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Tue 03/01/22 05:13 PM
tonight, Ihad me a big ol' store bought Greek salad, and a chicken hind quarter. and a small bowl of cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.
I also set some straw mushrooms to marinade in some left over artichoke juice I'll likely fry them up with a steak and onions tomorrow |
Coronavirus - part 2
Covid: Five things we still need to keep an eye on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-60494159 "The legal restrictions that ruled our lives for two long years are gone in England and on their way out across the UK. We've moved from being "under the thumb" of Covid to "living with" the virus. However, the pandemic is far from over - Covid is here for the long term and some scientists think we are relaxing too early. So what do we need to keep an eye out for in the months and years ahead?" look to the the news reports that is now confirming what was once canceled as miss information, as now being confirmed was true all along. and look forward with hope. all the most recent strains are like OMI or versions of OMI. and are heading much more like the flu is now or milder. many of the scientists still preaching doom and gloom. are heavily invested in keeping the virus in the for front. |
Donald Trump's Misdeeds
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Mon 02/28/22 11:52 AM
Misdeeds? The only misdeeds involved with Trump are the blatant lies and fake accusations hurled at Trump for his entire 4 years as Our President. Every investigation by these corrupt individuals against Their President were dropped or proven to be false because their was never any evidence, it was Always made up. To hell with these lying deceptive individuals that perpetuate lies and deception to millions of people for their own desire…. Donald Trump brought this country back from ‘ just being ‘ to being great. But thanks to the snowflakes and clueless voters we have what is happing now. In One Year we went from no. 1 oil independence to dependence on Russia. How does a country go from one extreme to the other? By having weak leadership with no common sense. All talk and no action is a sure way to lose every time Sure. That's why Eric Trump pleaded the 5th over 500 times in his deposition. That's why Trump had to sue to block release of evidence or testimony. He's so innocent. Anyway, the investigations are still underway, Trump is depleting his appeals and will have to testify and his records will release before the next election cycle. Also, We were never oil independent, as the US is part of the world market, and it comes and goes to the highest bidders. Always. If Russia had the lowest offer, then of course the US bought. Under Obama, the US did increase oil production and the country became a net exporter, and even when production peaked before the pandemic, the US wasn't independent. It's capitalism; not nationalism. Take the other countries out of the market and nobody could afford oil. our oui production is 11,600 Trump made us not dependent on oil from others( I twisted my original statement to fit your narrative). Just look at the difference in the price per gallon during Trump years compared to obama and Biden . More production equals lower prices. Supply and demand and now , thanks to Biden Europe is mostly dependent on Russia for their oil, Russia the very country that is invading a sovereign country in Europe . We should open up our production to supply our Allie’s and shut Russia exports down. I saw where the attorneys investigating Trump on some other made up BS just quit their investigation because of Lack of Evidence. Like all investigations of Trump before and any that follows. our oil production is 11,600 barrels a day, that is down from 14,000 barrels a day from brefore biden. but it is still up from 9000 under obama. that said our partnered oil/ fuel production with canada and mexico, is down by over half and our Opec crude purchases have increased. and our heating oil and natural gas production has also been decreased. while our dependence on other countries for solar and wind generation has also increased. since the heavy metals and rare earth materials to build them are not domestically viable. the investigation that was spoken of is being brought forth by an admitted democrat, with an open unapologetic hatred of the trumps. in such a hostile situation. I doubt any one would be stupid enough to give any one out to destroy you any opportunity to do so. so only a fool would not plead the fifth to any question asked that could then be turned against them . you ask me 500 times. to cause my self or members of my family harm. I too would give the figurative answerer telling you to go jump on a spike 500 times. |
I have a collection of collections LOL
I like sci fi diecast and airplanes also some military vehicles. I've all ways been into cars as well. I have 5 right now that I drive. and over 800 movies on disc and VHS. I had over 1,000 stamps from all over the world. and boxes of comic books but paper is easily damaged. and oregon is verry wet. add in cheap un heated storage and you get severe mold and water damage. |
Wood working
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Fri 02/25/22 05:53 PM
what ever is most readily available.. which is usually fake press board, or plywood.
it would depend on what I'm building, is I'm going to buy real wood to work with. and then the wood used depends on what I'm going to build. and where it will be used (inside outside) I recently built a pic nick table for my sister using fir for the frame and 1X6 white oak slats for the table top and bench then used honey oak stain and water seal as the finish |
He's not running. The folks behind the curtain will come up with a " unforeseen " medical reason why he can't and incompetence is not a medical condition although he is in stage 4 of it. harris will be the first woman president of the US, before this 4 year term is up. |
Losing weight
Still doing well, got used to my new way of (not) eating and snacking in the evenings :) My weight went up and down 2x, which annoyed me, but now it's back to 2,3 kilos less :) Had a brief online appointment with my dietician yesterday. Always nice to have some support and to be able to ask a few things. I've got to drink more water. I keep forgetting that after a few days. So I made crystal water again, then I see it as there's a jug on the table :) hey crystal.. looks like you have stabilized. thats basically intake/out take weight fluctuations. dont let it bug you too much. it is your body normalizing to the changes in diet. I can have swings of up to 5 pounds gain and loss in a week. and still end up down a pound or 2 on the average.. |
Losing weight
I'm a bad boy..
