Community > Posts By > star_tin_gover

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 08/03/08 09:56 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sun 08/03/08 10:00 AM

Sorry! Double post.

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 08/03/08 09:55 AM

No. 1 - Jesus said...I am the way the truth & the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

No. 2 - Are you a Christian? If so then why don't you believe that the Bible is God's word & not something man made?

No. 3 - People can believe what they want but don't impose their views on others by denegrating others who are simply sharing THEIR faith.

It's like some just want to say what they are against.. & others want to say what they are FOR. Christians here are under attack for sharing their faith...what they are FOR, not what they are against.

It's like don't shoot me I'm just the messenger. BTW...the Bible is more than just's the fulfillment of the & living for as many as will believe what God says.

No Christian is under attack.

Have I told you that you are being rebellious toward God?

I don't think so.

You say,...

No. 3 - People can believe what they want but don't impose their views on others by denegrating others who are simply sharing THEIR faith.

But you just denegrated me.

QS wrote:

People like you reduce God to nothing but too many are either out there seeking &/or knowing He exists... the GREAT God of grace, loving kindnesses & mercy...

You just accused me of reducing God to nothing.

Did I ever accuse you of reducing God to nothing?

All I accused you of is using your religion to pass judgements on me.

I make no statements whatsoever about your relationship with God. I have no clue what you're relationship with God might be.

But you have already condemned my relationship with God as being 'reduced to nothing'. Just because I refuse to convert to your religion.

You're the one who is demanding that only your picture of God is valid.

No me.

And that's the problem with these Mediterranean mythologies, they are all based on jealous Gods who insist on being worshiped and recognized in precise ways.

You didn't answer my question.

Do you honesly believe that all Jews and Muslims are intentionally and knowingly rejecting the 'real God' in favor of worshiping false doctrines?

Do you honesly feel that Spider has the right to belittle Miguel by saying that he's a 'disapointment' just because they have differnt idea about what Christ stood for?

Face it Quicky, these Mediterranean mythologies are strongly judgmental religions.

And that's just not good.

It's when we start labeling good or not good that we trap ourselves... myself included.

Since when? We are suppose to be discerning... will you stand in front of a truck coming 100 mph at you? No... this is more warped human thinking...calling being discerning & knowing right from wrong as condemnation. That's a lie from the pit of hell.

Same thing when it comes to sin & life & living. Those who don't heed warning reap trouble on themselves & others as well.

Don't believe me? Look at the divorce rate, drug addiction, sexual crimes & self imposed poverty & disease in a nation like America. There are enough hardships imposed through no fault of our own without the self imposed "do your own thing" ones.

Oh! Let's be in denial of that too... no one wants to hear about the affects of sin. They just want to continue to blame God for their mistakes instead of taking responsiblity for themselves. The rest are being dragged down with them. They certainly don't care about others why should they care about God or what He has to say? Right?

Just sayin'...this is what's WRONG with the things some people think are ok. It should be examined & the alternative considered...for people's safety & for a better quality of life. Instead of looking at govt. to the answers maybe people should have some self control & a sense of God consciousness instead. Yu think?

Bingo! :thumbsup:

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:19 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sat 08/02/08 02:25 PM
I am curious which jobs will be slashed. Paper clip attendant? Door knob polisher? Chair warmer? My guess is he left the few important departments alone and hammered the government teat sucking wastes of money. I am glad to see that he has shown himself to have a pair and did what he thought needed to be done. Either way he will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:11 PM

<<<<<< Runs in...... did someone say nipples? laugh blushing



Hooters has Breast on the Menu.bigsmile

I wonder why they dont have NIPPLES???bigsmile

They do. Simply adjust the air conditioner a little colder. :banana:

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:06 PM
I found this to be very interesting. A comparison of Protestant and Catholic views. flowerforyou

What exactly did you find interesting in that site???

If protestant fundamentalism persists, the protestant 'blend' of 'christianity' will end-up being a church of ONE !!!

All about being 'right', and making everything, and everyone else wrong.

There no 'right' or 'wrong' way in the domain of faith. Electing oneself as the judge of what, and who's wrong according to one's way of 'living' one's faith, is the ultimate 'unchristian' thing to do.

As some fundamentalists would say about other fellow human beings:

'... we love the protestant sinner, it is his arrogant, delusional, divisive and sinful 'way of life' that we 'dislike'!!!...'

As I said, would be interested in reading your interpretation of same?!?!?

I found the comparison interesting. I figured that would be obvious to the reader. I was wrong.

