Community > Posts By > ciretom

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Wed 04/15/20 12:30 PM
We cannot judge a STORY by a SCENE

But we can judge whether or not we want to keep reading/watching.

You ever go to a video store or bookstore or library and not see the movies categorized? History section, fiction, sci fi, horror, young adult, drama, how to, self help, magazines?Dewey decimal system? Google sea rch by genre or subject?

A "scene" that you judge is just figuring out what section of the store you're browsing.

Of course, we can go deeper into the "whole story" thing.
You ever read "The Seven Basic Plots?"
Where almost all stories fall into a limited number of categories?

And we can go even further and discuss readers/viewers.
You ever met someone that just spent all their time reading/watching movies?
Many get to the point where the story doesn't even matter. They don't get enjoyment out of the story. They simply see the influences. "This plot point is from Shakespeare. This plot point is from Plato. This story is just a rewrite of that story. This movie was influenced by movies x, y, z, through the lens of an 80's childhood based on this level of education."

Similar to how people hear accents, but it only triggers regions of influence.

Some people can judge a story by a scene. Sometimes scenes are extremely simplistic and part of a simplistic story. And what influenced or engendered that scene is easily disseminated. Not only what influenced that scene, but what are ultimately the consequences, outcomes, options, or what that scene leads to.
Also, and probably more importantly, how much effort/risk it's going to take to actually "change" the story away from its natural conclusion.

And many times people "in" a scene can't see that, or they have their own ideas of what influenced that scene, and where it's "supposed" to lead, what the story is/means filtered through an implicit bias, and will just argue and deny someone that sees it from a more objective outside perspective.

But then we're back to not really judging a story based on a scene so much as a desire to keep watching, or reading, or participating in an obvious story.

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Tue 04/14/20 08:47 AM
In what conditions would you be willing to be open about your experiences, feelings, thoughts, interests, etc.?

In whatever conditions where there is purpose, value, and/or meaning to me being open about experiences, feelings, thoughts, interests, etc.?
Where it's ultimately in my self interest and there is less risk to being whatever degree "open" than not?

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Mon 04/13/20 08:05 PM
How you start trust on stranger?? First step?

Ask them on a date.
See if they show up.

What exactly do you want to trust them with? Nuclear launch codes? Or basic civility?
Are you planning on confessing your entire life and insecurities to them in the first email or conversation, possibly in the hopes of a short cut to intimacy or an instant deep, bonded, meaningful relationship?

Do you understand how trust, faith, and expectations interact, evolve, or correlate?

no photo
Sat 04/11/20 06:19 PM
would you believed if someone confess that he/she is... asexual


But there's a difference between simple "believe them" and "believe them, accept it, give a crap, and do something about it/have it affect me in any way."

no photo
Fri 04/10/20 08:30 PM
Sometimes we are so focused on falling in love...

...that we put too much focus on our own feelings (what they are, what we think they should be, what we think they could be, what they aren't but want them to be) rather than who the other person is.

.. that we are very uneducated on the process of staying in love

That's generally why it helps to have a partner with whom you communicate, and can endeavor to help each other figure out what's going on.

Other than that, love is only one (naturally occurring for romantic relationships) tool to facilitate relationship longevity, not the end all be all sole absolute end game goal that's bigger than your whole relationship.

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Fri 04/10/20 11:40 AM
is one side love is good or bad?

Depends on what you/they do with/for/about it.

no photo
Mon 04/06/20 09:10 PM
Who would you choose to quarantine yourself with?

From I Dream Of Jeannie.
Lives in a bottle.
Grants unlimited wishes.

no photo
Mon 04/06/20 11:22 AM
how long should a couple wait b4 they have sex?

With each other? Or....

I would imagine if the people were a couple, and wanted to remain such, they'd talk to each other and figure out the answer together.

Semantically, I'd say they shouldn't "wait," as that implies some external force or rules which ultimately absolves people from the responsibility of their own choices, and/or guarantees some desired outcome, which doesn't exist, making "waiting" arbitrary and relatively meaningless.

no photo
Sun 04/05/20 05:39 PM
Both must be a giver and a reciever

I'm not sure if you mean this literally, if you are trying to express the concept of "symbiosis," or possibly "communication."

