Community > Posts By > star_tin_gover

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 07:08 PM
You can pick your friends
And you can pick your nose
But you can't pick your friend's nose blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:07 AM
Morning Britty. flowerforyou You are up and at em early today.drinker

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 04:02 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Tue 06/03/08 04:03 AM

Okay! A quote from the Bible with no comment? I guess the quote is perfect enough and doesn't require no additional comment. Hallelujah!

Give it a minute. Those who want to convince you that the blue sky is an illusion and that you are actually looking at orange dirt from another plane of existence and the sky is a deep emerald green with...... aw heck, you will see what I mean. They will be along shortly. laugh flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:47 AM

Let me also say this....I would not trade my two daughters for anything,


star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:45 AM
Hey Lily! (zapchaser) To add to the question I would ask the same of deadbeat moms? I raised all three of my children since my youngest was 18 months old.He is 22 now. Their mom offered NO financial support and worked under the table to avoid the court ordered support.mad The kids were lucky if she remembered their birthdays and more often than not I had to call and remind her to at least tell them that she wished them a happy birthday. noway I think sterilization would be a bit harsh. I was thinking more along the lines of crash test dummy for the railroad industry.bigsmile

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 03:33 AM
The world was perfect initially. God didn't change that. Man, who was tricked into thinking he could know what God knows and see what God sees is what destroyed perfection. Catch my drift?bigsmile Search the galaxy. Billions of planets and here we are on this little blue ball, full of life, in a sea of silent space. Simply happenstance? I wouldn't waste my money on that bet.

star_tin_gover's photo
Mon 06/02/08 05:29 AM
Belushi, I feel that you are genuinely interested in peoples responses to the question and it is an important question which will see many different answers. I am VERY late for my first customer this morning so I will post later. My reason is too long to post this moment. Great question. Thanks! flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:24 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sun 06/01/08 07:25 PM

I don't know much about what Schwarzenegger has done for Cali, but lived in Minnesota when Jessie was Governor and, though he said a lot of unpopular things, laugh he did a purty good job, I think. Shirley Temple Black was thought to be a smashing Ambassador and Clint Eastwood and Sunny Bono have been thought to do well enough. I don't see where most have done any worse than other politicians as a whole.

Not sure which was a better description of Jesse Ventura, buffoon or moron. He was as shocked as we all were that he was elected.noway

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:15 PM
<<<<<<< Definitely NOT! laugh blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:04 PM

flowerforyou Yes Jax, your mom is in my prayers. flowerforyou Would you share her first name with us?flowerforyou


That is such a beautiful name! flowerforyou I have only known one other Sylvia. Please hug your mom for all of us and let her know we are praying for her flowerforyou smooched You are also in my prayers for patience and strength Jax. :wink: flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:07 PM

it is not about what you read and think of what you read.

A religion that is based entirely on dogma has to be about what you read. It can't be about anything else. In fact, as soon as you claim that it's about something else then you are denying the very dogma you are claiming to worship.

I do believe that this is precisely what most modern Christians do. They just ignore the doctrine they claim to be following and make up their own stuff and call that Christianity. This hasn't gone unnoticed by scholars and writers. It's quite widely recognized actually.

All I'm gonna say is faith is not an easy thing to attain to but it is worth it.

You can't have it BOTH way... Your problem is you complain about "dogma" & on the other side of your mouth you mock works through faith that rests on God's power to deliver & restore & make people right. A faith & power that is not of ourselves but God.

So what do you offer besides man made garbage? Or do you just like to argue with people?

Jesus was a man with a man's body and mind . He made loads of gargage too . laugh laugh laugh laugh

Don't be so hard on yourself. :wink: There's always Jenny Craig there to help out.flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 01:57 PM

Truth does fit in nature.bigsmile

That is interesting and fun to see, even in creation.

That they are shaped like crosses is humorous and reveal that God has a sense of humor.


laugh laugh laugh Humor is goodlaugh laugh laugh drinker Too much seriousness in the threads lately which inevitably evolves bigsmile into negative energy. My soul is happy and I wish to keep it that way. laugh flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:20 AM

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights only protects you from the Government and its agents, not against private individuals or companies.

In other words, the gov't can't take away your free speech, but JSH can.

no the constition give us the right to say what we want when we want in the US

This is an internet dating site. A privately held company. In so much as it is privately held, I could not call you a scum sucking whiny infected pus filled pubic hair or anything like that cause it would get me in trouble. flowerforyou As a privately owned web site they have the right to set the rules as they see fit and to change them any time they see fit. Like I said before. Option 2 for you would be to start your own site instead of trying to twist someone else's arm. I should hope your site will be as popular and fun as this one is. You could name it "Just Say Anarchy"? Just a thought.flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:52 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sun 06/01/08 04:55 AM

did i do good???bigsmile

Yep that sounds about right. I've heard all of that before too. I guess you are qualified to preach it now huh?

I hope you don't expect me to buy any of that, I know you don't.

BUT here is the rational explanation:

They got to the promised land and it was occupied, much like the current day holy land. Occupied!!

The solution is simple.... Genocide.

