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Just for Info Gods Words
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Sat 05/10/08 09:00 PM
Miles, my messianic jewish brothers and sister call Jesus ,Yeshua Hammechiah. Some of my other brothers and sisters in Christ, call Jesus just Yeshua. And none of them have a problem with my calling Jesus , Jesus. The most important thing is.....even though they call Jesus by the Hebrew name , I still see the Holy Spririt in each of their lives....amd recognize them as part of the flock. Sorry to say, I can't say the same about you, Miles. I perceive in my spirit,also, that you have not even ask Jesus by his Hebrew name, into your heart. Cause you feel the keeping of the letter of the law, is "the way". What you proclaim here is just religiousity and error, nothing more, Miles. a jewish testimony You keep tossing out this term letter of the law and saying that it is not important. If you really think that is true then you would feel fine calling Jesus Satan. would you be fine doing everything you do now but only changing Jesus name to Satan? You also think it is important that the name is correct I bet. Read and appear less ignorant rabbit: |
Just for Info Gods Words
Remember Hilla Iraq. I was in a chat room at 9:30 am and i saw a vision of rockets being fired and women and children screaming on fire. I was relaying to the chat room what i was seeing as i saw it. at 9:45am cnn broke in with breaking news that the reporter did not know what was going on the govt. had ordered a media blackout and he said he could hear and see our gunships and then they broke away. ^ hours later was the next report saying 2 suicide bombers had blown up a Market in Hilla 168 dead 200+ wounded. Hardly heard anything about it and most of it has been pulled from the internet. The next day that same reporter said down thier about 2 miles is where the bombing happened the military would not let them come closer. then the story died. We were after someone in that market and we set off all hell loose on it. That is what i saw. You will here about Hilla again when we or the govt. desides to release the real story. Just remember this post and Hilla and see if it does not come to pass that we massacured those people,,Blessings..Miles There is the Holy Spirit from God.... and then there is also a counterfeit spirit call a "familiar spirit".. that can also see signs ...but it is not from God. The anti-Christ ,when he comes, will counterfeit everything of God....he will also rise from the dead, and do miracles and wonders too. The spirit in you is not the Holy Spirit, Miles. It's a religious erring spirit... and the spirit of deception. Sorry. Jesus said, "My Sheep Hear My Voice and the Voice of a Stranger They Will Not Follow." MorningSong, That could be just your opinion. You have no way of knowing that. Maybe the spirit in you is an erring spirit. How would you know? How would you know the difference? JB We Born again Christians Know. Gods Spirit bears witness with our spirit...letting us know that we know that we know that we know. Our spirit has become alive..when we have become truly born again. No Doubts. True born again christians know..and also cannot be unborn. And they also recognize when one speaking , is not one of the Flock. I agree. I would have never understood what the feeling is like having had it explained to me before I experienced it. |
True vs. False Christians
I, a saint, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, say that Jesus words are true.
So Wouldee is claiming to be a saint. Miles claims to be a prophet. I wonder what Spider is. ************************************* Does anyone else have any answers or opinions? ************************************** Spider is sick and tired. Saint was a word used to mean "Christian" during the time of the apostles and for around 250-300 years after. The Catholic church changed the meaning, because they follow the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. well, there it is. True. nothing fancy then about being a saint. it just is what it is and Spider is right, again ![]() Oops! I must have missed that. ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
I am going to give up on this question, because I don't think there is an answer to how to tell who is "true" Christian and who is "false" Christian. If they say they are a Christian I will take their word for it, and I will assume they believe in Jesus. JB Yeah, it's a tough one JB. How can we tell what is on one's heart? Even actions, good or bad, can be misleading. It was a great question though! Definitely food for thought. ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
I, a saint, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, say that Jesus words are true.
