what about sex with best friend
Umm..like "man's best friend?" ...no thanks. Dated a woman like that once. ...Once. only for needs....no broken heart
I would recommend going to school and learning all about what happens to the brain and body before, during, and after sex. Put basically by choosing to have sex with someone you are telling yourself that you have chosen them to be your mate, your body and brain actively tries to form emotional bonds with that person. "no broken heart" means you have to willfully, consciously, and actively work towards breaking the formation of those bonds. You have to ultimately overcompensate towards objectifying and/or building negative perceptions of that person. You think that's a good thing to do to someone you want to be "friends" with? |
why we are single 😂
why we are single
Too many options, not enough time, fomo? |
What is the most irrational fear you have?
Unclear water. I only swim in pools. Too much trepidation now to go into lakes, ponds, the ocean. Tides, gators, sharks, snapping turtles, feral ducks, coral, broken glass, medical waste, farm runoff, creature from the black lagoon. |
what will you do when you cough your partner cheating on you?
Depends. What's our relationship like? How well do I actually know them? How long have we been together? Why are we in a "relationship?" What's our communication like? I mean some people do bad things to hurt others and feel superior. Some people do bad things to hurt themselves. Some people do bad things because to not do them (in the script of the moment) is perceived as worse. Some people simply follow along with others out of an inability to do anything but rationalize everything to a positive and entitled degree so don't realize what exactly they're doing until faced with the consequences. Some people do bad things in order to further a future "good" thing. There are all sorts of things that motivate people to exhibit certain behavior. But from the outsiders perspective that exhibited behavior is the same thing. So, what do I know about my "partner" in your scenario and what motivates them? what if you love the person that much huh?
That doesn't really matter that much. "Love" doesn't entitle you to have expectations or demands from them to live up to how you feel. "Love" isn't really chains or an excuse to not pay attention or learn who they are and what they're truly capable of, feel, or think. |
Any advice on starting a relationship?
Sure! 1. Don't ask online strangers for advice on how to live your life or develop your relationships. 2. "relationships" don't really start until you meet offline. Until then they're fantasy roleplay. |
Why do the majority of women here lie about their names and locations?
Are they seriously trying to hide or date? If hide,why are they here? Playing silly little games huh? What a waste if lives. It's because women are always cold. They like to wind men up to the point they run around screaming with their hands above their heads and spontaneously combust. Once that happens they grab their blankie and converge in large packs to warm their feet over the smoldering ashes, giggle, make s'mores, and have pillow fights in their underwear. It's all there if you do enough google research, and dating site "social experiments." |
LOVE MARRIAGE or ARRANGE MARRIAGE...what do you prefer ?
How could I possibly know that? And why would you trust my answer? I mean if I had a love marriage that failed so that I could then be in an arranged marriage (or vice versa) and it failed, leaving me to be on an online dating site looking for a third marriage based on my "preference"...would you "really" trust my opinion on what type of marriage is "best?" Not to mention, would I really be on an online dating site if I "preferred" an arranged marriage? Unless maybe I was completely unsuccessful and bitter to want other people to do the work for me? Other than that, it just depends on too many factors. I mean a lot of people load up the word "love" to mean too many things and come to expect too much from it/each other. Other people make "arrangements" that benefit themselves to the cost of others. There's too much in the way of short term vs. long term, priorities, purposes, goals, morals, individual vs. group, which group(s). |
simply saying hi... use a pick up line
Do you believe those are your only two options? is that actually what's required?
Required for what? A simple email response? A continuing online conversation? Someone to pay attention and see you as an online friend? Someone to pay attention and possibly meet you? Someone to pay attention and possibly meet you for a date? Someone to possibly meet you for a one time sexual encounter? Someone to pay attention and possibly meet you for a date and potential ongoing love interest? Tons of other possibilities. All of those have different "requirements." There are even some scenarios or "options" where all you really need to do is show up and say "hi," and you don't have to say anything again. |
Is threesome good for a relationship?
No. The question is "is a threesome good for me?" If you're asking if it's good for "the relationship" you're making "the relationship" some external part of you, separate from you. You know what things people force into an external object they try to distance themselves from? Those things they're scared of, really don't want to do, or take responsibility for. |
what do we feel about marriage
I don't know about "we," I can only speak for myself. It occurs naturally through pair bonding, which happens through successful procreation. Other than that if there's a purpose to the "marriage" (defined by, IMO, requiring some kind of government legitimizing, or not recognizing it as such without a constrained legal distinction) like building a family, having kids in order to perpetuate culture and community, and establish "legacy," then "marriage" can be extremely useful and beneficial to the individual as well as society. If an individuals goal is to ultimately just find "the right one" or their "soul mate" or their "partner in crime" or a trophy wife or kind of a sugar daddy (e.g. anna nicole smith and her husband; trophy & sugar) and have spent more time fantasizing and daydreaming about what they think marriage means, and how they "should" feel, or how it "should" go, then I think marriage is going to really disappoint them as they're not looking for "marriage" they're looking for a guaranteed source of perpetual solipsistic ego stroking. |
This is what happens when hard up slightly dyslexics attempt to reap the whirlwind. |
getting through tough times
how do we cope with lives problems
Assuaging emotions. are we damaged forever internally
Yes. can we muster the strength to carry on
Some can, some can't. Some need others to be able to. Some are inhibited by others. Some think they can, but can't, and sometimes they "muster" something else and go off on a tangent as a means of avoidance. All sorts of combinations. .is there an easy way to cope
That's too subjective. how do you handle your problems
Depends on the problem. i would always advise people to talk to others about there problems, if problems are bottled up the situation becomes more problematic
And sometimes talking to others about them brings up new problems altogether. |
The Move 2 the First Encounter
"You must touchdown, goal, convert, or your doing it wrong" This is exactly why I only date midgets. They're easier to carry and spike. |
how can you recover from a long years relationship breakups?