And so begins the war in the middle east~ ~ which is still going on today ~~ in an effort to secure that whole area ~~ especially the temple mount.

Why the temple mount? That's the big secret.

The reason they want that area is because that is where the aliens (the god of Abraham was an alien) landed long ago ~~ even before Adam and Eve were brought to the earth to breed the master race in an effort to upgrade the primitive earth humans.

I think the proof lies deep under the temple mount. It is all about ancient advanced civilizations and the proof is there. That is why Israel wants control of the area and why they are using the the United States to help them secure this entire area.

They believe this is where their god will return and rule the earth from.


Actually most believe that there is dirt under the Temple Mount. Some believe that there is a $50 Wal-Mart gift card buried there from a future employee who time-traveled to the past to put it there next to a half eaten Snicker's bar. flowerforyou
Me? I vote for the dirt crowd. After all, a Snicker's bar? huh laugh blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:45 AM

well there goes this thread - :smile:

what other unanswered questions did you have any??

Does the God of Abraham (and Adam) practice and believe in culling the races through the use of genocide?

If not, then what was the battle of Jericho all about?

My question to Christians has always been, how do you explain the mass slaughter of the people who lived in the promised land and do you condone the murder of men women and children there?

The usual answer I get is "that was a long time ago, the people were worshiping the wrong god, sacrificing babies etc. In other words, they needed killin' cause they were "evil." bigsmile

After all this ~genocide~ it is still going on in this world. People are still being bombed and killed to drive them from that land so Israel can expand their borders.


From a "god of adam abraham point of view i would have to say this - God is the creator and as such he know's "all thing's" If he felt it was necessary to destroy those in the land of promise to allow his "chosen people" ( remember he states he chose them because they were the worst example of people on the earth) to dwell there in the land of milk and honey - it was to show his might as the all powerful god he is. Do you not think that which is the creator should have the right to do as he wishes with his creation?? he gives life and he takes life as he see's fit - it is not for us to judge god but to praise him and worship him!!! If you created something that turned against your own righteous way's - would you not have the right to destroy them if you wished? God is a vengeful god to those who do what is against his will and a loving god to those who do - just as parent's scold their children god does so with us - only we have no right to take life because we cannot produce/create it - but god does retain that right!! To say or believe god is wrong in taking life as he see's fit is to say he cannot do all that he pleases which makes him less than "GOD" !!! If your going to believe in the god of the bible hen you must understand that all!! god does is in accordence with all he is - you cannot seperate out one aspect of god and make him smaller than he is - you must look at al the facet's that make up his character - he is loving,vain,vengeful,all powerful,all knowing,all present at all times and in all things.He cannot just go around killing people for no reason, nor can he love sin and allow it in his presence, he is all pure without blemish or sin. he always acts in accord with all he is and never sins because nothing he does is without balance with the rest of what he does or who he is!!

what goes on today is the same as then - it is not god doing the killing it is man and his inherent selfishness, brought about by free will however limited you may deem this to be. If man never sinned there would be no killing by god or anyone - sin - selfcenteredness is the blame here not a blood thirsty god or a non caring god, god would rather that none perish, that all would believe and follow his ways, don't blame god - blame man - that includes you as well - mankind!!

how was that bigsmile

:wink: drinker

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:27 AM

flowerforyou To choose order over disorder, or disorder over order, is to accept a trip composed of both the creative and the destructive.:smile: But to choose the creative over the destructive is an all-creative trip composed of both order and disorder.happy To accomplish this, one need only accept creative disorder along with, and equal to, creative order, and also willing to reject destructive order as an undesirable equal to destructive disorder.flowerforyou

Had to read this twice. Confusing on first read.laugh laugh

Unfortunately it seems there will always be those who chose to be destructive whether to create order or disorder. Humanity and the planet pay the sad price.

flowerforyou NONSENSE AS SALVATIONflowerforyou

:smile: The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously.:smile:

happy If you can master nonsense as well as you have already learned to master sense, then each will expose the other for what it is: absurdity.happy From that moment of illumination, a man begins to be free regardless of his surroundings.happy He becomes free to play order games and change them at will.happy He becomes free to play disorder games just for the hell of it.happy He becomes free to play neither or both.happy And as the master of his own games, he plays without fear, and therefore without frustration, and therefore with good will in his soul and love in his being.happy

Woo hoo! drinker drinker drinker :wink: I like that.flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:37 PM

You have rights via the Constitution of the United States. JSH also has rights due to their ownership as this is their site, domain, etc. They absolutely have the right to determine what is acceptable on their property.

Yupflowerforyou The other option is to start your own site.:wink:

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:31 PM

I Hate Mean People:angry: ...what do you hate?

(down wiff mean people)drinker
mad I hate animalsgrumble

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw years ago:
laugh laugh laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:25 PM

I have often been told at work, Im a mushroom fellow,
I always ask,
"You mean Im a fun-guy?"
They reply, no we keep you in the dark and feed you bullsh1t!

You must work for the government. More bullsh1t there than any barn I have ever seen. laugh drinker

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:24 PM

Hi, star. Welcome to the shroomery.:smile:

Hey Trout! Thanks man!flowerforyou

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