Community > Posts By > ciretom

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Thu 12/05/19 09:27 AM
So much for gun control...
A disarmed populace are easy targets.

IMO you're doing something similar to gun control advocates when they look at a tragedy and just start yelling for gun control.

Based on the link there was a shootout between Mexican security and suspected cartel gunmen, alleged members of the cartel de noreaste.
Supposing the allegations/story true, the problem is a lot bigger and more complex than "gun control."

I mean around 5-10 years ago more than 1/4 of the Mexican army deserted, many/most carrying off their weapons, and many going to work for the cartels.

IMO you seem to be oversimplifying a Mexican issue for the sake of promoting a personal/U.S. agenda, where what you're using isn't all that relevant or meaningful to the actual situation.
Might as well link footage from WWII or 9/11 and say "so much for gun control."

if you are going to allow people to own and carry weapons

Rights don't come from the government nor what other people "allow."
At least in the U.S., weapons (arms) are enumerated as a right in the constitution.
The people "allow" government the power and authority to limit the expression of rights to some acceptable degree.

Saying "if you are going to allow people to own and carry weapons" is a fundamentally flawed viewpoint of "rights," from the perspective of the U.S.
IMO it's like saying "if you are going to allow people to have children."
Permission is not needed to express rights. Permission is needed to infringe upon them. At least IMO.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a concept/viewpoint that is running rampant.
Attempting to force people to seek permission before expressing rights, as well as to seek authoritative legitimizing of expression and forced acceptance, especially of things that aren't clearly rights.

I think most people will support stronger penalties for the illegal use or possession of a firearm.

I wouldn't.
I would support shifting funding, preferably from social programs, to what Obama (and many other presidents, politicians, and bureaucrats have) proposed (but usually failed because they kept adding stupid crap, like what Obama did), to run background checks 24/7, with enough people to actually perform and follow up on them within the 3 day period.

IOW I would support government actually enforcing the laws they already have.

Career criminals laugh at our laws.
Execute a bunch and the rest may learn restraint.

Or they may simply escalate what they're doing.
In for a penny, in for a pound so to speak.

I'd like to see, Constitutional Carry.
Either purchase the weapons of your choice or, our government supply all willing and able adults with the weapon of our choice. Free safety, maintenance and proficiency classes

Personally, I like this.
Personally, I would have loved it if in (compulsory) high school they taught self defense and gun safety, as opposed to dancing, volleyball, basketball, etc. I mean we did dodge ball, fencing, and archery, why not karate and gun safety/target shooting.
Plus our high school was old, it had a shooting range in the sub basement/bomb shelter where they used to train junior ROTC.

In high school my friends and I took a hunter safety course before we bought our first guns. We had a list for turning 18 we did each time one of us had that birthday. Buy cigarettes/cigars, lottery tickets, get into the porn store, and buy guns.
We just assumed the safety course would help us. The mental process for taking the safety course was the same as looking up reviews online before buying a product, that knowledge is beneficial. The 10 rules of firearm safety haven't really changed in nearly 30 years.

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Thu 12/05/19 05:25 AM
Describe your personality


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Wed 12/04/19 05:51 PM
Sex Is Art of Love

And everyone thought all that time on Pornhub was wasting my life.
I can now update my resume to professional art critic!

Love is first. Than, understanding. Good Words. 3.Sex. 4. Money

I thought sex is art of love?
But you're kinda laying them out like steps, or a formula...which would make it like a science....

Also, if sex is art of love...why are the two completely separate ideas?
How it's laid out if sex is art of love, does that mean money can be art of sex?
Or sex is also art of good words?

This is just confusing.

Not to mention, if 1. is love, 3. sex, 4. money, is 2. understanding? or 2. understanding. good words. or 2. good words, and 1. love and understanding?
And would the latter mean sex is art of understanding?


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Tue 12/03/19 04:02 PM
Why or what does it mean when your wife has loss of sex drive, wont hardly do anything that yall used to do in the sack, and just seems angry and distant or resentful all the time??

Because and it means poor communication in the relationship.

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Mon 12/02/19 05:07 PM
How does everyone feel about that?

Which part?
People not reading your profile?
People in their 20's, 30's wanting to start a family?
You not wanting children?
Older women with younger partners having kids?
Just having kids later in life?
Based on the title, women having babies/children in general?

Don't really know where to start...

I have young guys in their 20's and 30's writing to me that are ready to start a family and they are interested in me.

I don't know exactly what they're writing.
I know that some people write anything they think the other person wants to hear.
I know some guys will write stuff like "I'll go down on you for hours and I won't ask for anything in return!" Or "I love giving massages and/or foot rubs and/or cuddling and/or making out more than sex!"