baught a whole box of snickers peanut butter squares. 68 count box .. because they were only 15 bucks. but at least they are real peanut butter and peanuts under that caramel and chocolate LOL.. |
surf n turf tonight.
green salad with shrimp and crab flavored white fish. and a 6 oz steak and small baked tater with garlic butter and cream cheese |
Where are you from guys xx
hi. I am richard, a mingle2 certified human from earth. currently residing in the land of the Simpsons on the west coast of the USA.. ;-)
Coronavirus - part 2
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Fri 02/25/22 10:51 AM
Today we may finally go out and about WITHOUT an annoying face mask!!! YEEEHAAA! Was about bloody time! And read that less and less people opt for vaccinations and boosters. Happy news for sure! despite gov browns clinging to mask mandates, many school districts have chosen to make masking optional here in oregon. and several private business' have been wear them or not for a few months now. which has increased mom and pop shop sales traffic in support of them.. and skilled un vaxed workers that were fired for not getting vaxed are actively being sought to fill empty jobs left vacant by the vaccine mandates. |
mingle recently had me verify myself as a real person.
so you dont have to just take my word for it. |
Grocery Shopping
What good is a steak that tastes like its sat out on the counter too long? I can see that if you bought a green steak or let it start to turn green. but they are not allowed to sell them that way for human consumption. but as I said, if you ever have eaten in a black tie steak house like a ruths crisp. you would pay well north of a hundred bucks for a properly aged steak. thats what your buying from grocery stores. because they have to clear them by the fresh date expires. once frozen they are good to store until needed I dont even thaw them out freezer to grill or pan. season the top and the moisture sucks it in as it cooks flip it and do the other side the same. cover and wait till its ready to plate, let it rest for a few. then serve with a salid and baked tater. nice, tender and juicey. for less then 10 bucks. |
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Thu 02/24/22 12:48 PM
Personally I think the Dems are going to get shallacked ..big time.. I would like to think so, and truly hope so... but I thought that with the numbers we had when I went to bed election night, there would be no way we would see Biden running the country, yet there he is. but hey, it has finally got so bad that Peter DeFosio has decided to retire and not run again. so there could be some hope. |
Grocery Shopping
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Thu 02/24/22 04:23 AM
I believe anybody mindful of the money they spend does some comparative shopping. The problem is what there is to compare when everything is price bloated. Yes, even the 'close to sell by date' meats. There's a cost plus store in my town. 2 years ago, it was a great place to save money because you could find low prices on name brand items with only a 10 % 'plus' at the checkout. NOW, the off-brand generic items are listed at near name brand and the 10% 'plus' sends the final cost over what Walmart and the name brand grocery list for their name brand items. But, people think they are getting a deal because the list is slightly (pennies) cheaper than other store's name brand listings. You go to the dollar stores and the prices for smaller quantities of off-brand items cost the same as normal quantities at the cost plus off-brand items. Which in turn actually cost more than the name brand items at branded stores or discount stores like target or walmart. I remember the days of black & white stores and yellow box stores. Thing is, you can still find yellow box items which now cost just as much as off-brand items. There's no distinction anymore. It makes absolutely no sense to buy lower quality to try to save a few pennies over name brand. I now bite the bullet and buy the better quality items, at least I get better quality food for my money. What good is a steak that tastes like its sat out on the counter too long? What good is milk that lasts less than its sell by date and tastes terrible. What good is a can of green beans that has half a can of stems and defects? Fruit that spoils in one day, canned fruit that tastes like tin can? Yes you can save money by shopping ads with off brand deals but 10 years ago you could save money while still buying quality food. Makes me think of the meat in the movie Soylent Green! you would be surprised by how many people actually dont know how to shop for food. or even cook basic meals. but yes I agree prices are expanding fast as fast as basic incomes.. 2 years ago the average starting wage was aboun 9 bucks an hour, for flipping burgers and stocking shelves, now it is 13-15 bucks an hour locally. how ever SSI is still well below that because it is based on the national wage (or about 8 bucks an hour and often less). and the amount paid in by the individual over time.. so people on fixed incomes get hit the hardest. |
Goat Production
one thing....is it true that we can feed goats with leaf of jackfruit tree? goats will probably eat it, but I dont know if they should (I dont know what it is LOL;-) ). this would be a question to ask locally I think. |
personally, I have no opinion on this, because it is a local issue.
but if I lived in florida, I'ld think it was a waste of taxpayer money. that could be better spent on other things. |
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Wed 02/23/22 08:01 AM
Wright’s family denounced the sentence as too lenient and accused the judge of giving more consideration to the white officer than the Black victim. of coarse they did, they lost a family member. and dont want to accept that it was his own fault he's dead. if he did not try to escape. he would still be alive. how else would his family react?? how would you react if it was your son or daughter? sadly however, if the roles were reversed and he had killed her, this would just be one of the hundreds of officers that lost their lives last year in the line of duty, and no one would be still talking about it. and if he had been white and she had been black, it would just be another officer involved shooting case, we never even hear about, unless it was on the local news. |
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Wed 02/23/22 07:57 AM
double posted sorry.
car forum
How in the heck does a heater box catch fire????? best I can tell..the fan must have shorted out and ignited some degraded insolation foam or something else combustible.I still have to dig into it to see if theres anything else that could have caused it. but it definately started inside the heater box. since it is completely gone, |