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 02:04 PM
I found this to be very interesting. A comparison of Protestant and Catholic views.

That was an interesting read. As mythologies go I'd say the Catholics definitely have a better organized mythology.

At least they have a spokes person:

For Catholics:

The pope is Jesus' representative on Earth.

Protestants are suppose to turn to the Holy Spirit.

For Protestants:

The Holy Spirit is Jesus' representative.

But if that's true then why do we see so many fruitcakes running around proclaiming that only they have the correct interpretation of the word of God?

That very act would be anti-protestantism.

They would become nothing more than "Paper Popes".

I LOVE THAT TERM! bigsmile

But the reason why I love it is because it's so TRUE!

Any protestant preacher (whether self-proclaimed or ordained) is nothing more than a Paper Pope.

But according to the web site you just gave that's against what protestants believe. They believe that only the Holy Spirit can represent Jesus.

Therefore anyone who claims to represent Jesus (by the very act of claiming to have the ulimate correct interpretation of his word) would be comitting blaspheme. (i.e. they would be claiming to be the Holy Spirit)

So people like Spider would be totally out. He's constantly claiming to know precisely what the word of God says, and he's always claiming to 'correct' everyone else, believers as well as non-believers.

I think he seriously had dreams of being the Pope, but since that's not possible he tries to become the self-appointed non-ordained Paper Pope of Protestantism.

Quite frankly, if I was still a Christian I'd be denouncing him even more vehemently than I already do. drinker

Clearly, it's the Holy Spirit's job to communicate the word of God to people, not Spider's job.

And that's according to the actual religion. (if that web site you gave is deemed credible)

I believe it is on this point, but this has always been my understanding too. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can guide a person, and no mortal man has that right, or obligation. In fact, it's completely against the religion because all they would be doing is becoming the Paper Pope of Protestantism.

I LOVE that term! It's SO TRUE!!!! drinker

Speaking of fruit cakes, I see the secular world has its share as well. whoa

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:57 AM
<<<<<< Runs in...... did someone say nipples? laugh blushing



star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:54 AM
I found this to be very interesting. A comparison of Protestant and Catholic views. flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:30 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sat 08/02/08 11:33 AM

Look my friend if you happen to believe that the universe was created in 6 days literally, it would be a lost of time debating with you.
I already lost a whole afternoon with you the other day, and I ended up insulting you, and I didn't even realize, so for the sake of my sanity and well-being I will let you believe whatever Jimmy Swaggart says on TV.

You are going off the hook with your snide comments Miguel. I didn't read anywhere that spider jabbed your faith by mentioning that most priests are closet gays, or child molesters, or any stabs at the pope being no holier than you or I or even poking fun at the pope mobile or anything...... If you can't show respect for someone else's beliefs then kindly avoid the slams. Jimmy Swaggert? Geez! noway

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:53 AM

this is one of the funniest days in my life.

If this is as funny as it gets then perhaps a hobby would be in order? noway It isn't like you at all to create division Miguel. What's up? flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 07:27 AM

Good for Arnie...:banana:
laugh Hey Jackie! flowers

star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 08/02/08 07:15 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sat 08/02/08 07:23 AM

Will he be back?

Only if people agree with his methods to 'terminate' budget deficits.

Like the lovely liberal state of Minnesota, whose largest employer is the state itself, (more than 3M, Best Buy, Target, and Medtronic combined) California's liberal policy of creating worthless tax sucking government programs has caught up with itself. Someone needs to show that they have the nuggets to plug some of the holes in the sieve.

star_tin_gover's photo
Fri 08/01/08 05:02 AM

The mother of one of my employees dated Tom Davis when he and Al Franken were writing together early on for SNL. She said Al would occasionally accompany them and she was appalled by how arrogant and condescending he was to anyone around him and that his on air personna is a polar opposite of his personality. He, in her words, is an a**hole. It should be noted that she is a liberal and claims that he is out for himself and his ego. Sounds like a standard politician to me. laugh flowerforyou this justifies Norm Coleman's ad? Even if Al Franken is a turd...whose the bigger turd? The turd or the school yard bully that picks on the turd?

I just can't stand dirty campaigning....QUIT with the silly pointless ads and tell me what your plan is for my state!

Not at all! I wouldn't trust Norm to watch my wallet while I went to use the rest room. Franken doesn't stand a chance and Norm took a cheap shot. I am not surprised. Disappointed maybe, but not surprised. We will see them both duking it out verbally as the election nears. flowerforyou How are things out your way kiddo?