I have no idea if they're just trying a ploy.
I mean if a common complaint online is "men just want sex! They just want to use you and ghost you!" then one way to "counter" that and look like one of the "good" ones is to come across as looking for "more" than that. "I want something serious and long term! I ultimately want to have a family!"

I don't know if they're just emailing you "Hi. ur hawt. wanna get knocked up? Pics?"

I was wondering about women who are a little older and having children in your late 40's and 50's. Is it it safe? Is it possible?

That's easily found out calling your doctor or doing internet/library research.

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 04:56 PM
Do people really want relationships anymore?

But everyone wants the relationship they want. Not necessarily the one you want.
People on the internet? They're going to work against what you want in order to get what they want. Some will focus more on you not getting what you want, others will focus more on making sure they get what they think they want.

You want to meet people that "really want relationships anymore?"
Look for people that actually want to socialize and be around people.
Physically around people.

People that "really want relationships" do things that develop actual relationships.

People that don't "really want relationships" try to keep themselves as safely distant from them as possible.

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Mon 12/02/19 04:38 PM
What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas

I'd rather he surprise me than do my shopping for me.

I mean I could sit here and say "I'd love a lamborghini and the necessary funds for maintenance, insurance, and speeding fines!" or something.

But does that mean he says to himself "well, darn, I was going to go to the center of the earth of get him a sentient house sized geode that could whisper to him the secrets of the universe, but he asked for a lambo so I guess that's what I'll do."

I'd rather not limit santa's imagination with my own.

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Mon 12/02/19 04:30 PM
Some of the young women in my views have now reached the age of thirty and are wearing clothes rather than just lingerie

Well, winter is here...

Or are you thinking that maybe they realized you aren't responding to the lingerie pics so they're trying a new way to trick you into giving them money?

Or are they the same young women? Maybe they just graduated from college and got an above minimum wage job and can now afford to buy clothing?

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 04:27 PM
How to be stress free?

Either face your fears through experience, or control, compartmentalize, and minimalize your life, avoiding anything new, so you can avoid anything that will trigger any stress hormones.

Other than that, exercise, proper diet, healthy sex life, and a social/emotional support system helps alleviate stress.

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Mon 12/02/19 04:18 PM
Conspiracies... What is your favorite cover up out there?

I find it fun to come up with my own random ones and work them out with friends and strangers and dates and family.

For example I have a bunch of "eggs" (egg shape, egg size) made out of different colors of marble.
One easter I told my religious nephews and nieces a really long and intricate "conspiracy" story regarding jesus and the easter bunny (and a bunch of mythological, religious, and historical figures/creatures that they knew of), finally whipping out this marble egg rock telling them it was what jesus "really" rolled aside to ascend to heaven. Their chocolate covered faces looked at the "evidence" in wonder. My sister was so pissed. That was one of my favorites.

no photo
Mon 12/02/19 04:08 PM
What’s the meaning of Christmas

Whatever you want it to be.
Just don't expect anyone/everyone else to agree or understand the meaning you give it.

Otherwise, I would suggest you ask the people with whom you celebrate it with in your community/family if you want a group consensus or to define beliefs/behaviors/ideas/ideology. It'd be far more relevant than internet strangers spread out over the world.

If what you're "really" asking is "what's the meaning of Christmas to you?"
Then I'd say it depends on which people I'm spending it with.

"Happy Holidays!"

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Sun 12/01/19 01:09 PM
And a little vain I see too.

I first saw that as "And a little van I see too."

And that made me think of Chris Farley and his van down by the river.

I would have loved to see an SNL sketch with Farley as that character trying to pick up chicks on the internet.
Where they show him and his reactions, and then they show his texts and they're all calm while he's screaming "in my van down by the river!"
Like "Hey boo, I really admire you. I'm so jealous of your beautiful heart. It's engorged full of blood and pumping deep inside you. How 'bout you come over for some netflix and chill, and be your heart, in my van down by the river!"

Then they show her texts and he freaks out and yells then types something calm.

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Sun 12/01/19 01:04 PM
I prefer having a sugar baby over unstable relationship

I would be curious as to how you facilitate this.

I mean is it you give them an allowance? Rent an apartment for them? Buy them a car and clothes you want to see them in? Basically set up their life so it's convenient to you and then demand they are always available when you want them to be?

Or do you compartmentalize things? Like you life your life completely unconcerned about them until you're hornlonely then when you get together you shove as much "relationship script" behavior in the time you're together, bringing them presents, telling them you love them, taking them out, helping with bills, and then when your "romance" impulse is satiated you then go back to your life and kinda forget about them?

Or is it like a semi prostitution type relationship where whenever you need some physical and/or emotional gratification you offer up help with their phone bill, or rent, or electric bill, and then kinda use them for an hour or more?

