Community > Posts By > sweethouston713
i think anything you give is enough! pizza delivery might not take it to him... i agree with others saying take him some leftovers or a brown bag lunch...he is at others mercy for what he gets... if he complains over left overs, i'd be inclined to cut my losses and move on to someone else that is needy... you are a sweetheart tho.. Brown bag lunch is a good idea...- I'll try that next time...usually he pops in my head as I'm driving and realize I'll be near his intersection. After today though I'll be thinking ahead about this now, so yea -- he'll get pb&j, fruit, chips, water and some cookies. THEN if he asks for McDonald's I'm taking his wheelchair ;) ((totally kidding there, ha)) |
Shallow people
| horrible that someone would say something like that to you... I've never understood how the majority of people put SO MUCH importance on physical appearances. At any moment anyone could be in a car accident or have something happen to them where their "looks" are forever changed. The 'outside' changes for every single person throughout life...the inside is where the best part of anyone is seen. -- I used to be 120 pounds heavier than I am now...and the heart of me is still the same. (at least I hope it is) So please don't let anything like that get you down again -- feel sorry for them instead....-only someone with serious self-esteem issues needs to try to knock others down to make themselves feel better. That's pathetic. Hope the rest of your day was better. Dawn |
just had a thought... Maybe I could convince the nearest pizza place to deliver to him...He's always at the same intersection...hmmmm... Better make sure I found out what toppings he likes first though!! ha Grumpy old man! ;) |
It's just not something I've ever experienced..., most of the time people are just thankful, and it feels good to help out... I suppose that's selfish of me in a way, because many times even though it benefits them in one way, I get just as much from it as they do. Like talking with them, hearing their stories...helps me get through tough times in my own life. Who am I to ever feel life isn't fair? That's what I get from it... --- Taking left overs is a good idea; but it wouldn't be as warm then...he isn't near where I live. |
There is this homeless man that I've seen in the same part of town for over 5 years now... He is missing his lower right leg, and right hand, is always in a wheel chair. Many times I've stopped to talk with him and have learned so much about him. I've grown to really have a soft spot in my heart for him... There is a McDonald's right down the street from where he always is, so many times I've stopped to get him breakfast/lunch/dinner - I've taken blankets to him and tried my best to get him to allow me to help him get shelter, or call a family member, anything. He is very stubborn and insists he's just fine where he is. Earlier today I had to drive across town for a business meeting. Knowing I would be going right by where he always is I stopped to buy him McDonald's.... -- when he saw me at first he was all smiles, telling me "God bless you" as he always does and thanking me a lot. As I was turning to head back to my car he said my name so I turned to see what he needed... He then said to me that he appreciates the food, but could I please mix it up some and stop bringing him McDonald's all the time...He was laughing when he said it - but he seemed very serious too. I just smiled and walked to my car. My 'initial reaction' was what the hell??? Now I'm not so sure how to feel about it...-- it's tough because many people in my life have always teased me relentlessly about being overly giving to people like this man; but I've always just felt it's the right way to be. Tonight though..., I don't just kind of stings. How would you feel? (*McDonald's is the only place close to where he is - there is nothing else within 15 miles probably) |
inquisitive |
late night confessions
I love the smell of Vicks VapoRub |
Real Men . . . Let's Brag!
The best kind of man (in my opinion) is the one who is very 'manly-man' with most things in life -- someone I would always feel safe and protected with no matter where we might be -- the kind who seems to demand respect just by his prescence.... a tough side should it be needed... BUT With me..., he's tender, sweet and treats me as if I'm everything to him - without ever being the kind of man who will kiss my booty and praise me..., but instead keeping me on my toes and putting me in my place. (the few times that's necessary! ha ha) The kissing up, nice-nice stuff gets boring quickly...(again, just my opinion) Wow, I love you, man. HA...SEE! That is W A Y to nice-nice Mr.! (jk, trying to make you laugh) |
Real Men . . . Let's Brag!
The best kind of man (in my opinion) is the one who is very 'manly-man' with most things in life -- someone I would always feel safe and protected with no matter where we might be -- the kind who seems to demand respect just by his prescence.... a tough side should it be needed... BUT With me..., he's tender, sweet and treats me as if I'm everything to him - without ever being the kind of man who will kiss my booty and praise me..., but instead keeping me on my toes and putting me in my place. (the few times that's necessary! ha ha) The kissing up, nice-nice stuff gets boring quickly...(again, just my opinion) |
surprise me... |
is it wrong to
Would you want them to wish bad things on you? |
Awwww.... congratulations on being pregnant. I'm very happy to know that is what you were so concerned with last mind was thinking you had found out you were very ill, and were nervous to tell your family, knowing how hard that would be on them. SO - although you are 'ill' in a way, next summer you'll have a precious child to bring even more joy to your life. That's something everyone will rejoice in; regardless of how initial responses might be...(keep that in mind) Your little bundle's marked date of birth is the date I was born, July 13th. It's a good day :) Congrats again. Dawn |
Who here...
my little 2 1/2 year old niece 14 month old nephew and 10 year old nephew Over the past few years they have literally made me smile and laugh when many times all I felt inside was pain. It's amazing how a child's smile or laughter suddenly shows all the beauty in life again. |
What do you do
I think it's best to just sit them down and tell them whatever it is.... -- sounds like it is something very serious and difficult for you... Worrying about how it will effect others, although that is kind, is not at all good for yourself. Family is family for a reason... When tough times happen in life, they are where strength most often comes from. First, you have to allow them to know, so they can be there for you; just as you would want to be there for any of them I'm sure. I'll pray for you and your family. Dawn |
Trivial...but TRUE!!!
OOPS! This wasn't about Oreos huh? ha ((well you know where my mind is...)) |
Trivial...but TRUE!!!
I saw some new kind of Peppermint Oreos in the store earlier today...- will probably get them next time. Hope you're eating them the proper way, by dunking them in a cold glass of milk... yummmmmmmmmmmm... |
p-p-please help me
Edited by
Sat 11/15/08 01:15 PM
Yes - a koala bear that my Dad gave my Mom when he returned from parents would put it in my crib when I was a baby, and that thing went everywhere with me for many years. - it lost an eye, and a lot of it's fur is off of it, but it's still somewhere in my attic in a box... I do not keep a lot of 'token gifts' around at all, but that little bear was very sentimental to me. - and didn't suck thumb or use a pacifier Dawn |
Movies that make you CRY...
Forrest Gump Million Dollar Baby Wyatt Earp The Doctor Two, by far, that have made me cry the most are: Sommersby - with Richard Gere and Jodie Foster & Ghost - Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore |
I've heard the term used, but it would never be said by me... I feel the more we acknowledge someone dressing or acting a certain way, they will never believe they can be more than that...-then the cycle never ends. Completely ignore, and do not give the attention they seek, and maybe they'll find better ways to attract it. (Just my opinion) |
wow, that was a quick story! ha It was starting to spook me out though - alright, well everyone have a good night... Sweet dreams... - Dawn |