So Wouldee is claiming to be a saint. Miles claims to be a prophet. I wonder what Spider is. ************************************* Does anyone else have any answers or opinions? ************************************** Jesus called all of his followers saints. ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
Perhaps being "born again" is some type of initiation or oath or baptism? JB YES. John 1:32-34. And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not : but he that sent me to baptise with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptiseth with the Holy Ghost. (old English for Holy Spirit) And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God. John, the beloved, was a disciple and he wrote this book and the John that he speaks of here is John the Baptist, believed by the Jews at the time to be a Prophet of the Lord. So, John continues with his book testifying of jesus and his minstry and writes this early on but subsequent to the first quote. John 3: 3-8. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto yoiu, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kningdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and ofthe Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is flesh is flesh ; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I say unto you, YOU MIST BE BORN AGAIN. The wind bloweth where it lists, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes, and where it goes : so is every one that is born of the Spirit. I won't labor the point, but this is emphatic, and Jesus re4peated himself here and also emphatically repeated himself with the "verily, verily" meaning truly, truly. You have heard from believers who hold that belief and teaching and works is enough. You have read what jesus said about it. The saints testify this and more, just as jesus said. I, a saint, born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, say that Jesus words are true. He does in fact baptise with the Holy Spirit. There are two teachings in the world. One is churchianity, and it is man based doctrine and dogma and the believers are deceived and not changed and not anointed to preach, teach, or baptise the complete baptism. One is Christianity which is fundamentally led by the Holy Spirit and the saints are all in one accord followint the Holy Spirit and preaching and teaching the truth and have the witness in us and know the witness and we have the witness of God, in Christ. The others have only the witness of men and men's confessions, but the Holy Spirit is not upon them. They have not been born again. They would know it if they had and wouold come out of the falsehoods and find themselves among the saints. Believers are one thing and all are, be they born again, the faithful, called and chosen, and saints or just unregenerate believers. But the only Christian is a born again Christian and filled with the Holy spirit, and born again with that baptism from God, in Christ, and are called and chosen and saints. Matthew 20:16. (Jesus' words) So the last shall be first and the first last : for many be called and few chosen. same in Mt 22:14. same taught in Luke 13:23-30. Matthew7:13-15. (jesus' words.) Enter ye at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that which go in thereat; Because strai is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Jesus warned of cchurchianity. Every ill perpetrated in His Holy name has been done so by these liars. Let the anger and defense for having it any other way begin, but there it is in the black and white of it. Jeus also said, "Iam the way, and the truth and the Life." He means that and in HIM, there is only one way. Belief in God, or even believing that Jesus is also from God, does not in and of itself, constitute a Christian. Being a doer of this word, does. Being so inhabited by the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite. Period. Anything found in the New Testament that is quoted as meaning otherwise, is a misuse of the teachings found in it. That is the lie in the churchianity. That is what is the root cause of the lies perpetrated on the world falsely by the false teachers and the pseudo-christians. One must be born again. That is all there is to it. That is why people leave the churches feeling hollow and deceived and in bondage to men that want to own them in the name of a false Jesus. It is not Christianity that is being left. It is a dead church without the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is being left. And those that run from the Holy Spirit are not genuinely interested in goodness and righteousness anyway. They are running from God and not much will be heard from them. LOL One knows when one is in the presence of the saints and the Holy Spirit. YUP. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just for Info Gods Words
I did not say i saw g-d. What i saw was a cloud on fire and roll back like a scroll. When this happened i had to cover my eyes from the blinding light.Yes Yahshua spoke to me but just a few words. Then it just disappeared and was like normal. My mom and dad the came out side and asked me if i had seen anything. i told them. They did talk about this incedent for a while because the light was so bright they had to hide thier eyes as the whole house lit up inside.I never said i was a prophet i said what i saw and what you will find out someday about Hilla Iraq.. I have got really angered over a new chatter and i did not know why. But i could since evil though my laptop. What did some research find out. This name had been a disciple of satan and would sacrafice Babies. Now if that is not the spirit telling me things and living in me then what is it..Miles Uhhhh, satan will appear as an angel of light. Pray about it and listen for the answer. Don't assume. ![]() |
Poor Hillary
Hilliary Sucks! Thats all we need is a woman bleeding all over the white house! lol at least when she bleeds she doesnt die...sounds like venus envy to me..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
Only two people are required to be called a church. Cool. I am an ordained Minister. I have three members. I guess I could be called a Church. The First Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty. Formerly The Universal Life Church of Hot tubbing and Movie watching. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just a real nice place to relax. If you don't want the tub, you can use one of the recliners. We drink wine and have popcorn on Wednesday nights. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
Only two people are required to be called a church. Cool. I am an ordained Minister. I have three members. I guess I could be called a Church. The First Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty. Formerly The Universal Life Church of Hot tubbing and Movie watching. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
Only two people are required to be called a church.