Or is it like you just want to date normally, you just happen to pay for everything, and if they ever say "no" to anything you think or do then you just go off and find someone else?

I'm just curious.
Because some of the women I've dated have/had sugar daddies/momma relationships and they've taken all different forms.
Where some took "sugar" to mean just emotional validation and support from an older person, to occasional help with the bills, to full fledged being treated kind of like a new barbie doll given use of house, car, clothes, and when the daddy was tired of "playing" with them just kicked them out and got a new barbie.

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Sun 12/01/19 12:53 PM
can some men stop being a pervert ?

Of course.
But why should they?

quality chat but rather you find some shitty men sending and requesting you for nude pictures

Kind of like when people start threads with:
"women under 40 only respond"
"what do guys think about"
"(insert some quality chat topic here)"
and you get responses going off topic, or "I like turtles," or people that don't fit the limiting conditions.

Lots of people could "stop being a..." but why would they when there really is no incentive to do so and no real consequences to not doing so.
And if there's a reward, even as little as .01% of the population contacted or simply self gratification (stress relief via entertainment), to continue "being a..." there's really no reason to "stop being a...."

So you're stuck in the age old conundrum.
"Should I focus on how to change a bunch of other people to behave how I want them to? Should I focus on my own behavior and self and how to protect myself from behavior I don't want to experience? Or should I just do nothing and occasionally get mad once in a while and throw a tantrum, ejaculate my stress on others until I feel better, and then go back to the status quo and hope things get better while avoiding all consequences to my actions?"

Good luck with that!

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Fri 11/29/19 04:10 PM
If married man do external affair is it right or wrong

I'd be more concerned with the consequences than the judgment label.
I tend to be more of a pragmatist though.

I mean you can do something "right" but that doesn't mean your S/O, partner, community, parents, dog, whatever will see it as such or that you'll get any brownie points, or that you'll constrain their behavior to accept it because you're "right."

You can do something "wrong" but that doesn't automatically mean your S/O, partner, community, parents, dog, whatever will see it as such or that something positive won't come from it, or that you're inherently bad or deserve punishment.

So, personally, I'd try and look at what I want to do from the perspective of the people whose opinion on my behavior I actually care about (as opposed to random sampling a bunch of internet strangers), as well as look at myself, to figure out what I'm really trying to accomplish, and if so is it "worth" the consequences.
But I also make some assumptions. Such as anything I do will eventually be found out.

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Tue 11/26/19 04:07 PM
Tell me if purity and genuine dating still exist?

Not online.
Think about what actually draws and motivates people to use the internet for this purpose.

no photo
Tue 11/26/19 04:06 PM
What are those things that makes woman happy most ?

That's pretty easy.
Serendipitous compatibility of personality and culture between you that makes them feel important/cared for/desired enough that you're willing to focus on figuring out what makes them "happy most."
Then actually doing the things that you've figured out because you want to do it, rather than as a means, say, to manipulate them into giving you that which makes you "happy most."

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Tue 11/26/19 03:53 PM
When you miss your ex so badly

Whenever I read this, along with so many others, the first thought is always something along the lines of "you should adjust your sights."

Then I see the profile pic next to the OP and I build a commercial in my head of OP trying to run down the ex with the truck, misses, then stops, gets in the back of the truck for a glamour pose, meanwhile down the road the ex is running as fast as she/he can with their hands above their head and you hear faint screaming
and "this isn't over!" then she/he falls down and hurts their knee, sits there sucking air through their teeth for a minute, all while OP is sitting in the back of the truck watching, and the ex slowly gets back up, starts hobbling, then starts running again with their hands above their head with an occasional glance back, and finally the op pulls out a cold, dewy, long neck and takes a pull, just sitting there watching the ex disappear over a rise in the road.

no photo
Tue 11/26/19 03:47 PM
In which age u feel crush for other for first time?

I think it was around age 7 I kept turning to the same lady in the Sears catalog lingerie section.

But I cheated on her constantly with Daisy Duke, and Colonel Wilma Deering, and a lil bit with Airwolf.

Of course then I matured and "crushed" on Cindy Crawford and Kathy Ireland and the entire Victoria's Secret catalog if I got the mail before my sister.

Then it was my babysitter.

Then it was a girl in 4th-6th grade who went out of her way to be my "friend."

Of course, I did bite a couple of girls in kindergarten, and it seems a running belief that if you're mean to people of the opposite sex as a kid then it must mean you romantically like them.
...I think I bit a teacher and a dog too (when I was a kid, not like last week).

So...I don't really know how to answer that question with exact precision.
What "exactly" are the parameters defining "crush?"

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Tue 11/26/19 02:52 PM
How would you rather be contacted???

In person at my convenience.

Phone Call Or Text??

And email are only to be used (relevant to dating/a dating site) to set up face to face meetings.