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 07/31/08 07:42 PM

The mother of one of my employees dated Tom Davis when he and Al Franken were writing together early on for SNL. She said Al would occasionally accompany them and she was appalled by how arrogant and condescending he was to anyone around him and that his on air personna is a polar opposite of his personality. He, in her words, is an a**hole. It should be noted that she is a liberal and claims that he is out for himself and his ego. Sounds like a standard politician to me. laugh flowerforyou

Why does Minn have an infatuation for celebrities turned Politician??
First Jesse Ventura (I would never have voted for him)
Now Al Franken!!

Whats up with that??

Don't know, just don't vote for any of them. laugh Jesse is another two faced buffoon. We all know that here...... now. laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 07/31/08 07:28 PM
The mother of one of my employees dated Tom Davis when he and Al Franken were writing together early on for SNL. She said Al would occasionally accompany them and she was appalled by how arrogant and condescending he was to anyone around him and that his on air personna is a polar opposite of his personality. He, in her words, is an a**hole. It should be noted that she is a liberal and claims that he is out for himself and his ego. Sounds like a standard politician to me. laugh flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 07/31/08 06:37 PM
Doggone it! Where are the people screaming "ban the knife"? Come on everyone, start chanting ban the knife!Only chefs or soldiers in the Swiss army should be allowed to carry knives! Especially the semi-automatic Ginsu knives. They can cut tin cans, shoe horses, saw through a bank vault, and still slice a ripe red tomato without crushing it! Dangerous..... very dangerous. blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 07/31/08 04:58 AM

The idea behind it is so that students look the same. It is indoctrination, not education. It teaches kids that to be different, to be unique, to be individual, is wrong and bad. SO I'm totally against school uniforms.

I have to completely disagree with you there. Having gone to catholic Middle and High Schools where uniforms were nom de rigure, I have to say it doesn't stifle their individuality at all. In fact if anything, it only challenges them to be more creative in how they express themselves during school.

Firstly: your clothes don't make you who you are, they are but one facet of personal expression, and kids that age have no friggin clue who they are yet.

Point two: the uniforms are only needed during school and DO come off after school (like right after, I would change on the bus sometimes) and at school social functions like dances and such.

Point three: Completely removes the oppressive "competition factor". Not all families have the disposable income for keeping their 13yold in the latest jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch. It just gives the unkind kids one more thing to make fun of other kids for.

Point four: It makes it sooo much easier on the parents to not have to worry about said "competition factor" when shopping for school and getting the kids ready.

Uniforms sure as hell didn't turn me into a robot :laughing:
Just my opinion.

I concur! drinker

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:59 AM

drinker :heart: smokin :heart: drinker :heart: smokin :heart: flowerforyou :heart: happy :heart: happy :heart: flowerforyou :heart: smokin :heart: drinker :heart: smokin :heart: drinker

flowerforyou happy flowerforyou awww ~ how wonderful happy That is sooooo cool ! flowerforyou happy flowerforyou

drinker Congratulations!!! drinker Proud Grand Papa & Family! drinker

smokin Thank You for Your Brave Service in the Military smokin

flowerforyou I'd like to also thank your Sons & Daughter for their Service flowerforyou

drinker Sending Blessings for them & their Families drinker

:heart: Prayers & Love & Thanks from all of us here :heart:

flowerforyou < our Online Family on JustSayHi/Mingle2 > flowerforyou

drinker :heart: smokin :heart: drinker :heart: smokin :heart: flowerforyou :heart: happy :heart: happy :heart: flowerforyou :heart: smokin :heart: drinker :heart: smokin :heart: drinker

smooched Thaks Vanessa!smooched

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 07/29/08 08:19 PM

flowerforyou ((((((Vanessa))))))flowerforyou
I love this thread. I rarely post here but come here often for the inspirational reading. :heart: God bless our military men and women, here and abroad! drinker flowerforyou drinker

Oh Steve, what a Sweetheart you are :heart:

I am thoroughly humbled & honored ...blushing

I had no idea you read these posts...happy

but i am so glad you do, for i have dedicated drinker

this thread to include you & your Children smokin

In fact, I was just thinking of you flowerforyou

and was wondering if you were visiting

your Daughter & her Husband & your Grandson :heart:

and your new little baby Granddaughter :wink:

Yes! I will be flying out in September! Woo hoo!flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:07 PM
Please thank your son for me!flowerforyou Both of my sons and my daughter went into the military so I fully understand the range of emotions you are going through. I was a squid and went to boot in Orlando which I gather is shut down now. What career did he choose?

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