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Mon 05/11/20 10:15 AM
Name three important qualities in Your partner

1. Alive/conscious (yeah, that's a cheat, but it avoids the zombies).
2. Able to legally enter contracts.
3. 6 toes...on each foot.

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Sat 05/09/20 06:04 PM
life is nothing without sex and romance love

It might be less pleasant, from my own perspective or IMO, but I wouldn't call it "nothing" without sex and romance love.

love is nothing without sex and romance

Well darn, that broadens my mind for potential mothers day gifts tomorrow.
Thanks! Now I can avoid the Wal Mart card section!

life has no better taste then romance and love

I don't know, there are a lot more restaurants I would rather go back to than ex's I'd like to have sex or romance with...

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Fri 05/08/20 08:28 AM
what is the difference between a compliment and lustful behavior

They aren't mutually exclusive.
Lustful behavior can be a compliment.
Either one can be disguised as the other, positively or negatively.
And someone can perceive either one as the other based on their own bias/experience.
Depends on the people involved.

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Wed 05/06/20 03:23 PM
y is it hard to love back some one?

All sorts of reasons.
Could be physiological.
Could me sociological.
Could be emotional.
Could be psychological.
Could be emotional.
Probably is some combination.

Y is it hard to appreciate one's feelings?

They aren't absolute or crystallized.
There are different degrees of feelings, they're associated in all sorts of ways, they're constantly changing, and they directly influence what you're trying to do.

Kinda like asking "Y is it hard to appreciate air," after you've fallen out of an airplane.

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Wed 05/06/20 03:16 PM
What do u define urself being an introvert?

Not sure I'm reading this question correctly.
"Information/stimulation control."

Do u feel like wanting to change in some way?

But probably not in ways relevant to "introversion" all that much.

What makes ur introvert life colorful?

Life is colorful all by itself.
The issue is shifting through all of them.

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Wed 05/06/20 03:05 PM
Why mostly guys here so judgemental... thought I am one of the bad filipina girl. really so lame.

So you judge that most men on here are so lame because they judge you as what you judge to be bad filipina?

Is this from another site under r/nicegirls?

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Tue 05/05/20 05:02 PM
Are you single because you are ugly or broke?

Cookie monster won't return my calls anymore.
You know how much dough I dropped on that muppet?

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Tue 05/05/20 04:58 PM
What's Your favorite household Chores?

Watching the maid clean.

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Sat 05/02/20 08:02 PM
How would you feel if the person you been talking to personally, contracted the Corona virus and has been quarantine for weeks?

"Talking to" meaning sitting online emailing and texting back and forth, maybe some phone convo?
I would feel some concern and hope they get better.
Otherwise I wouldn't see how anything would really change.
It would still be email and texting.

Wouldn't this be a test on your part to know if you really care ?

IMO no.
IMO "talking to" is ultimately meaningless.
Talk is cheap.
Actions speak louder than words.
Until you meet, until there is indirect communication, reciprocal direct emotional feedback, and shared experience, it doesn't really mean anything.

If people are just "talking to" each other, especially online, the important information that is missing is being supplied by the individual according to their own biases, hopes, insecurities, fears, cognitive abilities, etc.
It's not based on the reality of the other person.

At best you're testing if you justify calling yourself a "caring" person.

Other than that, IME with OLD you can easily fall into the trap of having to defend yourself from false truth.
"Hey, my grandma died, so for the next couple of weeks I can no longer email/text you constantly, daily, hourly, or first meet with you as planned, as I'm busy with family stuff and the funeral."
"Didn't you tell me that you didn't have any grandparents left? Like the last one died 20 years ago and you wish you could have known them better?"
"You're so insensitive, my grandma meant everything to me and you can't respect that. I thought you were better than that. This is not going to work out, don't contact me again."

Or "Hey, sorry I disappeared for two weeks all of a sudden when we were constantly in contact. I, uh, contracted covid 19, yeah, that's it. So I was quarantined and in recovery. So what's up, what you wearing? Pics?"

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Fri 05/01/20 08:49 PM
Do you belong to me?

Only as much as you belong to me and we are beholden to each other.

How best can you answer this question asked by your boyfriend

I would imagine the best you could answer this is "Hey, boyfriend, I'm on a dating site asking questions about our relationship and our feelings, bond, roles, expectations, reciprocity, and communication. Look at all the answers and choose the one you like best."

Other than that, I would imagine my "boyfriend" would prefer I answer the question from my own mind and heart, as asking random strangers might be seen as trying to come up with a BS answer meant to mollify them and keep how I really feel to myself.

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Thu 04/30/20 04:26 PM
If you're not ready for love don't start

Start what?

Other than that...
Why not?
Are you of the belief that interacting with other people is no way a catalyst to foster or engender personal change, "growth," understanding, or anything?

Are you of the belief there is some sort of manual or mechanic people can read or go to that will "fix" them to be "ready for love" if they're not?

Also, practically speaking, there's no such thing as "ready" for love.

There are only different degrees of personally struggling against allowing "love" to develop within, towards a specific someone else.

Sometimes people are forcing themselves to struggle harder against bonding, sometimes they struggle harder due to valuing something more and the struggle is more of a reaction to that.
Most walls that people create aren't just to keep people out, but themselves restrained.

Of note, if they're telling you they aren't ready to love they are at best (if not outright trying to break up with, or distance themselves from, you because they aren't that into you. Setting boundaries on the relationship trying to keep getting what they want from you without the risks, costs, consequences, or responsibility. They're getting what they "really" want.

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Thu 04/30/20 09:42 AM
Why you fall in love?!

It happened during a tornado and the power went out.
Tried using the flashlight but the batteries were dead.
Just missed the last step on my way to the fuse box.
Think the wind blew in the big pile of love.
Found all sorts of crazy stuff in the yard the next morning.
Took forever to clean it all up and get rid of it.

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Thu 04/30/20 09:34 AM
I don't see what's so bad about P n P heaps of people do it on the Goldcoast Australia

I don't know what's so bad about it.
I mean they've already made all the bad decisions to get to the point where it seems like a good idea.
Then it just becomes willful blindness to consequences.

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Thu 04/30/20 09:31 AM
anyone is safe?

From the Spanish Inquisition?
No...No one is safe.

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Wed 04/29/20 08:31 AM
we may now have to include hands washing as an important criterion

Why escalate the importance of a standard that most people are either doing incorrectly or lying to you about anyway?

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Tue 04/28/20 07:05 PM
A knock on effect of the virus is that there is a very good chance of meeting friends with benefits, millions have applied for them

I'll bet with most of them if you ask them to share their benefits they will say you aren't a "real friend," but will label you a good friend if you'll share yours with them.

Somewhat possibly related, I read an article how there was a big uptick in women performing paid sexual camshows, like on onlyfans and chaturbate.
I never understood that. To me that seems like feeling hungry, so you go to youtube and pay someone to watch them make you a pizza, all while you're sitting there eating a bowl of cereal, then they just throw the pizza away when you're done watching.

Also kinda related, I saw a funny meme today. Showed a picture of a huge room full of servers captioned something like "pornhub servers" then showed a picture of a dilapidated 1980's era apple computer captioned something like "unemployment benefits servers."

I know in my state people are having an extremely difficult time in actually getting through to anyone. They call the benefits number and it rings forever, or they get put on hold for hours and then just disconnected. Someone tried to circumvent the normal system and go through the spanish speakers number, but it didn't work.

So millions may have applied for them, millions more haven't been able to do so, and god only knows how many have actually received them.

Of course, I direct deposit received my 1200 the day after I paid my several thousand dollar tax bill.

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