True vs. False Christians
True Christianity lives inside your heart and is your personal belief system, nobody can take that away from you or judge you . Cool answer. But I am not sure everybody would agree that is a true Christian. (I have joy in my heart always but I am not a Christian.) By whos Standard? Organized religion? Read the bible it will tell you that your more of a christian that you realize! Isn't all religion "organized?" By the standards of the ones who make the Claim that they are "true Christians" and so many others are not. JB You see, I do feel that there are fakers who pretend to be Christians, but I just want to know if there is a way to tell the difference. I agree JB. It would be hard to tell if one is faking or misguided.I have issues with "organized religion" being an obvious oxymoron. ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
Perhaps being "born again" is some type of initiation or oath or baptism? JB Baptism is an affirmation of being born in the spirit. Not required to get into heaven but Jesus said to follow Him in baptism. It is a representation or a witness to others of your faith in Christ. ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
I would just like to be able to tell the difference I guess. ![]() To be born again simply means that you have been born as we all are but at some point you accepted Christ as your Savior. Born again of the spirit. People tend to view born again Christians as bible thumping in your face preaching hellfire and damnation types. That is a small percentage of them. If you simply believe in Jesus you are born again. IMHO ![]() The problem with that is that every Christian claims to believe in Jesus. If they are not true Christians then are the telling a lie? JB No, not necessarily. Backsliding is potential problem. The prodigal son is an example of backsliding. We are all human. |
True vs. False Christians
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Sat 05/10/08 04:54 PM
I would just like to be able to tell the difference I guess. ![]() To be born again simply means that you have been born as we all are but at some point you accepted Christ as your Savior. Born again of the spirit. People tend to view born again Christians as bible thumping in your face preaching hellfire and damnation types. That is a small percentage of them. If you simply believe in Jesus and that He took upon himself the sins of the world you are born again. The rest will come as you grow from that new infant in Christ. IMHO ![]() |
True vs. False Christians
I would like to know the difference between "true Christians" and "false Christians." Every time an example of bad Christian behavior is sighted, I hear the excuse: "They are not true Christians." I would also like to know the difference between "Born again" Christians and other kinds of Christians, and if all "Born again" Christians think they are the only "True Christians." Also are there some Christians who don't claim to be "Born again?" JB I can only speak for myself. My faith belongs to me and I am not one to judge others whose walk differs from mine. I will simply keep walking. Friends will come and go but when I reach the end of my walk I will be in the company of my only true friend. ![]() ![]() |
Welcome home cowboy! The simple fact that you offered your time for us makes you a hero in my eyes. Another of my heroes came back from the big sandbox a week ago.... my son. Woo hoo!I raise my glass of Diet Pepsi to you!
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Where is your heart?
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Sat 05/10/08 04:09 PM
How are you feeling today? Sad? Happy? Indifferent? The link sums up my day. IMO Rich was one of the finest lyricist/musicians that ever lived. If you don't care for the lyrics just listen to the music. Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck, or it would if I had hair. ![]() ![]() |
how open philosphy can be...
I wonder what will happen if I pee on the third rail? ![]() ![]() I peed on an electric fence one time. It was a shocking experience. ![]() That hurts just to think about it. ![]() |
Why does God not help the poor ,the needy ,the sick , and he asks you the little ones to help them ? ! . Is there something fishy here or what ?. ![]() Not sure. Why is your nose in your underwear? ![]() ![]() |