Other than that, I am not sure how that is relevant to the title of the thread as these things don't "fuel" the relationship so much as "conserve" or "allow for greater efficiency" that which is actually "fueling" a relationship.

no photo
Sun 04/05/20 05:24 PM
For me it's about making an emotional connection with someone.....All the other stuff is great...

I'm a little bit confused.
...What do you think "all the other stuff" is actually for/does? Not emotionally bonding/connecting? Or has no relevance to emotionally bonding/connecting?
Also, or firstly, what, to you, is "all the other stuff?"

no photo
Sun 04/05/20 05:19 PM
Curious how much luck anyone else has had?

I don't believe in luck.
For me believing in/blaming luck is mental laziness and/or a means of avoiding responsibility for my own problems/choices. So I try to avoid using that crutch.

Other than that, I'm satisfied with the results based on the amount of effort, focus, attitude, give a fub, and etc., I've put into OLD sites/apps.

no photo
Tue 03/31/20 10:37 AM
So, the banking system... Is this capitalism or socialism, or some other 'ism'

Based on the oversimplification, I would say it would best be labeled as a "mechanism."

no photo
Tue 03/31/20 10:21 AM
relationship and marriage is not all about age, love is a feeling, be with someone that respects you with so much love and care

That's exactly what I tell the parents of the teens locked in the cage in my basement.

no photo
Tue 03/31/20 10:18 AM
The person who loves you is not the person who sees you every day, but the person who looks for you every day.

See! That's what I tell the police, and they're all "restraining order, scumbag."

They just don't understand.

no photo
Tue 03/31/20 10:17 AM
Traveling to Mars...have a long drive

Is that where that Alaskan bridge to nowhere goes?
Hope your cars air conditioner is in good shape...'cuz there's no air on Mars.

Although...I saw a 1964 documentary about an astronaut on Mars.
He was stranded with his monkey. Burned some rocks for oxygen.
Might want to bring a lighter and some bananas, too.

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Sun 03/29/20 04:30 PM
What type of Date do you prefer most?

I'm not exactly sure of what you're asking.

1. Medjool and Khadrawy.

2. First few dates with someone from the internet? Meeting for casual dinner.

3. Type of behavior I desire on a date? Don't care. It's mostly about attitude. Wanting to be there and date me, see it as an equivalent exchange, as opposed to a hassle wanting me to prove I'm worth their time, or overcompensating and crazy wanting to prove they're worth my time.

no photo
Fri 03/27/20 09:12 PM
Do you think its possible to find love through the internet

Romantic love that isn't a fantasy created in your own head by your own ego to a reflection of yourself? Instead, love of another person?

IMO that's like asking if a child can feel the same thrill of getting their favorite toy as a christmas present by looking for it on amazon.

no photo
Fri 03/27/20 09:05 PM
Do you agree?

Not really.

I would mostly agree with: "We learn from experience and feedback."

But as is it's mostly inane and easily picked apart.

If it was worded like: "We can learn and grow from experience, critique and feedback. When given to me, I consider compliments as positive feedback, and criticisms as negative feedback. I consider constructive compliments and critique a healthy balance. I have my own subjective tolerance level defining when criticism/critique becomes unhelpful."
I wouldn't agree or disagree with that, then it's just a personal statement about your beliefs. I'd just do the finger guns tongue click eye wink thing and say "you be you" and go about my merry way.

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Fri 03/20/20 09:35 AM
How to see if someone is serious in relationship

Listen and pay attention, rely on developed communication?

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Wed 03/18/20 02:30 PM
Social Distancing? No Problem ... How about you?

By choice expressing my freedom? No problem.

Ever increasingly aggressive government enforcement along with mixed misinformation and panic induced by mainstream media, with ever decreasing availability of convenient consumer luxury? To quote Seinfeld; "George is getting upset!"

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