How would you recover from getting fired from a place you enjoyed working. How would you recover from a bad but non injurious car crash. How would you recover from your dog dying. How would you recover from any trauma or upheaval. Find better crap to do than wallow in your misery or trying to get back into the routine (physical, mental, emotional) that was established with them. |
which do you prefer? a girlfriend or a lifetime companion?
Beats me. How could I ever really test this? Or are you "really" asking "when you're sitting there all alone fantasizing and romanticizing the unrealistic ideal relationship you want, what label do you attach to it?" Then it's lifetime warrantied lifelike girlpanionfriend sexbot. Don't know if that helps. |
special personality
what are your opinions on girls personalities on here
You don't really get an idea of a persons personality on here, on the internet. That only really comes over time, with direct interaction over time, in different circumstances and environments, with different stress levels. At best, online, you get a glimpse of certain characteristics which you interpret cause or motivation for through your own bias and decide whether or not you want to continue simple shallow communication with them, the cost of continuing interaction. What you mostly encounter online is posturing and facades. The things people use to shield their personalities, and use to manipulate your perceptions so you will see them a certain way, for their own benefit. You ever see people that look "abnormal" so to speak? Lots of tattoos, maybe a brightly colored mohawk, piercings, clothes that are "inappropriate" in some way? Some people go out and specifically get those things to cultivate a look, to get you to see them a certain way, because they want to be perceived a certain way. Other people it's a natural extension of their environment, of their social group and culture which they've responded to. If they were friends or grew up in a different neighborhood or "class," their appearance would be something completely different. Online you don't get their personality. You just get the verbal equivalent of their appearance, the tattoo's, piercings, mohawks, whatever. You need to spend time with them face to face, interacting with them in different environments, in different conditions to figure out what's "underneath" that. All you ever interact with online is an avatar. You have no "real" context by which to measure. If you never meet them in person, it doesn't really matter. You can tell yourself that's their "real" personality, you can come to "like" or "love" them. And as long as you don't really interact with them in real life, you will never know that it's just a shallow facade. You can't "get to know" someone until you experience first hand how they react to things they have no real control over, or things which force them to choose behavior. A persons "personality" is just a persons emotional association network brought forth into conscious reality and behavior. What makes them feel a certain way, why, to what degree, and what they do about it. Online you can't see how they really react, how they really respond to their feelings, or know what's really triggering that emotion. All you get is words, which may or may not be true, and you have no real feedback to determine what's really going on, and can't really rely on your built in systems like reading body language, or getting immediate feedback as they can choose to respond or express whenever they want to, not when it's actually relevant. The only thing you get online is the "personality" they push on you in order to facilitate getting what they want from you, even if they don't realize that's what it is. I have no real opinion on "girls personalities on here" because on here they aren't real. It's not real until you actually meet in person and start dating. Even then, it takes time to figure out what their personality actually is. And even even then, what you figure out is their "personality" is going to be different than how they see themselves. So good luck with that. |
Young or milf?
Young or milf? ... Which one is more fun...
"More" fun? Seems kind of a silly question. I mean if you're out with a "young" having fun are you going to be thinking "you know, if there was a 'MILF' here instead, I would be having (x measuring units) 'more' fun?" Is there no "fun" to be had in trying to answer the question yourself? What value would the opinion of others have on this question, since "fun" is a subjective term? "Fun" is a spice of life. Not the main course. Sprinkle in according to personal taste. |
Trump... Please your opinions .......any is ok...
I have a higher opinion of Trump than I do the majority of the currently elected officials on the federal level, and of those currently campaigning. And I would wholeheartedly agree with this: "Better than the last four..." |
Why are you feeling alone.
Why are you feeling alone.
Because she said I could. Plus you left off the diacritic. She pronounces it "Alonay." Why are you feeling alone. can anyone tell me ..???
There are a lot of online resources as well as programs in schools that could give you a worthwhile answer. And they won't just stop at "alone." As is the question is too broad. I mean what you "could" be asking ranges anywhere from "what are the biological components and evolutionary reasoning behind feeling lonely," to, "what are the cultural and environmental triggers for 'alone' feelings," all the way to "I'm not getting attention fast enough, I want to get laid right now, I am looking for someone kinda sad and desperate that I can at least have cyber sex with, so lets troll the online dating riverbed for lonely people. I'll throw up some bait on a forum to get the most views the most quickly, and hopefully at least 1% will respond and since they're sad and alone I can email them something that will make them feel 'good' so they will be socially indebted to me and more willing to get me what I want." Who knows. The question needs more to it. |
How can one even begin to cope
The same way people cope with anything. Calm down. Breathe. Think. Don't let your emotions control you. Find better things to do than dwell or wallow. You'll go through a "grieving" process naturally. You can either choose to do this and actively work on it, or your brain will put you through it. Just a matter of time. The former is usually faster than the latter. These girls aren't loyal.
There you go. Compartmentalizing, objectifying or labeling them as part of a group can be put in the anger, denial, and bargaining stages, depending on what led to that. You're on your way! Congratulations. |