Community > Posts By > star_tin_gover

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:56 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Thu 06/05/08 07:58 PM

:heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: blushing
laugh I am behaving myself. Not causing trouble. bigsmile

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:55 PM

Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible?laugh

hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here.

no emoticons

Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. :wink: Now where is that, oh shoot, they don't have a GO F*CK YOURSELF emoticon yet. Oh well. flowerforyou

I never said " Is that how Christians act?" Where did you get that from? Now your just making stuff

laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:40 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Thu 06/05/08 07:42 PM
Triboys, I am trying to go easy on the humor with you. :wink: I don't want you to fall out of your chair laughing. You could break a hip or something. :cry:

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:36 PM

Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible?laugh

hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here.

no emoticons

Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. :wink: Now where is that, oh shoot, they don't have a GO F*CK YOURSELF emoticon yet. Oh well. flowerforyou

sorry startinover - i dont hold myself to anyones standard especially not christians or yours - no they dont have a f**k you emoticon - i really dont need one to return the sentiments - i'm sure you cand read my mind on this - without any doubts at all

Sorry bud, You are blind and I can't read braille. I would be willing to learn if you would be willing to use your spell checker. laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:20 PM

Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible?laugh

hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here.

no emoticons

Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. :wink: Now where is that, oh shoot, they don't have a GO F*CK YOURSELF emoticon yet. Oh well. flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:10 PM

Often 'God' is claimed to be a perfect entity, especially considering the 'God' of Abraham.

I wonder of the nature of perfect then, specifically concerning the world at hand.

It is obviously not perfect...

Creative flowerforyou Nice question...

But when you speak of the obvious imperfection of the world I *think* it is implied that you are referencing things like disease and death and destruction. These things are difficult to embrace yes.. but the world is imperfect in other ways as well... chaos and overgrowth and frenzy and excitement.


Perfect implies static to me.

No change.



Maybe a perfect god made it all.

Maybe not.

I am so imperfect I have no idea what god is really like.


:wink: flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 06/05/08 07:07 PM

It's not a painting.....sorry it again be careful about those stones you throw.....and it's not your friends......gezzzzzzz dude you need to take a chill.....

God doesn't choose for us to do wrong.....yes he gave us freewill and that was to choose to follow him or not...And you have choices to make the decisions you make....So yes the consequences of those decisions are also yours. God GAVE us freewill and yes satan also had the choice.....he chose to think he was better then GOD big big mistake. And I explained already what was satan to God and where his downfall no need to do again. And what an interesting way to look at it...God should of left everyone and everything for dead with the flood.....But see God is a God of love and tried again with Noah.

And again think it's a book of lies...your choice......just as I choose to believe it's the word of God...pretty simple huh. You show me where God repents for anything.....chances yes....God repenting I think not. When God cast satan to earth hate to be the bearer of bad news...but that is where all the bad, nasty and ugly are from.......not GOD.....And as far as your friend and his picture....wrong's candy and not a portrait.......and the artist is a friend of again those who throw rocks at glass houses...

here is the you can see who is lying here.

Evidently you flustered him feral.:wink:

Notice the use of all Caps, and the contradictions he makes in his sentences one after the other.
Making false claims and accusing you of lying.bigsmile

God is good!:heart:
Love and Light to you lady!flowerforyou

The bible is not full of contradictions. The contradictions are in ones comprehension and the devil whispering in the ear of ones soul.

God is goodflowerforyou flowerforyou

:wink: flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:02 PM

I'm also wondering if you have ever reviewed "exactly" what the Bible says a 'woman'sould be - and if you have compared yourself to those values?

Organized religion always has been and remains the greatest enemy of women's rights. In the Christian-dominated Western world, two bible verses in particular sum up the position of women:

"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."--Genesis 3:16

By this third chapter of Genesis, woman lost her rights, her standing, even her identity, and motherhood became a god-inflicted curse degrading her status in the world.

In the New Testament, the bible decrees:
"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."--1 Tim. 2:11-14

One bible verse alone, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) is responsible for the death of tens of thousands, if not millions, of women. Do women and those who care about them need further evidence of the great harm of Christianity, predicated as it has been on these and
similar teachings about women?

So, Ms Original Poster, unless you are prepared to be owned, degraded and be subjected to humiliation including to be silent, I would suggest you get yourself someone who is prepared to treat you as an equal, make your joint efforts worthwhile and steers as far away from the bible as possible

Nitrogen narcosis really fu*ks up your noodle doesn't it. noway

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:59 PM

are there any christian men out there that actually follow what a christian should be? i am begining to think there are none. i read posts and am not pleased with what i read (some of it).
so again... are there any christian men out there (rather here on JSH)?

It's been my observation in life that if you are seeking a man who actually acts more in line with what Christ taught you're better off seeking a non-Christian man. bigsmile

Windex will help you get those glasses clean so you can see a lot clearer.:wink:

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:52 PM

are there any christian men out there that actually follow what a christian should be? i am begining to think there are none. i read posts and am not pleased with what i read (some of it).
so again... are there any christian men out there (rather here on JSH)?

Nope. We are all trying and will be trying until our last breath. Anyone tells you different you can call them God. flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:40 PM

Everything has a beginning that we know of except "GOD" however you define the concept of - god. That's a concept i really cant rap my head around? I mean stop and think on that for a minute - god - had no beginning?? Oh sure abra and others may come up with science or JB with metaphysical things but - "no beginning" think on that real hard for a while!! how can something not have a beginning?? If god is "nothing" well, that's a diff story - but "something"??? not having a "beginning"??? seem's totally unbelieveable to me!!

Is it unbelievable to you that space has no end? No beginning?flowerforyou

Oops. Sorry! I see that I am repeating someones post and it has already been slashed to bits by our newest super hero..... (drum roll please)...Blather Man. Sneaking through the night with a deadly Ninja pocket protector, from his mom's basement hideaway he crafts his plan to save us from ourselves. laugh :wink: flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:32 PM

Everything has a beginning that we know of except "GOD" however you define the concept of - god. That's a concept i really cant rap my head around? I mean stop and think on that for a minute - god - had no beginning?? Oh sure abra and others may come up with science or JB with metaphysical things but - "no beginning" think on that real hard for a while!! how can something not have a beginning?? If god is "nothing" well, that's a diff story - but "something"??? not having a "beginning"??? seem's totally unbelieveable to me!!

Is it unbelievable to you that space has no end? No beginning?flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:13 AM

got it


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Right there. Haven't heard a woman say that yet. laugh laugh laugh laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:04 AM

Hey honey, Home Depot is having a sale on tool boxes and power tools. Wanna go? I'll warm up your truck.:wink:

Why wouldn't some of us say that??? huh

Maybe you just have never been noway

with a warm hearted real woman flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

Some of us really do care :heart:

and are very kind hearted...blushing

plus, you just might be so inspired flowerforyou

as to build a deck or a gazebo... :wink:

with all of those new tools ...happy drinker happy

I know you would, ya doll you.blushing flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:39 AM

Of COURSE you can go to the strip club with the guys!!! Heres $50 and enjoy your lap dances!!!

What's wrong with that?

everything is wrong with that...sick

I know right, WHAT kind of women have these guys been chasing? Eh, let them continue with the plastics... then they'll leave us REAL women alone huh?

exactlydrinker ....Lily flowerforyou

it's sooooo much better to be alone drinker

than in poor company..sick

drinker :wink: blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:38 AM

what do you mean - you deserve the top of the line screw drivers laugh

after all we are as good as our tools :wink: laugh laugh
laugh blushing laugh

In response to Kristi's post, I can only assume that the only people that would take offense to this thread are those that only have a stubby screw driver in their tool box and they are sad as a result. (staying with the tool theme)bigsmile

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:33 AM

what do you mean - you deserve the top of the line screw drivers laugh

after all we are as good as our tools :wink: laugh laugh
laugh blushing laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:28 AM
Hey honey, Home Depot is having a sale on tool boxes and power tools. Wanna go? I'll warm up your truck.:wink:

star_tin_gover's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:24 AM

it's sooooo much better to be alone drinker

than in poor company..sick

Agreed.... this is another one of those threads that weed out the men from the boys...drinker drinker

definitely ...drinker

separate the big leaguers smokin

from the whiffle ballerslaugh

I still gotta wonder who these guys date??? Again all that comes to mind are the plastic girls who EXPECT and GET alot... and they wonder why they were taken to the cleaners??

The more I know about guys, the less I know...noway noway

We don't wonder at all. We KNOW we are idiots yet we keep sticking our finger in the fire thinking "well maybe it won't burn this time". laugh blushing

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 06/03/08 07:21 PM

And that means this is PRIDE month throughout the United States. Many Millions of people GLBT and straight will be gathering in cities and towns all over the country.

These events are open to all, to come and learn, to view people who are enjoying their day in the sun, their time together, and their place in a community.

For those of you who pray let it be known there are a great many GLBT who do as well. During this National Pride month, I would ask those here, who pray, to pray with their GLBT brothers and sisters safety, that these events remain a peaceful and joyous occasion and that peoples minds will be open and their hearts will accept with unconditional love all brothers and sisters in humanity.

And all God's children said Amen. flowerforyou I offer a smiley with a flower because no olive branch smiley is available.:wink:

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